So now Trump is not for torture


Silver Member
Jul 24, 2015
Don't you rubes realize that you can't believe a single thing this guy says? His entire campaign is about crazy ideas that come to his head, and then he changes his mind.

As I've said many times in the past few weeks: only a moron would vote for Trump!

Donald Trump reverses position on torture -

If he really is now against torture and other war crimes ... great! But why should I believe him when he's said the opposite for weeks? Can any Trump supporter explain this?
Crickets from brat, Vig, and the others ...
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
Thank you for the response.

Should we Americans really be voting for a president to have an ad lib mouth?

If you're consevative, why not Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich? Cruz and Rubio are Tea Partiers. Kasich is a very experienced conservative.

Why do we have to be voting for a guy when we have to admit we really don't have any idea what he'd do as President.

I just wish people would stop voting for Trump!
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
Thank you for the response.

Should we Americans really be voting for a president to have an ad lib mouth?

If you're consevative, why not Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich? Cruz and Rubio are Tea Partiers. Kasich is a very experienced conservative.

Why do we have to be voting for a guy when we have to admit we really don't have any idea what he'd do as President.

I just wish people would stop voting for Trump!
My first choice was Carson............I believed him to be the most honest on the stage.......Kasich is a good guy and was part of the Newt Revolt that did exactly what he is saying................

But that no longer sells in America. Americans are Fed up with the Fed......Royally pissed and those that hype that up get a lot of support............It's a reality T.V. show and that is Trumps realm.

It is also the Dems realm as they use the same tactics every election cycle.......... a mud throwing orgy of politicians throwing everything they can think of to make it stick. We have had wild and abusive elections in the past. This one Trump's all.........and will be a Mud wrestling match on epic proportion.

This is a 2 candidate race for all purposes..........I like Ted but he ticked me off when they did the Robo calls on Carson.........he purposely dodged his tax plan's other side during the debates..........on what I'm calling a 16% VAT even though he denies it................and his wife's high level job with Goldman Sachs who have been influencing Washington forever..................

So I rolled the dice and voted Trump............because it's really a 2 man race when I voted on Super Tuesday. Hopefully the roll will not be snake eyes.
He says whatever he thinks will get him elected. He has repeatedly admitted this. And he has promised he will change more when he gets the nomination.

Why on earth shouldn't we believe that claim?

The fact is he will flip flop more than John Kerry at the beach
Don't you rubes realize that you can't believe a single thing this guy says? His entire campaign is about crazy ideas that come to his head, and then he changes his mind.

As I've said many times in the past few weeks: only a moron would vote for Trump!

Donald Trump reverses position on torture -

If he really is now against torture and other war crimes ... great! But why should I believe him when he's said the opposite for weeks? Can any Trump supporter explain this?

I can't believe a single word Trump or Hillary says. Pretty sad how untrustworthy these two are.
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Extraordinary methods are not something the regular military is ordered to use.
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Don't you rubes realize that you can't believe a single thing this guy says? His entire campaign is about crazy ideas that come to his head, and then he changes his mind.

As I've said many times in the past few weeks: only a moron would vote for Trump!

Donald Trump reverses position on torture -

If he really is now against torture and other war crimes ... great! But why should I believe him when he's said the opposite for weeks? Can any Trump supporter explain this?

They don't care what he says. He's David Koresh at this point and his followers are no different than Koresh's crazy followers.
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
Playing the LONG GAME and gathering up DemoRAT moderates that are disgusted with a corrupt, criminal, liar, and murderous CUN*!
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?
Playing the LONG GAME and gathering up DemoRAT moderates that are disgusted with a corrupt, criminal, liar, and murderous CUN*!
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?

Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!

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