So What Crime of Office Has Trump Committed to Justify Impeachment?

We`ve been here before.

We don't have journalists like them any more. The professional standards have collapsed and Bernstein is nothing more than a partisan CNN guest.

Show me a professional journalist that still has objective standards, please.
These are the nascent stages of an eventual impeachment. First an inquiry than a vote for the AOI.
An impeachment that will not be supported by the Senate, but will have the impact of undermining 30 Democrats who are in districts that voted for Trump.

The democrats are not going to impeach Trump, he has committed no high crime, but they are instead impeaching American voters in their effort to reverse the results of the 2016 election.
My question is, if getting impeached doesn't get a leader booted from the office, what good or bad life altering difference does it actually make?

God bless you and our current leader always!!!

It is a symbolic action by the Democrat leadership to placate their Marxist base.
Where in the Constitution does the Vice President of the United States have the right to demand a foreign country make personnel changes or lose funding?

The part where they are responsible for sensible stewardship of that money. Hey, it's our money, and this prosecutor was corrupt, which is why he was fired.
The democrats are not going to impeach Trump, he has committed no high crime, but they are instead impeaching American voters in their effort to reverse the results of the 2016 election.

The American voters said no to Trump, by 3 million votes.
My question is, if getting impeached doesn't get a leader booted from the office, what good or bad life altering difference does it actually make?

God bless you and our current leader always!!!

It is a symbolic action by the Democrat leadership to placate their Marxist base.
I wonder if they realize that getting him impeached may only give him more to be proud of. I most definitely can not see him resigning like Nixon did.

God bless you and our leader always!!!

Where in the Constitution does the Vice President of the United States have the right to demand a foreign country make personnel changes or lose funding?

The part where they are responsible for sensible stewardship of that money. Hey, it's our money, and this prosecutor was corrupt, which is why he was fired.

Whether this prosecutor was fired within 6 hours or not has nothing to do with "stewardship".
Trump illegally blocked a whistleblower report.

Now that fat ass wants to release all this information but who will believe anything the lying fuck will release?
Why did he block the report if it was nothing?

You Trumpettes are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.

Trump didn't block anything at all. This whole "whistleblower" bullshit just happened, and it wasn't a "whistleblower" anyhow, but instead it was a rumor monger
But that says nothing about Mr. Trump. If you think that a return to Obama levels of unemployment and food stamp usage are good ideas, make the proposal during the campaign. We have elections in this country. Pretending as if Donald J. Trump is crooked and conducting witch hunt after witch hunt is unbecoming.
Are you talking about the unemployment and food stamp usage that Obama inherited or the unemployment and food stamp usage he handed off to Trump to build on the foundation Obama laid out for him?

What you call a witch hunt, I call a cleansing of corruption.

It has nothing to do with that. When Romney ran, when McCain ran, it was the same crapola.

Both of those men were called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, and Literally Hitler.

The abuse that Trump is enduring is nothing new. The only thing new is that Trump fights back. Remember, he grew up in the mean streets of New York, he had to fight his way to the subway, or even to the corner bodega to pick his mum up a pack of pell mells.
Whether this prosecutor was fired within 6 hours or not has nothing to do with "stewardship".

Why Was Ukraine's Top Prosecutor Fired? The Issue At The Heart Of The Dispute Gripping Washington

But Ukrainian prosecutors and anti-corruption activists with knowledge of the matter argue that the timeline of developments in the Burisma case and Shokin's stint as chief prosecutor simply does not fit the narrative being put forward by Trump and his allies.

Moreover, they say that Shokin himself was the biggest obstacle standing in the way of the investigation.

However, there are two big problems with the narrative presented by Trump and Giuliani, according to activists in Ukraine and others.

For one thing, Ukrainian prosecutors and anti-corruption advocates who were pushing for an investigation into the dealings of Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevskiy, said the probe had been dormant long before Biden leveled his demand.

"There was no pressure from anyone from the United States" to close the case against Zlochevskiy, Vitaliy Kasko, who was a deputy prosecutor-general under Shokin and is now first deputy prosecutor-general, told Bloomberg News in May. "It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015," he added.

Activists say the case had been sabotaged by Shokin himself. As an example, they say two months before Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board, British authorities had requested information from Shokin's office as part of an investigation into alleged money laundering by Zlochevskiy. Shokin ignored them.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

"The amazing thing is not that he was sacked but that it has taken so long," Aslund said. "Petro Poroshenko appointed Shokin to the role in February 2015. From the outset, he stood out by causing great damage even to Ukraine's substandard legal system."

It has nothing to do with that. When Romney ran, when McCain ran, it was the same crapola.

Both of those men were called Racists, Sexists, Homophobes, and Literally Hitler.

The abuse that Trump is enduring is nothing new. The only thing new is that Trump fights back. Remember, he grew up in the mean streets of New York, he had to fight his way to the subway, or even to the corner bodega to pick his mum up a pack of pell mells.

Yeah, Trump wasn't fighting his way to get to the Store. He rode there in a Limo. Born on third base, thought he hit a triple.

The only difference between Trump and Romney is Romney was never comfortable with the racism, homophobia and misogyny that the GOP needs to keep itself into power. Trump embraces it openly.
Is there a more powerful defense of Trump than screeching TDS? Apparently not. Criticize Trump for spitting on our POWS and you have TDS. Call him out for mocking a handicapped man and you have TDS. Do you have any other bits of "wisdom" to share with us? Be quick about it or you`ll miss the school bus this morning.
A 'high crime and misdemeanor' is essentially, as I understand it, a regular crime but committed with public office using the powers of office.

So if the President say broke into a building to steal secrets from his opponents offices, it is not a high crime unless it was to benefit him and he USED the POWERS OF OFFICE to enable the break in.

If a politician has an affair and pays hush money out of his own funds it might be a crime depending on the state, but if he paid out of the public treasury it is a high crime.

So what crime is alledged that Trump committed using his powers of office to commit the crime?


Did he take $1.5 billion from the Chicoms, or use his office to get lovers, or to trade on the information gfained in office, or simply steal public money without a trace?

What was his crime of office?

Wrong question.

The real question should be:

What total bullshit charge are the Dems using now?

They will have spent the entirety of the 116th Congress on political gamesmanship
and will have completely ignored their constituents and their job duties.

Let's see if the nation will tolerate that.

So here's the thing: neither the Constitution nor any Federal law defines, "high crimes & misdemeanors." So it is literally up to the House of Representatives to decide what that expression means in any given case. It doesn't have to be a legal crime, and there is no need for "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." It could be a breach of protocol, or something that simply makes the U.S. look bad.

And if the House of Representatives decides that Trump asking the President of Ukraine to do some "Oppo Research" for him, and implicitly threatens to withhold some financial aid if the President of Ukraine declines to cooperate, constitutes HC&M, then that's it. It does. You'll get no argument from me - an ardent Trump supporter - on that.

But if you insist on asking, "What law was broken," it's surely true that the army of Leftist lawyers out there can dredge up some law from 1493 that appears to be relevant, but this is all bullshit. No real, current, meaningful law was broken. That is why they are talking about him "violating his oath of office." Which Congress has the legitimate power to deem a "high crime and misdemeanor. But one might further ask, "Do the people get a vote on this?"


Because with everything that has been done to this President, based on NOTHING but Democrat and Deep State outrage that he won the 2016 Presidential election, the People might be inclined to say, "This goes too far." And, for example, the People in my personal Congressional district, who elected Democrat Conor Lamb last time...if HE were to vote to impeach on this this thin pretense of a "crime," he would be voted out of office, provided a credible Republican were to get in the race.

So Nancy P has a bit of a problem. Her caucus is still infested with a significant number of Democrats who won in "swing" districts, and THOSE Democrats won't vote to impeach unless the President has committed a REAL crime, not some bullshit breach of polite political practice.
So here's the thing: neither the Constitution nor any Federal law defines, "high crimes & misdemeanors." So it is literally up to the House of Representatives to decide what that expression means in any given case. It doesn't have to be a legal crime, and there is no need for "proof beyond a reasonable doubt." It could be a breach of protocol, or something that simply makes the U.S. look bad.
The Founding Fathers debated what the grounds for impeachment needs to be and only the cynical nihilists think it is purely a political conviction.

The phrase 'high crimes and misdemeanors' did have a specific use at that time and it meant crimes with use of office, not the crime of disagreeing with Fancy Pelosi.

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