So the JR emails..

Boy, little treasonous cocksucks like you do not represent the American People. The e-mails definately prove malfeasance by the treasonous fat senile old orange clown and his admin.

Actually, what this whole, latest incident clearly shows is the ARROGANCE of the Trumpster gang......The false rationale that if it was OK to cheat in business, surely its also OK to cheat once the lump of lard got the nomination. ...screw the ethics and the laws.
Boy, little treasonous cocksucks like you do not represent the American People. The e-mails definately prove malfeasance by the treasonous fat senile old orange clown and his admin.
Damn I love it when your blood pressure goes up....bite me you salad tossing faggot.
That's possible, him winning fair and square. But when you've got an adversarial foreign government stealing and illegally broadcasting Opposition Research for your campaign, it's kind of hard to use the words "fair and square," don't you think?
guess what....the Russian lawyer is a democrat operative and a good friend of Schumer and McCain...oh ooooooooooooooooo there is treason here alright but it's not on Trump jr.
Was the British government involved? No, they were not
guess what....the Russian lawyer is a democrat operative and a good friend of Schumer and McCain...oh ooooooooooooooooo there is treason here alright but it's not on Trump jr.
A democrat stood up in congress and proposed making foreign interference a federal crime. Let me quote them:

There are citizens of the United States, I blush to admit, born under other flags but welcomed under our generous naturalization laws to the full freedom and opportunity of America, who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring the authority and good name of our Government into contempt, to destroy our industries wherever they thought it effective for their vindictive purposes to strike at them, and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue ...

I urge you to enact such laws at the earliest possible moment and feel that in doing so I am urging you to do nothing less than save the honor and self-respect of the nation. Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out.
guess what....the Russian lawyer is a democrat operative and a good friend of Schumer and McCain...oh ooooooooooooooooo there is treason here alright but it's not on Trump jr. The idiot bitch should have deleted her Facebook page. It shows everything. She is part of the group that came out with the fake Trump dossier. She has pictures of herself with Clinton Schumer, and many other swamp creatures.
Once again another trumped up BS story on Trump...this time some people are in big trouble.
GRANTED, it could also have the opposite effect. If they were in collusion, why did the emails even happen? Wouldnt they have already known?
That was your MessiahRushie's stupid rationalization, nice of you to parrot it. The email was the beginning of the set up of the collusion between the Tramp campaign and Russia that Tramp Jr said he wanted LATER that year. And sure enough, later that year RussiaLeaks/WikiLies starts releasing their dirt.
GRANTED, it could also have the opposite effect. If they were in collusion, why did the emails even happen? Wouldnt they have already known?
That was your MessiahRushie's stupid rationalization, nice of you to parrot it. The email was the beginning of the set up of the collusion between the Tramp campaign and Russia that Tramp Jr said he wanted LATER that year. And sure enough, later that year RussiaLeaks/WikiLies starts releasing their dirt.
Amazing how much stuff you know. Why havent you concluded your investigation?
guess what....the Russian lawyer is a democrat operative and a good friend of Schumer...oh ooooooooooooooooo there is treason here alright but it's not on Trump jr. The idiot bitch should have deleted her Facebook page. It shows everything. She is part of the group that came out with the fake Trump dossier. She has pictures of herself with Clinton Schumer, and many other swamp creatures.
Another mindless idiot parroting their MessiahRushie's lies.
Even Limpdick admitted later in his show today that that was bullshit and she was a die hard Don THE Con supporter and posted those pictures because she found them offensive.
That was your MessiahRushie's stupid rationalization, nice of you to parrot it. The email was the beginning of the set up of the collusion between the Tramp campaign and Russia that Tramp Jr said he wanted LATER that year. And sure enough, later that year RussiaLeaks/WikiLies starts releasing their dirt.
This latest BS story just hit a huge roadblock...the swamp is rushing to try and shut it down because this Russian lawyer is a democrat operative and a big Trump hating liberal...she is also too stupid to delete her Facebook page with all of the evidence on it in print and pics. Buuuuuaaaahahahahahahaha Big McCain friend too I guess because she has multiple pics of herself in his office and in Schumer's office BUUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Another mindless idiot parroting their MessiahRushie's lies.
Even Limpdick admitted later in his show today that that was bullshit and she was a die hard Don THE Con supporter and posted those pictures because she found them offensive
Check out her Facebook page dummy it's still up.
GRANTED, it could also have the opposite effect. If they were in collusion, why did the emails even happen? Wouldnt they have already known?
That was your MessiahRushie's stupid rationalization, nice of you to parrot it. The email was the beginning of the set up of the collusion between the Tramp campaign and Russia that Tramp Jr said he wanted LATER that year. And sure enough, later that year RussiaLeaks/WikiLies starts releasing their dirt.
Amazing how much stuff you know. Why havent you concluded your investigation?
Well, it is pretty obvious the email came before the collusion, and moronic to claim that the emails must have come after the collusion proving there was no collusion.
guess junior just released the full chain of the emails


doesn't look good for the

fake news industry
Are you insane? The e-mails state that the Russian Government wants to support Trump. And, by going to the meeting, Don Jr. demonstrated that he was will to commit treason to further his father's political ambition.

only in your mind dip shit


you dumb fuckers will never learn
the Trump campaign, welcomed assistance from the Russian Government that could influence our his father's favor

THAT is what the emails released showed.

whether this woman was or was not a lawyer for the Russian govt matters naught, the emails state that she was a gvt agent and instead of notifying the FBI as he should have to put our Nation first, he agreed to meet the lawyer agent of the Kremlin for the dirt on the dnc and hillary.

to any, normal human being, any American who cares about their Country, that is disturbing, to say the least! :eek:

i know you think you really got something this time

but you dont

nothing illegal took place

wanna see something even more curious

why on jun 14 2016

was she hanging out with Obama officials

The email chain specifically STATES the Russian government is sending their lawyer with some dirt on Hillary Clinton to help your father win the election
What did the NY Times do with negative operation research on Trump gathered from a foreign entity? They published it the next day before it could even be verified.
Was the British government involved? No, they were not.
He was a foreign Nationalist. Is it really that much of a difference when it comes to this? I mean... he did work for the govt.. isnt that something to consider as well?
Yes, I believe it does matter...a foreign government is not the same as a person who once worked for a foreign government...the British government did NOT hire the dossier man to influence our election.

My point is that Don junior and Manafort and Kushner were ALL WILLING to work with the Russian Government to influence our election.

Even if this was just a set up of the Russian Government to see the Trump team's reaction to it...the reaction of the Trump team was, be excited about the possibilities...Donny said, if this is true, I LOVE IT, and he also set up the meeting, and he never reported it to the FBI.

Maybe no laws were broken because she had nothing...but the Russians at that point, KNEW that the Trump team were willing to break our election laws and work with them, against the USA.
Good thing Jr never met with any govt rep and no information changed hands. If that would have happened snowflakes might have had something....
Well, it is pretty obvious the email came before the collusion, and moronic to claim that the emails must have come after the collusion proving there was no collusion.
What collusion?

Meeting with someone to get 'dirt' on a candidate is not illegal.
Meeting with a foreign individual to get 'dirt' on an opponent is not illegal.
GETTING 'dirt' from a foreign individual and using it is a violation of Election law.
Jr did not meet with a Russian Govt Agent.
Jr met with an individual.
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.

Since the lawyer was spotted with an Obama-appointed Ambassador, I smell 'Barry' all over this, as in an attempt to lure inexperienced Jr into a meeting to set this all up.
I was being sarcastic. The emails dont look good. I dont understand why you say its a trick when his own son released the emails this morning.

What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

Oh we cared plenty when Obama promised we could keep our health care we had and lost it through their employers.

If you are like the vast majority of Americans who got insurance through an employer, you didn't lose it. And you kept your doctor. But you did get more essential benefits.

You are welcome.

I didn't, she had to quit her private practice because she couldn't afford the cuts in Medicare & Medicaid and now works at a hospital.
Most of them were Cadillac plans, while congress didn't lose their Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield Cadillac plan. Then more will be cancelled, when the high taxes kick in for them.
If it isn't repealed, what will congress say when theirs goes up dramatically to pay the taxes.
Do you have special vision or something that contradicts what millions said happened to them?
You gonna call me names because I'm telling the truth, like most on the left do because they can't accept hard cold facts?

Here is a link why they can't use it.
Many people with health coverage can’t afford to use it

I do not believe you.
Another mindless idiot parroting their MessiahRushie's lies.
Even Limpdick admitted later in his show today that that was bullshit and she was a die hard Don THE Con supporter and posted those pictures because she found them offensive
Check out her Facebook page dummy it's still up.
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
This story is going on the ash heap with the rest of the fake news stories. And by the way Trump's poll numbers are going up not down...Hmmmmmm maybe the people see this for what it is the last weak ass gasp of the fake butt hurt left and the swamp. Too damn funny, this one only lasted two days:badgrin:
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.

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