So the JR emails..

But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.

I can maybe buy this as likely

but again, so what?

I would want to know as well.

If YOU were running against the incumbent for Sheriff of Bumblefuck County in East Tennessee & someone called you (or emailed you) and told you that they had a video of the current Sheriff getting a blowjob in the lockup from a transvestite that wound up not getting charged for a DUI - would you meet that person?

I sure as hell would...

Would that make you "guilty of wanting to collude" with anyone about anything?

Seriously - it seems people have lost their collective minds - Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL!!!

anyway, like I said earlier, if anything, THIS situation PROVES that there was either:

a) no collusion between Trump's camp and the Russian government (why meet if we already have a source?)


b) Trump Jr & Kushner were not in on any collusion that was taking place

just going by common sense...
So now information is a "thing?" Wow the lengths you folks will go too bad you didn't when Clinton attacked Waco or hid the Rose Law Firm billing records. Law didn't seem to matter much to the left back then, and never does when it effects them.
Yes, if he did receive opposition research, it would have been "of value, a thing of value''
I started a thread explaining that law. It is MONETARY value
Oposition research costs campaigns or PACS A LOT of money....there is a monetary value to getting 'dirt on the DNC or Hillary"
now you are spinning the law for agenda. Good day, hack.
no I am not, I'm just repeating what all the lawyers and law scholars have said on this in the news....maybe you should try watching or reading up on it instead of recklessly mouthing off your own pinheaded partisan view....?
The LEGAL interpretation of that law is MONETARY VALUE. You could spin that any way you want. But it doesnt change the laws intent. I made a thread that explained this. I posted links. Maybe you could take it up with those law professors :)
Hacks hate laws when it isnt convenient. They spin what they want. They ignore what they want. Pathetic
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.

I can maybe buy this as likely

but again, so what?

I would want to know as well.

If YOU were running against the incumbent for Sheriff of Bumblefuck County in East Tennessee & someone called you (or emailed you) and told you that they had a video of the current Sheriff getting a blowjob in the lockup from a transvestite that wound up not getting charged for a DUI - would you meet that person?

I sure as hell would...

Would that make you "guilty of wanting to collude" with anyone about anything?

Seriously - it seems people have lost their collective minds - Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL!!!

anyway, like I said earlier, if anything, THIS situation PROVES that there was either:

a) no collusion between Trump's camp and the Russian government (why meet if we already have a source?)


b) Trump Jr & Kushner were not in on any collusion that was taking place

just going by common sense...

It's the Russian government. Do you get why that is important?
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.

I can maybe buy this as likely

but again, so what?

I would want to know as well.

If YOU were running against the incumbent for Sheriff of Bumblefuck County in East Tennessee & someone called you (or emailed you) and told you that they had a video of the current Sheriff getting a blowjob in the lockup from a transvestite that wound up not getting charged for a DUI - would you meet that person?

I sure as hell would...

Would that make you "guilty of wanting to collude" with anyone about anything?

Seriously - it seems people have lost their collective minds - Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL!!!

anyway, like I said earlier, if anything, THIS situation PROVES that there was either:

a) no collusion between Trump's camp and the Russian government (why meet if we already have a source?)


b) Trump Jr & Kushner were not in on any collusion that was taking place

just going by common sense...
The rest is purely subjective man. My only point was that he was willing to collude.
I have yet to see a law that tells me different. The leftist are coming up with some crazy shit but NONE of it seems applicable.
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Yes, if he did receive opposition research, it would have been "of value, a thing of value''
I started a thread explaining that law. It is MONETARY value
Oposition research costs campaigns or PACS A LOT of money....there is a monetary value to getting 'dirt on the DNC or Hillary"
now you are spinning the law for agenda. Good day, hack.
no I am not, I'm just repeating what all the lawyers and law scholars have said on this in the news....maybe you should try watching or reading up on it instead of recklessly mouthing off your own pinheaded partisan view....?
The LEGAL interpretation of that law is MONETARY VALUE. You could spin that any way you want. But it doesnt change the laws intent. I made a thread that explained this. I posted links. Maybe you could take it up with those law professors :)
Hacks hate laws when it isnt convenient. They spin what they want. They ignore what they want. Pathetic

No. Anything of value. Including services.
Did I claim ANYTHING was against the law? Stop injecting a narrative into my statements. I said they lied, it was more than none disclosure, they have all made statements for months that there was no contact with the Russians. Jr even called it a disgusting claim.

was this lawyer a representative of the Russian government?

so far it has not been proven that she was/is

if that continues to be the case, then your outrage over "lies" is misplaced
Thats not the point JC. The point is, he was willing to COLLUDE WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
That is MY point anyways.

being willing to listen to damaging info from someone =/= being "willing to collude"

seriously - what was offered in return? where did he demonstrate that he was willing to engage in a conspiracy?

what was illegal? who was cheated? who was deceived? what evidence has anyone shown that demonstrates that Trump Jr actually broke a law?
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
I never said the dude was smart, I merely stated you have no idea his intentions. you would know them if there had actually been documents. but there wasn't. so again, speculation is for other things that actually happen.

Have you even entertained the possibility that she told them about the DNC hack during this meeting?
have you even entertained the possibility there was never anything there? that it was a set up?
it could have been a set up imo, by the Russians, to see how open the Trump campaign would be to breaking our election laws and aide and abet the foreign enemy in return for their dirt.... The Russians were overjoyed that the Trump campaign did not notify the FBI, and they set up the meeting...

NOW, my question is.... what was the next contact they had with the Russians and what did they do to aid the enemy with their mission?

Also what did the follow up emails say AFTER their meeting...we or Mueller needs those follow up emails....
no, you said he was meeting with the russian federation and that just is fake as winnie the pooh.
No, I didnt say that. I said The russian govt wanted to help and he got excited. Then i said the emails said the russian federation wanted to help his dad. Nothing was said about him meeting with their govt.
ok, so you're going to tell me that you wouldn't be interested in what was out there about your dad's opponent? ohhhhhh-kay. Where do all these anonymous sources come from then. They call someone and say hey, Ive got this incremenating information that will take down 'x'. We know that 33K worth of emails were illegally deleted. emails that were supposed to be US government and got deleted. see now that is a crime. jail time crime. M
Thats not the point JC. The point is, he was willing to COLLUDE WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
That is MY point anyways.
you have no evidence of that at all. none. all you have is him agreeing to meet someone to take a look. that isn't collusion, he never wrote what he'd do with it if he got it. so dude, you're flat out fking wrong. WRONG!!!! unless of course you also are a fking Gawd.
I cant do this with you anymore. Good day.
again, being willing to meet with someone does not constitute willingness to collude
No, I didnt say that. I said The russian govt wanted to help and he got excited. Then i said the emails said the russian federation wanted to help his dad. Nothing was said about him meeting with their govt.
ok, so you're going to tell me that you wouldn't be interested in what was out there about your dad's opponent? ohhhhhh-kay. Where do all these anonymous sources come from then. They call someone and say hey, Ive got this incremenating information that will take down 'x'. We know that 33K worth of emails were illegally deleted. emails that were supposed to be US government and got deleted. see now that is a crime. jail time crime. M
Thats not the point JC. The point is, he was willing to COLLUDE WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
That is MY point anyways.
you have no evidence of that at all. none. all you have is him agreeing to meet someone to take a look. that isn't collusion, he never wrote what he'd do with it if he got it. so dude, you're flat out fking wrong. WRONG!!!! unless of course you also are a fking Gawd.
I cant do this with you anymore. Good day.
again, being willing to meet with someone does not constitute willingness to collude
He KNEW it was the russian federation doing it. He KNEW it was because they wanted to help him.
The very definition of collusion is a secret cooperation in order to deceive or cheat.
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.

I can maybe buy this as likely

but again, so what?

I would want to know as well.

If YOU were running against the incumbent for Sheriff of Bumblefuck County in East Tennessee & someone called you (or emailed you) and told you that they had a video of the current Sheriff getting a blowjob in the lockup from a transvestite that wound up not getting charged for a DUI - would you meet that person?

I sure as hell would...

Would that make you "guilty of wanting to collude" with anyone about anything?

Seriously - it seems people have lost their collective minds - Trump Derangement Syndrome is REAL!!!

anyway, like I said earlier, if anything, THIS situation PROVES that there was either:

a) no collusion between Trump's camp and the Russian government (why meet if we already have a source?)


b) Trump Jr & Kushner were not in on any collusion that was taking place

just going by common sense...
The rest is purely subjective man. My only point was that he was willing to collude.
I have yet to see a law that tells me different. The leftist are coming up with some crazy shit but NONE of it seems applicable.
but you would

want to see the video

of the sheriff getting a BJ from a tranny - right?

I know I would...

anyway - I believe that the lawyers are all saying no laws were broken because nothing of value was offered in return for the info from Trump Jr

bottom like?

THIS is not the silver bullet that will bring Trump down

time to discuss policy maybe?
ok, so you're going to tell me that you wouldn't be interested in what was out there about your dad's opponent? ohhhhhh-kay. Where do all these anonymous sources come from then. They call someone and say hey, Ive got this incremenating information that will take down 'x'. We know that 33K worth of emails were illegally deleted. emails that were supposed to be US government and got deleted. see now that is a crime. jail time crime. M
Thats not the point JC. The point is, he was willing to COLLUDE WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
That is MY point anyways.
you have no evidence of that at all. none. all you have is him agreeing to meet someone to take a look. that isn't collusion, he never wrote what he'd do with it if he got it. so dude, you're flat out fking wrong. WRONG!!!! unless of course you also are a fking Gawd.
I cant do this with you anymore. Good day.
again, being willing to meet with someone does not constitute willingness to collude
He KNEW it was the russian federation doing it. He KNEW it was because they wanted to help him.
The very definition of collusion is a secret cooperation in order to deceive or cheat.

Yes. It is. Even if they didn't get a morsel of info (and who would buy that?), they met with a person they thought (and likely was) was representing the Kremlin with the purpose of getting opposition research which would help their campaign.

Intent to collude.
He KNEW it was the russian federation doing it. He KNEW it was because they wanted to help him.
The very definition of collusion is a secret cooperation in order to deceive or cheat.

he believed it was the Russian Govt - OK

YES, exactly, to deceive or cheat - how does that apply here?

where is the deception?

who was cheated?

and what value was offered in exchange for this info?

Trump Jr won't face legal jeopardy here...
He KNEW it was the russian federation doing it. He KNEW it was because they wanted to help him.
The very definition of collusion is a secret cooperation in order to deceive or cheat.

he believed it was the Russian Govt - OK

YES, exactly, to deceive or cheat - how does that apply here?

where is the deception?

who was cheated?

and what value was offered in exchange for this info?

Trump Jr won't face legal jeopardy here...
They said he had dirt on her for her dealings in russia.
Of course he wont. He didnt break any laws.
They said he had dirt on her for her dealings in russia.
Of course he wont. He didnt break any laws.

we are tripping over semantics here, I think

I can see an argument for collusion here, but I don't think it holds water because no one was cheated or deceived; plus, nothing of value was promised (or even alleged to have been promised) in return for info

the only way to successfully argue true collusion, one would have to prove that an expectation of a "quid pro quo" was there

to do that, you have to be a mind reader

if this were tried in court, just to prove collusion, or "willingness to collude" - it would be a really weak case that would not likely result in a conviction
He KNEW it was the russian federation doing it. He KNEW it was because they wanted to help him.
The very definition of collusion is a secret cooperation in order to deceive or cheat.

he believed it was the Russian Govt - OK

YES, exactly, to deceive or cheat - how does that apply here?

where is the deception?

who was cheated?

and what value was offered in exchange for this info?

Trump Jr won't face legal jeopardy here...
They said he had dirt on her for her dealings in russia.
Of course he wont. He didnt break any laws.

He didn't?
They said he had dirt on her for her dealings in russia.
Of course he wont. He didnt break any laws.

we are tripping over semantics here, I think

I can see an argument for collusion here, but I don't think it holds water because no one was cheated or deceived; plus, nothing of value was promised (or even alleged to have been promised) in return for info

the only way to successfully argue true collusion, one would have to prove that an expectation of a "quid pro quo" was there

to do that, you have to be a mind reader

if this were tried in court, just to prove collusion, or "willingness to collude" - it would be a really weak case that would not likely result in a conviction

You know that nothing was promised in return for info? How do you know this?
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
accept that the Wikileak's owner said it came from a DNC insider. and wouldn't yo know, Seth Rich is suddenly murdered. hmmmmm. you got more nothing burger ACE!
And why wouldn't WikiLies try to cover for their Russian sources?????
why would they cover for them? why is seth rich dead after they came out and after wikileaks stated it was from a DNC insider? you tell me, it's your game
Because they do not want to reveal their real sources. DUH!
but because you're the smartest human being on the planet you know it was the russians. ARE ......YOU .....A......GAWD?
Compared to YOU I am!!!
If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
accept that the Wikileak's owner said it came from a DNC insider. and wouldn't yo know, Seth Rich is suddenly murdered. hmmmmm. you got more nothing burger ACE!
And why wouldn't WikiLies try to cover for their Russian sources?????
why would they cover for them? why is seth rich dead after they came out and after wikileaks stated it was from a DNC insider? you tell me, it's your game
Why would the DNC need him dead? Only the ones working with the thief would need him dead, to hide their identities and the Trump campaign, or the Russians...

the DNC needed him arrested and alive, so they could find out who he was working with...if seth were the thief...

ALSO, seth worked for the DNC, NOT THE HILLARY CAMPAIGN OR PODESTA, so please tell us oh wise one...who hacked and stole the Podesta emails? Could not have been Seth....he had no inside access and also...he was dead two months before the Podesta emails were leaked.

Time to put your head on straight.

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