So, what are THE HYPOCRITES saying we should do about North Korea?

Ok genius, what would you do?

MAD is not nothing.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...
You have not said what you would do. Typical cultist.

What you did do was insinuate the atheist yellow leader of North Korea is a victim of American white Christians.

You refuse your own self actualization. Please, go tell others in your know it all echo chambers how America is to blame for everything and how atheists never commit mass murder. In fact, the word murder has "religious" overtones. Probably do not believe in any of that.

Just tell us what you want to do. I've said plainly that NKorea is a nuclear nation and we should contain them as we did the Soviet Union until their demise through MAD.

Now stop obfuscating, tell us what you would do. No more scapegoating Soros, no more pointing fingers at "leftists"...

Just state clearly, what would you do?
Well, exactly what is being done. I am sure you can see the yellow atheist tyrant commie is escalating and destabilizing the region. I see you can see that.

Now what? The containment thing is not working.

Now what?

The containment thing is not working? Really, are they bombing Seoul and the fake news is not telling us?
You're sounding a little unhinged...
Where is that list of Dem Legislators who were critical of Clinton and Obama's handling of NK?
I'd like to personally go over and shoot kim in the head.
But you won't even leave the house.

Well, liberals are either denying there is an actual crisis with North Korea, hijacking the thread and obfuscating from the subject, or they are just flat out siding with the yellow commie over Trump.

The point is they are not answering the question, cause they really don't know how to. They have not had their marching orders from their high priest soros yet.

My thread is proving the point. They are hypocritical gasbags and robots of the democrat victimology strategy. That is it and that is all.
I'm starting to believe they are not Americans.
Ya'll been telling everyone that for years.

Aw, Mikie's intellect has come up short again.
Where is that list of Dem Legislators who were critical of Clinton and Obama's handling of NK?
Your nation sold NK nuclear reactors a mere 2 years before Bush placed them on an axis of evil list; utterely bipartisan deal, look it up halfwit. you helped pay for them.
I see your anger at being disagreed with is coming out. What I would do is irrelevant unless, like always, you just want to start a flame fest like regressives are famous for. What I and we have done is elect the person we feel will best take care of the job of securing the safety of Americans, and to a lesser degree the world. That person is Donald Trump. What we can do, and should, is keep the lazy no good representatives and Senators on the hot seat to do their jobs and stop ignoring the will of the people whom they represent.

Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...
You have not said what you would do. Typical cultist.

What you did do was insinuate the atheist yellow leader of North Korea is a victim of American white Christians.

You refuse your own self actualization. Please, go tell others in your know it all echo chambers how America is to blame for everything and how atheists never commit mass murder. In fact, the word murder has "religious" overtones. Probably do not believe in any of that.

Just tell us what you want to do. I've said plainly that NKorea is a nuclear nation and we should contain them as we did the Soviet Union until their demise through MAD.

Now stop obfuscating, tell us what you would do. No more scapegoating Soros, no more pointing fingers at "leftists"...

Just state clearly, what would you do?
Well, exactly what is being done. I am sure you can see the yellow atheist tyrant commie is escalating and destabilizing the region. I see you can see that.

Now what? The containment thing is not working.

Now what?

The containment thing is not working? Really, are they bombing Seoul and the fake news is not telling us?
You're sounding a little unhinged...
I guess you have been ignoring all those missiles your hero kim has been launching. The last one over Japan? So you call that containment?
I'd start by bombing the little one's command and control buildings, radar sites, and military installations.

Yeah that would start it alright!

And then NKorea would obliterate Seoul, then we would obliterate N Korea with lots of fallout all over Korea, China, Japan...

Yeah, you really thought that one out...
I'd like to personally go over and shoot kim in the head.
But you won't even leave the house.

Well, liberals are either denying there is an actual crisis with North Korea, hijacking the thread and obfuscating from the subject, or they are just flat out siding with the yellow commie over Trump.

The point is they are not answering the question, cause they really don't know how to. They have not had their marching orders from their high priest soros yet.

My thread is proving the point. They are hypocritical gasbags and robots of the democrat victimology strategy. That is it and that is all.
I'm starting to believe they are not Americans.
Ya'll been telling everyone that for years.

Aw, Mikie's intellect has come up short again.
Trolling reported.
Its clear no one has a good answer, don't feel bad its a very complex wish would be that some one in N Korea would fix the problem. we could try & get more of there representatives to the table maybe?
Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...
You have not said what you would do. Typical cultist.

What you did do was insinuate the atheist yellow leader of North Korea is a victim of American white Christians.

You refuse your own self actualization. Please, go tell others in your know it all echo chambers how America is to blame for everything and how atheists never commit mass murder. In fact, the word murder has "religious" overtones. Probably do not believe in any of that.

Just tell us what you want to do. I've said plainly that NKorea is a nuclear nation and we should contain them as we did the Soviet Union until their demise through MAD.

Now stop obfuscating, tell us what you would do. No more scapegoating Soros, no more pointing fingers at "leftists"...

Just state clearly, what would you do?
Well, exactly what is being done. I am sure you can see the yellow atheist tyrant commie is escalating and destabilizing the region. I see you can see that.

Now what? The containment thing is not working.

Now what?

The containment thing is not working? Really, are they bombing Seoul and the fake news is not telling us?
You're sounding a little unhinged...
I guess you have been ignoring all those missiles your hero kim has been launching. The last one over Japan? So you call that containment?
They offered to stop the program both under Obama and Don if the US would stop maneuvers off of the Korean peninsula. We declined in both instances..
I'd like to personally go over and shoot kim in the head.
But you won't even leave the house.

Well, liberals are either denying there is an actual crisis with North Korea, hijacking the thread and obfuscating from the subject, or they are just flat out siding with the yellow commie over Trump.

The point is they are not answering the question, cause they really don't know how to. They have not had their marching orders from their high priest soros yet.

My thread is proving the point. They are hypocritical gasbags and robots of the democrat victimology strategy. That is it and that is all.
I'm starting to believe they are not Americans.
Ya'll been telling everyone that for years.

Aw, Mikie's intellect has come up short again.
Trolling reported.
Crybaby pussy.
I'd start by bombing the little one's command and control buildings, radar sites, and military installations.

Yeah that would start it alright!

And then NKorea would obliterate Seoul, then we would obliterate N Korea with lots of fallout all over Korea, China, Japan...

Yeah, you really thought that one out...
You make claims about things you have no knowledge of. Why is that? Are in North Korea and do you have information on their offense capability? If so how about showing that to us so we can all see it first hand?
Members of Congress represent all the people, not just those who voted for them (in Trumps case a minority). Most Americans do not want war in Korea, it seems most ReTrumplicans do. Very frightening for those of us who understand MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction.

ReTrumplicans like their leader, not so good at critical thinking...
You have not said what you would do. Typical cultist.

What you did do was insinuate the atheist yellow leader of North Korea is a victim of American white Christians.

You refuse your own self actualization. Please, go tell others in your know it all echo chambers how America is to blame for everything and how atheists never commit mass murder. In fact, the word murder has "religious" overtones. Probably do not believe in any of that.

Just tell us what you want to do. I've said plainly that NKorea is a nuclear nation and we should contain them as we did the Soviet Union until their demise through MAD.

Now stop obfuscating, tell us what you would do. No more scapegoating Soros, no more pointing fingers at "leftists"...

Just state clearly, what would you do?
Well, exactly what is being done. I am sure you can see the yellow atheist tyrant commie is escalating and destabilizing the region. I see you can see that.

Now what? The containment thing is not working.

Now what?

The containment thing is not working? Really, are they bombing Seoul and the fake news is not telling us?
You're sounding a little unhinged...
I guess you have been ignoring all those missiles your hero kim has been launching. The last one over Japan? So you call that containment?

They hate's like a mirror for Rosie O'Donnell.
I'd start by bombing the little one's command and control buildings, radar sites, and military installations.

Yeah that would start it alright!

And then NKorea would obliterate Seoul, then we would obliterate N Korea with lots of fallout all over Korea, China, Japan...

Yeah, you really thought that one out...
Nope. We'd take out the little one's ability to obliterate anything by the time he finished his kimchi.
Last edited:
I guess you have been ignoring all those missiles your hero kim has been launching. The last one over Japan? So you call that containment?

The program has greatly accelerated ever since Trump started tweeting a red line in the sand. And then Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff.
Progs, watch this video and explain why we are dealing with this in 2017.

Just break it down and explain it to us, Watch the video. Raw footage. Make up your own's sorta cool to think for yourself.
Have any of them said anything other than showing their admiration for non white American hating commie?


Is everything they say pure double talk? In other words, are they waiting to see how soros tells them how they are supposed react?

Just let me know what they are saying. For good digestive health, I have a lot of them on ignore.

Since you and Mike are essentially ignoring the many other threads that attempted to have a thoughtful debate on actual policies, I assume you started this one simply as an excuse to name call people. If on the slight chance you and Mike had read other threads on the North Korea subject, you might've seen my suggestion. I am a conservative. And here's what I think.

Kim wants to deter regime change. It's the first thing out of NKorea negotiator's mouths when they were negotiating with Bush. They believe that the US will do to them what we did to Noriega, Saddam and Qadafi. He believes that having a nuclear capacity is his only protection.

Couple of facts:

Clinton negotiated a deal in 94 that restricted NK from pursuing fissile material. They cheated, looking for uranium rather than plutonium.

When Dubya took over he knew they were cheated and refused to negotiate... until 2006 when they detonated their first baby bomb..

Then Dubya ran back to the negotiating table.

Interestingly South Koreans don't really pay attention to Kim's blathering threats. They deal with it every day.

So (you didn't ask but I'm volunteering) what I'd do:

-> Don't over-react. Don't fall into a bluster/bravado match with a 33 year old. "Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig will love it."
-> Tell them, without bluster or bravado, that if they attack US interests they will be attacked. Define "US interests very clearly to include actions (not threats) against our allies, and include missile tests that overfly allies if you want, although that is a bit tricky given altitude telemetry etc.
-> Tell them, without an attack on US interests as defined, we will not pursue preemptive regime change. (We will however do all the spying and cyberattacks that we want).
-> Work on intensifying sanctions when NK does stuff like they did yesterday. China is the key here, and we need their help.
-> For God's sake don't pick this week to tell South Korea that you might back out of a trade deal with them. Timing is everything, and maybe wait a month or two, maybe? And try to avoid pissing off the entire South Korean population by tweeting that they might be appeasers. All anyone talked about in S Korea Monday am their time was President Trump calling them appeasers. That's the way they heard it even if that isn't exactly what he said.
I guess you have been ignoring all those missiles your hero kim has been launching. The last one over Japan? So you call that containment?

The program has greatly accelerated ever since Trump started tweeting a red line in the sand. And then Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff.
Total falsehood. Your boy kim is going to reap what he has sown. Maybe not soon enough to suit some, but reap he will. When that happens then you will have a whole new venue of baseless accusations to throw on Trump.
Progs, watch this video and explain why we are dealing with this in 2017.


Clinton left a solution that put N. Korea in a box preventing them from making a nuke for 20 years.

Bush let Korea out of the box. And they developed nukes within 3 years.
I guess you have been ignoring all those missiles your hero kim has been launching. The last one over Japan? So you call that containment?

The program has greatly accelerated ever since Trump started tweeting a red line in the sand. And then Kim Jong Un called Trumps bluff.
Total falsehood. Your boy kim is going to reap what he has sown. Maybe not soon enough to suit some, but reap he will. When that happens then you will have a whole new venue of baseless accusations to throw on Trump.
So other than "It's Clinton and Obama (but not Bush) who are to blame," what's your solution? Nuke em til they glow? Preemptive?
Have any of them said anything other than showing their admiration for non white American hating commie?


Is everything they say pure double talk? In other words, are they waiting to see how soros tells them how they are supposed react?

Just let me know what they are saying. For good digestive health, I have a lot of them on ignore.

Since you and Mike are essentially ignoring the many other threads that attempted to have a thoughtful debate on actual policies, I assume you started this one simply as an excuse to name call people. If on the slight chance you and Mike had read other threads on the North Korea subject, you might've seen my suggestion. I am a conservative. And here's what I think.

Kim wants to deter regime change. It's the first thing out of NKorea negotiator's mouths when they were negotiating with Bush. They believe that the US will do to them what we did to Noriega, Saddam and Qadafi. He believes that having a nuclear capacity is his only protection.

Couple of facts:

Clinton negotiated a deal in 94 that restricted NK from pursuing fissile material. They cheated, looking for uranium rather than plutonium.

When Dubya took over he knew they were cheated and refused to negotiate... until 2006 when they detonated their first baby bomb..

Then Dubya ran back to the negotiating table.

Interestingly South Koreans don't really pay attention to Kim's blathering threats. They deal with it every day.

So (you didn't ask but I'm volunteering) what I'd do:

-> Don't over-react. Don't fall into a bluster/bravado match with a 33 year old. "Don't wrestle in the mud with a pig, you'll both get dirty and the pig will love it."
-> Tell them, without bluster or bravado, that if they attack US interests they will be attacked. Define "US interests very clearly to include actions (not threats) against our allies, and include missile tests that overfly allies if you want, although that is a bit tricky given altitude telemetry etc.
-> Tell them, without an attack on US interests as defined, we will not pursue preemptive regime change. (We will however do all the spying and cyberattacks that we want).
-> Work on intensifying sanctions when NK does stuff like they did yesterday. China is the key here, and we need their help.
-> For God's sake don't pick this week to tell South Korea that you might back out of a trade deal with them. Timing is everything, and maybe wait a month or two, maybe? And try to avoid pissing off the entire South Korean population by tweeting that they might be appeasers. All anyone talked about in S Korea Monday am their time was President Trump calling them appeasers. That's the way they heard it even if that isn't exactly what he said.
All the thoughtful debates in the world won't stop a madman. However, as we all know, we don't know what is going on behind closed doors.

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