So the JR emails..

For one, the woman isn't Russian. She's Ukrainian. The email stated there was information against Clinton that may be of interest to the Trump campaign. In other words, opposition information which is disseminated by questionable people in the every election.

NO, seek opposition information from a FOREIGN representative IS against the law......Look it up (and then wipe your tears.)
post it.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
There has been no collusion, period.

Well, you heard (read) it here folks......The entire mess is obviously "settled".......LOL
it was settled thirteen months ago. cause there is nothing but a nothing burger out there.

You guys sure are anxious for all this to go away when we've just scratched the surface.

Meeting With Russian Lawyer Just Latest Alarming Revelation About Jared Kushner

As attention focuses on Donald Trump Jr. for meeting with a Kremlin-connected lawyer to obtain negative information about Hillary Clinton, it’s easy to overlook how damaging and embarrassing the episode is for Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and one of his closest advisers.

Kushner attended the June 2016 meeting in New York, along with Trump’s then-campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Kushner’s lawyers recently discovered he failed to disclose it on a form he submitted to obtain a security clearance, according to The New York Times. Last Saturday, the Times broke the story on the meeting.

Trump Jr. told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday night that Kushner attended the meeting with the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, for just a few minutes before he left.

Kushner’s lawyers reportedly have amended his security clearance form to disclose the meeting. But that wasn’t the only such omission by Kushner.

He maintains a security clearance even though he failed to mention multiple meetings with Russian officials on the form he submitted before the Trump administration took office. Those meetings were with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the U.S., and the head of a Russian-owned bank.

Knowingly omitting such information is a crime; Kushner’s lawyer has said the omissions were just an error.

Yea, just an error. So now how many Trumpets does that make with shaddy connections with Russia?
Also raising questions about Kushner’s security clearance is a McClatchy report detailing investigations in Congress and by the Justice Department into whether the Trump campaign’s digital team, overseen by Kushner, directed Russian operatives to key states. McClatchy reported DOJ investigators are skeptical that Russians spreading fake news would have known the areas to target on their own.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Wednesday called on Kushner to resign, saying he knowingly allowed Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to falsely say that no one in their campaign had contacts with Russian officials.

No Senator, Trump and Pence lied.

“You don’t think the Republicans would be calling for the resignation of an Obama official who allowed the president and vice president to openly lie about a major national security issue?” Murphy told reporters on Capitol Hill. “He watched his father-in-law on TV say no one in [Trump’s] campaign talked to the Russian government.”

Kushner “knew that was false,” Murphy said. “Either he didn’t alert the president and vice president, or there is a much bigger problem, and the president and vice president knew they were lying. There is a crisis of trust that the White House has to deal with.”
If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
Trump Jr. told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday night that Kushner attended the meeting with the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, for just a few minutes before he left.

The fact that Kushner "attended for just a few minutes" may be looked as mitigating his culpability, but NOT to exempt Kushner from it.......

Bottom line....DT-baby screwed himself AND Kushner (and manafort.)
If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
accept that the Wikileak's owner said it came from a DNC insider. and wouldn't yo know, Seth Rich is suddenly murdered. hmmmmm. you got more nothing burger ACE!
Trump Jr. told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday night that Kushner attended the meeting with the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, for just a few minutes before he left.

The fact that Kushner "attended for just a few minutes" may be looked as mitigating his culpability, but NOT to exempt Kushner from it.......

Bottom line....DT-baby screwed himself AND Kushner (and manafort.)
he did? tell us
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
The biggest deal in my eyes is the irrefutable lie that got uncovered reenforcing the fact that you can't trust anything these guys say. I didn't think the meeting was a big deal. I'd want to hear the dirt. But I guess it breaks campaign rules so there may be a violation there. I don't imagine it will be a big deal. It also shows that they knew way back then that Russia was working to help Trump, a statement that they have all been denying for months, including POTUS.
If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
accept that the Wikileak's owner said it came from a DNC insider. and wouldn't yo know, Seth Rich is suddenly murdered. hmmmmm. you got more nothing burger ACE!
And why wouldn't WikiLies try to cover for their Russian sources?????
1. If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting

NO, nitwit.......the meeting was set up just a few days AFTER trump got the nomination......Russia was waiting to see if the orange clown made it that far.
If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
accept that the Wikileak's owner said it came from a DNC insider. and wouldn't yo know, Seth Rich is suddenly murdered. hmmmmm. you got more nothing burger ACE!
And why wouldn't WikiLies try to cover for their Russian sources?????
why would they cover for them? why is seth rich dead after they came out and after wikileaks stated it was from a DNC insider? you tell me, it's your game
1. If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting

NO, nitwit.......the meeting was set up just a few days AFTER trump got the nomination......Russia was waiting to see if the orange clown made it that far.
wow seems you were in on it. so you set all this up eh? dude too funny, you got this you're the most important human on the planet kind of guy syndrome eh?
i like how all of these libs think they know what's going on. I mean you all got the syndrome, the --the most important human on the planet kind of guy syndrome eh?
Trump Jr. told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday night that Kushner attended the meeting with the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, for just a few minutes before he left.

The fact that Kushner "attended for just a few minutes" may be looked as mitigating his culpability, but NOT to exempt Kushner from it.......

Bottom line....DT-baby screwed himself AND Kushner (and manafort.)

Fact? Because that's what Jr. said?
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
The biggest deal in my eyes is the irrefutable lie that got uncovered reenforcing the fact that you can't trust anything these guys say. I didn't think the meeting was a big deal. I'd want to hear the dirt. But I guess it breaks campaign rules so there may be a violation there. I don't imagine it will be a big deal. It also shows that they knew way back then that Russia was working to help Trump, a statement that they have all been denying for months, including POTUS.
nondisclosure isn't against the law either. dude you're still bating .000 when are you going to stop swinging and missing.
If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting
Another pinhead mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie's rationalization!
The meeting was to setup the collusion that Tramp Jr said he wanted later that year, and sure enough, later that year WikiLeaks dumps the Russian dirt on Clinton.

DittoTards are too dumb to realize how stupid the stuff they parrot is.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
accept that the Wikileak's owner said it came from a DNC insider. and wouldn't yo know, Seth Rich is suddenly murdered. hmmmmm. you got more nothing burger ACE!
And why wouldn't WikiLies try to cover for their Russian sources?????
why would they cover for them? why is seth rich dead after they came out and after wikileaks stated it was from a DNC insider? you tell me, it's your game
Because they do not want to reveal their real sources. DUH!
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.

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