So the JR emails..

No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.
You don't know that. you have only the word of proven liars.
The quid pro quo was dirt on Clinton in exchange for dropping Magnitsky Act sanctions.
The fake news cycles are getting shorter by the fake news story....two days and it blows up in the swamps face.:badgrin: She is a good buddy of McCain, Schumer, and the swamp creatures...
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.
You don't know that. you have only the word of proven liars.
The lawyer said no information changed hands. That means no crime was committed. So I can either believe the lawyer, who has not been proven to have lied yet, or believe a bunch of snowflakes who have repeatedly lied about Trump without producing evidence. Tell ya what - show me some evidence right now, and I will buy your claim. Tick, tock.
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.
Actually he did after frantic emailers to his show during the break told him he better walk back his earlier statements about the McCain "meeting" and facebook postings or the media will slaughter him. He then immediately after the break said he never committed either way on the facebook stuff and admitted she never met McCain and she posted the Putin/Tramp photoshopped photo because it offended her. He then cited the Right-wing as his source.
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.
You don't know that. you have only the word of proven liars.
The lawyer said no information changed hands. That means no crime was committed. So I can either believe the lawyer, who has not been proven to have lied yet, or believe a bunch of snowflakes who have repeatedly lied about Trump without producing evidence. Tell ya what - show me some evidence right now, and I will buy your claim. Tick, tock.
Gee, Russian lawyers never lie, just like Don THE Con never lies.
Gee, Russian lawyers never lie, just like Don THE Con never lies.
You snowflakes still don't get it - unsubstantiated accusations don't cut it. You need evidence. You don't have any to support your insinuation the Lawyer is lying, you have none to support your accusation of Trump crimes, of collusion, of ANYTHING.

Compared to her right now, your word is SHIT because it hasn't proven she lied yet while all snowflakes have done so far is lie / accuse without evidence.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?

have not read past your OP & I see 29 pages, so apologies if these points have been addressed...

1. If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting

2. He was promised dirt, I don't blame him for following up. Turns out he got a sales pitch about the plight of Russian children adopted in the USA - the meeting was short & there was never a follow up

3. we have STILL not seen any info that can tie this to any type of collusion with an actual foreign government

Lastly - here is an interesting read on this subject, Dershowitz is AGAIN put in the uncomfortable (for him) position of having to defend a Trump

Here's Why Alan Dershowitz Doesn't See Any Legal Jeopardy for Trump Jr.

there really is nothing here, just another hyped up story that is going nowhere
What's not good about them? Someone said they had dirt on Hillary, so of course that would perk the interest of any enemy of Hillary. Turned out it was nothing anyway. If anything it may lead to an investigation on Hillary/DNC receiving donations illegally from Russia.
You are leaving out the fact that the request to help the trump campaign with damning info about Hillary for the Russian governement was the premise for the whole meeting and then they spent months completely denying everything Russia. Lying is the issue here, it's black and white. Do you not see it? Or do you just not care?

Oh we cared plenty when Obama promised we could keep our health care we had and lost it through their employers.

If you are like the vast majority of Americans who got insurance through an employer, you didn't lose it. And you kept your doctor. But you did get more essential benefits.

You are welcome.

I didn't, she had to quit her private practice because she couldn't afford the cuts in Medicare & Medicaid and now works at a hospital.
Most of them were Cadillac plans, while congress didn't lose their Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield Cadillac plan. Then more will be cancelled, when the high taxes kick in for them.
If it isn't repealed, what will congress say when theirs goes up dramatically to pay the taxes.
Do you have special vision or something that contradicts what millions said happened to them?
You gonna call me names because I'm telling the truth, like most on the left do because they can't accept hard cold facts?

Here is a link why they can't use it.
Many people with health coverage can’t afford to use it

I do not believe you.[/QUOTE

So what?
You accused me of being in here before before post #44 when I wasn't.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?

have not read past your OP & I see 29 pages, so apologies if these points have been addressed...

1. If Trump or anyone on his team was actually colluding with Russians, why even accept this meeting? If there was actual collusion, there would be no need to have this meeting

2. He was promised dirt, I don't blame him for following up. Turns out he got a sales pitch about the plight of Russian children adopted in the USA - the meeting was short & there was never a follow up

3. we have STILL not seen any info that can tie this to any type of collusion with an actual foreign government

Lastly - here is an interesting read on this subject, Dershowitz is AGAIN put in the uncomfortable (for him) position of having to defend a Trump

Here's Why Alan Dershowitz Doesn't See Any Legal Jeopardy for Trump Jr.

there really is nothing here, just another hyped up story that is going nowhere
It just shows how willing he was to collude with them. He didnt break any laws.
But Jr himself said she talked about hillary. Then she said she never had an intention of doing it.
Someone is lying.
Well, it is pretty obvious the email came before the collusion, and moronic to claim that the emails must have come after the collusion proving there was no collusion.
What collusion?

Meeting with someone to get 'dirt' on a candidate is not illegal.
Meeting with a foreign individual to get 'dirt' on an opponent is not illegal.
GETTING 'dirt' from a foreign individual and using it is a violation of Election law.
Jr did not meet with a Russian Govt Agent.
Jr met with an individual.
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.

Since the lawyer was spotted with an Obama-appointed Ambassador, I smell 'Barry' all over this, as in an attempt to lure inexperienced Jr into a meeting to set this all up.
It does smell like a setup, in all that language about:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.
Donald Trump Jr. responded by posting the emails on Twitter. Here they are.

So you think Obama got Goldstone to cook up this whole thing? How did he involve the attorney? Is she in on it too?

I think you need to let Obama go here. I agree the email almost has TOO much juicy stuff in it.
It doesn't change the fact, though, that Jr. jumped at it.
He's the one who's rotten here, no matter who dangled the bait.
Well, it is pretty obvious the email came before the collusion, and moronic to claim that the emails must have come after the collusion proving there was no collusion.
What collusion?

Meeting with someone to get 'dirt' on a candidate is not illegal.
Meeting with a foreign individual to get 'dirt' on an opponent is not illegal.
GETTING 'dirt' from a foreign individual and using it is a violation of Election law.
Jr did not meet with a Russian Govt Agent.
Jr met with an individual.
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.

Since the lawyer was spotted with an Obama-appointed Ambassador, I smell 'Barry' all over this, as in an attempt to lure inexperienced Jr into a meeting to set this all up.

The lawyer was "spotted with" McCaul? Go ahead.....tell us about their relationship.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
That is the purpose of all these attempts to tie Trump to Russia. There has been no collusion, period. Don't let them sway you with a trick.
so trump jr releasing his emails was a leftist trick to get his dad in deep doodoo?
Donnie, being of weak mind, was easy to use the Jedi mind trick on.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
Well, it is pretty obvious the email came before the collusion, and moronic to claim that the emails must have come after the collusion proving there was no collusion.
What collusion?

Meeting with someone to get 'dirt' on a candidate is not illegal.
Meeting with a foreign individual to get 'dirt' on an opponent is not illegal.
GETTING 'dirt' from a foreign individual and using it is a violation of Election law.
Jr did not meet with a Russian Govt Agent.
Jr met with an individual.
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.

Since the lawyer was spotted with an Obama-appointed Ambassador, I smell 'Barry' all over this, as in an attempt to lure inexperienced Jr into a meeting to set this all up.

The lawyer was "spotted with" McCaul? Go ahead.....tell us about their relationship.
I bet someone asks McCaul now, don't you? you will get that answer.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?

You say "a lot of election meddling has happened the last 9 years". Like what?

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