So now Trump is not for torture

Crickets from brat, Vig, and the others ...

Just as Obama wasn't for gay marriage in 2008, but changed his mind over the course of his term. You act like Trump is the only guy out there that flip flops on the issues.
Over the course of one day?

Flip flopping is flip flopping, the time it takes is irrelevant. It shows you never really believed the position you took in the first place.
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree, this is mob mentality and I feel that it is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
Further proof that this dunderhead knows nothing about much of anything except bloviating and lying.

He consistently gives new meaning to flip flopping. The one thing that is certain is that his "policy" will change tomorrow.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Playing the LONG GAME and gathering up DemoRAT moderates that are disgusted with a corrupt, criminal, liar, and murderous CUN*!
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?

Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?
I'll make a stab at one part of this. And that is going after the families..............I heard him on the radio talking to Hannity on the way home from work a while back. Hannity asked him directly about going after the families............He asked him would you kill the children.............

Trump said Of course not...........He stated he never said he was going to kill the children, but to the wives of terrorist he would go after them. He sited that they left before the 9/11 attacks and knew their husbands were about to attack our country. They didn't tell anyone about the attacks and were sent home for their safety just before. aka............they knew they were going to kill Americans, were a supporting part of killing 3,000 Americans and shouldn't be allowed to get off when they abetted in the crime of terrorism.

My point.............why the hell should they get a pass after being involved and killed taking them out.............I have no problem with it..........Killing babies and kids.............I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT.............

To the torture issue...............he says he will do far worse.................I don't know what he's saying.........It's a generalization and so it's hyperbole to SHOCK and AWE for media attention that is biting him in the ass...............

Since I don't know what he would the hell can I analyse it.................

Being prior military.............I understand that I don't have to follow UNLAWFUL orders..........If I was told to do something against my morals like line up a bunch of kids and shoot them all.............I'd tell them to go to hell regardless of who gave the order.........Our MORAL principles in the military are still there even though the military isn't a democracy.

Trump's ad lib mouth is his own worst enemy. Has he flipped flopped......Yep............Have I seen the flip flop before.............Darn right you betcha.
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree and feel that this is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
I have no problem with taking the women involved with these attacks or other attacks.......They need to pay a price for their involvement...........

In regards to if we hit them they will hate us.................they already do and breed this hate from birth over there.............They have been doing this since Mohammed............their culture will not change....

History has shown that the only way to end it..................Is well................get brutal and win the dang fight..............they are spreading and need to be gone.
It just doesn't matter....
  • Polls show Donald Trump leading everywhere during a critical 2-week stretch
    Business Insider ^ | 3/3/2016 | Allan Smith
    Thirteen states hold primaries or caucuses over the next two weeks. Of them, Trump is leading polls in nine, according to the RealClearPolitics average, including some of the most important, winner-take-all states. The other states — Hawaii, Maine, Idaho, and Missouri — don't have any recent polls listed on the site. They're also the three states with the fewest delegates to award. And in Maine, Trump has the endorsement of Gov. Paul LePage.
Crickets from brat, Vig, and the others ...

Just as Obama wasn't for gay marriage in 2008, but changed his mind over the course of his term. You act like Trump is the only guy out there that flip flops on the issues.
Over the course of one day?

Flip flopping is flip flopping, the time it takes is irrelevant. It shows you never really believed the position you took in the first place.

Thanks. The little fat kid made me lol at this.

twinkie fatty- Are you still a "libertarian", earning your own way or have you finally gone full out Welfare Queen?

Which "position" do you "believe" in?


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Playing the LONG GAME and gathering up DemoRAT moderates that are disgusted with a corrupt, criminal, liar, and murderous CUN*!
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?

Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
So dad blows himself up attacking the USA, and we respond by killing mom. We spare the children... Now fast forward 10 years, what do you think that child will want to do to the USA? See the mentality?? We are the superpower in this world and should be setting an example. Why shouldn't we torture?? Because we are BETTER than that! Simple. Yes it may be effective to get information but once we go down that path we pretty much guarantee that is how all of our advisory's will treat our POW's. At some point we need to lead towards a path of righteousness and enlightenment and not stoop to their level and take the world towards the path to the trenches. Not all will follow, but that shouldn't detour us from our course. I fear that some of these candidates, Trump included, will set us back in a tremendously detrimental way for our country and for the world.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree and feel that this is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
I have no problem with taking the women involved with these attacks or other attacks.......They need to pay a price for their involvement...........

In regards to if we hit them they will hate us.................they already do and breed this hate from birth over there.............They have been doing this since Mohammed............their culture will not change....

History has shown that the only way to end it..................Is well................get brutal and win the dang fight..............they are spreading and need to be gone.
Again, short sighted ideas IMO... You are not going to go exterminate every person who believes in Jihad, yes they breed hate but the more we poke the fire the larger it's going to get. For this war to truly end, we need to cut off their resources, funding, training, weapons etc. and go after their leaders and points of power. Culturally, we need to find a way to coexist without feelings of oppression and hate. Muslim leaders need to speak up and extinguish the extremist ideas. Poor people need to find opportunity so they can focus on productive aspects of life and not join the Jihad to take their bitter rage out on the west. There is a lot of work to do and there is no easy solution. I just hope we get leaders that take the smart effective path.
Playing the LONG GAME and gathering up DemoRAT moderates that are disgusted with a corrupt, criminal, liar, and murderous CUN*!
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?

Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.
The kids are already growing up with a dad that pushes killing Americans. Hell they use Mickey Mouse on T.V. over there push that ideology.............

Doesn't matter...........the wives were adults who aided and abetting in the killing of 3000 Americans...........they deserve no reprieve just because they are a wife.
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree and feel that this is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
I have no problem with taking the women involved with these attacks or other attacks.......They need to pay a price for their involvement...........

In regards to if we hit them they will hate us.................they already do and breed this hate from birth over there.............They have been doing this since Mohammed............their culture will not change....

History has shown that the only way to end it..................Is well................get brutal and win the dang fight..............they are spreading and need to be gone.
Again, short sighted ideas IMO... You are not going to go exterminate every person who believes in Jihad, yes they breed hate but the more we poke the fire the larger it's going to get. For this war to truly end, we need to cut off their resources, funding, training, weapons etc. and go after their leaders and points of power. Culturally, we need to find a way to coexist without feelings of oppression and hate. Muslim leaders need to speak up and extinguish the extremist ideas. Poor people need to find opportunity so they can focus on productive aspects of life and not join the Jihad to take their bitter rage out on the west. There is a lot of work to do and there is no easy solution. I just hope we get leaders that take the smart effective path.
The middle east is quicksand to all leaders who were foolish enough to think they can change it over there..........It's been going on since the 600's and it isn't going away anytime soon.

Fire ants...............If you do nothing about fire ants in your yard they will take over your yard..............If you wipe them out...............they will always come back......................cycle, wash,'s just reality.
Playing the LONG GAME and gathering up DemoRAT moderates that are disgusted with a corrupt, criminal, liar, and murderous CUN*!
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?

Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.

You leftist scumbags DESERVE to be pissed off, and pissed on for what you have done to our once great country....
So you're saying we all have no clue what Trump is going to do as President? He's just saying whatever it takes to get elected? Isn't that dangerous?

Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.

You leftist scumbags DESERVE to be pissed off, and pissed on for what you have done to our once great country....
If you are so enlightened then you would be in the majority and run things your way. Don't be a sore loser, just bend over and take it like a man... Your whining is boring.
Why, American's voted in a black THUG for 8 years who did the same thing...Karma is a bitch...Live with it!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.

You leftist scumbags DESERVE to be pissed off, and pissed on for what you have done to our once great country....
If you are so enlightened then you would be in the majority and run things your way. Don't be a sore loser, just bend over and take it like a man... Your whining is boring.

I'm sorry, only you FAGERALS take it in the ass!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.

You leftist scumbags DESERVE to be pissed off, and pissed on for what you have done to our once great country....
If you are so enlightened then you would be in the majority and run things your way. Don't be a sore loser, just bend over and take it like a man... Your whining is boring.

I'm sorry, only you FAGERALS take it in the ass!
Good one!!!!!! dipshit
So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.

You leftist scumbags DESERVE to be pissed off, and pissed on for what you have done to our once great country....
If you are so enlightened then you would be in the majority and run things your way. Don't be a sore loser, just bend over and take it like a man... Your whining is boring.

I'm sorry, only you FAGERALS take it in the ass!
Good one!!!!!! dipshit

That's what your boyfriend does to you...dipshits!
You're an idiot... Can't you find a white trash or KKK forum to waste your time on?

So happy to see I piss you off...makes me smile!
Why do you get joy from pissing people off? Goes right to the character of a person.

You leftist scumbags DESERVE to be pissed off, and pissed on for what you have done to our once great country....
If you are so enlightened then you would be in the majority and run things your way. Don't be a sore loser, just bend over and take it like a man... Your whining is boring.

I'm sorry, only you FAGERALS take it in the ass!
Then might as well kill the kids, right? I mean they are only going to grow up to cause a threat to us, so why not take them out now??
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree and feel that this is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
I have no problem with taking the women involved with these attacks or other attacks.......They need to pay a price for their involvement...........

In regards to if we hit them they will hate us.................they already do and breed this hate from birth over there.............They have been doing this since Mohammed............their culture will not change....

History has shown that the only way to end it..................Is well................get brutal and win the dang fight..............they are spreading and need to be gone.
Again, short sighted ideas IMO... You are not going to go exterminate every person who believes in Jihad, yes they breed hate but the more we poke the fire the larger it's going to get. For this war to truly end, we need to cut off their resources, funding, training, weapons etc. and go after their leaders and points of power. Culturally, we need to find a way to coexist without feelings of oppression and hate. Muslim leaders need to speak up and extinguish the extremist ideas. Poor people need to find opportunity so they can focus on productive aspects of life and not join the Jihad to take their bitter rage out on the west. There is a lot of work to do and there is no easy solution. I just hope we get leaders that take the smart effective path.
The middle east is quicksand to all leaders who were foolish enough to think they can change it over there..........It's been going on since the 600's and it isn't going away anytime soon.

Fire ants...............If you do nothing about fire ants in your yard they will take over your yard..............If you wipe them out...............they will always come back......................cycle, wash,'s just reality.
Sorry, I just can't accept the argument that this is just the way things are... We can be smarter and better than the past and since we are so heavily invested there we need have the right strategy moving forward. It sounds like you are giving up on wanting to do anything meaningful and just waste ammo on all the pawns... There is a way to win the game without killing all the pawns
Perhaps the kids might not grow up to be dad..............

Spare me that those women weren't involved in their husbands actions.................which is implied not said............They deserve no special pass for their involvement.
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree and feel that this is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
I have no problem with taking the women involved with these attacks or other attacks.......They need to pay a price for their involvement...........

In regards to if we hit them they will hate us.................they already do and breed this hate from birth over there.............They have been doing this since Mohammed............their culture will not change....

History has shown that the only way to end it..................Is well................get brutal and win the dang fight..............they are spreading and need to be gone.
Again, short sighted ideas IMO... You are not going to go exterminate every person who believes in Jihad, yes they breed hate but the more we poke the fire the larger it's going to get. For this war to truly end, we need to cut off their resources, funding, training, weapons etc. and go after their leaders and points of power. Culturally, we need to find a way to coexist without feelings of oppression and hate. Muslim leaders need to speak up and extinguish the extremist ideas. Poor people need to find opportunity so they can focus on productive aspects of life and not join the Jihad to take their bitter rage out on the west. There is a lot of work to do and there is no easy solution. I just hope we get leaders that take the smart effective path.
The middle east is quicksand to all leaders who were foolish enough to think they can change it over there..........It's been going on since the 600's and it isn't going away anytime soon.

Fire ants...............If you do nothing about fire ants in your yard they will take over your yard..............If you wipe them out...............they will always come back......................cycle, wash,'s just reality.
Sorry, I just can't accept the argument that this is just the way things are... We can be smarter and better than the past and since we are so heavily invested there we need have the right strategy moving forward. It sounds like you are giving up on wanting to do anything meaning full and just waste ammo on all the pawns... There is a way to win the game without killing all the pawns
Too many have tried and too many have failed............the cultural differences are too great with those turned fanatical with Islam...........they think the others who are moderate are the problem, and use near the same tactics as Mohammed did...............
I understand the emotional desire to respond like you and Trump propose. If I had a loved one killed by a terrorist i'd want EVERYBODY involved in their cause gone... However, as a world leader we need to look at the big picture and the "cause/effects" of our actions. Trumps logic is Terrorist do not care about their life but they care about their families lives so if we kill their families they will think twice before attacking us. If you agree with this then that is your call... I don't agree and feel that this is a very short sighted solution. Killing family's will only poor fuel on the fire and help Isis and other group recruit, justify and rally anger and support for their cause.
I have no problem with taking the women involved with these attacks or other attacks.......They need to pay a price for their involvement...........

In regards to if we hit them they will hate us.................they already do and breed this hate from birth over there.............They have been doing this since Mohammed............their culture will not change....

History has shown that the only way to end it..................Is well................get brutal and win the dang fight..............they are spreading and need to be gone.
Again, short sighted ideas IMO... You are not going to go exterminate every person who believes in Jihad, yes they breed hate but the more we poke the fire the larger it's going to get. For this war to truly end, we need to cut off their resources, funding, training, weapons etc. and go after their leaders and points of power. Culturally, we need to find a way to coexist without feelings of oppression and hate. Muslim leaders need to speak up and extinguish the extremist ideas. Poor people need to find opportunity so they can focus on productive aspects of life and not join the Jihad to take their bitter rage out on the west. There is a lot of work to do and there is no easy solution. I just hope we get leaders that take the smart effective path.
The middle east is quicksand to all leaders who were foolish enough to think they can change it over there..........It's been going on since the 600's and it isn't going away anytime soon.

Fire ants...............If you do nothing about fire ants in your yard they will take over your yard..............If you wipe them out...............they will always come back......................cycle, wash,'s just reality.
Sorry, I just can't accept the argument that this is just the way things are... We can be smarter and better than the past and since we are so heavily invested there we need have the right strategy moving forward. It sounds like you are giving up on wanting to do anything meaning full and just waste ammo on all the pawns... There is a way to win the game without killing all the pawns
Too many have tried and too many have failed............the cultural differences are too great with those turned fanatical with Islam...........they think the others who are moderate are the problem, and use near the same tactics as Mohammed did...............
Agree to disagree... i've never served or been there so all I know is theory and what I read. Still, I don't have confidence in Trumps proposals and believe that there is a better way than to just kill everybody and their families. I'm also not willing to support tactics that degrade the spirit and character of our Nation. We are not only the worlds superpower but we, with our allies comprise a dominant force. With the right diplomacy we should be able to get anything done.

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