So, now liberals don't believe in the 5th and 6th ammendment either?

There IS a public safety exemption in the Miranda law, however it is limited. As soon as the suspect is able to answer questions, post-surgery, the law goes into effect. It will suspend in 48 hours and then the Miranda laws apply.

Basically, he loses the right to remain silent and right to counsel for two days.

I find that rather ironic as this is completely untrue. It is a fact of life in general. He losses the Miranda to inform but there really is nothing stopping him from just sitting there and being silent. They can’t remove that right no matter how much they want to.

Where does the 48 hours come from?
Remember the good old days when the rightwing nuthouse tried to ridicule liberals for not wanting to treat terrorism as a war,

and when they liked to mock the idea of the enemy combatants having to be read their rights?

I do.

A lot of so-called right wingers were for the patriot act before they realized how evil it is and before they realized how corrupt the government had become. And a great many of them were calling for it to be repealed before Bush even left office.

Now conversely, I remember liberals creating a stink about the patriot act and then other than the occasional whisper, they've simmered down and accepted the will of their god.
Remember the good old days when the rightwing nuthouse tried to ridicule liberals for not wanting to treat terrorism as a war,

and when they liked to mock the idea of the enemy combatants having to be read their rights?

I do.

And remember the liberal viscerally defend it , demanding that they be read their rights and afforded all the same protections as others.

Now, look at them playing the opposite as well. Partisan hacks are easy to identify because of this.
Remember the good old days when the rightwing nuthouse tried to ridicule liberals for not wanting to treat terrorism as a war,

and when they liked to mock the idea of the enemy combatants having to be read their rights?

I do.

A lot of so-called right wingers were for the patriot act before they realized how evil it is and before they realized how corrupt the government had become. And a great many of them were calling for it to be repealed before Bush even left office.

Now conversely, I remember liberals creating a stink about the patriot act and then other than the occasional whisper, they've simmered down and accepted the will of their god.

What does it actually have to do with the Patriot Act? Not reading him his rights immediately is based on a 1984 ruling. Double irony, eh, 1984 and the Reagan era?!?! :eek:
Remember the good old days when the rightwing nuthouse tried to ridicule liberals for not wanting to treat terrorism as a war,

and when they liked to mock the idea of the enemy combatants having to be read their rights?

I do.

A lot of so-called right wingers were for the patriot act before they realized how evil it is and before they realized how corrupt the government had become. And a great many of them were calling for it to be repealed before Bush even left office.

Now conversely, I remember liberals creating a stink about the patriot act and then other than the occasional whisper, they've simmered down and accepted the will of their god.

What does it actually have to do with the Patriot Act? Not reading him his rights immediately is based on a 1984 ruling. Double irony, eh, 1984 and the Reagan era?!?! :eek:

Let me spoon feed you. I was adequately contrasting conservatives/liberals stances on the preservation of rights in regards to his point. Nobody, said that the patriot act was directly related to miranda rights. Try to keep up, dude.
If prosecutors believe an imminent threat is at hand, they can interrogate a suspect without reading him his rights. Usually, that means another crime is about to be committed by a third party. I'm not normally one to speculate, but to me, that's a red flag that the FBI/authorities believe there are others involved in this, but they aren't telling that to the public. Otherwise, it makes no sense not to Mirandize the guy.

Now excuse me please while I go adjust my tin foil hat.
Remember the good old days when the rightwing nuthouse tried to ridicule liberals for not wanting to treat terrorism as a war,

and when they liked to mock the idea of the enemy combatants having to be read their rights?

I do.

A lot of so-called right wingers were for the patriot act before they realized how evil it is and before they realized how corrupt the government had become. And a great many of them were calling for it to be repealed before Bush even left office.

Now conversely, I remember liberals creating a stink about the patriot act and then other than the occasional whisper, they've simmered down and accepted the will of their god.

What does it actually have to do with the Patriot Act? Not reading him his rights immediately is based on a 1984 ruling. Double irony, eh, 1984 and the Reagan era?!?! :eek:

See, Gasbag? Just calm down and ask yourself, like the knee-jerk brain-dead Con you are, "What Would Reagan Do?"

You guys can deflect like posers all you want. Some of us believe in the preservation of our rights.

The only thing you are preserving is your paranoia...

Thanks Mister Alinsky. Now shuffle on off.

Not at all.

They are not mirandizing him when they ask him questions like, "Hey, did you leave any bombs anywhere else?"

Hardly an erosion of his rights. Might even be considered common sense.
If prosecutors believe an imminent threat is at hand, they can interrogate a suspect without reading him his rights. Usually, that means another crime is about to be committed by a third party. I'm not normally one to speculate, but to me, that's a red flag that the FBI/authorities believe there are others involved in this, but they aren't telling that to the public. Otherwise, it makes no sense not to Mirandize the guy.

Now excuse me please while I go adjust my tin foil hat.

This is actually a sensible question.

Assuming they aren't sure if others are involved, it still might make sense to try to question him before he lawyers up. What if he left a bomb in a hidden location? What if there was a ticking bomb?

Remember back in the early Oughts when the Right talked endlessly about the "Ticking Bomb" scenario?

This was before Obama reminded them how much they hate government.

Obviously, any evidence he gives without being mirandized is inadmissable, but it might save a life if he left a bomb somewhere.
ThinkProgress? Why not a direct link to the Oracle at Delphi? Maybe disembowel a goat or two and read the entrails?

Seriously, how can anyone refer to that biased, poorly reasoned opinion piece as "supported facts?"

I can imagine the howl that will go up if a sane judge reverses a lower court decision after they convict this guy because he was not properly Mirandized.

The Obama administration once again proudly carries on the worst of the Bush tradition.
ThinkProgress? Why not a direct link to the Oracle at Delphi? Maybe disembowel a goat or two and read the entrails?

Seriously, how can anyone refer to that biased, poorly reasoned opinion piece as "supported facts?"

I can imagine the howl that will go up if a sane judge reverses a lower court decision after they convict this guy because he was not properly Mirandized.

The Obama administration once again proudly carries on the worst of the Bush tradition.

Judges are politicians, and they aren't going to throw out this guys conviction.

Judges have already upheld that in certain circumstances, Miranda doesn't apply. LIke 'The asshole might have left live bombs hidden somewhere".
A lot of so-called right wingers were for the patriot act before they realized how evil it is and before they realized how corrupt the government had become. And a great many of them were calling for it to be repealed before Bush even left office.

Now conversely, I remember liberals creating a stink about the patriot act and then other than the occasional whisper, they've simmered down and accepted the will of their god.

What does it actually have to do with the Patriot Act? Not reading him his rights immediately is based on a 1984 ruling. Double irony, eh, 1984 and the Reagan era?!?! :eek:

Let me spoon feed you. I was adequately contrasting conservatives/liberals stances on the preservation of rights in regards to his point. Nobody, said that the patriot act was directly related to miranda rights. Try to keep up, dude.

Funny but you mentioned it in both sentences of your post. Turn the whole thing around and you'd be bashing me for not being able to connect the dots. Sorry, but I'm not letting you weasel your way out of this one.
The captured BMB suspect was not read his Miranda Rights and the gov. cites a public safety exception.

Never mind the fact that the Supreme Court has declared that Miranda Rights are necessary based upon the 5th amendment that a person should not be compelled to self-incrimination and the 6th amendment, which offers a right to counsel.

Um..remember when you folks held up the "Ticking time bomb" exception?

Well this is it.

What You Need To Know About Why The Boston Bombing Suspect Hasn't Been Read His Miranda Rights

If they had read him his mirandas the right would be screaming about it.

facts mean nothing to the people here on the right we discuss things with here

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