So, now liberals don't believe in the 5th and 6th ammendment either?

ThinkProgress? Why not a direct link to the Oracle at Delphi? Maybe disembowel a goat or two and read the entrails?

Seriously, how can anyone refer to that biased, poorly reasoned opinion piece as "supported facts?"

I can imagine the howl that will go up if a sane judge reverses a lower court decision after they convict this guy because he was not properly Mirandized.

The Obama administration once again proudly carries on the worst of the Bush tradition.

Judges are politicians, and they aren't going to throw out this guys conviction.

Judges have already upheld that in certain circumstances, Miranda doesn't apply. LIke 'The asshole might have left live bombs hidden somewhere".

Well, certanly political expedeincy outweighs the law.

It's the leftist way.
The captured BMB suspect was not read his Miranda Rights and the gov. cites a public safety exception.

Never mind the fact that the Supreme Court has declared that Miranda Rights are necessary based upon the 5th amendment that a person should not be compelled to self-incrimination and the 6th amendment, which offers a right to counsel.

Um..remember when you folks held up the "Ticking time bomb" exception?

Well this is it.

Not sure if you are specifically referring to anything. But, do I believe in giving Miranda rights to foreign terrorists in a war zone? No. Obama does though. And that makes this even more hypocritical.

And, I don't believe there is a clear and present danger. This is just an excuse to rob someone of his rights. Or are you of the opinion that he's guilty til proven innocent?
and here they are pretending Obama and the FBI are doing something illegal for poltical reasons.

they have no shame and will lie about anything straight into the face of cold hard facts.

How did the republican party become so very very stupid and sociopathic?
If this were a Republican administration Lakhota would be screaming bloody murder and TGG would be defending........ Ya can't make this shit up folks!!

Thank you Mister Minister of Propaganda. At no point have I defended this guy outright. I've stated that he has rights under our Constitution. Do you have a problem with that concept or are you too busy trying to diminish me to care?
They leave NO area that they dont taint with their poltical lies.

The last theing they want is for Americans to be allowed to come together as one in any tragedy or triumph.
they were all gorveling arround the Obama memorial speach to tear it to shreads in the hopes they could distroy any attempts for the people to join together in morning.

How can any party be so sociopathic?
If this were a Republican administration Lakhota would be screaming bloody murder and TGG would be defending........ Ya can't make this shit up folks!!

Thank you Mister Minister of Propaganda. At no point have I defended this guy outright. I've stated that he has rights under our Constitution. Do you have a problem with that concept or are you too busy trying to diminish me to care?

Damn dud, you really are blinded by stupidity.
By the way we might be able to get the left half of your body reattached....... If you want to that is......... The hard part will be removing the red blinders that have fused with what little brain you have left but I think it's doable. :thup:
they were all gorveling arround the Obama memorial speach to tear it to shreads in the hopes they could distroy any attempts for the people to join together in morning.

How can any party be so sociopathic?

Your answer lies in the closest mirror.........
*Please deposit another ten dollars and 25 cents to hear your daily horoscope.*
This thread is based on a false premise. Us liberals do not want to repeal the 5th and 6th ammendment. We want to repeal all the even numbered ammendments. According to numberology, those are unlucky numbers.
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why does the right in this country want to keep the country split ?

because it makes it easier to drown it in the bathtub
I want someone to show me exactly where the "Exceptions" rule is in the Constitution.

I can't find it.
This is actually a sensible question.

Assuming they aren't sure if others are involved, it still might make sense to try to question him before he lawyers up. What if he left a bomb in a hidden location? What if there was a ticking bomb?

Remember back in the early Oughts when the Right talked endlessly about the "Ticking Bomb" scenario?

This was before Obama reminded them how much they hate government.

Obviously, any evidence he gives without being mirandized is inadmissable, but it might save a life if he left a bomb somewhere.

I don't think they give a shit about throwing out statements he might make. They don't need his confession to convict him. So as long as they provide him with a defense at any hearings he may attend, I'm not seeing the problem.
The captured BMB suspect was not read his Miranda Rights and the gov. cites a public safety exception.

Never mind the fact that the Supreme Court has declared that Miranda Rights are necessary based upon the 5th amendment that a person should not be compelled to self-incrimination and the 6th amendment, which offers a right to counsel.

Miranda was a classic case of the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, there is no basis for it in the Constitution. However, I agree with you that it should not be pick and choose suspect by suspect. Realistically though anyone with a TV knows it by heart.
Miranda was a classic case of the Supreme Court legislating from the bench, there is no basis for it in the Constitution. However, I agree with you that it should not be pick and choose suspect by suspect. Realistically though anyone with a TV knows it by heart.

From Amendment V:

"nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself..."

Translation: You have the right to remain silent.

From Amendment VI

"...and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence...."

Translation: You have the right to an attorney.

The issue in Miranda v. Arizona is that it allows for free counsel to indigents in all criminal cases regardless of the severity of the crime. Gideon v. Wainwright allowed for counsel to indigents in all felony trials. The VI Amendment only states that a person has a right to an attorney but the two cases I cited follow up and state that a person is entitled to an attorney even if they cannot afford one.
So the OP thinks Miranda was wrongly decided in the first place, but is now zealously attacking the DOJ for utilizing an exception to it,

also established in the courts?

lol, does anyone else detect the faint aroma of Obama Derangement Syndrome?

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