So we a Theocracy now?...

Being a conservative Christian and do know the truth of the Bible I will be praising God when Jesus comes back. I am a conservative because I believe the Bible and HATE socialism. Our founding fathers came over here to escape socialism.

Our founding fathers were enemies of a monarchy, kind of the opposite of socialism.

Then why do most of the socialist countries still have monarchies?
Whoops! :lol:
I am what I think is a liberal because of the teachings of christ. And for no other basic reason.

I just do not know what the conservative christians are gonna do if christ comes back in their lifetimes and rules this earthly domain for a thousand years. Afterall, most christians are aware that when His followers were inspired by the Holy Spirit, they all immediately sold their possessions, their homes, and brought the proceeds to one of the original followers to be distributed to each according to his need. Sounds like fucking socialism to me. God's chosen manner for a group of people to care for one another. No sir, the conservative christians will shit on themselves, and think back of their vehement opposition to some of the liberal democrats who never went that far!!!!

It really is the great cosmic irony. And funny as Hell.

I am frankly quite happy to see Obama doing God's Will. FDR, Truman, Ike, all of these great men did God's Will quite often. Then it fell out of fashion starting in 1980. And oddly enough the ones that drove it from fashion were conservative christians. We are chock full of irony these days, with much more to come. Stay tuned!
Being a conservative Christian and do know the truth of the Bible I will be praising God when Jesus comes back. I am a conservative because I believe the Bible and HATE socialism. Our founding fathers came over here to escape socialism.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." - Declaration of Independence.

I dunno. Pledging of fortunes kind of sounds like what you all are against.

The were pledging their fortunes to become independent from the crown. This is from ta...da...the Declaration of Independence.
Mods, I didn't see the other thread already on this...thread title was different..merge if you wish..
Being a conservative Christian and do know the truth of the Bible I will be praising God when Jesus comes back. I am a conservative because I believe the Bible and HATE socialism. Our founding fathers came over here to escape socialism.

Our founding fathers were enemies of a monarchy, kind of the opposite of socialism.

Then why do most of the socialist countries still have monarchies?

You mean the social democracies of Europe? You mean powerless figureheads? I don't know, maybe tradition, national identity?
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?'

And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"
(Matthew 25.35-40 ESV)

I didn't ask you. And I've read the Bible. :rolleyes:

BTW: taking MY money to do all those things doesn't make YOU a humanitarian.

Looks like if christ returns to rule for his thousand years while you are still around, you will be shit out of luck. You won't fit in, going by what happened in Acts. The man and wife who sold their possessions and property tried to hold back, and not give it all to the follower who would then distribute it according to the need of each person. They were both struck down dead, by the Almighty God. But hey, they say Hell is not so bad, and nothing is required of you down there. I'd make plans!

Well, thanks for your concern. But I believe I'll just gamble along my own way with the Father.
Yep, it is not the gov't.'s job. I laugh when people use the Bible to justify socialism. Also, Jesus was not a socialist, before someone says he was.
Indeed. Jesus was speaking directly to charity is an individual choice.

If the greatest way to help the greatest number of people was through a government, you're telling us Jesus would NOT want that to happen?
Charity is an individual decision. Government does it at the point of a gun. They do not speak for me and whom I might give my money to.

And that's the gist of it. it isn't thier money in the first place. You Statists have yet to understand that basic premise.

You idiots are always generous with other people's money while being stingy with your own. :eusa_hand:

Obama is an IDIOT for using religion to justify forcing people to do something they may not wish to do.

Obama and the statists have robbed another piece of individual liberty.
If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children
and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
-Jesus (Luke 14:26

Bump. Would like to hear reflections on this verse.

p.s., I share your skepticism about people who think that Christ would say the right thing to do when you see a need is to take money from someone else.
If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children
and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
-Jesus (Luke 14:26

Bump. Would like to hear reflections on this verse.

p.s., I share your skepticism about people who think that Christ would say the right thing to do when you see a need is to take money from someone else.

Go for it!
If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children
and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
-Jesus (Luke 14:26

Bump. Would like to hear reflections on this verse.

p.s., I share your skepticism about people who think that Christ would say the right thing to do when you see a need is to take money from someone else.

Go for it!

Hmmm ... I see Old_Liberal responded while I was posting. Took him/her long enough to think of a non-answer. I guess it's a credit to them that they had to take so long to figure a way to insult you. :rolleyes:

If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children
and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
-Jesus (Luke 14:26

You must like the "hate" part?

So, what is your point?
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Somewhere in the Bible (Exodus, I think) It also says that we shouldn't give special treatment to the poor nor should we give special treatment to the rich.
I guess Obama just picks and chooses in these campaign speeches of his.
insane is all I can say.
link in article at site.

posted at 1:20 pm on February 2, 2012 by Tina KorbeThis morning, at the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama cited Scripture as justification for his policy agenda — from reforming health care to ensuring that financial institutions play by fair rules to taxing the rich. BuzzFeed’s Zeke Miller reports:

The president said he often falls to his knees in prayer, and emphasized the role of his religious values in determining where to lead the country.
“I’d be remiss if I stopped there; if my values were limited to personal moments of prayer or private conversations with pastors or friends. So instead, I must try — imperfectly, but I must try — to make sure those values motivate me as one leader of this great nation.”
Obama maintained that his call for the wealthiest to give up their tax breaks, he’s doing so out of economic necessity, but also in line with biblical teachings.

“And I think to myself, if I’m willing to give something up as somebody who’s been extraordinarily blessed, and give up some of the tax breaks that I enjoy, I actually think that’s going to make economic sense. But for me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required,’” Obama said, noting Jewish and Islamic teachings say much the same thing.

It surprises me to encounter the president using this tactic. In the first place, the specific example he cites above is misapplied. When the president establishes a policy direction — and Congress follows it — his decisions don’t just affect him. When he promotes increased taxation of “the rich,” he’s not merely giving up his own tax breaks as he implies — he’s also suggesting the government should be able to force others to pay more in taxes, as well. That’s just obvious — and to say otherwise actually makes the president look more confused than anything. Here, we seem to have an out-of-water Obama who wants very desperately to pander but doesn’t quite know how.

read it all and comments..
Obama: Biblical principles prompted me to push for Dodd-Frank and Obamacare « Hot Air

OMG!!! OMFG!!! That means the laws are unconstitutional because of the wall of separation between Church and State has been breached
Bump. Would like to hear reflections on this verse.

p.s., I share your skepticism about people who think that Christ would say the right thing to do when you see a need is to take money from someone else.

Go for it!

Hmmm ... I see Old_Liberal has responded while I was posting. Took him/her long enough to think of an insulting non-answer.

If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children
and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.
-Jesus (Luke 14:26

You must like the "hate" part?

So, what is your point?

Yeah, don't you just love it when people who haven't read the Bible throw it in your face!~
insane is all I can say.
link in article at site.

posted at 1:20 pm on February 2, 2012 by Tina KorbeThis morning, at the National Prayer Breakfast, Barack Obama cited Scripture as justification for his policy agenda — from reforming health care to ensuring that financial institutions play by fair rules to taxing the rich. BuzzFeed’s Zeke Miller reports:

The president said he often falls to his knees in prayer, and emphasized the role of his religious values in determining where to lead the country.
“I’d be remiss if I stopped there; if my values were limited to personal moments of prayer or private conversations with pastors or friends. So instead, I must try — imperfectly, but I must try — to make sure those values motivate me as one leader of this great nation.”
Obama maintained that his call for the wealthiest to give up their tax breaks, he’s doing so out of economic necessity, but also in line with biblical teachings.

“And I think to myself, if I’m willing to give something up as somebody who’s been extraordinarily blessed, and give up some of the tax breaks that I enjoy, I actually think that’s going to make economic sense. But for me as a Christian, it also coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required,’” Obama said, noting Jewish and Islamic teachings say much the same thing.

It surprises me to encounter the president using this tactic. In the first place, the specific example he cites above is misapplied. When the president establishes a policy direction — and Congress follows it — his decisions don’t just affect him. When he promotes increased taxation of “the rich,” he’s not merely giving up his own tax breaks as he implies — he’s also suggesting the government should be able to force others to pay more in taxes, as well. That’s just obvious — and to say otherwise actually makes the president look more confused than anything. Here, we seem to have an out-of-water Obama who wants very desperately to pander but doesn’t quite know how.

read it all and comments..
Obama: Biblical principles prompted me to push for Dodd-Frank and Obamacare « Hot Air

OMG!!! OMFG!!! That means the laws are unconstitutional because of the wall of separation between Church and State has been breached
But aStatist/Marxist has given the seal of's OK in this instance...:eusa_whistle:
Indeed. Jesus was speaking directly to charity is an individual choice.

If the greatest way to help the greatest number of people was through a government, you're telling us Jesus would NOT want that to happen?
Charity is an individual decision. Government does it at the point of a gun. They do not speak for me and whom I might give my money to.

And that's the gist of it. it isn't thier money in the first place. You Statists have yet to understand that basic premise.

You idiots are always generous with other people's money while being stingy with your own. :eusa_hand:

Obama is an IDIOT for using religion to justify forcing people to do something they may not wish to do.

Obama and the statists have robbed another piece of individual liberty.

Kind of the point of social programs is that churches and individuals do not do a good job of feeding the hungry or healing the sick, in fact they suck at it. Maybe it would work if the human race was not inherently territorial and prejudicial. Until we develop into people who will not tolerate hunger and strife in our town or city, there will social programs.
Somewhere in the Bible (Exodus, I think) It also says that we shouldn't give special treatment to the poor nor should we give special treatment to the rich.
I guess Obama just picks and chooses in these campaign speeches of his.
Just whomever he thinks he has a ballot deficit. He knows he is in trouble with some religious folks.
Jesus/God is/was a lot of things to lot of people to some he is vengeful god poised to smite and for some he was a simple man with some profound things to say. My own liberalism grew out of my interpretation of who Jesus was, an example, his example demands of me to care for my fellow humans.

I am what I think is a liberal because of the teachings of christ. And for no other basic reason.

I just do not know what the conservative christians are gonna do if christ comes back in their lifetimes and rules this earthly domain for a thousand years. Afterall, most christians are aware that when His followers were inspired by the Holy Spirit, they all immediately sold their possessions, their homes, and brought the proceeds to one of the original followers to be distributed to each according to his need. Sounds like fucking socialism to me. God's chosen manner for a group of people to care for one another. No sir, the conservative christians will shit on themselves, and think back of their vehement opposition to some of the liberal democrats who never went that far!!!!

It really is the great cosmic irony. And funny as Hell.

I am frankly quite happy to see Obama doing God's Will. FDR, Truman, Ike, all of these great men did God's Will quite often. Then it fell out of fashion starting in 1980. And oddly enough the ones that drove it from fashion were conservative christians. We are chock full of irony these days, with much more to come. Stay tuned!

They were moved spiritually by God. Not government.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?'

And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"
(Matthew 25.35-40 ESV)

I didn't ask you. And I've read the Bible. :rolleyes:

BTW: taking MY money to do all those things doesn't make YOU a humanitarian.
Yep, it is not the gov't.'s job. I laugh when people use the Bible to justify socialism. Also, Jesus was not a socialist, before someone says he was.

You need to read your Acts in the N.T.

There were a great number of followers after the death of christ. Apparently there were problems in feeding or caring for many of the folllowers. My money says these were the poor followers. So what happened? Find the passages, and read them slowly. It will be very clear what manner of distribution of money was done, and that the way in which it was done was by the Will of God. It seems the Creator is not a Capitalist and certainly not a conservative republican. God did not tell the poor to go out and get a job. He did not chastise them for being lazy. Instead, His Spirit told the richer to sell their possessions, their homes, and let an original follower distribute it to each according to his need.

When a married couple tried to hold back, and keep wealth for themselves, he struck their asses dead, then and there. No sir, it seems your God doesn't care too much for greedy little humans. He kills em.

Yes sir, it appears God leans socialist. If you believe Acts, that is.

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