So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.


It is not intended to benefit those who want to come here.

The country as a whole benefits when people come here who, speak English, have education, have skills, have assets, have knowledge, and who share our values.

When people come here who do not speak English, who have no skills or education, and who DO NOT share our values, they are a net detriment to American society.

Why allow them in? Why allow them to stay?

Only one reason: Because Leftists dream of the day when they will get "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" and all those dependent bastards will become voting citizens.

NEVER FORGET THAT. It is NOT about compassion for the downtrodden or "Christian charity" or anything of the sort. It is about the prospect of obtaining tremendous political power for the Left.

If it was about charity (Christian or otherwise), the Democrats would be actually supporting these aliens with their own private funds(not the government's). Paying charity with other people's money isn't much of a virtue.

Democratics pass laws that they never expect to be followed, just for the optics.
Neither party enforces the laws.
Trump says - hey let's follow the laws that Congress passed.

Progressives freak out.
Are they just lazy

No, they're poor and ignorant.

Just want to point out that 'ignorant' means don't know...

I think you mean 'uneducated'...

Aren't you lucky you're not an immigrant?

Immigrants are supposed to be chosen among the very finest in their country and are sent here to be illegals and cheerfully do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.

Its a slap in the face for them to sit on their ass once they get here and live off the fat of the land and reflects badly on their country

Please just read the fucking article for once...

These are not doing nothing, it is that there jobs are lowly paid...

Does anyone think the best of the Irish were hand picked and sent to America. They were called coffin ships for a reason.

Cholera and Typhus accounted for a great many deaths. Those who died were buried at sea. With death rates commonly reaching 20%, and horror stories of 50% dying, these vessels soon became known as 'Coffin Ships'. After weeks cooped up in these terrible conditions, Irish emigrants arrived in North America.
Are they just lazy

No, they're poor and ignorant.

Just want to point out that 'ignorant' means don't know...

I think you mean 'uneducated'...

Aren't you lucky you're not an immigrant?

Immigrants are supposed to be chosen among the very finest in their country and are sent here to be illegals and cheerfully do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.

Its a slap in the face for them to sit on their ass once they get here and live off the fat of the land and reflects badly on their country

Please just read the fucking article for once...

These are not doing nothing, it is that there jobs are lowly paid...

Does anyone think the best of the Irish were hand picked and sent to America. They were called coffin ships for a reason.

Cholera and Typhus accounted for a great many deaths. Those who died were buried at sea. With death rates commonly reaching 20%, and horror stories of 50% dying, these vessels soon became known as 'Coffin Ships'. After weeks cooped up in these terrible conditions, Irish emigrants arrived in North America.
Illegal aliens are illegal aliens they have no right to be here
Are they just lazy

No, they're poor and ignorant.

Just want to point out that 'ignorant' means don't know...

I think you mean 'uneducated'...

Aren't you lucky you're not an immigrant?

Immigrants are supposed to be chosen among the very finest in their country and are sent here to be illegals and cheerfully do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.

Its a slap in the face for them to sit on their ass once they get here and live off the fat of the land and reflects badly on their country

Please just read the fucking article for once...

These are not doing nothing, it is that there jobs are lowly paid...

Does anyone think the best of the Irish were hand picked and sent to America. They were called coffin ships for a reason.

Cholera and Typhus accounted for a great many deaths. Those who died were buried at sea. With death rates commonly reaching 20%, and horror stories of 50% dying, these vessels soon became known as 'Coffin Ships'. After weeks cooped up in these terrible conditions, Irish emigrants arrived in North America.

If your job is "lowly paid" and you aren't making enough to support yourself, you need to moonlight and work more hours. Not sponge off the taxpayers. As an illegal, the person volunteered to come here to do the jobs Americans don't want to do. If they don't want to do them either, who the hell needs them?
Just want to point out that 'ignorant' means don't know...

I think you mean 'uneducated'...

Aren't you lucky you're not an immigrant?

Being uneducated means you're ignorant; they're synonyms. They both mean you don't know things. My word usage was correct. Thanks for trying to help though. Aren't you glad you're not an immigrant? ;)


synonyms: uneducated - unknowledgeable - untaught
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We on the right love "legal" immigration and if a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are lying to your face or just totally brainwashed.

The last person you should take seriously is someone that claims to be a Democrat.

I don't think people should be able to immigrate legally if they won't make enough to pay federal income taxes. No immigrants that are a net loss to our nation's finances.

You want to send Trump back to Germany?

Do you think Trump doesn't pay taxes?
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.
A. The left has always told us that immigrants can’t get welfare. So that was a lie. B. The left always told us that immigrants add to the economy not take from it so that was a lie. So tell us now why US taxpayers should fund immigrants either legal or illegal.
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

Why do they completely rely on welfare why don't they have jobs and pay for themselves? Are they just lazy and expect American taxpayers to fund them and their family?
They don’t completely rely on welfare Lucy. Read the article.
The article says they do.

‘Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft” obtained by The Washington Post.

The baby-killer calling the greatest jobs president ever a piece of trash. Thats rich. YOU are the piece of trash. You want a bunch of blood sucking welfare parasites to stay here and drain the support system that is meant to help Americans in need? Fuck you loser.

Some one is pretty butt hurt. :lol: Try calming down a tad.

If some one gets some minor assistance to get on their feet, that doesn’t make them blood sucking welfare parasites you ignorant, self important, entitled twat. And we actually have laws that allow us to deport people who ARE a serious drain on the system and are unwilling to make a go at it. I have zero problem with that.

What pity these sentiments weren’t in effect when your ancestors invaded this continent. Maybe we wouldn’t have had to put up with you, and incur the cost of educating you, and taking care of you in your senility.

Have a good day :)
What do you think was in effect before the welfare state? There was no public assistance. No food stamps, no HUD housing, no medical care, no free education. Those needing minor assistance could die in an alley like anyone else unless they begged for charity.

If a foreigner needs minor assistance to get on their feet in this country they need to be deported. Just like we always did to those who became a public charge.

The baby-killer calling the greatest jobs president ever a piece of trash. Thats rich. YOU are the piece of trash. You want a bunch of blood sucking welfare parasites to stay here and drain the support system that is meant to help Americans in need? Fuck you loser.

Some one is pretty butt hurt. :lol: Try calming down a tad.

If some one gets some minor assistance to get on their feet, that doesn’t make them blood sucking welfare parasites you ignorant, self important, entitled twat. And we actually have laws that allow us to deport people who ARE a serious drain on the system and are unwilling to make a go at it. I have zero problem with that.

What pity these sentiments weren’t in effect when your ancestors invaded this continent. Maybe we wouldn’t have had to put up with you, and incur the cost of educating you, and taking care of you in your senility.

Have a good day :)
why is he an entitled twat exactly? is he/she asking for entitlements? if not, what did you mean?
The whole argument I hear for allowing immigrants is that they are coming here to work.

Immigrants who are a burden to the government should not be here.


Foreign countries are supposed to be sending America their finest citizens, not their shiftless and idle.

And the immigrants that they send us are supposed to be willing and able to do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.
The shiftless and idle are seldom the immigrants. It takes a hell of a lot of determination, and hard work to uproot and make things work in a new land.

Countries don’t send people. People choose to leave.
mostly because their country failed them, pushing them out, so yeah, their country sent them.

Why would someone wish to come here and be a burden anyway? what kind of human does that?
Are they just lazy

No, they're poor and ignorant.

Just want to point out that 'ignorant' means don't know...

I think you mean 'uneducated'...

Aren't you lucky you're not an immigrant?

Immigrants are supposed to be chosen among the very finest in their country and are sent here to be illegals and cheerfully do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.

Its a slap in the face for them to sit on their ass once they get here and live off the fat of the land and reflects badly on their country

Please just read the fucking article for once...

These are not doing nothing, it is that there jobs are lowly paid...

Does anyone think the best of the Irish were hand picked and sent to America. They were called coffin ships for a reason.

Cholera and Typhus accounted for a great many deaths. Those who died were buried at sea. With death rates commonly reaching 20%, and horror stories of 50% dying, these vessels soon became known as 'Coffin Ships'. After weeks cooped up in these terrible conditions, Irish emigrants arrived in North America.
Illegal aliens are illegal aliens they have no right to be here

Well you fucking idiot why doesn't you read the article... this is about legal immigrants...
We on the right love "legal" immigration and if a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are lying to your face or just totally brainwashed.

The last person you should take seriously is someone that claims to be a Democrat.

I don't think people should be able to immigrate legally if they won't make enough to pay federal income taxes. No immigrants that are a net loss to our nation's finances.

You want to send Trump back to Germany?

The Trump family comes from Kallstadt , Germany, just like the Heinz family. That makes Mr. Teresa Heinz (aka John Kerry) virtually President Trump's cousin.

Actually Trump's Grandfather was a criminal in his home country and couldn't return... Just like the grandson he dodged the draft...

Donald Trump didn't dodge the draft at all. He was medically ineligible.

Allegations that the family podiatrist was a criminal on the take from the Trump family has never been proven. Now, if someone could find a document to prove the allegations, I'd be glad to look at them. Maybe Dan Rather can get Burkett on the case to find such documentation and show it on 60 Minutes so they can get their redemption after the 2004 snafu.

The bone spurs disappeared without surgery. It was divine intervention.
We on the right love "legal" immigration and if a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are lying to your face or just totally brainwashed.

The last person you should take seriously is someone that claims to be a Democrat.

I don't think people should be able to immigrate legally if they won't make enough to pay federal income taxes. No immigrants that are a net loss to our nation's finances.

You want to send Trump back to Germany?

Do you think Trump doesn't pay taxes?

I KNOW Trump doesn't pay income taxes, and so does the state of New York. He lost 10 billion dollars in 9 years, and he carried forward losses on his return.
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The whole argument I hear for allowing immigrants is that they are coming here to work.

Immigrants who are a burden to the government should not be here.


Foreign countries are supposed to be sending America their finest citizens, not their shiftless and idle.

And the immigrants that they send us are supposed to be willing and able to do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.
The shiftless and idle are seldom the immigrants. It takes a hell of a lot of determination, and hard work to uproot and make things work in a new land.

Countries don’t send people. People choose to leave.
mostly because their country failed them, pushing them out, so yeah, their country sent them.

Why would someone wish to come here and be a burden anyway? what kind of human does that?

So in there country there governments have to take responsibility? What happened to small government?
No, they're poor and ignorant.

Just want to point out that 'ignorant' means don't know...

I think you mean 'uneducated'...

Aren't you lucky you're not an immigrant?

Immigrants are supposed to be chosen among the very finest in their country and are sent here to be illegals and cheerfully do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.

Its a slap in the face for them to sit on their ass once they get here and live off the fat of the land and reflects badly on their country

Please just read the fucking article for once...

These are not doing nothing, it is that there jobs are lowly paid...

Does anyone think the best of the Irish were hand picked and sent to America. They were called coffin ships for a reason.

Cholera and Typhus accounted for a great many deaths. Those who died were buried at sea. With death rates commonly reaching 20%, and horror stories of 50% dying, these vessels soon became known as 'Coffin Ships'. After weeks cooped up in these terrible conditions, Irish emigrants arrived in North America.
Illegal aliens are illegal aliens they have no right to be here

Well you fucking idiot why doesn't you read the article... this is about legal immigrants...
You trying to spin the subject, it’s about the total rejection of illegal aliens the way should be
We on the right love "legal" immigration and if a Democrat tells you otherwise, they are lying to your face or just totally brainwashed.

The last person you should take seriously is someone that claims to be a Democrat.

I don't think people should be able to immigrate legally if they won't make enough to pay federal income taxes. No immigrants that are a net loss to our nation's finances.

You want to send Trump back to Germany?

Do you think Trump doesn't pay taxes?

I KNOW Trump doesn't pay income taxes, and so does the state of New York.
Even if so who gives a shit… Tax money never leaves Washington DC.
The whole argument I hear for allowing immigrants is that they are coming here to work.

Immigrants who are a burden to the government should not be here.


Foreign countries are supposed to be sending America their finest citizens, not their shiftless and idle.

And the immigrants that they send us are supposed to be willing and able to do the jobs that we Americans don't want to do.
The shiftless and idle are seldom the immigrants. It takes a hell of a lot of determination, and hard work to uproot and make things work in a new land.

Countries don’t send people. People choose to leave.
mostly because their country failed them, pushing them out, so yeah, their country sent them.

Why would someone wish to come here and be a burden anyway? what kind of human does that?

So in there country there governments have to take responsibility? What happened to small government?
exactly!!!!! what happened to small government in their country? can you actually write it? If you do, you expose yourself for who you really are. too funny.

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