So now I am the "resistance"?

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DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!"
Joe Biden


"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!"
Joe Biden

21 Reasons Biden & The DemNazis mirror Hitler.

1.) Genocide 60 Million Babies murdered- Check
2.) Oppression of Natural Freedoms - Check
3.) They want to ban guns - Check
4.) Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship - Check
5.) Cheat in elections - Check
6.) Above the law - Check
7.) Demand uniformity of the populace in thought and action - Check
8.) Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced - Check
9.) Resorts to crime or violence to use as leverage to force change - Check
10.) Antisemetic - Check
11.) Antichristian - Check
12.) Anti-Israel - Check
13.) Anti-American - Check
14.) Rules by oppressive decree than legislative action - Check
15.) Implements their own agendas rather than do the will of the people - Check
16.) Blood Thirsty and war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs - Check
17.) Creates Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live. - Check
18.) Gains power through Fraud and Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means. - Check
19.) Promotes social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation. - Check
20.) Believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth. - Check
21.) They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in unity by those things they have in common.


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Joe wants to forgive student loans. How will that make people feel who have already paid off their loans?
He wants to "forgive" $10K per student loan with taxpayer money. That money should come from the colleges that ripped them off for their useless, overpriced degrees, NOT tax money.
Progs love them some class warfare from all the angles and partial if needed.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary
I can agree on Pro and Anti everything except for the gay shit. Gay civil unions maybe but not marriage in the Holy Matrimony sense.
Idiots like you pay more attention to what is said instead of discovering what is actually done.
It's called putting style over substance which you will never understand. This makes you the textbook definition of being ignorant.

Okay mouthy. Post his achievements with stats from reliable sources to back them up. And no, his tweets are not reliable sources.

Lowest unemployment across all ethnicities, blah-blah-blah
Stemmed border bleeding to protect jobs, blah-blah-blah
Made the VA effective blah-blah-blah
Rebuilt the military, blah-blah-blah (well lookee here, we just successfully knocked down a mock ICBM in space yesterday!)
Biggest Presidential supporter of Black colleges/university's blah-blah-blah
Operation Warp Speed coming to fruition blah-blah-blah
Donated his Presidential salary to charity and charitable Gov't functions blah-blah-blah
Knocked down 3 or more anti-growth regulations for each new regulation passed blah-blah-blah
My finger is getting tired so I'll end with more promises kept than he ever made towards MAGA!!!

P.S. Go fuck yourself.
Joe wants to forgive student loans. How will that make people feel who have already paid off their loans?
He wants to "forgive" $10K per student loan with taxpayer money. That money should come from the colleges that ripped them off for their useless, overpriced degrees, NOT tax money.
Progs love them some class warfare from all the angles and partial if needed.
but they are so into "unity" now. Even as ANTIFA continues to assault innocent peaceful people exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
And you voted Agent Maxwell Smart in
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
And you voted Agent Maxwell Smart in

I predict Biden sharts himself at his inauguration if he even makes it there.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
And you voted Agent Maxwell Smart in

Over Professor Chaos, yes of course.
  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
And you voted Agent Maxwell Smart in

Over Professor Chaos, yes of course.
Can't wait to say I told you so …..
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
And you voted Agent Maxwell Smart in

I predict Biden sharts himself at his inauguration if he even makes it there.
Nothing will ever compare to the header HRC took into the Scooby Van.
DJT garnered 10mil more votes than in 2016 but still lost or looks like will lose by ~7mil votes. So the country wants to go Socialist. So now I am the de-facto resistance? Why? Do 77mil really want to pack the court, make PR and DC states, fund the Green New Deal, censor people they disagree with and support massive tax hikes??!!? Say it ain't so Joe.

I am pro the following:

  • 2nd amendment - Right to Bear Arms
  • Enhanced border security
  • Pro choice (men and women up to 20 weeks)
  • America First when it comes to manufacturing
  • Strong military - continued military spend, as it also helps the private sector
  • Fracking - Energy independence
  • Continued support for Israel
  • Small Government
  • Gay Marriage/LGB Rights
  • Big Tech accountability. If you're not an open platform you should not be regulated as such.
  • Equality for all NOT Equity

I am Anti:

  • Paris Accords - I like saving the environment but we should not be paying excess costs for this especially when Russia and China are the biggest polluters.
  • Trans girls playing sports vs. biological girls. Unfair advantage.
  • Increase in corporate and personal tax rates - would increase unemployment, encourage corporate inversions.
  • Nationalized Healthcare but support a revamping of the current healthcare system. Make it more like auto insurance.
  • Free college education - make it affordable by forcing colleges who charge significantly high tuition if the graduate cannot garner a job sufficient to pay that loan. Watch how quickly they stop charging $70k per year for sociology majors.
  • Letting China off the hook for COVID-19 and for consistently stealing trade secrets and trying to undermine our economy.
  • Doing anything with Iran until they admit they fund terror groups and cease that practice.
  • Biased Media (need to be held accountable - unsure as to how)
  • Censorship of any and all kinds.
  • Defund the Police.
  • Green New Deal
  • Making PR and DC states
  • Packing the Court
  • Belief the Country is Systemically racist

So now I am the minority? Scary

Did I miss something because when did the Democratic Party win control of the Senate?

Seeing the Democratic Party only controls the House and Oval Office and not the Senate mean their ( Democratic Party ) wish list will never happen...
Joe Hilter is not The President and this is not 1933. The Fraud will be overturned.

Stupid tree. Hitler never won, nor did his Nazi Fascists bastards ever win more than 33% in the German Legislature.
Donald Trump won the most votes of any president running for re-election in History.

With Joe Biden's historic win, he now holds the record for most votes cast for any candidate in any US Election in the entire history of our great nation. Isn't that fantastic?
10-20 Million of Heil Biden's votes were frauds just like you. This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow Joe Hitler to be illegitimately appointed Fuhrer over us.

The proof is in the pudding big boy. As we know history is not your types strong suit. Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor and used the power of the office to force their weak Republic to grant him dictatorial powers for life.

But you are right, it's not 1933 and we are not a weak novel Republic. We voted Agent Orange out.
Stupid DemNazi Blind Boo. Biden never won. Biden and the DemNazis if allowed to get away with Massive Voter Fraud becomes Hitler if he takes power, just like 1933.

Hitler was not legally appointed chancellor btw. The Nazis went to the chancellor's office and threatened to kill him and his family if he did not step down and recommend Hitler as his replacements.

Violence and DemNazis Two Peas in a Pod.

No Wonder you identify as a Nazi.
America traded in a real Patriot Do'er for a POS self-enriching globalist elitist who will put the people of Zimbabwe before his own citizens if he can personally make a buck out of it!
Good job, America.....
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