So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

JBond said:
Kansas City attempted to spread the criminals and crime around. It did not end well.
There's A Lot Of Urban Prairie Becoming Urban Forest
In Kansas City, KS

These Were Once Kept-Up
Working Class Areas
Have you been directly affected?

Of course I have. Welfare is paid for with my money. I've always supported social safety nets for poor AMERICANS, but contributing people in the United States cannot afford to take care of the poor south of our border.

Of course I have. Welfare is paid for with my money

No doubt. I bet you help a family of five with their rent for a month anually.

Probably about as much as you help immigrants with their rent for a month annually.

Not a truck driver. Sorry.

You no doubt cover a few months of electric for you HUD neighbors though.

Probably, but not through any choice of my own. If it were up to me, HUD residents would be restricted to lower income housing in the inner-city, not in the suburbs.

Just holding you to your own standard.
If you could afford it, you wouldn't live in a HUD neighborhood. Maybe you should work harder to meet my standard. Since I'm better off than you, your neighborhood or school district should not get any services before mine, loser.
Unless an immigrant is wealthy when they arrive, they will likely require some assistance until they’re established regardless of how hard working or educated they are. Rich, successful people rarely emigrate. They stay where they became rich and successful.

So in other words, this is the worlds dumping grounds. No money, no education, come to America and taxpayers will support you.

But then you can't figure out why we are against that?

No money, no education

Hell. That's you, buddy.

In your dreams.

Yeah? You one of those master prepared truck divers with HUD neighbors?
And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.

Not with the burdon of the red states and all.

"Burdon". What a farce, that's because the red states have shitloads of FEDERAL MILITARY BASES, you idiot. It ain't welfare you ignorant buffoon.

Sure, dope. California has no military bases at all.

They have several, and they are shrinking in size almost every year. Thanks for pointing that out.
No, they're poor and ignorant.

Like red staters.

We have no means to kick out unproductive white trash.

Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

Because they have loyalty to another culture, another people, another government and another nation.

I thought you were smarter than that, but apparently you are another feel good globalist.

They're legal, dope. They've worked to meet that standard.
Applying, filling out forms, and waiting to get on the dole isn't much work.

That is what the whole thread is about, changing the definition of what it means to be "legal." If they don't contribute, they don't stay.

No need to fling invective good man. I apologize if I insulted you.
Unless an immigrant is wealthy when they arrive, they will likely require some assistance until they’re established regardless of how hard working or educated they are. Rich, successful people rarely emigrate. They stay where they became rich and successful.

So in other words, this is the worlds dumping grounds. No money, no education, come to America and taxpayers will support you.

But then you can't figure out why we are against that?

No money, no education

Hell. That's you, buddy.

In your dreams.

Yeah? You one of those master prepared truck divers with HUD neighbors?

Yes I am. I'm a victim of government inserting lowlifes into once nice suburbs. Social engineering gone off the tracks.
Of course I have. Welfare is paid for with my money. I've always supported social safety nets for poor AMERICANS, but contributing people in the United States cannot afford to take care of the poor south of our border.

Of course I have. Welfare is paid for with my money

No doubt. I bet you help a family of five with their rent for a month anually.

Probably about as much as you help immigrants with their rent for a month annually.

Not a truck driver. Sorry.

You no doubt cover a few months of electric for you HUD neighbors though.

Probably, but not through any choice of my own. If it were up to me, HUD residents would be restricted to lower income housing in the inner-city, not in the suburbs.

Just holding you to your own standard.
If you could afford it, you wouldn't live in a HUD neighborhood. Maybe you should work harder to meet my standard. Since I'm better off than you, your neighborhood or school district should not get any services before mine, loser.

Nobody is safe from HUD. What HUD does is target areas for destruction, and then they send their lowlifes in to do the job. When the area is finally destroyed, HUD targets new areas.

Not to worry though, your time is coming.
No, they're poor and ignorant.

Like red staters.

We have no means to kick out unproductive white trash.

Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

What the subject is about is kicking people out that lied in order to become a citizen or legal immigrant. It's not about kicking all immigrants or new citizens out.

If you are collecting unemployment, and they have proof you are working under the table, you lied to the unemployment bureau and you will be kicked off of unemployment benefits.

What the subject is about is kicking people out that lied in order to become a citizen or legal immigrant.

That is not what the thread is about, dope.

Read the OP dope.
There’s no reason to let people come here in a booming job market that don’t have self sustaining work lined up. It’s even dumber to bring these people here if the economy isn’t good.

Immigration papers need to be tied to work to be done. Apply for a job, the employer guarantees you will have that job upon arrival. Then you can come here with your immediate family (one wife, you and her biological children only).

There’s no reason to let people come here in a booming job market that don’t have self sustaining work lined up.

Fukin a. Deport west virginia!

Comparing deporting immigrants to deporting citizens born here. Yeah, that makes sense.

Cost the same, dope.

This isn't a discussion about cost, it's a discussion about obligation. We don't have (or shouldn't have) any obligation to support people that come here from other countries. It's the left that made it an obligation to support our people here. And now that we are, you say deport them? Deport them to where? They didn't come from any other place.

Great. What obligation do immigrants have that the natural born don't? Where is that written, dope?

You are kinda slow, aren't ya?

We don't owe foreigners a pass to get in this country nor support once they get here. We have enough problems taking care of our own.
Unless an immigrant is wealthy when they arrive, they will likely require some assistance until they’re established regardless of how hard working or educated they are. Rich, successful people rarely emigrate. They stay where they became rich and successful.

So in other words, this is the worlds dumping grounds. No money, no education, come to America and taxpayers will support you.

But then you can't figure out why we are against that?

No money, no education

Hell. That's you, buddy.

In your dreams.

Yeah? You one of those master prepared truck divers with HUD neighbors?

Yes I am. I'm a victim of government inserting lowlifes into once nice suburbs. Social engineering gone off the tracks.
--------------------or on the tracks as PLANNED by gov social engineers , why should good people have things nice when government can easily disrupt .
Coming to the promise land and popping out babies like gerbils with no means ,skills, education ,is an invasion.
1522594296127.jpg dems.png
So in other words, this is the worlds dumping grounds. No money, no education, come to America and taxpayers will support you.

But then you can't figure out why we are against that?

No money, no education

Hell. That's you, buddy.

In your dreams.

Yeah? You one of those master prepared truck divers with HUD neighbors?

Yes I am. I'm a victim of government inserting lowlifes into once nice suburbs. Social engineering gone off the tracks.
--------------------or on the tracks as PLANNED by gov social engineers , why should good people have things nice when government can easily disrupt .

Or why should one work for the rewards of living in a nice area when government is going to put their lowlifes in there who do not work or work very little?

I have no problem supporting people over there........not over here. If you want to live here, get a full time job, save your money like I did, and move over here when you are financially capable. But don't do it with my tax dollars.
Like red staters.

We have no means to kick out unproductive white trash.

Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

Because they have loyalty to another culture, another people, another government and another nation.

I thought you were smarter than that, but apparently you are another feel good globalist.

They're legal, dope. They've worked to meet that standard.
Applying, filling out forms, and waiting to get on the dole isn't much work.

That is what the whole thread is about, changing the definition of what it means to be "legal." If they don't contribute, they don't stay.

No need to fling invective good man. I apologize if I insulted you.

The whole idea is insulting.

You're suggesting we hold those who came here legally to a standard we don't hold for our own citizens.

Why do you begrudge others for their struggles?
Unless an immigrant is wealthy when they arrive, they will likely require some assistance until they’re established regardless of how hard working or educated they are. Rich, successful people rarely emigrate. They stay where they became rich and successful.

So in other words, this is the worlds dumping grounds. No money, no education, come to America and taxpayers will support you.

But then you can't figure out why we are against that?

No money, no education

Hell. That's you, buddy.

In your dreams.

Yeah? You one of those master prepared truck divers with HUD neighbors?

Yes I am. I'm a victim of government inserting lowlifes into once nice suburbs. Social engineering gone off the tracks.

You're a victim of your own mediocratiy.
No doubt. I bet you help a family of five with their rent for a month anually.

Probably about as much as you help immigrants with their rent for a month annually.

Not a truck driver. Sorry.

You no doubt cover a few months of electric for you HUD neighbors though.

Probably, but not through any choice of my own. If it were up to me, HUD residents would be restricted to lower income housing in the inner-city, not in the suburbs.

Just holding you to your own standard.
If you could afford it, you wouldn't live in a HUD neighborhood. Maybe you should work harder to meet my standard. Since I'm better off than you, your neighborhood or school district should not get any services before mine, loser.

Nobody is safe from HUD. What HUD does is target areas for destruction, and then they send their lowlifes in to do the job. When the area is finally destroyed, HUD targets new areas.

Not to worry though, your time is coming.

Sure, loser. Everyone is to blame for your lot in life except yourself.
Like red staters.

We have no means to kick out unproductive white trash.

Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

What the subject is about is kicking people out that lied in order to become a citizen or legal immigrant. It's not about kicking all immigrants or new citizens out.

If you are collecting unemployment, and they have proof you are working under the table, you lied to the unemployment bureau and you will be kicked off of unemployment benefits.

What the subject is about is kicking people out that lied in order to become a citizen or legal immigrant.

That is not what the thread is about, dope.

Read the OP dope.

Good advice. You should try it.
We have no means to kick out unproductive white trash.

Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

Because they have loyalty to another culture, another people, another government and another nation.

I thought you were smarter than that, but apparently you are another feel good globalist.

They're legal, dope. They've worked to meet that standard.
Applying, filling out forms, and waiting to get on the dole isn't much work.

That is what the whole thread is about, changing the definition of what it means to be "legal." If they don't contribute, they don't stay.

No need to fling invective good man. I apologize if I insulted you.

The whole idea is insulting.

You're suggesting we hold those who came here legally to a standard we don't hold for our own citizens.

Why do you begrudge others for their struggles?
The programs are meant for our citizens..............You're writing checks for more debt............without the means to pay.............

Let the States decide...........If your state wants higher taxes to pay for it..............then do so...........just don't include other states....

Trump is pushing merit based immigration.............and this only applies up to 5 years.
Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

Because they have loyalty to another culture, another people, another government and another nation.

I thought you were smarter than that, but apparently you are another feel good globalist.

They're legal, dope. They've worked to meet that standard.
Applying, filling out forms, and waiting to get on the dole isn't much work.

That is what the whole thread is about, changing the definition of what it means to be "legal." If they don't contribute, they don't stay.

No need to fling invective good man. I apologize if I insulted you.

The whole idea is insulting.

You're suggesting we hold those who came here legally to a standard we don't hold for our own citizens.

Why do you begrudge others for their struggles?
The programs are meant for our citizens..............You're writing checks for more debt............without the means to pay.............

Let the States decide...........If your state wants higher taxes to pay for it..............then do so...........just don't include other states....

Trump is pushing merit based immigration.............and this only applies up to 5 years.

The programs are meant for our citizens..

Obviously they're not if they qualify for them, dope.
Because they have loyalty to another culture, another people, another government and another nation.

I thought you were smarter than that, but apparently you are another feel good globalist.

They're legal, dope. They've worked to meet that standard.
Applying, filling out forms, and waiting to get on the dole isn't much work.

That is what the whole thread is about, changing the definition of what it means to be "legal." If they don't contribute, they don't stay.

No need to fling invective good man. I apologize if I insulted you.

The whole idea is insulting.

You're suggesting we hold those who came here legally to a standard we don't hold for our own citizens.

Why do you begrudge others for their struggles?
The programs are meant for our citizens..............You're writing checks for more debt............without the means to pay.............

Let the States decide...........If your state wants higher taxes to pay for it..............then do so...........just don't include other states....

Trump is pushing merit based immigration.............and this only applies up to 5 years.

The programs are meant for our citizens..

Obviously they're not if they qualify for them, dope.

Shouldn't be that way ........derp.
We have no means to kick out unproductive white trash.

Should there be means to kick out legal immigrants? People who met every standard under the law?

I personally see no difference between a legal immigrant and a citizen. Both have standing under the law.
The standards I've seen so far in this thread arent met by a good pecentage of the existing citizen population. Why hold others who worked very hard to get here to a higher standard?

Because they have loyalty to another culture, another people, another government and another nation.

I thought you were smarter than that, but apparently you are another feel good globalist.

They're legal, dope. They've worked to meet that standard.
Applying, filling out forms, and waiting to get on the dole isn't much work.

That is what the whole thread is about, changing the definition of what it means to be "legal." If they don't contribute, they don't stay.

No need to fling invective good man. I apologize if I insulted you.

The whole idea is insulting.

You're suggesting we hold those who came here legally to a standard we don't hold for our own citizens.

Why do you begrudge others for their struggles?

You're suggesting we hold those who came here legally to a standard we don't hold for our own citizens.

If they came here under a standard that says they can't collect government benefits and still become citizens, then they should be denied citizenship and sent home.

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