So, what are THE HYPOCRITES saying we should do about North Korea?

Yeah that would start it alright!

And then NKorea would obliterate Seoul, then we would obliterate N Korea with lots of fallout all over Korea, China, Japan...

Yeah, you really thought that one out...
You make claims about things you have no knowledge of. Why is that? Are in North Korea and do you have information on their offense capability? If so how about showing that to us so we can all see it first hand?

Are you saying we don't know about North Korea's conventional capabilities?
I'm saying you don't know anything about basic warfare.

Alright general, school me about how we could 'win' a war with N Korea without risking millions of lives...
You want me to teach warfare to a worthless marxist? Sorry bubba - can't be done.[

Weak dodge. You've got nothing...
The U.N. Security Counsel met in emergency session again this morning, open session and it was on CSPAN.
U.S. said there's no way we're backing off keeping our military presence exactly where it is with this flake aiming ICBM's at us. China and Russia advised the US deescalate the tensions and then follow up with diplomatic talks by pulling back our military forces in the area first. A few countries chided those who escalate the tensions with threatening rhetoric (we know who they were alluding to) and a couple of countries flat out said that military options are completely out of the question.

The US is going to continue to be its big, swaggering self and never give a inch. China and Russia are going to continue to hope the US will pull back its forces in the area. All countries condemned the nuclear test, of course, and many spoke of more sanctions and better enforcement of the ones already in place. The ultimate goal is to get NK back to the negotiating table and to divest it of nukes. Kim doesn't strike me as a guy who will ever accept that. There was no vote on anything. I guess they just met to speak their piece, but Nikki Haley said she had some kind of document brewing that will be ready next Monday.

I found it interesting that China said "We will not allow chaos on the Korean peninsula." It was interesting that Russia is teaming with China on the suggestion that US basically "disarm" so talks can take place.

Well, OP asked what the hypocrites are saying--I assume the UN falls into that category.

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