So...Obama just guaranteed a nuclear war in the Middle East.

didn't expect you to take it serious , course I think that maybe your kids or grandkids will point out your short sightedness Ogiblim .
pismoe, no observant American is decevied by your abysmal thinking. Obama is not giving Iran nukes. To say he is reveals a hole in critical thinking abilities. What you think of me means nothing, because you are still wrong. It is what it is. ogibillim is correct ask you "how", and you can't answer it.
Didn't N. Korea just test their ICBM's and they couldn't even come /close/ to hitting the US, much less that we couldn't intercept it in time?

Considering how long they've had tech to fuck around with and still not figured it out, I think we're relatively safe from the uhm... backwards educated middle east. Even so, if they go nuke happy on us, then we hope they hit rural and pave the country - just like we do with N. Korea, like we did with the USSR, yea? Hell maybe it'll give our people something /real/ to worry about instead of freaking out about fucking flags...

As for the other countries who are in range, well I suggest we lessen our dependence on foreign oil and other necessary foreign imports "just in case." It'd be good for the US to be less reliant upon foreigners for the stuff we need instead of just buying it anyway wouldn't it?
pismoe, no observant American is decevied by your abysmal thinking. Obama is not giving Iran nukes. To say he is reveals a hole in critical thinking abilities. What you think of me means nothing, because you are still wrong. It is what it is. ogibillim is correct ask you "how", and you can't answer it.
thanks Jake Starkey , and your post quoted just above is WHY you just received another 'funny' award , but thanks for the reply !!
It should be interesting to see how quickly the Saudi's get a nuke.
They already have nukes. They bought them from India about 4 years ago. Explain why dozens of little brown E. Indians leave a segregated gated compound in TKSA every few days by bus with heavy security then return a few days later for the last few years.
They aren't fucking tourists.

Any credible source....or just your bullshit? :D
I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?

I wonder when the idiot, dip-shit Obama jizz guzzlers will stop swallowing the lies. :(

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

So tell us again who is lying? :lol:

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?
they don't seem very interested in the truth.

They are more interested in the 2016 elections. They scared voters with Ebola then. Now they have another Boogey Man!

Nope. We're interested in the truth. Obama is a pos and is a proven fucking liar.

See post above. If you have any intellectual integrity you will address honestly....but I suspect the odds of that are nil.

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
Maybe Obama has turned over a new leaf and really means it when he says....

"If you like your nukes then you can keep your nukes....."
I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?

I wonder when the idiot, dip-shit Obama jizz guzzlers will stop swallowing the lies. :(

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

So tell us again who is lying? :lol:

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
your national review (are you fucking serious, you used them as a source?) article has a very important point wrong.

24 days is the maximum amount of time from an inspection request to its granting.
Don't worry, righties. In another week, you'll be given a new fake reason to be terrified, and you can let this one drop. Since you're not making any sense with it, that will no doubt be a relief to you. Seeing how badly you botched this one, FOX and the GOP will make the next scare much simpler.
I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?

I wonder when the idiot, dip-shit Obama jizz guzzlers will stop swallowing the lies. :(

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

So tell us again who is lying? :lol:

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
your national review (are you fucking serious, you used them as a source?) article has a very important point wrong.

24 days is the maximum amount of time from an inspection request to its granting.

Wrong. Another lie. Read again. Carefully this time. And National Review is highly reputable.

Obama is fucking lying again. Period.
Don't worry, righties. In another week, you'll be given a new fake reason to be terrified, and you can let this one drop. Since you're not making any sense with it, that will no doubt be a relief to you. Seeing how badly you botched this one, FOX and the GOP will make the next scare much simpler.

The deal is based of lies. If will not be ratified.

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?

I wonder when the idiot, dip-shit Obama jizz guzzlers will stop swallowing the lies. :(

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

So tell us again who is lying? :lol:

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
your national review (are you fucking serious, you used them as a source?) article has a very important point wrong.

24 days is the maximum amount of time from an inspection request to its granting.

Wrong. Another lie. Read again. Carefully this time. And National Review is highly reputable.

Obama is fucking lying again. Period.
i can't fix stupid. if you're going to both claim that 24 days is a minimum, not a maximum, and that somehow national review is reputable you're beyond rational thought.
Don't worry, righties. In another week, you'll be given a new fake reason to be terrified, and you can let this one drop. Since you're not making any sense with it, that will no doubt be a relief to you. Seeing how badly you botched this one, FOX and the GOP will make the next scare much simpler.

I forgot about the ISIS boogey man in 2014. Now they have the Nuclear bomb boogey man!
The deal is based of lies. If will not be ratified

It doesn't have to be ratified. Republicans need to pass a law to block it. Which Obama can veto. Meaning they need 2/3 in each chamber, which there is zero chance of.

Democrats are hoping you take the kookery national. There's Obama looking calm and Presidential, and Republicans having public meltdowns. We're talking many, many votes for the Democrats. Sure, the crazies like the hysteria, but the Republicans already have 100% of the crazy vote, so there are no new votes to be gained there.

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