So the JR emails..

But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.
still don't know how you get there. the material was said to have come from them. there was never any mention of meeting with Russians. you post up that quote bubba.
Directly from Jr's email communication that set up the meeting:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
well that wasn't Jr's email, that was his friends email. wow, you all can't get the fking story straight to save your own asses.
OMG man
Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) | Twitter
well the original email was from Rob Goldstone and that was his message. not Jr.s. you wrote that like he wrote that. he didn't. Note it states Jun 3, 2016 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote. that came to Jr. he did not originate that. It is not his email.

View attachment 138464
What's wrong with you? It's not about who wrote it. Jr read it and scheduled a meeting, then had Kuchner and mandatory join the meeting. Period. That's it. What are you not understanding?
Did I claim ANYTHING was against the law? Stop injecting a narrative into my statements. I said they lied, it was more than none disclosure, they have all made statements for months that there was no contact with the Russians. Jr even called it a disgusting claim.

was this lawyer a representative of the Russian government?

so far it has not been proven that she was/is

if that continues to be the case, then your outrage over "lies" is misplaced
No it's not, what is wrong with you people? Read his email, look at his statements. They contradict. He is lying. Everybody knows it. GOPers are all recognizing it. Why can't you?
In Trombie land, the statement that his daddy prepared on Saturday, his statement on Sunday and his statement/release of emails on Monday are all consistent.

Nothing is as it seems in Trombieland.
And again, the trump's have changed their story -

They will soon announce that this was actually a stinging on trump's part, to

(Y'all sitting down?)

Flush out Russian spies.

We need to get out of the ways of the RWNJs , falling all over themselves to congratulate Agent Orange for being their 007.

I keep asking how dumb do the trump's think we are. Apparently, even more dumb than we've seen so far.


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Don't worry, I expect we will get another outrageous shiny object Trump text in the next day or two to distract from this.
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.
still don't know how you get there. the material was said to have come from them. there was never any mention of meeting with Russians. you post up that quote bubba.
Directly from Jr's email communication that set up the meeting:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
There is no such thing as a crown prosecutor do you know this. Fk don't you look up anything. You take everything on someone's word. You lose
TN, tsk, tsk. I am disappointed with you my man. No one could ever know his intent for taking the meeting. he explained his intent last night on Hannity. Haven't watched it yet. Know one knows what he would have done had there actually been something there, but like everything russia, there is no there there. Maybe a set up, that's being investigated. Maybe she got cold feet cause she wasn't sure what they might do with information. Maybe they go to the FBI if they got information, but they didn't get anything except a waste of their time. wow, that's fking dangerous indeed. hitlery destroyed 33k of emails, these guys went on a expedition and found absolutely nothing. And you think collusion? wow. there is so much one could say about this. That however, is merely but a waste of money and time. wow.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
The biggest deal in my eyes is the irrefutable lie that got uncovered reenforcing the fact that you can't trust anything these guys say. I didn't think the meeting was a big deal. I'd want to hear the dirt. But I guess it breaks campaign rules so there may be a violation there. I don't imagine it will be a big deal. It also shows that they knew way back then that Russia was working to help Trump, a statement that they have all been denying for months, including POTUS.
nondisclosure isn't against the law either. dude you're still bating .000 when are you going to stop swinging and missing.
Did I claim ANYTHING was against the law? Stop injecting a narrative into my statements. I said they lied, it was more than none disclosure, they have all made statements for months that there was no contact with the Russians. Jr even called it a disgusting claim.
If isn't against the law why should we waste money?
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
But thats my whole point. Lol He wanted to know. He was willing to collaborate with the russian federation.
still don't know how you get there. the material was said to have come from them. there was never any mention of meeting with Russians. you post up that quote bubba.
Directly from Jr's email communication that set up the meeting:
"The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father."
There is no such thing as a crown prosecutor do you know this. Fk don't you look up anything. You take everything on someone's word. You lose
Please explain your logic about this. What would I need to look up and how does it apply to this discussion?
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.
Jul 12, 2017

RUSH: Okay. I’ve got panicked people now trying to tell me that some of these interpretations about “Natasha” are wrong. Now, I alluded to the possibility that these photos that she posted at the Women’s March in Chicago are photos that she found and that she wasn’t there, and the photo in McCain’s office… The guy standing next to McCain, by the way, is a lawyer. He’s a Russian lawyer very much anti-Putin. It’s being reported that she wasn’t in Chicago; she didn’t take the pictures there. She saw the pictures and, for whatever reason, wanted to post them.

I have people trying to tell me she is very pro-Trump now and that she was not in McCain’s office, that she saw the picture and liked it and posted it on Facebook. So I just… I’ve alluded to all of these possibilities. I have not stated one way or the other. Now, the picture that we just showed you of Putin holding up a baby with Trump’s head Photoshopped on it? We’re now told (paraphrased), “Yeah, she doesn’t like that. She posted that to show her disapproval of it. She’s very pro-Trump.” That’s according to a website called
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.
Jul 12, 2017

RUSH: Okay. I’ve got panicked people now trying to tell me that some of these interpretations about “Natasha” are wrong. Now, I alluded to the possibility that these photos that she posted at the Women’s March in Chicago are photos that she found and that she wasn’t there, and the photo in McCain’s office… The guy standing next to McCain, by the way, is a lawyer. He’s a Russian lawyer very much anti-Putin. It’s being reported that she wasn’t in Chicago; she didn’t take the pictures there. She saw the pictures and, for whatever reason, wanted to post them.

I have people trying to tell me she is very pro-Trump now and that she was not in McCain’s office, that she saw the picture and liked it and posted it on Facebook. So I just… I’ve alluded to all of these possibilities. I have not stated one way or the other. Now, the picture that we just showed you of Putin holding up a baby with Trump’s head Photoshopped on it? We’re now told (paraphrased), “Yeah, she doesn’t like that. She posted that to show her disapproval of it. She’s very pro-Trump.” That’s according to a website called
I heard that and you are obviously taking him wrong. I just read this post of yours and it does not show your opinion of it to be correct at all. In fact it does the opposite dum it do not listen to Rush enough to know when he is being sarcastic....or being absurd to expose the absurd.... You are a laugh a minuet..... hey! by the way what happened to General Flynn and his fake news deep state generated story? Where is that fake news story today? I will tell you, his attorney is happy to say his client faces no charges and has been totally exonerated....where is the media?
Last edited:
I get email from friends all the time. are you saying it was wrong for him to get the email? really? wow.
Usually when people try to spin reality for bullshit political reasons, they AT LEAST try to make sense.
For real, good day.
I never said the dude was smart, I merely stated you have no idea his intentions. you would know them if there had actually been documents. but there wasn't. so again, speculation is for other things that actually happen.

Have you even entertained the possibility that she told them about the DNC hack during this meeting?
have you even entertained the possibility there was never anything there? that it was a set up?

A set up? No.

That she didn't give them any info? No.

They met with agents of the Russian government in order to get opposition info on Clinton. This we know.

What they got has yet to be determined.
IDK man. I just know the guy said the russian govt wanted to help his dad with info on clinton and he got excited.
well how do you know he just wanted to see what was out there? I said, this has many stories available in it. Set up for one, one big fking set up, cause once he met sets up the entire russia story eh? wow,
The biggest deal in my eyes is the irrefutable lie that got uncovered reenforcing the fact that you can't trust anything these guys say. I didn't think the meeting was a big deal. I'd want to hear the dirt. But I guess it breaks campaign rules so there may be a violation there. I don't imagine it will be a big deal. It also shows that they knew way back then that Russia was working to help Trump, a statement that they have all been denying for months, including POTUS.
nondisclosure isn't against the law either. dude you're still bating .000 when are you going to stop swinging and missing.
Did I claim ANYTHING was against the law? Stop injecting a narrative into my statements. I said they lied, it was more than none disclosure, they have all made statements for months that there was no contact with the Russians. Jr even called it a disgusting claim.
If isn't against the law why should we waste money?
If I say that the meeting wasn't a crime would you finally admit that he LIED?
They dont look good.. They say it was on behalf of russia trying to get trump in.. Im not saying he colluded, but it opens up a possibility in my mind which wasnt there an hour ago..
My question is, if they were to go after this, will they go after ALL election meddling? Alot of that has been happening the last 9 years, apparently..
Or will they just confine it to the trump team?


It's another Demrats nothing burger. :wink_2:
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.
Jul 12, 2017

RUSH: Okay. I’ve got panicked people now trying to tell me that some of these interpretations about “Natasha” are wrong. Now, I alluded to the possibility that these photos that she posted at the Women’s March in Chicago are photos that she found and that she wasn’t there, and the photo in McCain’s office… The guy standing next to McCain, by the way, is a lawyer. He’s a Russian lawyer very much anti-Putin. It’s being reported that she wasn’t in Chicago; she didn’t take the pictures there. She saw the pictures and, for whatever reason, wanted to post them.

I have people trying to tell me she is very pro-Trump now and that she was not in McCain’s office, that she saw the picture and liked it and posted it on Facebook. So I just… I’ve alluded to all of these possibilities. I have not stated one way or the other. Now, the picture that we just showed you of Putin holding up a baby with Trump’s head Photoshopped on it? We’re now told (paraphrased), “Yeah, she doesn’t like that. She posted that to show her disapproval of it. She’s very pro-Trump.” That’s according to a website called
I heard that and you are obviously taking him wrong. I just read this post of yours and it does not show your opinion of it to be correct at all. In fact it does the opposite dum it do not listen to Rush enough to know when he is being sarcastic....or being absurd to expose the absurd.... You are a laugh a minuet..... hey! by the way what happened to General Flynn and his fake news deep state generated story? Where is that fake news story today? I will tell you, his attorney is happy to say his client faces no charges and has been totally exonerated....where is the media?
Your MessiahRushie was not being sarcastic, but trying to cover his lying ass. He had just before stuck his foot in his lying mouth when he DEFINITELY claimed she was anti-Tramp, and then the fat weasel tried to say he didn't.

He can lie from one minute to the next and DittoTards always pretend that they are too stupid to catch it and then pretend he was joking or being satirical.

Jul 12, 2017
RUSH: So what this means is that “Natasha” Veselnitskaya is among those on the left who believe that Putin colluded with Trump to secure the election for Trump and against Hillary. This is her way. I guess you could say, “Well, no, Rush. It doesn’t mean that. She simply put it up because she found it interesting.” No, no, no. When you look at all the other pictures on her Facebook page, they’re pictures of the anti-Trump rally in Chicago, the women’s rally, but this picture that you’re looking at here if you’re on the Dittocam, and you’ll see that on the website if you’re not a Dittocam user here, this is classic of the way the media and the left are attempting to illustrate that Trump didn’t legitimately win.


RUSH: Okay. I’ve got panicked people now trying to tell me that some of these interpretations about “Natasha” are wrong. Now, I alluded to the possibility that these photos that she posted at the Women’s March in Chicago are photos that she found and that she wasn’t there, and the photo in McCain’s office… The guy standing next to McCain, by the way, is a lawyer. He’s a Russian lawyer very much anti-Putin. It’s being reported that she wasn’t in Chicago; she didn’t take the pictures there. She saw the pictures and, for whatever reason, wanted to post them.
I have people trying to tell me she is very pro-Trump now and that she was not in McCain’s office, that she saw the picture and liked it and posted it on Facebook. So I just… I’ve alluded to all of these possibilities. I have not stated one way or the other.
And how does that change the fact that even your MessiahRushie admitted that she posted them because she found them offensive and as a strong Don THE Con supporter she felt the need to attack them on facebook???
You must have been listening to a different show because he never said that.
Jul 12, 2017

RUSH: Okay. I’ve got panicked people now trying to tell me that some of these interpretations about “Natasha” are wrong. Now, I alluded to the possibility that these photos that she posted at the Women’s March in Chicago are photos that she found and that she wasn’t there, and the photo in McCain’s office… The guy standing next to McCain, by the way, is a lawyer. He’s a Russian lawyer very much anti-Putin. It’s being reported that she wasn’t in Chicago; she didn’t take the pictures there. She saw the pictures and, for whatever reason, wanted to post them.

I have people trying to tell me she is very pro-Trump now and that she was not in McCain’s office, that she saw the picture and liked it and posted it on Facebook. So I just… I’ve alluded to all of these possibilities. I have not stated one way or the other. Now, the picture that we just showed you of Putin holding up a baby with Trump’s head Photoshopped on it? We’re now told (paraphrased), “Yeah, she doesn’t like that. She posted that to show her disapproval of it. She’s very pro-Trump.” That’s according to a website called
I heard that and you are obviously taking him wrong. I just read this post of yours and it does not show your opinion of it to be correct at all. In fact it does the opposite dum it do not listen to Rush enough to know when he is being sarcastic....or being absurd to expose the absurd.... You are a laugh a minuet..... hey! by the way what happened to General Flynn and his fake news deep state generated story? Where is that fake news story today? I will tell you, his attorney is happy to say his client faces no charges and has been totally exonerated....where is the media?
Your MessiahRushie was not being sarcastic, but trying to cover his lying ass. He had just before stuck his foot in his lying mouth when he DEFINITELY claimed she was anti-Tramp, and then the fat weasel tried to say he didn't.

He can lie from one minute to the next and DittoTards always pretend that they are too stupid to catch it and then pretend he was joking or being satirical.

Jul 12, 2017
RUSH: So what this means is that “Natasha” Veselnitskaya is among those on the left who believe that Putin colluded with Trump to secure the election for Trump and against Hillary. This is her way. I guess you could say, “Well, no, Rush. It doesn’t mean that. She simply put it up because she found it interesting.” No, no, no. When you look at all the other pictures on her Facebook page, they’re pictures of the anti-Trump rally in Chicago, the women’s rally, but this picture that you’re looking at here if you’re on the Dittocam, and you’ll see that on the website if you’re not a Dittocam user here, this is classic of the way the media and the left are attempting to illustrate that Trump didn’t legitimately win.


RUSH: Okay. I’ve got panicked people now trying to tell me that some of these interpretations about “Natasha” are wrong. Now, I alluded to the possibility that these photos that she posted at the Women’s March in Chicago are photos that she found and that she wasn’t there, and the photo in McCain’s office… The guy standing next to McCain, by the way, is a lawyer. He’s a Russian lawyer very much anti-Putin. It’s being reported that she wasn’t in Chicago; she didn’t take the pictures there. She saw the pictures and, for whatever reason, wanted to post them.
I have people trying to tell me she is very pro-Trump now and that she was not in McCain’s office, that she saw the picture and liked it and posted it on Facebook. So I just… I’ve alluded to all of these possibilities. I have not stated one way or the other.
Well, it is pretty obvious the email came before the collusion, and moronic to claim that the emails must have come after the collusion proving there was no collusion.
What collusion?

Meeting with someone to get 'dirt' on a candidate is not illegal.
Meeting with a foreign individual to get 'dirt' on an opponent is not illegal.
GETTING 'dirt' from a foreign individual and using it is a violation of Election law.
Jr did not meet with a Russian Govt Agent.
Jr met with an individual.
No information exchanged hands.
No crime was committed.

Since the lawyer was spotted with an Obama-appointed Ambassador, I smell 'Barry' all over this, as in an attempt to lure inexperienced Jr into a meeting to set this all up.

Nailed it!
Someone just pointed out that the most important word in the email is "part". This meeting was only one part of Russia's work to get trump elected.

IMO, the most important aspect of this mess is that every single trump family member and every single minion has lied about their meetings with Russians. They've only admitted it after they were caught.

Why do they believe we will ignore his almost daily lies? More than 600 lies in 6 months. How stupid does he think we are?

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