So the JR emails..

"your making intent. disregard the goddamn email he sent back"
he sent back an email that 99.9% of candidates would send back. And you're losing your shorts over that. wow.

At least he didn't bleach his server once questions started circulating. With nothing to defend such action or what those emails might actually had contained, you would have to be a complete idiot to make such a political move. At least someone had nothing strongly incriminating they'd rather run and hide from.
Are you insane? The e-mails state that the Russian Government wants to support Trump. And, by going to the meeting, Don Jr. demonstrated that he was will to commit treason to further his father's political ambition.

only in your mind dip shit


you dumb fuckers will never learn
the Trump campaign, welcomed assistance from the Russian Government that could influence our his father's favor

THAT is what the emails released showed.

whether this woman was or was not a lawyer for the Russian govt matters naught, the emails state that she was a gvt agent and instead of notifying the FBI as he should have to put our Nation first, he agreed to meet the lawyer agent of the Kremlin for the dirt on the dnc and hillary.

to any, normal human being, any American who cares about their Country, that is disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
What did the NY Times do with negative operation research on Trump gathered from a foreign entity? They published it the next day before it could even be verified.
Was the British government involved? No, they were not.
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.
Good thing Jr never met with any govt rep and no information changed hands. If that would have happened snowflakes might have had something....
we don't really know what happened in the meeting, we don't have the follow up emails from it.

BUT what we do have, even if no law was Trump campaigners, ready, willing and able to break the law and work with a foreign enemy of the USA and what we do have is the evidence that Trump has been lying all along about having no connections or meetings with the Russians....

God and karma will never fail us...eventually, He lets the liar's lies catch up with them and the truth will be known by those seeking it...
Did I claim ANYTHING was against the law? Stop injecting a narrative into my statements. I said they lied, it was more than none disclosure, they have all made statements for months that there was no contact with the Russians. Jr even called it a disgusting claim.

was this lawyer a representative of the Russian government?

so far it has not been proven that she was/is

if that continues to be the case, then your outrage over "lies" is misplaced
the emails state the lawyer they were to meet, worked for the Russian government who wanted to help Trump win...

so whether she was or was not an agent for the Russians, JR, Kushner and manafort BELIEVED she worked for the Russian government and set up the meeting to get the ''dirt'' anyway...
The narrative has gone from "Trump had nothing to do with Russia" to "Nothing they've done is illegal."
Those emails blew mind
Like, what else did they do?

That's the question.

There's no evidence yet that they've done anything illegal.

But there have now been at least four members of Trump's campaign that met with Russian officials or representatives during the campaign.

The narrative has gone from "Trump had nothing to do with Russia" to "Nothing they've done is illegal."
Those emails blew mind
Like, what else did they do?

That's the question.

There's no evidence yet that they've done anything illegal.

But there have now been at least four members of Trump's campaign that met with Russian officials or representatives during the campaign.

Agreed. I can understand sessions. That was basically irrelevant. But the rest? Come on..
Makes me wonder if flynns firing was to save face?
Idk man. I'm trying to keep my mind as open as possible. So much bullshit out there from both sides.. But it has my mind wondering.. Two days ago it wasn't.
guess junior just released the full chain of the emails


doesn't look good for the

fake news industry
Are you insane? The e-mails state that the Russian Government wants to support Trump. And, by going to the meeting, Don Jr. demonstrated that he was will to commit treason to further his father's political ambition.

only in your mind dip shit


you dumb fuckers will never learn
the Trump campaign, welcomed assistance from the Russian Government that could influence our his father's favor

THAT is what the emails released showed.

whether this woman was or was not a lawyer for the Russian govt matters naught, the emails state that she was a gvt agent and instead of notifying the FBI as he should have to put our Nation first, he agreed to meet the lawyer agent of the Kremlin for the dirt on the dnc and hillary.

to any, normal human being, any American who cares about their Country, that is disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
What did the NY Times do with negative operation research on Trump gathered from a foreign entity? They published it the next day before it could even be verified.
Was the British government involved? No, they were not.
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

so what it is not a crime to hear someone out

STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

the Russian government did not send any of the emails

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

bunch of bs

like all the other leftarded"gotcha moments"

this too will die on the vine

much leftist sadness and letdown will occur

Talking to the Russians is the same as taking a contribution, donation expenditure, independent expenditure or a disbursement? Really?

§ 110.20 Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals
opposition research is quite expensive, ask any campaign.... there is a ''value'' to it.
So now information is a "thing?" Wow the lengths you folks will go too bad you didn't when Clinton attacked Waco or hid the Rose Law Firm billing records. Law didn't seem to matter much to the left back then, and never does when it effects them.
Yes, if he did receive opposition research, it would have been "of value, a thing of value''

that is a lame stretch of the imagination
Are you insane? The e-mails state that the Russian Government wants to support Trump. And, by going to the meeting, Don Jr. demonstrated that he was will to commit treason to further his father's political ambition.

only in your mind dip shit


you dumb fuckers will never learn
the Trump campaign, welcomed assistance from the Russian Government that could influence our his father's favor

THAT is what the emails released showed.

whether this woman was or was not a lawyer for the Russian govt matters naught, the emails state that she was a gvt agent and instead of notifying the FBI as he should have to put our Nation first, he agreed to meet the lawyer agent of the Kremlin for the dirt on the dnc and hillary.

to any, normal human being, any American who cares about their Country, that is disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
What did the NY Times do with negative operation research on Trump gathered from a foreign entity? They published it the next day before it could even be verified.
Was the British government involved? No, they were not.
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

so what it is not a crime to hear someone out

STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

the Russian government did not send any of the emails

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

bunch of bs

like all the other leftarded"gotcha moments"

this too will die on the vine

much leftist sadness and letdown will occur
Why did Kushner LIE on his security clearance form regarding this meeting and two other meetings with Russians?
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.

i used to say

if you wanted to know what Rush was saying on his show

ask a libtard because they are always tuned into his show

now i see they even lie about what he says
only in your mind dip shit


you dumb fuckers will never learn
the Trump campaign, welcomed assistance from the Russian Government that could influence our his father's favor

THAT is what the emails released showed.

whether this woman was or was not a lawyer for the Russian govt matters naught, the emails state that she was a gvt agent and instead of notifying the FBI as he should have to put our Nation first, he agreed to meet the lawyer agent of the Kremlin for the dirt on the dnc and hillary.

to any, normal human being, any American who cares about their Country, that is disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
What did the NY Times do with negative operation research on Trump gathered from a foreign entity? They published it the next day before it could even be verified.
Was the British government involved? No, they were not.
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

so what it is not a crime to hear someone out

STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

the Russian government did not send any of the emails

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

bunch of bs

like all the other leftarded"gotcha moments"

this too will die on the vine

much leftist sadness and letdown will occur
Why did Kushner LIE on his security clearance form regarding this meeting and two other meetings with Russians?

you have not been factual about anything yet

post the info
I had to catch up reading, instead I came right to this page and I now have seen the light. Trump is the greatest President of all times. It came to me at work, what a better way to get a civil war started amongst all the left and right, killing our neighbors and used to be good friends. What better way to be King of the U.S.? Damn the guy is smart.
the Trump campaign, welcomed assistance from the Russian Government that could influence our his father's favor

THAT is what the emails released showed.

whether this woman was or was not a lawyer for the Russian govt matters naught, the emails state that she was a gvt agent and instead of notifying the FBI as he should have to put our Nation first, he agreed to meet the lawyer agent of the Kremlin for the dirt on the dnc and hillary.

to any, normal human being, any American who cares about their Country, that is disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
Was the British government involved? No, they were not.
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

so what it is not a crime to hear someone out

STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

the Russian government did not send any of the emails

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

bunch of bs

like all the other leftarded"gotcha moments"

this too will die on the vine

much leftist sadness and letdown will occur
Why did Kushner LIE on his security clearance form regarding this meeting and two other meetings with Russians?

you have not been factual about anything yet

post the info
my oh my are you very uninformed!
google is your friend!
i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

so what it is not a crime to hear someone out

STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer

the Russian government did not send any of the emails

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

bunch of bs

like all the other leftarded"gotcha moments"

this too will die on the vine

much leftist sadness and letdown will occur
Why did Kushner LIE on his security clearance form regarding this meeting and two other meetings with Russians?

you have not been factual about anything yet

post the info
my oh my are you very uninformed!
google is your friend!

like i said you are just spouting non facts

post the info
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.
still don't know how you get there. the material was said to have come from them. there was never any mention of meeting with Russians. you post up that quote bubba.
Directly from Jr's email communication that set up the meeting:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
well that wasn't Jr's email, that was his friends email. wow, you all can't get the fking story straight to save your own asses.
Wait so you're saying that Jr wasn't aware of that statement in the email prior to the meeting? Are you really saying that?

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