So, this is what passes for leadership, now?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2014
Corner of Chaos and Reason
Point one:
With only a very small majority, the Republicans in the House & Senate need more victories next year since Dems totally obstruct, no votes!

We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans. Most Republicans were loyal, terrific & worked really hard. We will return!

Source: Trump's own Twitter account
DEMOCRATS?!?!?! Really??? So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process, were not allowed even the privilege of discussing the bill is the group of people who are responsible for the failure of this Republican boondoggle?!?! This is an example of Trump "Leadership"?!?! "Pass the Buck"? Where was the White House? Where was the leadership? Where was the President telling Congress what he wanted, and making sure it happened? Why is it that for the last eight years, whenever the Congress failed to accomplish something, everyone on the right was all over the place screaming about "lack of leadership from the White House", but now that your guy is in the office, the buck stops at Congress?

Point 2:
"I think we're probably in that position where we'll just let Obamacare fail. We're not gonna own it. I'm not gonna own it," Trump told reporters. "We'll let Obamacare fail and then Democrats are going to come to us."
Source: Trump says he plans to 'let Obamacare fail'
A couple of problems with that attitude. First, that's easy to say for the guy who has three more fucking years to let American forget about this massive clusterfuck. In the meanwhile, Senators, and Representatives have to go back home, and try to get re-elected behind this shit, in a year-and-a-half. And if Trump thinks those congresspersons won't be held accountable - with a Republican Led House, a Republican led Senate, and a Republican in the White House overseeing it all - for their failure to fix the problems of Obamacare, then Trump is delusional.

Second, Democrats have been coming to Republicans calling for Obamacare to be fixed!
“Rather than repeating the same failed, partisan process yet again, Republicans should work with Democrats on a bill that lowers premiums, provides long term stability to the markets and improves our healthcare system.”

The Problem is that there has been no political incentive - either for Trump, or Congressional Republicans - to do this. They have ran for the last 6 years on repealing Obamacare. So, what possible incentive could they have to work with Democrats? I find it ironic that, after everyone kept complaining about the "lack leadership" of Obama, when he had a hostile Republican Congress only interested in obstruction, yet, no one is questioning the leadership skills of Trump, when he can't get dick done with a friendly Republican Congress!!!
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.
Nope. It is five, not three Republicans. And Rand Paul may be a dick,. but he is most certainly not a "Rhino". And the Democrats have no dog in this hunt. You Republicans made sure of that. We didn't even get invited to the party, and now you're gonna blame us because some of your guests decided to piss on the floor?!?! The ability to pass all blame for every Republican shortcoming to "the other guys" never ceases to amaze me.

I mean, you would have some semblance of an argument, if Democrats had filibustered your bill, the way Republicans did every piece of legislation proposed by a Democrat in the last 6 years. But, you want to blame Democrats for not joining Republicans in voting for a bill crafted entirely by Republicans, proposing policy changes that are only supported by Republicans.

In what reality did you think that was ever going to happen. Flip that around. Would you expect a Republican to vote in favour of a Democrat bill, crafted without Republican input, enacting policies that only Democrats see as beneficial?

You need to come on back to reality, son...
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When Obama was President, Republicans even voted against stuff they supported because they didn't want Obama to have any accomplishments to run on.

One act of utter cruelty was the Republican failure to pass funding for the health crisis and treatment for children in Flint Michigan who had been poisoned by the water crisis there.

They passed the funding after Trump was inaugurated. Despicable.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.

Goes back to terrible leadership.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

The system hasn't worked for a long long time and was becoming unsustainable. Costs were spiralling out of control, with catastrophic treatments for cancer, or serious heart conditions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment.

Every President since Truman has tried to reform US healthcare and failed. Obama was the only one to succeed.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.
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Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

The system hasn't worked for a long long time and was becoming unsustainable. Costs were spiralling out of control, with catastrophic treatments for cancer, or serious heart conditions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment.

Every President since Truman has tried to reform US healthcare and failed. Obama was the only one to succeed.
The system was working until frivolous litigation drove malpractice insurance up. Ambulance chasers and lottery mentality sloth combined to screw it all up. Social decline.
Consider the increase in waiver and disclaimer paperwork that began in the late 1980's. That wasn't there before.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

The system hasn't worked for a long long time and was becoming unsustainable. Costs were spiralling out of control, with catastrophic treatments for cancer, or serious heart conditions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment.

Every President since Truman has tried to reform US healthcare and failed. Obama was the only one to succeed.

Guess what, the costs continue to spiral and Obamacare is imploding. Still can't afford insurance and now the deductibles are so much, you can't afford to see a doctor.
So, the party that was not invited to the table, not included in the crafting process

Why be shocked. The ACA was passed without the Republicans voices being heard. This is the way of our country now. Whoever is in at the moment totally ignores the other side. We don't have cooperation or compromise, only two sides demanding their way or the highway.
That's a flat out lie. 160 amendments that had been offered by Republicans were added to the ACA. You guys keep wanting to pretend that Republicans didn't get to have any input on the ACA, but the reality is that the bill was on the floor, and debated for weeks, with hundreds of amendments proposed, and voted on. And then, after being given the opportunity to amend the bill the way Republicans wanted, they still said, "Yeah. We got to have input, but fuck you. We're still not gonna vote for it,"

Your piece of shit bill, on the other hand, was crafted behind closed doors, with no input from Democrats at all, and was being brought to the floor with zero debate, and no offer of amendment readings. So, this was nothing like what happened with ACA.

Gutierrez says hundreds of Republican amendments in ACA

Man, the lies continue.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.
So, you think it would be better to just throw 38 million people off insurance? That would be an "improvement" in your world? Gee. I'm so glad I don't live there. The fact is "the way things were" wasn't "getting by". 48 million Americans with no access to standard healthcare, because they had no access to insurance. You have a rather distressing definition of "getting by".

We are ecstatic that you don't live here.
Basically it is democrats and three RINOc#nts preventing a full repeal.

No, it's because not all Republicans hate The Affordable Care Act.

11 Republican governors participated in the Medicaid expansion which is part of the ACA. Both the House and Senate bills made significant cuts to Medicaid. These governors would have been faced with cutting significant numbers of constituents off Medicaid or increasing state taxes to make up the shortfall.

Since the inauguration, Republicans have been facing angry constituents who were losing health care coverage under the proposed plans. Trump may have 3 1/2 years before he faces re-election but s significant number of Republican Congressmen, Senators and Governors are going to the polls next year. Take away their health care and people will make Republicans pay at the polls.

Last but not least, Trump promised better, cheaper health insurance for all. What was being delivered was less coverage, which would cost more but deliver less, and which would cut 20 million people off their existing coverage.

The lesson here is don't make promises you can't keep. Don't bait and switch, and stop blaming Democrats for Republican fuck ups.
The entire thing should be ditched. Taking us back to a better place of only seven years earlier, in spite of its faults, to a place that managed to get by for 240 years shouldn't be difficult. But not a single dem will comply. Take it up with democrats and RINO's.

The system hasn't worked for a long long time and was becoming unsustainable. Costs were spiralling out of control, with catastrophic treatments for cancer, or serious heart conditions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars for treatment.

Every President since Truman has tried to reform US healthcare and failed. Obama was the only one to succeed.
The system was working until frivolous litigation drove malpractice insurance up. Ambulance chasers and lottery mentality sloth combined to screw it all up. Social decline.
Consider the increase in waiver and disclaimer paperwork that began in the late 1980's. That wasn't there before.

Bullshit. What drove up the cost of care were hospitals purchasing imagine machines that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and drugs which cost $6,000 a month for treatment. Miraculous modern medicine which began in the 1970's and 1980's, is based on expensive technologies and treatments.

When I was in high school, my brother's wife gave birth to my nephew a month premature and our family held our breathe and prayed the little guy would make it. Today babies born as early as 28 weeks can survive. But these miracles have a price - a huge price.

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