So What Do You Think Is A Fair And Decent Wage?...

Unfortunately, most Americans have forgotten how things like the 40hr. Work-Week, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay were achieved for American Workers. Americans in the past had to risk their lives for those achievements. No one was just going to hand them a 40hr. Work-Week, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay out of the goodness of their hearts. They had to fight Wars and kick ass to get those things.

More Americans just need to research how the things they now take for granted, came about. You have to fight for what you want. You have to organize. For example, if all the Fast Food Workers in this Country got together, they would get what they want. It's strength in numbers. American Workers just need to stop complaining and feeling helpless. They can make a difference. They simply have to organize and fight.

lol... if all the fast food workers organized... it would be the end of fast food. No loss.
Unfortunately, most Americans have forgotten how things like the 40hr. Work-Week, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay were achieved for American Workers. Americans in the past had to risk their lives for those achievements. No one was just going to hand them a 40hr. Work-Week, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay out of the goodness of their hearts. They had to fight Wars and kick ass to get those things.

More Americans just need to research how the things they now take for granted, came about. You have to fight for what you want. You have to organize. For example, if all the Fast Food Workers in this Country got together, they would get what they want. It's strength in numbers. American Workers just need to stop complaining and feeling helpless. They can make a difference. They simply have to organize and fight.

lol... if all the fast food workers organized... it would be the end of fast food. No loss.

Or major players in the Fast Food industry would invest a little more upfront to automate even more.
But the Automat industry did fail.
Unfortunately, most Americans have forgotten how things like the 40hr. Work-Week, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay were achieved for American Workers. Americans in the past had to risk their lives for those achievements. No one was just going to hand them a 40hr. Work-Week, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay out of the goodness of their hearts. They had to fight Wars and kick ass to get those things.

More Americans just need to research how the things they now take for granted, came about. You have to fight for what you want. You have to organize. For example, if all the Fast Food Workers in this Country got together, they would get what they want. It's strength in numbers. American Workers just need to stop complaining and feeling helpless. They can make a difference. They simply have to organize and fight.

lol... if all the fast food workers organized... it would be the end of fast food. No loss.

You would be shocked to realize how much average Americans enjoy & even depend on Fast Food Restaurants. If all Fast Food Workers around the Country got together, they would make significant gains. There is strength in numbers. But nothing's gonna change for Workers if they just continue to complain and feel helpless.

Workers have to organize and fight. That's exactly what American Workers did in the past. Many even risked their lives. 40hr Work-Weeks, Overtime Pay, and Sick Pay didn't happen by way of magic. Those were viciously hard-fought victories. Unfortunately, most Americans today take those achievements for granted. All American Workers today owe an incredible debt of gratitude to past Workers who put it all on the line. And now it's time for American Workers today to get off their asses and start fighting. We've gone backwards as a Nation. Our American Workers have taken enough abuse. It's time to right the ship.
Most of my Republican friends feel that way.
I'm not saying Liberals are same but I've never met many actual Liberals.


I've never met anyone who did.

I strongly oppose the concept of a minimum wage. The correct wage for any job is one that the buyer and seller agree upon.

Simple as that.

In our current economy, a kid watching my Dingo while the wife and I go to a winery for the weekend might find a dollar an hour a reasonable wage, $100 for a weekend where nothing is really required isn't shabby.

But no one is going to write C++ classes for that, I'll have to negotiate a rate commensurate with the skill and knowledge the person brings. If I seek to purchase your talent and your time, then I will have to offer a price you find attractive. If you want to sell me your talent and time, then you will have to demonstrate the value I will gain from paying the price you ask.

"Minimum Wage" is a concept for spoiled children, it has no place among grown ups.
lol... if all the fast food workers organized... it would be the end of fast food. No loss.

Nah, just the end of fast food workers.

Automation will end the FF worker as we know them anyway, and very soon.

That's only gonna create more poverty. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. More unemployed Americans isn't the solution. So, Automation might be good for large Corporations, but it will be very bad for American Workers and Taxpayers.
That's only gonna create more poverty. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. More unemployed Americans isn't the solution. So, Automation might be good for large Corporations, but it will be very bad for American Workers and Taxpayers.

Technology marches on.

In every age there are those who decry the demise of the buggy whip makers, and claim this is the end of all.

Automation in general has been a boon for small business, allowing small concerns to compete with corporations.

Of course small business is free of unions - which means you have no way of getting others to fund your pension.
That's only gonna create more poverty. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. More unemployed Americans isn't the solution. So, Automation might be good for large Corporations, but it will be very bad for American Workers and Taxpayers.

Technology marches on.

In every age there are those who decry the demise of the buggy whip makers, and claim this is the end of all.

Automation in general has been a boon for small business, allowing small concerns to compete with corporations.

Of course small business is free of unions - which means you have no way of getting others to fund your pension.

Automation isn't the solution. It's just another blow to American Workers. What will we do with the added Unemployed? Someone has to pay for that. And that someone is you the Taxpayer. So yes, some businesses may do well with Automation, but American Workers and Taxpayers will take a big hit.
lol... if all the fast food workers organized... it would be the end of fast food. No loss.

Nah, just the end of fast food workers.

Automation will end the FF worker as we know them anyway, and very soon.

That's only gonna create more poverty. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. More unemployed Americans isn't the solution. So, Automation might be good for large Corporations, but it will be very bad for American Workers and Taxpayers.

Why will that create more poverty? Are the folks working minimum wage jobs incapable of anything other than working a minimum wage job?
That's only gonna create more poverty. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. More unemployed Americans isn't the solution. So, Automation might be good for large Corporations, but it will be very bad for American Workers and Taxpayers.

Technology marches on.

In every age there are those who decry the demise of the buggy whip makers, and claim this is the end of all.

Automation in general has been a boon for small business, allowing small concerns to compete with corporations.

Of course small business is free of unions - which means you have no way of getting others to fund your pension.

Automation isn't the solution. It's just another blow to American Workers. What will we do with the added Unemployed? Someone has to pay for that. And that someone is you the Taxpayer. So yes, some businesses may do well with Automation, but American Workers and Taxpayers will take a big hit.

BS. No one has to pay for that. Just because we are living in an entitlement society does not mean we need to agree with it. You want to fix America, kill the hand-out programs. Let's go back to a free market society where liberty is king and it's ok for teens to work low wage jobs to get some experience & pocket money while they are in HS.
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That's only gonna create more poverty. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. More unemployed Americans isn't the solution. So, Automation might be good for large Corporations, but it will be very bad for American Workers and Taxpayers.

Technology marches on.

In every age there are those who decry the demise of the buggy whip makers, and claim this is the end of all.

Automation in general has been a boon for small business, allowing small concerns to compete with corporations.

Of course small business is free of unions - which means you have no way of getting others to fund your pension.

Automation isn't the solution. It's just another blow to American Workers. What will we do with the added Unemployed? Someone has to pay for that. And that someone is you the Taxpayer. So yes, some businesses may do well with Automation, but American Workers and Taxpayers will take a big hit.

Automation is neither good or bad but it is inevitable. It is as simple as the power drill we use to drive holes into the walls to the robots that handle hazardous materials so that humans don't have to. Automation helps bring down prices while it creates new opportunities. Somebody is needed to design, build, and maintain the machines and as one product is streamlined and automated and made more affordable for more people, that opens the door for new products to compliment or enhance existing ones. The big flat screen TVS, once they became affordable to everybody, opened the door to a huge new market to create all the great new innovations in sound systems and other accessories to complete home theaters.

The world won't stand still to make our existing jobs permanent and never changing. But a free people will adjust and adapt to ever changing conditions just as we transitioned from horses and wagons/buggies to a modern transportation era. If we demand the maximum possible freedom for the people while recognizing and protecting their unalienable rights, the people will find ways to make a living. But the more the government inserts itself to dictate how business will be conducted and how people will be allowed to make a living, the more difficult it will be to do so.
Technology marches on.

In every age there are those who decry the demise of the buggy whip makers, and claim this is the end of all.

Automation in general has been a boon for small business, allowing small concerns to compete with corporations.

Of course small business is free of unions - which means you have no way of getting others to fund your pension.

Automation isn't the solution. It's just another blow to American Workers. What will we do with the added Unemployed? Someone has to pay for that. And that someone is you the Taxpayer. So yes, some businesses may do well with Automation, but American Workers and Taxpayers will take a big hit.

BS. No one has to pay for that. Just because we are living in an entitlement society does not mean we need to agree with it. You want to fix America, kill the hand-out programs. Let's go back to a free market society where liberty is king and it's ok for teens to work low wage jobs to get some experience & pocket money while they are in HS.

Not gonna happen. Entitlements are here to stay. Too many Citizens now depend on them. And adding more Unemployed to the Economy isn't the solution. But the bigger problem is that wages continue to decrease while the cost of living continues to increase. That's the current reality we're dealing with. And with Amnesty on the way, wages will sink even further. It's a real problem that our Nation is gonna have to confront at some point. The Helots are growing restless. The future does not look very bright.
Automation isn't the solution. It's just another blow to American Workers. What will we do with the added Unemployed? Someone has to pay for that. And that someone is you the Taxpayer. So yes, some businesses may do well with Automation, but American Workers and Taxpayers will take a big hit.

BS. No one has to pay for that. Just because we are living in an entitlement society does not mean we need to agree with it. You want to fix America, kill the hand-out programs. Let's go back to a free market society where liberty is king and it's ok for teens to work low wage jobs to get some experience & pocket money while they are in HS.

Not gonna happen. Entitlements are here to stay. Too many Citizens now depend on them. And adding more Unemployed to the Economy isn't the solution. But the bigger problem is that wages continue to decrease while the cost of living continues to increase. That's the current reality we're dealing with. And with Amnesty on the way, wages will sink even further. It's a real problem that our Nation is gonna have to confront at some point. The Helots are growing restless. The future does not look very bright.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because we have a shit load of lazy folk on welfare does not mean we should put more on welfare by raising minimum wage. Doubling minimum wage will get most of those people fired. No matter how high you raise minimum wage you will still have poverty. Poverty is a relative measure. Or are you saying eliminate all variable wages and just give everyone the same pay no matter what they do for a living?

You want to FORCE someone to pay a kid in HS a guaranteed $15 an hour for asking someone if they want fries for their 3 dollar burger. Yeah you are not libertarian at all.
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BS. No one has to pay for that. Just because we are living in an entitlement society does not mean we need to agree with it. You want to fix America, kill the hand-out programs. Let's go back to a free market society where liberty is king and it's ok for teens to work low wage jobs to get some experience & pocket money while they are in HS.

Not gonna happen. Entitlements are here to stay. Too many Citizens now depend on them. And adding more Unemployed to the Economy isn't the solution. But the bigger problem is that wages continue to decrease while the cost of living continues to increase. That's the current reality we're dealing with. And with Amnesty on the way, wages will sink even further. It's a real problem that our Nation is gonna have to confront at some point. The Helots are growing restless. The future does not look very bright.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because we have a shit load of lazy folk on welfare does not mean we should put more on welfare by raising minimum wage. Doubling minimum wage will get most of those people fired. No matter how high you raise minimum wage you will still have poverty. Poverty is a relative measure. Or are you saying eliminate all variable wages and just give everyone the same pay no matter what they do for a living?

I'm saying decreasing wages while the cost of living is increasing, is a serious problem that will have to be addressed. It's just not something that can be ignored forever. With Amnesty on the way, darker days for American Workers are also on the way. The Helots are growing angrier & angrier. A day of reckoning is coming.
The new budget, if it passes, allows the congress to deal with ACA in the normal way (no histrionics from either the right or the left), and it allows the administration to make the Minimum Wage the center piece of the President's State of the Union speech next January.

This will be a further step in removing the ability of the far left liberals and the far right reactionaries to derail bipartisan politics.
Entry level salary for a teacher is 35k around here. That's 17.50 an hour. Why study for 4years to get a minimum wage job?
Not gonna happen. Entitlements are here to stay. Too many Citizens now depend on them. And adding more Unemployed to the Economy isn't the solution. But the bigger problem is that wages continue to decrease while the cost of living continues to increase. That's the current reality we're dealing with. And with Amnesty on the way, wages will sink even further. It's a real problem that our Nation is gonna have to confront at some point. The Helots are growing restless. The future does not look very bright.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because we have a shit load of lazy folk on welfare does not mean we should put more on welfare by raising minimum wage. Doubling minimum wage will get most of those people fired. No matter how high you raise minimum wage you will still have poverty. Poverty is a relative measure. Or are you saying eliminate all variable wages and just give everyone the same pay no matter what they do for a living?

I'm saying decreasing wages while the cost of living is increasing, is a serious problem that will have to be addressed. It's just not something that can be ignored forever. With Amnesty on the way, darker days for American Workers are also on the way. The Helots are growing angrier & angrier. A day of reckoning is coming.

The way to address the problem is to put people back to work. A better way to do that than increasing minimum wage is to eliminate federal minimum wage laws. Let the states decide what's best in their state. IMO if someone is only worth 25 cents an hour that's what you should offer them. Let the government focus on their job of breaking up monopolies and let the free market work.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because we have a shit load of lazy folk on welfare does not mean we should put more on welfare by raising minimum wage. Doubling minimum wage will get most of those people fired. No matter how high you raise minimum wage you will still have poverty. Poverty is a relative measure. Or are you saying eliminate all variable wages and just give everyone the same pay no matter what they do for a living?

I'm saying decreasing wages while the cost of living is increasing, is a serious problem that will have to be addressed. It's just not something that can be ignored forever. With Amnesty on the way, darker days for American Workers are also on the way. The Helots are growing angrier & angrier. A day of reckoning is coming.

The way to address the problem is to put people back to work. A better way to do that than increasing minimum wage is to eliminate federal minimum wage laws. Let the states decide what's best in their state. IMO if someone is only worth 25 cents an hour that's what you should offer them. Let the government focus on their job of breaking up monopolies and let the free market work.

I guess some of it comes down to how you view your fellow Human Beings. If you can pay someone 25 cents an hour and feel good about it, so be it i guess. But keep in mind, that Worker will likely require Government Assistance to survive. And you the Taxpayer will have to pay for that. It all comes back around.
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