So,The Republican Klown Kar Only Wants Republicans Moderators

They need to make the debate three hours then in order to fit the foreplay in for these vaginas

That's a clown post, bro

They are acting like pussies and think that by making accusations over and over like "Dems debates are hosted by Dems" then its the truth. Sorry, they have no leverage. What are they going to do? Declare they WONT do any debates? Host their own or their own channel?

Do all of them on Fox and show how much back rubbing this "debate" is going to have?

Maybe if you take your hand out of your pants and engage in an actual discussion it would be more interesting. Well not to you, but to other people who don't have their hand down your pants...
a charge of being thin-skinned from the same retards that fall apart if you say ALL lives matter should not be laughed at WHY left-wing nutjob???

They sound like Palin with everything is a got ya question
View attachment 53753

The democrats hate debate and free speech….the Republicans have had two debates each time……

Democratic debate 2015: Gabbard says DNC disinvited her -

Washington (CNN)Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said she was disinvited from Tuesday night's first Democratic debate after voicing a call for more of them.

Gabbard, the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer Monday on "The Situation Room" she was told her vocal support for more debates had made her "no longer welcome to

Gabbard said the message was conveyed to her chief-of-staff from the chief-of-staff of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"The prevailing message of that was that because I continued to call for more debates, that I should not go to the debate in Las Vegas," the Hawaii congresswoman said. "The issue here is not about me saying, 'Boo hoo, I'm going to miss the party.' The issue here is one of democracy and freedom of speech."

The New York Times reported earlier Monday that Gabbard had received a message through her staff about her attendance at the event one day after she appeared on television calling for more Democratic debates. Bernie Sanders campaign then offered her a ticket later on Monday.

Facts and truth are really the enemies of the left…...
The democrats hate debate and free speech

More insane talking points, Why do the Republicans want to choose and filter the questions?

I feel you, clown. Republicans need to do what Democrats do, have debates moderated by leftists. I mean that's only fair. What's good for the goose...
a charge of being thin-skinned from the same retards that fall apart if you say ALL lives matter should not be laughed at WHY left-wing nutjob???

They sound like Palin with everything is a got ya question
View attachment 53753
A fantasy football question?
What are they going to do? Refuse and stream it online lol.
The networks should refuse to carry any Republican events or commercials. But they won't ... not about to turn down a dime in revenue now matter how filthy the money.

Republicans only want to be asked questions they have given the moderators to ask them. Questions theY have canned answers to that they can repeat in their sleep --- as they appear to have been doing in the previous " debates ".

The Republicans have one policy and one policy only that is supposed to fit every situation and solve every problem.

How about this all the candidates are asked the same questions? Then maybe Clinton could get questioned about her character like Carson did.
They need to make the debate three hours then in order to fit the foreplay in for these vaginas

That's a clown post, bro

They are acting like pussies and think that by making accusations over and over like "Dems debates are hosted by Dems" then its the truth. Sorry, they have no leverage. What are they going to do? Declare they WONT do any debates? Host their own or their own channel?

Do all of them on Fox and show how much back rubbing this "debate" is going to have?
Ted Cruz Is Right: Let Limbaugh and Hannity Moderate a GOP Debate!
Voters would get to see the way the conservative entertainment complex now controls the Republican Party.

Ted Cruz Is Right: Let Limbaugh and Hannity Moderate a GOP Debate!
IF the Republican Candidate's want only Republicans to ask them questions at their debates, does that mean that Democrats can only have Dems ask them questions at the Democratic Debates?

They all ready do. It is called the media-democratic complex which consist of MSNBC.
IF the Republican Candidate's want only Republicans to ask them questions at their debates, does that mean that Democrats can only have Dems ask them questions at the Democratic Debates?

Dims already have that, numskull.
Apparently the GOP candidates have powwowed and come out with their demands.

They want the studio a certain temperature, they want to control the camera angles, they want to control the moderators questions,

and they want no blue M and M's in the complimentary candy tray,

and no menstruating women in the studio audience.
Why is it wrong for republicans to be asked about their issues from people who will vote for them? Democrats are asked questions by people who vote for them.
IF the Republican Candidate's want only Republicans to ask them questions at their debates, does that mean that Democrats can only have Dems ask them questions at the Democratic Debates?

I really don't see how this is much of a problem. These are debates to help people decide on their party nominee. It's not the general election. BTW, I'd really love to give Ben Carson five minutes to explain to us all how his tax plan will work, with specifics. We all know he is full of shit when he says a 15% flat tax would be enough.

5% would be enough
Republican voters want moderators who will ask questions that they care about, not push Democratic talking points who have no say on who wins the Republican nomination.
I would love to see Rush Limbaugh be the moderator in a Democrat primary debate.

The Hildabeast would be crying and the Communist would be blubbering.
They need to make the debate three hours then in order to fit the foreplay in for these vaginas

That's a clown post, bro

They are acting like pussies and think that by making accusations over and over like "Dems debates are hosted by Dems" then its the truth. Sorry, they have no leverage. What are they going to do? Declare they WONT do any debates? Host their own or their own channel?

Do all of them on Fox and show how much back rubbing this "debate" is going to have?
Ted Cruz Is Right: Let Limbaugh and Hannity Moderate a GOP Debate!
Voters would get to see the way the conservative entertainment complex now controls the Republican Party.

Ted Cruz Is Right: Let Limbaugh and Hannity Moderate a GOP Debate!

Republicans would never let Rushbo or Hannity moderate a debate. They would hold them accountable for the spending they supported
IF the Republican Candidate's want only Republicans to ask them questions at their debates, does that mean that Democrats can only have Dems ask them questions at the Democratic Debates?

I say give them their wish list moderators. When most can't answer their questions they'll drop out and have no one left to blame or accuse of being biased.
'So,The Republican Klown Kar Only Wants Republicans Moderators'

No, they would rather have NON-Partisan moderators who are capable of asking questions about issues that matter to the American people; however, since the Democrats seem to be fresh out of 'journalists' capable of doing that, the GOP candidates are having to go elsewhere....

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