So...Obama just guaranteed a nuclear war in the Middle East.

I'm just hoping that Israel does some good work pretty soon . Hope that rumors start on a Thursday and that everything is in full swing on Friday evening which is beer night .

Israel will do it, they might get it done and they might not but the end result will be full blown war in the ME...and possibly worldwide
If Israel wants to go out like that.

Why, is it prophesized in the bible this is going to happen?

You idiot, Israel has nukes, they take one and Iran takes one. Bank it
The stupid folks don't realize that the US bought 8 to 10 years down the road before a nuclear conflagration could possibly begin.

If there had been no deal, Iran would have had nukes within 10 months, leaving Israel almost no choice except to attack Iran.

Saudi Arabia is now edging toward Israel, because Iran backs Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, the rebels in Yemen, etc. This may lead to an Israeli-Saudi attack through proxies on Iran.

But if we follow the butthead far right reactionary nonsense, like that of Bucs, we would be at war within a year.

No, reactionaries. We are not sending an army to the ME again.
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".
no, the IC part stands for inter-continental. that does not mean they would be able to hit america.
And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.
none of that is true. inspectors have 24/7 access to known nuclear sites. we have access to the mines. if we suspect an additional site we can request access, iran has ten days to respond, and if they appeal the decision goes to the negotiators of the deal for arbitration - if access is granted (we will always have the 5 votes needed) the maximum amount of time would be 24 days from start to finish. guess what our intelligence operations would be doing during that time?
Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13
gotta love those with a hard on for the end of the world. the deal makes a nuclear war less likely, not more likely.

where are you getting your information from?

So you're saying our ICBMs cant reach overseas?
iran is a nation run by 'shite' 12ers , checkout their philosophy Ogiblim . They want the return of the hidden imam and are liable to hasten it through use of nukes .
who are you getting your information from?
and let's pretend you're right, and that all iran wants to do is end the world with a nuke (they don't, that's retarded)

i guess it'd be a good thing then that we got them to agree to a deal that reduces their stockpiles of enriched uranium and allows inspections, huh?
well here is one place Ogiblim --- sorry wrong link --- and a ways down in the info article you will find the the guys that run 'iran' are Shiites of the '12er' persuasion . And these 12ers are the guys that mrobama is arming with nukes Ogiblim .
The stupid folks don't realize that the US bought 8 to 10 years down the road before a nuclear conflagration could possibly begin.

If there had been no deal, Iran would have had nukes within 10 months, leaving Israel almost no choice except to attack Iran.

Saudi Arabia is now edging toward Israel, because Iran backs Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, the rebels in Yemen, etc. This may lead to an Israeli-Saudi attack through proxies on Iran.

But if we follow the butthead far right reactionary nonsense, like that of Bucs, we would be at war within a year.

No, reactionaries. We are not sending an army to the ME again.
Republicans and Halliburton would love a war in Iran
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".
no, the IC part stands for inter-continental. that does not mean they would be able to hit america.
And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.
none of that is true. inspectors have 24/7 access to known nuclear sites. we have access to the mines. if we suspect an additional site we can request access, iran has ten days to respond, and if they appeal the decision goes to the negotiators of the deal for arbitration - if access is granted (we will always have the 5 votes needed) the maximum amount of time would be 24 days from start to finish. guess what our intelligence operations would be doing during that time?
Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13
gotta love those with a hard on for the end of the world. the deal makes a nuclear war less likely, not more likely.

where are you getting your information from?

You just confirmed what he said.
Do you actually think iran is going to try and produce nukes at the pre approved sites?
Of course they wont,they'll start a new site and if we ask to inspect it they'll just move everything while we bicker about access.
It should be interesting to see how quickly the Saudi's get a nuke.
They already have nukes. They bought them from India about 4 years ago. Explain why dozens of little brown E. Indians leave a segregated gated compound in TKSA every few days by bus with heavy security then return a few days later for the last few years.
They aren't fucking tourists.
The stupid folks don't realize that the US bought 8 to 10 years down the road before a nuclear conflagration could possibly begin.

If there had been no deal, Iran would have had nukes within 10 months, leaving Israel almost no choice except to attack Iran.

Saudi Arabia is now edging toward Israel, because Iran backs Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, the rebels in Yemen, etc. This may lead to an Israeli-Saudi attack through proxies on Iran.

But if we follow the butthead far right reactionary nonsense, like that of Bucs, we would be at war within a year.

No, reactionaries. We are not sending an army to the ME again.
Republicans and Halliburton would love a war in Iran
You're an idiot. Haliburton left Iran 100% in 2005. Haliburton has Zero financial interest in Iran.
Go read a fucking book for christ sake!
I think that its kinda funny , all the dems and libs and their kids are looking at a future of being number 2 or being equals to an Iranian 12er government , Russian communists , Chinese communists and north Korean communists . Wait till the 'Islamic state' caliphate gets some nukes . And last but not least , the nuke race is on all over the world .
What do we call that with Russia mutual self destruction. Perhaps every country should have a nuke or two

Having nukes requires responsibility, being responsible isn't stating Israel should be wiped off the map.
When is the last time they said that? And don't they always say death to America? Ic reservation but don't worry that's all talk.

Uhhhhh....Iranian Crowd Chants Death to America at Huge Revolution Rally - ABC News

You gotta love how the people act just like their government.
Screaming death to America one minute but telling the reporter you arent our enemy the next.
I don't care what 'muslims' in iran claim , checkout their religion to see how muslims think . Check out Taqiya and its use . Checkout islam and its start in about 700 ad , checkout and see who and what 'mohamad' did and said . These 'shiite' iranians that run iran are still in the 700s concerning the world in and outside 'iran' .
and of course he , mrobama is arming the Shiite 12er mullahs of 'iran' Jake . After that the USA , the west will have to deal with a nuke armed 'equal' enemy . The future ameicans and westerners can then say , thankyou mrobama !!
iran is a nation run by 'shite' 12ers , checkout their philosophy Ogiblim . They want the return of the hidden imam and are liable to hasten it through use of nukes .
who are you getting your information from?
and let's pretend you're right, and that all iran wants to do is end the world with a nuke (they don't, that's retarded)

i guess it'd be a good thing then that we got them to agree to a deal that reduces their stockpiles of enriched uranium and allows inspections, huh?
well here is one place Ogiblim --- sorry wrong link --- and a ways down in the info article you will find the the guys that run 'iran' are Shiites of the '12er' persuasion . And these 12ers are the guys that mrobama is arming with nukes Ogiblim .
let's assume all your religious information is correct.
how is the president arming iran with nuclear weapons?
Wow. So...all sanctions lifted on Iran. So they can buy any weapons they want from Russia or China or N Korea. They're working on ICBMs. Hey libs...Israel is near Iran...the "IC" part of ICBM is translated in moron speak for you here: "Able to hit America".
no, the IC part stands for inter-continental. that does not mean they would be able to hit america.
And...when we get to "inspect" Irans nuke sites...they get 14 days to accept or deny the inspection request...and 24 days notice before the actual inspection. So...38 days to prep for an inspection.
none of that is true. inspectors have 24/7 access to known nuclear sites. we have access to the mines. if we suspect an additional site we can request access, iran has ten days to respond, and if they appeal the decision goes to the negotiators of the deal for arbitration - if access is granted (we will always have the 5 votes needed) the maximum amount of time would be 24 days from start to finish. guess what our intelligence operations would be doing during that time?
Obama just guaranteed a nuclear exchange in the Mid East. Either Iran nukes Israel....or....Israel hits Iran before they get a chance to...which will result in WW3. some 25 year shelf life food. Surplus water. A few guns and ammo and basic medical supplies. Some batteries and flash lights. Over the next 5-10 years...better save up a steady supply closet.

It wont be tomorrow. Or even next year. But nuclear war in the ME is coming. Hell...didnt the Bible mention this? Hmmmm. Revelations 8:7-13
gotta love those with a hard on for the end of the world. the deal makes a nuclear war less likely, not more likely.

where are you getting your information from?

So you're saying our ICBMs cant reach overseas?
funny that you ignore the rest.

i'm saying that an icbm does not necessarily have to have the range to hit the united states from iran.

now why don't you tell us where you're getting your erroneous information about the deal?
The stupid folks don't realize that the US bought 8 to 10 years down the road before a nuclear conflagration could possibly begin.

If there had been no deal, Iran would have had nukes within 10 months, leaving Israel almost no choice except to attack Iran.

Saudi Arabia is now edging toward Israel, because Iran backs Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, the rebels in Yemen, etc. This may lead to an Israeli-Saudi attack through proxies on Iran.

But if we follow the butthead far right reactionary nonsense, like that of Bucs, we would be at war within a year.

No, reactionaries. We are not sending an army to the ME again.
Republicans and Halliburton would love a war in Iran
You're an idiot. Haliburton left Iran 100% in 2005. Haliburton has Zero financial interest in Iran.
Go read a fucking book for christ sake!

Use YOUR brain. Halliburton makes profits during wars. An invasion of Iran will fatten their coffers and Cheney's "hidden" interest.

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