So, what are THE HYPOCRITES saying we should do about North Korea?

The program has greatly accelerated ever since Trump started tweeting a red line in the sand. And then Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff.
Total falsehood. Your boy kim is going to reap what he has sown. Maybe not soon enough to suit some, but reap he will. When that happens then you will have a whole new venue of baseless accusations to throw on Trump.

After Trump threatened fire and fury and power the likes of which the world has never seen. N Korea launched an ICBM over Japan and set off an H-bomb.

Not only did Kim cross Trumps red line, he pissed on it.
You're a fool. The little one is showing off for his people. He didn't do this in front of a weak obama because it would prove nothing. But in front of Trump? Impressive. What you leftist clowns don't understand is that we could take out N. Korea in 20 minutes. We know it - the rest of the world knows it. Dumass.
So is your policy idea preemptive nuclear strike? What is your plan?
Huh? No nukes needed. Are you a dim bulb?
The program has greatly accelerated ever since Trump started tweeting a red line in the sand. And then Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff.
Total falsehood. Your boy kim is going to reap what he has sown. Maybe not soon enough to suit some, but reap he will. When that happens then you will have a whole new venue of baseless accusations to throw on Trump.

After Trump threatened fire and fury and power the likes of which the world has never seen. N Korea launched an ICBM over Japan and set off an H-bomb.

Not only did Kim cross Trumps red line, he pissed on it.
You're a fool. The little one is showing off for his people. He didn't do this in front of a weak obama because it would prove nothing. But in front of Trump? Impressive. What you leftist clowns don't understand is that we could take out N. Korea in 20 minutes. We know it - the rest of the world knows it. Dumass.
So is your policy idea preemptive nuclear strike? What is your plan?
Huh? No nukes needed. Are you a dim bulb?
The program has greatly accelerated ever since Trump started tweeting a red line in the sand. And then Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff.
Total falsehood. Your boy kim is going to reap what he has sown. Maybe not soon enough to suit some, but reap he will. When that happens then you will have a whole new venue of baseless accusations to throw on Trump.
So other than "It's Clinton and Obama (but not Bush) who are to blame," what's your solution? Nuke em til they glow? Preemptive?
You're the second person to put words I did not say in my mouth. In all my recent references to this problem I have said "previous admins". Now please stop misrepresenting what I have said.
Not misrepresenting, just asking. Trying to prime the pump to get an actual plan from you.
Listen hard troll, We have people we elected that have this covered. What you or I "plan" is without merit like all regressive nonsense.
Got it. No thinking necessary. Trust our leaders. That works for you, great.
Progs, watch this video and explain why we are dealing with this in 2017.

Just break it down and explain it to us, Watch the video. Raw footage. Make up your own's sorta cool to think for yourself.

"We received confirmation that North Korea will freeze their nuclear program"

Bill Clinton said's in the posted video.

Progs, break that shit down for us....because it seems like maybe that was bullshit.

Has NK frozen its nuclear program?

Was Bill lying or lying?

Libs, where are you? Explain this video.

You wouldn't ignore if it was a White Trump supporter assaulting a minority.

Explain this video. Bill said he handled NK. Did he?
After Trump threatened fire and fury and power the likes of which the world has never seen. N Korea launched an ICBM over Japan and set off an H-bomb.

Not only did Kim cross Trumps red line, he pissed on it.
Nowhere does it say Trump and his military advisors work on your time line. You know NOTHING about what is going on other than what the pathetic media feeds you and you make up.

Trump threatened N. Korea. Then N. Korea responded with an ICBM shot over the bow, and a trinity test of sn H-bomb.

I saw Trump bluff about what he would do, and then Kim calling his bluff.
You're an idiot.
The only answer is to NUKE Pyongyang and MOAB all the hills.

Does SK wait until NK strikes first? Or does SK decide to kick off the festivities with a first strike?

Why does USA have to do "everything"? issue "final" warnings and stand back. No more beaver tooth Haley talking lectures.......please

Edit: get NK military to wear hats that are not so huge. thanks.

Are you going to be flying that MOAB-carrying cargo plane with few defensive measures on that suicide mission to drop a weapon in an area where you may not control the skies?
Got it. No thinking necessary. Trust our leaders. That works for you, great.

Remember half the senior positions at the state department are still vacant. Trump hasn't nominated anybody to fill the top slots at state, so even Tillerson is complaining about his agency being unstaffed. The folks responsible for coming up with a diplomatic solution, aren't there.
And yet, previous administrations have done NOTHING and now we have the current situation that will have to be dealt with!

Which of the bad options do you advocate?
Certainly not doing nothing like you.

Ok genius, what would you do?

MAD is not nothing.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...

MAD only works if both sides care about destruction.
Which of the bad options do you advocate?
Certainly not doing nothing like you.

Ok genius, what would you do?

MAD is not nothing.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...

MAD only works if both sides care about destruction.
Regressives are ALL about the destruction of this country.
Got it. No thinking necessary. Trust our leaders. That works for you, great.

Remember half the senior positions at the state department are still vacant. Trump hasn't nominated anybody to fill the top slots at state, so even Tillerson is complaining about his agency being unstaffed. The folks responsible for coming up with a diplomatic solution, aren't there.

And why are so many senior positions still vacant? Democrats obstructing.
Which of the bad options do you advocate?
Certainly not doing nothing like you.

Ok genius, what would you do?

MAD is not nothing.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...

MAD only works if both sides care about destruction.

It appears from Dubya's negotiations that the reason that North Korea is pursuing nukes is to avoid regime change. The first thing out of their mouths was Saddam, Noriega and one other that I can't remember. That suggests rationality but of course does not prove it.
Got it. No thinking necessary. Trust our leaders. That works for you, great.

Remember half the senior positions at the state department are still vacant. Trump hasn't nominated anybody to fill the top slots at state, so even Tillerson is complaining about his agency being unstaffed. The folks responsible for coming up with a diplomatic solution, aren't there.

And why are so many senior positions still vacant? Democrats obstructing.
It's true in the DOJ too, and these are non Senate appointments I'm talking about. It ain't the Democrats on these levels.
I'd start by bombing the little one's command and control buildings, radar sites, and military installations.

Yeah that would start it alright!

And then NKorea would obliterate Seoul, then we would obliterate N Korea with lots of fallout all over Korea, China, Japan...

Yeah, you really thought that one out...
You make claims about things you have no knowledge of. Why is that? Are in North Korea and do you have information on their offense capability? If so how about showing that to us so we can all see it first hand?

Are you saying we don't know about North Korea's conventional capabilities?
Which of the bad options do you advocate?
Certainly not doing nothing like you.

Ok genius, what would you do?

MAD is not nothing.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...

MAD only works if both sides care about destruction.

If Un was suicidal he would have done it already. He's just playing Trump for the fool he is. Goading him into destroying our alliance with S Korea
Got it. No thinking necessary. Trust our leaders. That works for you, great.

Remember half the senior positions at the state department are still vacant. Trump hasn't nominated anybody to fill the top slots at state, so even Tillerson is complaining about his agency being unstaffed. The folks responsible for coming up with a diplomatic solution, aren't there.

And why are so many senior positions still vacant? Democrats obstructing.

NOPE, nobody nominated.

Trump would rather play golf than hire people for state.
Certainly not doing nothing like you.

Ok genius, what would you do?

MAD is not nothing.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...

MAD only works if both sides care about destruction.

It appears from Dubya's negotiations that the reason that North Korea is pursuing nukes is to avoid regime change. The first thing out of their mouths was Saddam, Noriega and one other that I can't remember. That suggests rationality but of course does not prove it.

Saddam stayed in power many years after the Gulf War, Noreiga wasn't pursuing nukes. The person who gave up his nukes and was removed was Qaddafi and he was done in by Ohbummer and Killary!

Your history needs a reboot.

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