So much for the myth of American exceptionalism: America is 14th happiest nation across the globe

Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls
That poll must have been taken during the obie years. Things are looking good for us now.
Or perhaps it's in part the shitty 3rd world healthcare outcomes for the most exceptionally expensive system on the planet.

We, America, have the finest healthcare in the world. Why would you denigrate such a fine system? What countries healthcare would you prefer and why?

You're free to google healthcare outcome studies that demonstrate america's trailing of the rest of the advanced post industrial world.
Move to Norway if you believe America is so horrible...

I am sure you will find something to complain about over there.

Stunning taxes would be one and another would be the inability to move from income level to another.
"Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, a Republican candidate for president, warned this fall that movement “up into the middle income is actually greater, the mobility in Europe, than it is in America.” National Review, a conservative thought leader, wrote that “most Western European and English-speaking nations have higher rates of mobility.” Even Representative Paul D. Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who argues that overall mobility remains high, recently wrote that “mobility from the very bottom up” is “where the United States lags behind.”"
Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs
Or perhaps it's in part the shitty 3rd world healthcare outcomes for the most exceptionally expensive system on the planet.

We, America, have the finest healthcare in the world. Why would you denigrate such a fine system? What countries healthcare would you prefer and why?
It seems bizarre this has to be explained so many times. The US's healthcare is top quality, but it is mostly unaffordable to the poor and in some cases the middle class.
Or perhaps it's in part the shitty 3rd world healthcare outcomes for the most exceptionally expensive system on the planet.

We, America, have the finest healthcare in the world. Why would you denigrate such a fine system? What countries healthcare would you prefer and why?
It seems bizarre this has to be explained so many times. The US's healthcare is top quality, but it is mostly unaffordable to the poor and in some cases the middle class.
It ain't even top quality. Illusion is all america rides on at this juncture.
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.

You are certainly one pathetic dumb good guy!
You obviously believe ALL the MSM.
You get all your biased information from anti-american MSM and it is sad you are just not smart enough to comprehend this!
I would share with you thousands of facts supporting the statement that MSM is anti-American and by your believing the MSM you are being taken for a true fool.
Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Remember the MSM supported Obama who TOLD all of us he was going to lie and then he tells our enemies that people like you i.e. the military "air raiding villages, killing civilians"... wow what a guy who loves Americans especially the troops under his command.
Did you even read the report? No of course you didn't.
To be honest, Rush Limbaugh gave his own definition of American Exceptionalism as the ability to take advantage of cheap labor on a global scale; yes, I heard the fat, narcissist say it more than once.

Where is your link?
Sure, everything said on radio during the early 2000s is on the Internet.
Where's your link to the American Revolution?
By the way, during most of the 2000s when only MNCs could afford servers, no site allowed anti-H1-B or Off-Shoring posts.
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.

You are certainly one pathetic dumb good guy!
You obviously believe ALL the MSM.
You get all your biased information from anti-american MSM and it is sad you are just not smart enough to comprehend this!
I would share with you thousands of facts supporting the statement that MSM is anti-American and by your believing the MSM you are being taken for a true fool.
Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Remember the MSM supported Obama who TOLD all of us he was going to lie and then he tells our enemies that people like you i.e. the military "air raiding villages, killing civilians"... wow what a guy who loves Americans especially the troops under his command.
Did you even read the report? No of course you didn't.
HealthMyths is as Right Wing as you can get so don't even try.
In other words, HealthMyths is as crazy as you.

Maybe you should tell that to these people.

The United States has long been seen as the “land of opportunity”, the home of the American Dream.
With the largest national economy in the world, well-developed infrastructure and high educational and social mobility, it is not hard to see its appeal.
It hosts almost 20% of the world’s migrants, and boasts a huge mix of races, cultures and traditions. Despite government policies clamping down on illegal immigration, it still accepts far more international migrants than anywhere in the world, and the trend looks set to continue.
10 Most Popular Countries For Immigration

Maybe you should tell that to these people.

The United States has long been seen as the “land of opportunity”, the home of the American Dream.
With the largest national economy in the world, well-developed infrastructure and high educational and social mobility, it is not hard to see its appeal.
It hosts almost 20% of the world’s migrants, and boasts a huge mix of races, cultures and traditions. Despite government policies clamping down on illegal immigration, it still accepts far more international migrants than anywhere in the world, and the trend looks set to continue.
10 Most Popular Countries For Immigration

Feel free to communicate that to the publications yourself.
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls

Is your passport in order? If so don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.

You are certainly one pathetic dumb good guy!
You obviously believe ALL the MSM.
You get all your biased information from anti-american MSM and it is sad you are just not smart enough to comprehend this!
I would share with you thousands of facts supporting the statement that MSM is anti-American and by your believing the MSM you are being taken for a true fool.
Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Remember the MSM supported Obama who TOLD all of us he was going to lie and then he tells our enemies that people like you i.e. the military "air raiding villages, killing civilians"... wow what a guy who loves Americans especially the troops under his command.
Did you even read the report? No of course you didn't.
HealthMyths is as Right Wing as you can get so don't even try.
In other words, HealthMyths is as crazy as you.
I can get behind that logic.

Maybe you should tell that to these people.

The United States has long been seen as the “land of opportunity”, the home of the American Dream.
With the largest national economy in the world, well-developed infrastructure and high educational and social mobility, it is not hard to see its appeal.
It hosts almost 20% of the world’s migrants, and boasts a huge mix of races, cultures and traditions. Despite government policies clamping down on illegal immigration, it still accepts far more international migrants than anywhere in the world, and the trend looks set to continue.
10 Most Popular Countries For Immigration
Because it's been over 30 years since the US has exercised Comparative Advantage.
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.

You are certainly one pathetic dumb good guy!
You obviously believe ALL the MSM.
You get all your biased information from anti-american MSM and it is sad you are just not smart enough to comprehend this!
I would share with you thousands of facts supporting the statement that MSM is anti-American and by your believing the MSM you are being taken for a true fool.
Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Remember the MSM supported Obama who TOLD all of us he was going to lie and then he tells our enemies that people like you i.e. the military "air raiding villages, killing civilians"... wow what a guy who loves Americans especially the troops under his command.
Did you even read the report? No of course you didn't.
HealthMyths is as Right Wing as you can get so don't even try.
In other words, HealthMyths is as crazy as you.
I can get behind that logic.
I mentioned "logic"; of course you can't get behind it.
"Former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, a Republican candidate for president, warned this fall that movement “up into the middle income is actually greater, the mobility in Europe, than it is in America.”

So...because Sen. Santorum said so...makes it so?

Then, in your infinite wisdom, everything all politicians say, is the truth. Got it!
Or perhaps it's in part the shitty 3rd world healthcare outcomes for the most exceptionally expensive system on the planet.

We, America, have the finest healthcare in the world. Why would you denigrate such a fine system? What countries healthcare would you prefer and why?
It seems bizarre this has to be explained so many times. The US's healthcare is top quality, but it is mostly unaffordable to the poor and in some cases the middle class.

Not if they studied hard in school, didn't do drugs, commit crimes, and do all the other things that keep them from getting a decent job.

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