So, this is why Trump won in 2016 and will again in 2020

Much of her audience were progressive twats such as yourself.

It was nothing more than a hack job.

Baldwin doing Trump is humor, this wasn't.
That’s what political humor is. That she’s now the focus of the dinner makes her the winner of the night.

The reason she's the focus is because it was anything but humor. There are now mainstream media conversations about ending the dinner once and for all.

If Dennis Miller or Tim Allen made jokes about "baby killers" dismembering live fetuses to smear liberals do you think that would be comedy?

"But if you're gonna rip a baby from it's mother's womb...make sure you do it nice and slow...limb for the drawn and quartering of old!"

That wouldn't pass as humor either fucktard. You're a nasty fucking ghoul. I really hope you look back upon this moment decades from now when you're passing away, when your life is slipping from you and suddenly realize just how precious it is...and feel shame in what you said today.
Poor snowflake, you need a safe space.

Another misuse of the term snowflake.

Criticism is not being a snowflake. trying to prevent said idiot from speaking, and saying they have no right to speak would be snowflakeism.
Crying because a comedian is offensive is the hallmark of snowflakedom.

Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
That’s what political humor is. That she’s now the focus of the dinner makes her the winner of the night.

The reason she's the focus is because it was anything but humor. There are now mainstream media conversations about ending the dinner once and for all.

If Dennis Miller or Tim Allen made jokes about "baby killers" dismembering live fetuses to smear liberals do you think that would be comedy?

"But if you're gonna rip a baby from it's mother's womb...make sure you do it nice and slow...limb for the drawn and quartering of old!"

That wouldn't pass as humor either fucktard. You're a nasty fucking ghoul. I really hope you look back upon this moment decades from now when you're passing away, when your life is slipping from you and suddenly realize just how precious it is...and feel shame in what you said today.
Poor snowflake, you need a safe space.

Another misuse of the term snowflake.

Criticism is not being a snowflake. trying to prevent said idiot from speaking, and saying they have no right to speak would be snowflakeism.
Crying because a comedian is offensive is the hallmark of snowflakedom.

Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

Really? Bad comedians are the reason Trump was elected? ... you know, that makes as much sense as anything else I've heard!
The reason she's the focus is because it was anything but humor. There are now mainstream media conversations about ending the dinner once and for all.

If Dennis Miller or Tim Allen made jokes about "baby killers" dismembering live fetuses to smear liberals do you think that would be comedy?

"But if you're gonna rip a baby from it's mother's womb...make sure you do it nice and slow...limb for the drawn and quartering of old!"

That wouldn't pass as humor either fucktard. You're a nasty fucking ghoul. I really hope you look back upon this moment decades from now when you're passing away, when your life is slipping from you and suddenly realize just how precious it is...and feel shame in what you said today.
Poor snowflake, you need a safe space.

Another misuse of the term snowflake.

Criticism is not being a snowflake. trying to prevent said idiot from speaking, and saying they have no right to speak would be snowflakeism.
Crying because a comedian is offensive is the hallmark of snowflakedom.

Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.

This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
Poor snowflake, you need a safe space.

Another misuse of the term snowflake.

Criticism is not being a snowflake. trying to prevent said idiot from speaking, and saying they have no right to speak would be snowflakeism.
Crying because a comedian is offensive is the hallmark of snowflakedom.

Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.

This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.
Another misuse of the term snowflake.

Criticism is not being a snowflake. trying to prevent said idiot from speaking, and saying they have no right to speak would be snowflakeism.
Crying because a comedian is offensive is the hallmark of snowflakedom.

Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.

This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Crying because a comedian is offensive is the hallmark of snowflakedom.

Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.

This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.
Calling them out is not crying about it.

The term snowflake must really burn you because you make so much shit up about it in an attempt to apply it to concepts it has nothing to do with.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.

This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
Political comedians tell jokes that many find offensive. That’s what they do. That’s what Wolf did. Sorry, but if one’s feelings are so hurt by such humor, they’re not calling it it out, they’are being a snowflake who would clearly feel more secure hiding in their safe space.

This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.
This went way beyond being offensive, and the key to insult humor has always been to actually like the person you are insulting.

She joked about dead fetuses, which again isn't to the line of jews in the oven, but comes awfully close.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.
That’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. But nothing but your opinion nonetheless.

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test
Last edited:
It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test
My results are posted .... what’s taking you so long?
It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’lol compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you chicken out, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

It's an opinion shared by a lot of people, even people who hate Trump.

Your opinion, on the other hand is from a person who would find anything "funny" as long as it was against Trump.

TDS clinical diagnosis confirmed.
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

114 to 121.

iq test.png
Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test
My results are posted .... what’s taking you so long?

Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’lol compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you chicken out, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

Nah, you only prove you’re an imbecile as many of her jokes targeted the left and I found them funny as well.

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

114 to 121.

View attachment 191573


IQ Test
Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’lol compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you chicken out, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

Most progs lack a real sense of humor, and only have a sense of mocking those they detest.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

114 to 121.

View attachment 191573



Considering the test is the same no matter what, (i had to reload due to a browser crash 1/3 in, I have a feeling you have taken this multiple times.

Still right there with ya hammer.
And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’lol compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you chicken out, you lose.

Ready? Go!

Fiqure IQ Test

And most conservatives are imbeciles, yourself included. That still isn’t going to help get Trump re-elected in 2020; and the way it’s looking now, he’ll be lucky to finish his first term.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the week, cuck-twat.

Ok, let’s put that to a test.... take this free online IQ test. It takes no more tha 5 minutes. When you’re done, screen shot the results and post them here. I’ll post my results and we’ll compare IQ’s.

If it takes you more than 5 minutes from now to post your results, you lose. If you don’t take the test, you lose.

Ready? Go!

IQ Test

114 to 121.

View attachment 191573



Considering the test is the same no matter what, (i had to reload due to a browser crash 1/3 in, I have a feeling you have taken this multiple times.

Still right there with ya hammer.

You lost Marty, deal with it. And no, you’re not right there with me. You range between 114-121 ... whereas I range between 131-230.

And your posts reflect your inferiority.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

If you don’t get the humor of Michelle Wolf chances are you love shiity country music.

Her humor fell flat and people from left and right of the isle condemned her disgusting attack. So get off your high horse fucko

Sent from my iPhone using
And paying off porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth is morally ok with you conservatives snowflakes? What a joke. And republicans too are paying for abortions when caught cheating. I admit Wolf's talk was a bit vulgar but Trump and the republican base can spew hate and lies about Pres Obama and Secretary Clinton daily for many years but when criticism is directed at him and his administration cries foul, sad.

Michelle Wolf performs stand-up routine at White House Correspondent's dinner

Not any worst then Kennedy and Monroe, or Clinton and long list, and FDR and friends, and you can find more. This is a 12 years ago as I understand she sold her body for RENT and was over paid.
clinton foundagtion.png

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