So Much for White Supremacy. We Must Fight Indian-American Supremacy!!

Wow, you’re still not getting it.

Look at the OP. The chart in the OP ranks races by household income, not personal income.

A data set on personal income would be more useful for the point that the OP is trying to make. Household income is a misleading statistic due to the confounding variable I described earlier.
The chart is household income but it also aligns with the op’s core premise that Indian and Asian incomes far outpace those of Whites and Blacks. Your confounding variable is based on a casual observance and nothing empirical. On that note, I’ve seen a lot of Black families have more than one adult (family members) living with them as well which is similar to your observed “confounding variable”.
The chart is household income but it also aligns with the op’s core premise that Indian and Asian incomes far outpace those of Whites and Blacks. Your confounding variable is based on a casual observance and nothing empirical. On that note, I’ve seen a lot of Black families have more than one adult (family members) living with them as well which is similar to your observed “confounding variable”.
I never disputed that Indian and Asian incomes are high compared to other races.

I was specifically addressing the “Indian-American supremacy“ in the OP title and graph for the reason I stated.

All caught up?
USA uses most talented people from India, Philippines, and many other nations. All people are born equal, but only top talents are invited to USA.

Even the low brow indians, non doctors and so on, still own a couple convenience stores or gas stations or subway sandwiches that's run by their families. So the worst indians still own a business.

Course I don't go into them because they are either rude, or in the case of all 3 subways near me, they never ever take subway coupons and they always keep the credit card machine down under the counter and always try to get you to pay in cash 3 times before you can use a card.

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