So the JR emails..

still don't know how you get there. the material was said to have come from them. there was never any mention of meeting with Russians. you post up that quote bubba.
Directly from Jr's email communication that set up the meeting:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
well that wasn't Jr's email, that was his friends email. wow, you all can't get the fking story straight to save your own asses.
OMG man
Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) | Twitter
well the original email was from Rob Goldstone and that was his message. not Jr.s. you wrote that like he wrote that. he didn't. Note it states Jun 3, 2016 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote. that came to Jr. he did not originate that. It is not his email.

View attachment 138464
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
The emails said the russian federation wanted to help his dad. Its in the emails he tweeted yesterday.
no, you said he was meeting with the russian federation and that just is fake as winnie the pooh.
No, I didnt say that. I said The russian govt wanted to help and he got excited. Then i said the emails said the russian federation wanted to help his dad. Nothing was said about him meeting with their govt.
ok, so you're going to tell me that you wouldn't be interested in what was out there about your dad's opponent? ohhhhhh-kay. Where do all these anonymous sources come from then. They call someone and say hey, Ive got this incremenating information that will take down 'x'. We know that 33K worth of emails were illegally deleted. emails that were supposed to be US government and got deleted. see now that is a crime. jail time crime. M
Thats not the point JC. The point is, he was willing to COLLUDE WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
That is MY point anyways.
you have no evidence of that at all. none. all you have is him agreeing to meet someone to take a look. that isn't collusion, he never wrote what he'd do with it if he got it. so dude, you're flat out fking wrong. WRONG!!!! unless of course you also are a fking Gawd.
I cant do this with you anymore. Good day.
There are actually Americans who are defending Donald Jr after he went out of his way to meet Russians to hurt a candidate running for office? Wow wow wow I'm speechless.
Directly from Jr's email communication that set up the meeting:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
well that wasn't Jr's email, that was his friends email. wow, you all can't get the fking story straight to save your own asses.
OMG man
Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) | Twitter
well the original email was from Rob Goldstone and that was his message. not Jr.s. you wrote that like he wrote that. he didn't. Note it states Jun 3, 2016 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote. that came to Jr. he did not originate that. It is not his email.

View attachment 138464
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
Willfull ignorance. There is no other explanation.

TNHarley doesn't want to believe that Jr. would work with the Ktemlin but he has no choice. He's got all these freaks who respect him from past partisanship who are now perplexed as to how he can be so stupid all of a sudden.

And this one, jc456 thinks Clinton had Seth Rich killed. So awesome.
It just shows how willing he was to collude with them. He didnt break any laws.
But Jr himself said she talked about hillary. Then she said she never had an intention of doing it.
Someone is lying.

maybe someone is lying

but I don't see a connection with this & "willingness to collude"

we have had non-stop coverage of "Russians" for months on end, with ZERO evidence

this situation?

again, someone contacted Trump Jr with a promise of info

why not check it out? I see no issue here

the ONLY issue is he failed to disclose this meeting, to that I say SO WHAT

there is nothing to this "muh Russians" story - looking for an issue here is grasping at straws

there never should have been a need to list meetings - this seems like a nuisance meeting anyway

but I will reiterate 1 point - being willing to meet someone who promises dirt on a foe is not proof of a "willingness to collude"

if, as some sources indicate, this meeting was set up by dem operatives, then entrapment may be a real issue - for the dems
no, you said he was meeting with the russian federation and that just is fake as winnie the pooh.
No, I didnt say that. I said The russian govt wanted to help and he got excited. Then i said the emails said the russian federation wanted to help his dad. Nothing was said about him meeting with their govt.
ok, so you're going to tell me that you wouldn't be interested in what was out there about your dad's opponent? ohhhhhh-kay. Where do all these anonymous sources come from then. They call someone and say hey, Ive got this incremenating information that will take down 'x'. We know that 33K worth of emails were illegally deleted. emails that were supposed to be US government and got deleted. see now that is a crime. jail time crime. M
Thats not the point JC. The point is, he was willing to COLLUDE WITH THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
That is MY point anyways.
you have no evidence of that at all. none. all you have is him agreeing to meet someone to take a look. that isn't collusion, he never wrote what he'd do with it if he got it. so dude, you're flat out fking wrong. WRONG!!!! unless of course you also are a fking Gawd.
I cant do this with you anymore. Good day.
again, you're making intent. you don't have the ability to know what his intentions ever were except to meet to find out what was there. that's it. you making anymore out of it gives the impression you think you are a gawd. sorry bubba. but you're insane.
It just shows how willing he was to collude with them. He didnt break any laws.
But Jr himself said she talked about hillary. Then she said she never had an intention of doing it.
Someone is lying.

maybe someone is lying

but I don't see a connection with this & "willingness to collude"

we have had non-stop coverage of "Russians" for months on end, with ZERO evidence

this situation?

again, someone contacted Trump Jr with a promise of info

why not check it out? I see no issue here

the ONLY issue is he failed to disclose this meeting, to that I say SO WHAT

there is nothing to this "muh Russians" story - looking for an issue here is grasping at straws

there never should have been a need to list meetings - this seems like a nuisance meeting anyway

but I will reiterate 1 point - being willing to meet someone who promises dirt on a foe is not proof of a "willingness to collude"

if, as some sources indicate, this meeting was set up by dem operatives, then entrapment may be a real issue - for the dems
Willing to collude with the russian govt doesnt include high level and sensitive info from the russian govt because they want to help his dad with dirt on his opponent?
He even stated he fucked up. Why cant everyone else?
"your making intent. disregard the goddamn email he sent back"
well that wasn't Jr's email, that was his friends email. wow, you all can't get the fking story straight to save your own asses.
OMG man
Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) | Twitter
well the original email was from Rob Goldstone and that was his message. not Jr.s. you wrote that like he wrote that. he didn't. Note it states Jun 3, 2016 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote. that came to Jr. he did not originate that. It is not his email.

View attachment 138464
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
I never said the dude was smart, I merely stated you have no idea his intentions. you would know them if there had actually been documents. but there wasn't. so again, speculation is for other things that actually happen.
TNHarley is getting a good taste of what it's like dealing with people who won't accept facts in this thread.
what fact have I not agreed to? come on smart ass, quote me something that wasn't with his facts.

Are you saying you know what his intentions were as well?
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?

So he released all the emails why?
I dont know Crixus..

Me neither, so I am left to assume some things. Number one being that Jr. diddnt feel anything wrong was happening. Look at the pattern from the day Trump said he was running. Every Friday the one thing that was going to sink him gets pasted all over the news. Can anyone point to one convictable offence after almost 5 months of scandals, Russian intrigue and so on. If the haters had the beef they would bring it. They have not. Matter of fact, all the convicting has been done in the press, not in court. No laws broken even after "evidence" has been presented every weekend since Trump got there. Not saying he is free and clear, but going by the record of the people making the accusation Trump is more believable for now in my opinion.

Here is the difference, when Hillary's emails turned up, there was key specifics used as evidence during every step of the investigation, to include the bleaching of a server by the accused. They even named the home of Senator Anthony Weiner through his wife, where the emails physically turned up (not probably, may have, or the remote possibility through assumption ... DID!) Thise emails led to a quick examination of what they were. With Trump we have seen CNN and New York Times giving rumored beliefs or speculation maybes from unnamed sources (because no one would want to be tied to this crap), that after seven months went nowhere. No evidence, bo documents, not one indictment against Trumo. CNN then later admitted by rebroadcasting the story of Russian collusion, they were STRUCTLY going after the purpose of ratings over anything really circumstantial. Nothing is sticking, and how many months now since it was announced that Trump is the winning candidate?

Never in the history of our nation, with talks of RESIST by a losing sour contender, has the media and the opposing party come across like kicking and screaming 2 year olds throwing a tantrum fit. All that's become evident here is liberal democrats sure hate losing their power and influence in government!
This meeting could have been a set up. HOWEVER, JR KNEW it was from the russian govt. He knew it was sensitive. He knew the russian govt wanted to help his dad. He was willing to work with a foreign govt.
JR posted the emails that prove that. JR himself said he fucked up.
Is there a secret email chain from JR to his dads supporters that i dont know about?
Is trump Jr part of the deep state treason to overthrow our president? :dunno:
well the original email was from Rob Goldstone and that was his message. not Jr.s. you wrote that like he wrote that. he didn't. Note it states Jun 3, 2016 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote. that came to Jr. he did not originate that. It is not his email.

View attachment 138464
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
I never said the dude was smart, I merely stated you have no idea his intentions. you would know them if there had actually been documents. but there wasn't. so again, speculation is for other things that actually happen.

Have you even entertained the possibility that she told them about the DNC hack during this meeting?
well the original email was from Rob Goldstone and that was his message. not Jr.s. you wrote that like he wrote that. he didn't. Note it states Jun 3, 2016 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote. that came to Jr. he did not originate that. It is not his email.

View attachment 138464
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
I never said the dude was smart, I merely stated you have no idea his intentions. you would know them if there had actually been documents. but there wasn't. so again, speculation is for other things that actually happen.

Have you even entertained the possibility that she told them about the DNC hack during this meeting?
have you even entertained the possibility there was never anything there? that it was a set up?
opposition research is quite expensive, ask any campaign.... there is a ''value'' to it.
So now information is a "thing?" Wow the lengths you folks will go too bad you didn't when Clinton attacked Waco or hid the Rose Law Firm billing records. Law didn't seem to matter much to the left back then, and never does when it effects them.
Yes, if he did receive opposition research, it would have been "of value, a thing of value''
I started a thread explaining that law. It is MONETARY value
Oposition research costs campaigns or PACS A LOT of money....there is a monetary value to getting 'dirt on the DNC or Hillary"
now you are spinning the law for agenda. Good day, hack.
no I am not, I'm just repeating what all the lawyers and law scholars have said on this in the news....maybe you should try watching or reading up on it instead of recklessly mouthing off your own pinheaded partisan view....?
Indeed. He was sending it to Junior.
Are you following what i am saying?
Dude emailed jr and told him the russian govt had info for him because they wanted to help trump. Jr says he loves it and is willing to collude with them.
Thats all their is to it.
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
I never said the dude was smart, I merely stated you have no idea his intentions. you would know them if there had actually been documents. but there wasn't. so again, speculation is for other things that actually happen.

Have you even entertained the possibility that she told them about the DNC hack during this meeting?
have you even entertained the possibility there was never anything there? that it was a set up?

A set up? No.

That she didn't give them any info? No.

They met with agents of the Russian government in order to get opposition info on Clinton. This we know.

What they got has yet to be determined.

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