So...Obama just guaranteed a nuclear war in the Middle East.

I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?

I wonder when the idiot, dip-shit Obama jizz guzzlers will stop swallowing the lies. :(

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

So tell us again who is lying? :lol:

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
your national review (are you fucking serious, you used them as a source?) article has a very important point wrong.

24 days is the maximum amount of time from an inspection request to its granting.

Wrong. Another lie. Read again. Carefully this time. And National Review is highly reputable.

Obama is fucking lying again. Period.
i can't fix stupid. if you're going to both claim that 24 days is a minimum, not a maximum, and that somehow national review is reputable you're beyond rational thought.

Obama lied. I proved it. The deal is a fucking lie. Post anything factual to refute National Review or STFU.
The deal is based of lies. If will not be ratified

It doesn't have to be ratified. Republicans need to pass a law to block it. Which Obama can veto. Meaning they need 2/3 in each chamber, which there is zero chance of.

Democrats are hoping you take the kookery national. There's Obama looking calm and Presidential, and Republicans having public meltdowns. We're talking many, many votes for the Democrats.

Bullshit. The deal is a lie. No Dem will want this pos around their neck next year.

Maybe they'll wipe themselves out and save us (and the rest of the world) the trouble.
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".

And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.

Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13
You have this great sense of timing on jumping the gun and exposing your arse lad...6 nations have to approve of the agreement then it goes befopre the UN for final ratification......The US Senate gets to put their stain of approval upon it before Oblama can sign off on it, or Kerry Ketsup...
Obama and Kerry might very well be the two stupidest people on the planet.

Unless they want Israel and the West destroyes. By that standard...Obama is a genius. He is NOT a dumb man. Hes very intelligent. His intentions however....

I don't agree with that, someone pulls the strings, he's simply a puppet and w/o the puppet master he would never have become POTUS.
So you do admit that the Rich own us and control our government and tell our presidents what to do? Then why do you Republicans deny class warfare exists when its happening and we're losing?

I never said that at all. I said someone pulls Obama's strings...someone with an agenda...perhaps someone named Valerie
Is she another black tranny?
I think that its kinda funny , all the dems and libs and their kids are looking at a future of being number 2 or being equals to an Iranian 12er government , Russian communists , Chinese communists and north Korean communists . Wait till the 'Islamic state' caliphate gets some nukes . And last but not least , the nuke race is on all over the world .
What do we call that with Russia mutual self destruction. Perhaps every country should have a nuke or two

Having nukes requires responsibility, being responsible isn't stating Israel should be wiped off the map.
Neithert is invading Iraq to prove something to your father.
Iraq was no big deal , whole different scenario from mrobama giving iran nuke capability NoNukes.
I wonder if our nutters will ever let go of the 24 days before inspection lie?

I wonder when the idiot, dip-shit Obama jizz guzzlers will stop swallowing the lies. :(

"According to the president, “this deal is not built on trust. It is built on verification. Inspectors will have 24/7 access to Iran’s nuclear facilities.” That means access to the facilities Iran has officially declared, a point Obama did not clarify. There is no 24/7 access for undeclared sites, nor anything close to it."

"At minimum, Iran will have 24 days to clean up any suspicious sites before inspectors get a first look."

So tell us again who is lying? :lol:

Read more at: Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Tehran License to Resist Inspections National Review Online
your national review (are you fucking serious, you used them as a source?) article has a very important point wrong.

24 days is the maximum amount of time from an inspection request to its granting.

Wrong. Another lie. Read again. Carefully this time. And National Review is highly reputable.

Obama is fucking lying again. Period.
i can't fix stupid. if you're going to both claim that 24 days is a minimum, not a maximum, and that somehow national review is reputable you're beyond rational thought.

Obama lied. I proved it. The deal is a fucking lie. Post anything factual to refute National Review or STFU.
you proved nothing. you quoted an erroneous piece from a source that has no interest in printing the truth.
Q. Access page 41 said:
If the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities or activities inconsistentwith the JCPOA cannot be verified after the implementation of the alternativearrangements agreed by Iran and the IAEA, or if the two sides are unable to reachsatisfactory arrangements to verify the absence of undeclared nuclear materials andactivities or activities inconsistent with the JCPOA at the specified locations within 14days of the IAEA’s original request for access, Iran, in consultation with the members ofthe Joint Commission, would resolve the IAEA’s concerns through necessary meansagreed between Iran and the IAEA. In the absence of an agreement, the members ofthe Joint Commission, by consensus or by a vote of 5 or more of its 8 members, wouldadvise on the necessary means to resolve the IAEA's concerns. The process ofconsultation with, and any action by, the members of the Joint Commission would notexceed 7 days, and Iran would implement the necessary means within 3 additionaldays.
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".

And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.

Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13

God, some of you people are among the stupidest I've ever met.

The trade embargo on conventional weapons and other items is still in effect for 5 more years.

Do you even know what's in the deal?

I swear, Republicans and their lackeys are just making up the stupidest shit and convincing themselves it's true without doing any fact-checking. You should be embarrassed by your ignorance.
Iraq was no big deal , whole different scenario from mrobama giving iran nuke capability NoNukes.
It will guarantee no future Republican will invade Iran.

Remember how polite bush was to not offend or destabalize Pakistan even though they were hiding bin ladin? Obama got him anyways.
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".

And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.

Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13

God, some of you people are among the stupidest I've ever met.

The trade embargo on conventional weapons and other items is still in effect for 5 more years.

Do you even know what's in the deal?

I swear, Republicans and their lackeys are just making up the stupidest shit and convincing themselves it's true without doing any fact-checking. You should be embarrassed by your ignorance.
And when once in awhile they're right about something, bfd. Even a broke clock is right 2 times a day.
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".

And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.

Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13
What is the one thing we never do? I'll tell you. We never invade countries that have nuclear weapons. Now Iran is safe from us invadng them

You know why we never invade countries with nuclear weapons??

1- We dont allow evil nations to get nukes
2- When they try...we invade them before they get them (except N Korea...who Clinton allowed to proceed)

So're right. We never invade countries with nuclear weapons.
What about Pakistan?
They have them put can't deliver them v. ICBM.
Iraq was no big deal , whole different scenario from mrobama giving iran nuke capability NoNukes.
It will guarantee no future Republican will invade Iran.

Remember how polite bush was to not offend or destabalize Pakistan even though they were hiding bin ladin? Obama got him anyways.

Yeah..fucking war-monger.
pismoe, guy, you are wrong on this all the way. That you don't like it, that you make fun is all fine: none of it changes that you have not a clue about the Iran deal. You have given the Board absolutely no reason to have any confidence in your unsubstantiated assertion. Keep posting for the grins and chuckles.
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".

And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.

Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13

God, some of you people are among the stupidest I've ever met.

The trade embargo on conventional weapons and other items is still in effect for 5 more years.

Do you even know what's in the deal?

I swear, Republicans and their lackeys are just making up the stupidest shit and convincing themselves it's true without doing any fact-checking. You should be embarrassed by your ignorance.

Oh 5 years! Whew! What a relief. Iran wont hate us or Israel by then. ISIS wont even be a thing that far away!
The stupid folks don't realize that the US bought 8 to 10 years down the road before a nuclear conflagration could possibly begin.

If there had been no deal, Iran would have had nukes within 10 months, leaving Israel almost no choice except to attack Iran.

Saudi Arabia is now edging toward Israel, because Iran backs Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, the rebels in Yemen, etc. This may lead to an Israeli-Saudi attack through proxies on Iran.

But if we follow the butthead far right reactionary nonsense, like that of Bucs, we would be at war within a year.

No, reactionaries. We are not sending an army to the ME again.
Republicans and Halliburton would love a war in Iran
You're an idiot. Haliburton left Iran 100% in 2005. Haliburton has Zero financial interest in Iran.
Go read a fucking book for christ sake!

Use YOUR brain. Halliburton makes profits during wars. An invasion of Iran will fatten their coffers and Cheney's "hidden" interest.
Use your brain!
So who is going to "invade" Iran asshole?
Haliburton basically left the ME years ago. They make money providing an important function in stable oil producing countries NOT in fucking filthy shit holes run by sand monkeys.
You're a stupid fucking LIB who's a dollar short and a day late when it comes to really knowing what/where companies like Haliburton are involved in.
Just b/c Cheney used to own a little stock in Halliburton many decades ago then 100% dissolved any connection with Haliburton you still can't give up your dumb lame accusations.

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