So the left’s Christmas Day involves rioting for Hamas and swatting multiple Republican congressional representatives at home with their families.

A classic example on how the Left spin out of their own guilt

Let’s review…..

The left is promoting,

Open borders with no limits on entry to terrorists, gangs and criminals,
The enrichment of cartels,
Promoting child sex trafficking,
Flooding the country with fentanyl,

but somehow republicans are tearing apart the country.
Arab children in Palestine get killed for no other reason than that the cowards of Hamas hide behind children and attack innocent Israeli civilians.

There are more than five million Arabs in Palestine. Israel, in rooting out the chickenshits of Hamas, has killed about twenty-five thousand of them. That’s a pretty weak attempt at wiping a population out. Directly bombing all civilian population centers would be much more efficient than raiding and bombing buildings known to be used as hideouts by the gutless scum of Hamas. If Netanyahu was attempting to wipe out all “Palestinians.”

Let me ask you one simple question, IM2: Should Hamas immediately surrender, in order to stop the bloodshed of the Arabs in Palestine?
Again, stop falling for Netanyahu's bullshit. He propped up Hamas, partnered with them in talks with Egypt, and allowed Qatar to give them billions. He did this to stop any disscussion of a 2 state solution. He has expanded settlements illegally and has allowed Israeli settler violence against Palestinians since he first took office. Both sides need to stop. I think that 20,000 dead Palestinians has more than made up forr the 1,400 dead Israelis. At this point you are supporrting Netanyahu's attempt at genocide.
Let’s review…..

The left is promoting,

Open borders with no limits on entry to terrorists, gangs and criminals,
The enrichment of cartels,
Promoting child sex trafficking,
Flooding the country with fentanyl,

but somehow republicans are tearing apart the country.
The left supports none of thiis and it is lies like this made by republiicans that is tearing apart this country.
Again, stop falling for Netanyahu's bullshit. He propped up Hamas, partnered with them in talks with Egypt, and allowed Qatar to give them billions. He did this to stop any disscussion of a 2 state solution. He has expanded settlements illegally and has allowed Israeli settler violence against Palestinians since he first took office. Both sides need to stop. I think that 20,000 dead Palestinians has more than made up forr the 1,400 dead Israelis. At this point you are supporrting Netanyahu's attempt at genocide.
You're trying to adopt the Arabic Middle Eastern outlook, and you suck at just like when you try to sound like a black guy.

It's not about the numbers. When terrorists kill more than a thousand of your innocent civilians, the idea is not to kill approximately the same number. That's not a middle eastern Muslim idea, that is an ad hoc idea thought up by the American left to find yet another excuse to criticize Israel and make the Arabs in Palestine the victims.

Israel's idea - it is NOT just Netenyahu - is to kill every single terrorist who is planning more such attacks. If the terrorists hide behind innocent civilians, well no one should be surprised that Hamas does not care about innocent civilians, after October 7th.

As to Netenyahu colluding with Hamas somehow, suppose it is true. I'll have to suppose with zero evidence, since no one who says that ever has any. But suppose it's true. You haven't explained how that detracts from Israel's right to defend itself now, having been attacked by these supposed former partners of Netenyahu.

I'll wait.

Meanwhile, just say yes or no: Should Hamas immediately surrender to stop further bloodshed? Or . . . do you, IM2, want the bloodshed to continue?

Yes or no, then explain all you like.
Hot Damn, so many words and a whole lot of bullshit.

Just to remind you, you who support and defend Pooty. Pooty is supporting HAMAS. Pooty is giving material support to HAMAS.
I'm not supporting Pooty, so you're just a big ol' liar.
You are justifying Genocide. This is once again a MAGA MAGGOT who claims to believe in the so-called "Right To Life" while at the same time defending the murders of innocent babies and please remember all those "Pre-Born" who will never get a chance live at all. You pick choosewho would have that non-existent Right To Life. IF YOU believe in that right, you must respect that all life regardless of ethnicity, religion, location or skin has the right as you well.
So, it is OK for you to support Hamas' goal of genocide of Jews, because you are also pro-abortion?

If the right to life is nonexistant, why are you pissing and moaning about Hamas sacrificing its human shields?
I'm not supporting Pooty, so you're just a big ol' liar.

So, it is OK for you to support Hamas' goal of genocide of Jews, because you are also pro-abortion?

If the right to life is nonexistant, why are you pissing and moaning about Hamas sacrificing its human shields?

Your usual boring and propagandistic drivel.
What you do not get flopsy that you do not have the courage of your convictions. You either stand by those convictions or you do not. The Right To Life is NOT an Emprical Right, it is a UNIVERSAL Right.

You justify genocide and the bloviate your oh so fucking sacred Right To Life. You are the living breathing epitomy of ReNaziKlan/MAGA MAGGOT/Reich Wing hypocrisy. You are talking out of the sides of your mouth, your tongue must suffer from whip lash.
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What you do not get flopsy that you do not have the courage of your convictions.
I sure do.

Because I have the courage of my convictions, I am able to answer any questions. Anyone asked me in a serious conversation. Yeah here you are unable to answer this simple question: should Hamas surrender immediately? I’ll help you it’s multiple-choice.

A) of course Hamas should surrender immediately. Children are dying, for Pete’s sake!

B) no, Hamas should not surrender immediately. It sucks that children are dying, and I’ll complain about it, especially if it can make Israel look bad. But Hamas staying in power is more important than stopping that killing.
You either stand by those convictions or you do not. The Right To Life is NOT an Emprical Right, it is a UNIVERSAL Right.
Oh, so you are pro-life in the abortion issue?
You justify genocide and the bloviate your oh so fucking sacred Right To Life. You are the living breathing epitomy of ReNaziKlan/MAGA MAGGOT/Reich Wing hypocrisy. You are talking out of the sides of your mouth, your tongue must suffer from whip lash.
Are you seeing anyone about your anger issues? I would hate to see on the news that “frequent online poster 0312 drove his car into a crowd of people on their way to Temple.”
Savages come in different shape and forms.....the terrorist group Hamas is one of the worst groups of savages!

They will pay.
Discrimination based Ethnic Background is fact know, learn and tell.
Which has what to do with immigration? Absolutely, nothing. We can admit or deny anyone we want for whatever reason we want. We can and have throughout our 250 year history. People in Palestine don't have rights under our Constitution.

Yeshua (Johua.....Jesus) was born in Bethleham, he (if he ever existed which I for doubt) would be a Palestinian Jew. Better stop celebrating the birth of man who never born because was in Palestine. In Yeshua was NEVER a so-called "Christian", he was born a jew and died a jew.

Perhaps you should check out the history of Egypt and Jordan allowing Palestinians to immigrate into their countries and see how it turned out for them. It's the same reason why they won't take them in today.

Palestinians are a pariah everywhere they go and they are not compatible with other cultures. We're already getting a taste of it in the West.

And shit like this

And I'll point out that a supermajority of Palestinians think attacks against Israel are acceptable, so these people can go fuck themselves as can their sympathizers. They are a stain on humanity.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found.
The Palestinian Center for Policy Survey and Research (PCPSR) findings were published as international alarm grows over the spiralling Palestinian civilian toll in the Israeli counter-offensive against Hamas, now in its third month.

And Hamas was elected overwhelmingly to run their government as opposed to the opposition party who wanted to work peacefully with a two-state solution.
Which has what to do with immigration? Absolutely, nothing. We can admit or deny anyone we want for whatever reason we want. We can and have throughout our 250 year history. People in Palestine don't have rights under our Constitution.

Perhaps you should check out the history of Egypt and Jordan allowing Palestinians to immigrate into their countries and see how it turned out for them. It's the same reason why they won't take them in today.

Palestinians are a pariah everywhere they go and they are not compatible with other cultures. We're already getting a taste of it in the West.

And shit like this

And I'll point out that a supermajority of Palestinians think attacks against Israel are acceptable, so these people can go fuck themselves as can their sympathizers. They are a stain on humanity.

And Hamas was elected overwhelmingly to run their government as opposed to the opposition party who wanted to work peacefully with a two-state solution.

Miriam (Mary) was the mother of Yeshua (Joshua....Jesus) was Jewish. In the Jewish Faith the Mother's faith determines the child's faith. Yeshua was a Jew, a Palestinian Jew.

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