So, this is why Trump won in 2016 and will again in 2020

Trump has been destroying political norms and basic rules of decency since, well forever...and that’s fine with these “conservatives” but a comedian tells an edgy (satirical) joke and they pitch a fit and fall into it. Forget “fake news”, this is fake outrage.

You're name is very appropriate, you are indeed a witch.

Let me entertain you dark one, for this is what you delight in.

Uh, yeah, okay. What does that have to do with me? I’m personally opposed to abortion and have never had one.
Trump has been destroying political norms and basic rules of decency since, well forever...and that’s fine with these “conservatives” but a comedian tells an edgy (satirical) joke and they pitch a fit and fall into it. Forget “fake news”, this is fake outrage.

You're name is very appropriate, you are indeed a witch.

Let me entertain you dark one, for this is what you delight in.

Uh, yeah, okay. What does that have to do with me? I’m personally opposed to abortion and have never had one.

What, you don't find abortions to be a liberating joyous experience?
I feel like being mean to liberals so lets consider demographics - Reuters, "Not only are millennials increasingly doubtful about Democrats, they also increasingly say the Republican Party is a better steward of the economy" OHHHH that's gonna leave a mark :auiqs.jpg:
The overwhelming majority of millenials are Democratic
Trump has been destroying political norms and basic rules of decency since, well forever...and that’s fine with these “conservatives” but a comedian tells an edgy (satirical) joke and they pitch a fit and fall into it. Forget “fake news”, this is fake outrage.

You're name is very appropriate, you are indeed a witch.

Let me entertain you dark one, for this is what you delight in.

Uh, yeah, okay. What does that have to do with me? I’m personally opposed to abortion and have never had one.

What, you don't find abortions to be a liberating joyous experience?

Nobody does. I'm sorry you didn't like the joke, but I'm thinking maybe it was the follow up joke that really stung...

And, yes, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very antiabortion. You know, unless it's the one you got for your secret mistress. It's fun how values can waver. But good for you.
Trump has been destroying political norms and basic rules of decency since, well forever...and that’s fine with these “conservatives” but a comedian tells an edgy (satirical) joke and they pitch a fit and fall into it. Forget “fake news”, this is fake outrage.

You're name is very appropriate, you are indeed a witch.

Let me entertain you dark one, for this is what you delight in.

Uh, yeah, okay. What does that have to do with me? I’m personally opposed to abortion and have never had one.

What, you don't find abortions to be a liberating joyous experience?

Nobody does. I'm sorry you didn't like the joke, but I'm thinking maybe it was the follow up joke that really stung...

And, yes, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very antiabortion. You know, unless it's the one you got for your secret mistress. It's fun how values can waver. But good for you.

As I said in the very beginning of the thread, I have no doubt that many fake conservative leaders abort their children behind closed doors.

Also, you can't have a "follow up joke" to something that isn't a "joke" to begin with. Only a witch like yourself would cackle at either.

This is you when Wolf was telling her "jokes"
The only hope I see for the Democrats is if a real conservative enters the race as a 3rd party candidate.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

If you don’t get the humor of Michelle Wolf chances are you love shiity country music.

I understood Michelle and her truth posed as humor.

And I like Classic Country, not the crap put out today. My hillbilly husband did that. I was a Rock and Roll girl.:1peleas:
The honest truth is, very few of us are pure blooded anything.

So,who cares except those who nit pick.

If I side is going to constantly bring up race and other things that isolate us, at least they should know what they are talking about.

Obama isn't an African-American in the traditional sense, i.e. someone descended from slaves, he is an African-American who is half african and half whatever european amalgam his mother was. (She is purported to have a black ancestor back in the day but I'm not sure how valid that is).
Doesn’t matter
In our culture, Black is still black

Regardless of your heritage, if your skin was dark, you still had to ride in the back of the bus

Having a white mother did not entitle you to ride up front half the time

That is the thinking,I agree. I doubt there will ever come a day when the bigoted, those who need to feel superior to something,anything will see how wrong they are. It is inbred.

I prefer to see people as themselves, but was surprised how many of my friends were really so bigoted. They finally came around after seeing Obama, the class act doing his best to heal the nation.

Now, we have a monstrous thug in the WH, thanks to those people.
Unless you were passing.

I have a feeling most people don't even know Obama isn't descended from former slaves, but is more like a half-immigrant/half american born 2nd generation person.

He was never exposed to the whole segregation thing in the South.
In 1961, his father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

Technically they wouldn't have been allowed to be married in some States, and he could have been lynched just for sleeping with her.

Still doesn't change my points on this.

Obama had a unique upbringing. Early years in Indonesia, only black kid in his Hawaii schools. But he was subjected to our culture, hung out with the kids at school, smoked weed, listened to popular music, TV and movies

I think Obama was subjected to more of a typical American culture than Trump was. Trump was a severely spoiled rich kid, raised by nannies, incorrigable to the point his parents shipped him off to military school. Trump was raised to believe he was special....still does
Some, like Trump, are chosen.
The great Obama has nuclearized a terrorist nation.
The Great Obama got Iran to abandon its nuclear program

Crooked Donnie is giving it back
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.
/----/ OH NO We win again:
Companies hire 204,000 more workers (Vs 200k expected) in April despite signs of tightening job market: ADP
Save us from good news.jpg
The honest truth is, very few of us are pure blooded anything.

So,who cares except those who nit pick.

If I side is going to constantly bring up race and other things that isolate us, at least they should know what they are talking about.

Obama isn't an African-American in the traditional sense, i.e. someone descended from slaves, he is an African-American who is half african and half whatever european amalgam his mother was. (She is purported to have a black ancestor back in the day but I'm not sure how valid that is).
Doesn’t matter
In our culture, Black is still black

Regardless of your heritage, if your skin was dark, you still had to ride in the back of the bus

Having a white mother did not entitle you to ride up front half the time

That is the thinking,I agree. I doubt there will ever come a day when the bigoted, those who need to feel superior to something,anything will see how wrong they are. It is inbred.

I prefer to see people as themselves, but was surprised how many of my friends were really so bigoted. They finally came around after seeing Obama, the class act doing his best to heal the nation.

Now, we have a monstrous thug in the WH, thanks to those people.
When will you people admit your wrong about Trump.
Trump gave us the lowest unemployment for Blacks, ever.
Trump made peace with NK
Trump is making sure IRAN doesn't use this fake deal to beef up their nukes.
Time you admit Trump is good.
Trump has been destroying political norms and basic rules of decency since, well forever...and that’s fine with these “conservatives” but a comedian tells an edgy (satirical) joke and they pitch a fit and fall into it. Forget “fake news”, this is fake outrage.

You're name is very appropriate, you are indeed a witch.

Let me entertain you dark one, for this is what you delight in.

Uh, yeah, okay. What does that have to do with me? I’m personally opposed to abortion and have never had one.

What, you don't find abortions to be a liberating joyous experience?

Nobody does. I'm sorry you didn't like the joke, but I'm thinking maybe it was the follow up joke that really stung...

And, yes, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very antiabortion. You know, unless it's the one you got for your secret mistress. It's fun how values can waver. But good for you.

As I said in the very beginning of the thread, I have no doubt that many fake conservative leaders abort their children behind closed doors.

Also, you can't have a "follow up joke" to something that isn't a "joke" to begin with. Only a witch like yourself would cackle at either.

This is you when Wolf was telling her "jokes"

/——/ And I believe many fake liberals voted for Trump.
The honest truth is, very few of us are pure blooded anything.

So,who cares except those who nit pick.

If I side is going to constantly bring up race and other things that isolate us, at least they should know what they are talking about.

Obama isn't an African-American in the traditional sense, i.e. someone descended from slaves, he is an African-American who is half african and half whatever european amalgam his mother was. (She is purported to have a black ancestor back in the day but I'm not sure how valid that is).
Doesn’t matter
In our culture, Black is still black

Regardless of your heritage, if your skin was dark, you still had to ride in the back of the bus

Having a white mother did not entitle you to ride up front half the time

That is the thinking,I agree. I doubt there will ever come a day when the bigoted, those who need to feel superior to something,anything will see how wrong they are. It is inbred.

I prefer to see people as themselves, but was surprised how many of my friends were really so bigoted. They finally came around after seeing Obama, the class act doing his best to heal the nation.

Now, we have a monstrous thug in the WH, thanks to those people.
When will you people admit your wrong about Trump.
Trump gave us the lowest unemployment for Blacks, ever.
Trump made peace with NK
Trump is making sure IRAN doesn't use this fake deal to beef up their nukes.
Time you admit Trump is good.
Thanks, Obama!

That's like a running back breaking free from his own 5 yard line, dashing 90 yards and then pitching the ball to a teammate so he can score the only touchdown in his career -- and you idiots bash the halfback for his 90 yard gallop while heaping praises for the teammate who ran the last 5 yards to score.
The honest truth is, very few of us are pure blooded anything.

So,who cares except those who nit pick.

If I side is going to constantly bring up race and other things that isolate us, at least they should know what they are talking about.

Obama isn't an African-American in the traditional sense, i.e. someone descended from slaves, he is an African-American who is half african and half whatever european amalgam his mother was. (She is purported to have a black ancestor back in the day but I'm not sure how valid that is).
Doesn’t matter
In our culture, Black is still black

Regardless of your heritage, if your skin was dark, you still had to ride in the back of the bus

Having a white mother did not entitle you to ride up front half the time

That is the thinking,I agree. I doubt there will ever come a day when the bigoted, those who need to feel superior to something,anything will see how wrong they are. It is inbred.

I prefer to see people as themselves, but was surprised how many of my friends were really so bigoted. They finally came around after seeing Obama, the class act doing his best to heal the nation.

Now, we have a monstrous thug in the WH, thanks to those people.
When will you people admit your wrong about Trump.
Trump gave us the lowest unemployment for Blacks, ever.
Trump made peace with NK
Trump is making sure IRAN doesn't use this fake deal to beef up their nukes.
Time you admit Trump is good.
Thanks, Obama!

That's like a running back breaking free from his own 5 yard line, dashing 90 yards and then pitching the ball to a teammate so he can score the only touchdown in his career -- and you idiots bash the halfback for his 90 yard gallop while heaping praises for the teammate who ran the last 5 yards to score.
/——/ The most convoluted analogy in the history of USMB.
If I side is going to constantly bring up race and other things that isolate us, at least they should know what they are talking about.

Obama isn't an African-American in the traditional sense, i.e. someone descended from slaves, he is an African-American who is half african and half whatever european amalgam his mother was. (She is purported to have a black ancestor back in the day but I'm not sure how valid that is).
Doesn’t matter
In our culture, Black is still black

Regardless of your heritage, if your skin was dark, you still had to ride in the back of the bus

Having a white mother did not entitle you to ride up front half the time

That is the thinking,I agree. I doubt there will ever come a day when the bigoted, those who need to feel superior to something,anything will see how wrong they are. It is inbred.

I prefer to see people as themselves, but was surprised how many of my friends were really so bigoted. They finally came around after seeing Obama, the class act doing his best to heal the nation.

Now, we have a monstrous thug in the WH, thanks to those people.
When will you people admit your wrong about Trump.
Trump gave us the lowest unemployment for Blacks, ever.
Trump made peace with NK
Trump is making sure IRAN doesn't use this fake deal to beef up their nukes.
Time you admit Trump is good.
Thanks, Obama!

That's like a running back breaking free from his own 5 yard line, dashing 90 yards and then pitching the ball to a teammate so he can score the only touchdown in his career -- and you idiots bash the halfback for his 90 yard gallop while heaping praises for the teammate who ran the last 5 yards to score.
/——/ The most convoluted analogy in the history of USMB.
Nice to be the best.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

I think news is starting to break that Trump may have paid for an abortion via one of his affairs.

Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court issue that was decided 45 years ago.

Trumps pick Neil Gorsuch, is the first nominee in my memory that stated during the confirmation hearing Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution, meaning set in stone to you.

Also Neil Gorsuch is a nominee that Hillary Clinton might have chosen, because she, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer & Diane Fieinstein all voted for in 2006 under G.W Bush for the Federal District court of appeals, and at a time when they could have easily rejected him.

The only reason Democrats tried to block him is because they were upset that Republicans didnt give Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland an up or down vote, and just wanted to use the open Court position to campaign on in 2016.
Michelle Wolf
He thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all don’t knock it till you try it. And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want, I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion, you know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress

Someone who glorifies and jests about the brutal process of an abortion ...forget it, I was going to type more, but I don't see why I should. I got nothing more to say about it. Even if you're pro-choice, if you can't see what's wrong here you're hopeless.

I think news is starting to break that Trump may have paid for an abortion via one of his affairs.

Roe v Wade is a U.S. Supreme court issue that was decided 45 years ago.

Trumps pick Neil Gorsuch, is the first nominee in my memory that stated during the confirmation hearing Roe v Wade is precedent in the constitution, meaning set in stone to you.

Also Neil Gorsuch is a nominee that Hillary Clinton might have chosen, because she, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer & Diane Fieinstein all voted for in 2006 under G.W Bush for the Federal District court of appeals, and at a time when they could have easily rejected him.

The only reason Democrats tried to block him is because they were upset that Republicans didnt give Obama's last nominee, Merrick Garland an up or down vote, and just wanted to use the open Court position to campaign on in 2016.
It don't matter. The sorry leftard lying scum have told so many lies in regards to Trump, we don't care.
Since all the Dems on USMB support her "comedic style" why not jsut make this your slogan for 2020:
And when you do try it, really knock it, you gotta get that baby out of there.
If I side is going to constantly bring up race and other things that isolate us, at least they should know what they are talking about.

Obama isn't an African-American in the traditional sense, i.e. someone descended from slaves, he is an African-American who is half african and half whatever european amalgam his mother was. (She is purported to have a black ancestor back in the day but I'm not sure how valid that is).
Doesn’t matter
In our culture, Black is still black

Regardless of your heritage, if your skin was dark, you still had to ride in the back of the bus

Having a white mother did not entitle you to ride up front half the time

Unless you were passing.

I have a feeling most people don't even know Obama isn't descended from former slaves, but is more like a half-immigrant/half american born 2nd generation person.

He was never exposed to the whole segregation thing in the South.
In 1961, his father would have been lynched for marrying a white woman

Technically they wouldn't have been allowed to be married in some States, and he could have been lynched just for sleeping with her.

Still doesn't change my points on this.

Obama had a unique upbringing. Early years in Indonesia, only black kid in his Hawaii schools. But he was subjected to our culture, hung out with the kids at school, smoked weed, listened to popular music, TV and movies

I think Obama was subjected to more of a typical American culture than Trump was. Trump was a severely spoiled rich kid, raised by nannies, incorrigable to the point his parents shipped him off to military school. Trump was raised to believe he was special....still does

Obama's upbringing wasn't exactly dirt poor. Private schools, Harvard law. His step father wasn't poor either, back then most people from places like Indonesia and Africa sent to study in America were from the ruling elite.

While Trump's father was a rich man, he was a rich man in a very expensive area, even back then.

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