So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Devotion?

This is why I support Trump

  • I just need someone on the right to believe in

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I really, really, really, REALLY, want to believe him..I NEED to really.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I agree with everything he says, at the time he says it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I simply support any and everyone with an R behind their name no matter what

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a big fan of the vitriol he espouses

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • What other choice do I have?

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • What the HELL do I have to lose?

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Presidents don't pass legislation. (Congress won't get off their ass)
You could read the Congressional Record if you don't trust newspapers.
Trump doesn't appear to be crooked. (Unless you listen to Liberal Pukes)
I may be old but I don't have a bigoted chip on my shoulder. (unlike you)

Why can't Trump get Congress to pass legislation? Shouldn't he be doing more?

Trump appearing to be crooked or not is quite subjective, and from where I sit, he's acting like a crooked politician, worse if you ask me.

As for your bigotry, from my observation, you tend to agree with and/or share many of the views of known bigots. Where I'm from, something near or next to garbage.

I don't remember me awarding any accolades to any bigoted messages.
I don't remember me awarding any accolades to any bigoted messages.
That's the thing about the insidious nature of bigotry, it's not these big fantastic overtures that are bigoted, it's the small, subtle stuff that are.

I'll try to remember to point it out to you if/when I see you engaging as such.
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So your argument is that Trump himself picked a guy that would conduct a witch hunt against him?

If not Mueller, who should he have picked?

Why do you think that Mueller has some agenda?

What is there to investigate?:

Hillary voting Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said even if everything Democrats accuse Trump of doing with Russia is true no crimes were committed

Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless

Comey said there was no investigation into Trump's ties to Russia. So he couldn't have obstruction of justice

Of course Mueller has no agenda:

Special counsel team members donated to Dems, FEC records show -
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Q. "He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?"

A. He has appealed to their base instincts*** and made promises which equate to, You can have your cake and eat it too, which are improbable at best. How does one cut taxes and appropriate a Trillion Dollars for Infrastructure, and not increase the national debt while providing more health care at a lower price.

***BASE INSTINCTS: A subconscious urge, behavior, or intuition directed by primeval, animalistic, self-serving, and/or ignoble motivations. Greed and selfishness are unfortunately two of the base instincts ingrained in the human psyche.

AKA, the "I got mine fuck the rest of you" creed of Callous Conservatism.
What is there to investigate?:

Hillary voting Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said even if everything Democrats accuse Trump of doing with Russia is true no crimes were committed

Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless

Comey said there was no investigation into Trump's ties to Russia. So he couldn't have obstruction of justice

Of course Mueller has no agenda:

Special counsel team members donated to Dems, FEC records show -
You are a hack if you seriously are asking "What is there to investigate?"

For starters, why is it that every. single. member. of Trump's cabinet have had meetings with Russians BEFORE they even got into Office. That right there is worth 10 investigations.

About those articles you posted. Do any of them state that Mueller gave to Democrats? And is that the new standard of bias now? That non-partisan agencies cannot be found to have given to either party?

I hope so, because there are many that have and are currently giving to Republicans.
I'll answer, although I really don't think the OP is interested in answers.

I like the fact he was and still is an outsider and beholden to no one. I have been very disappointed at the candidates the Repubs have trotted out, and then lose. I can't vote Democrat, that's just lunacy, I can't vote third party since that's just a wasted vote. I had a candidate I could finally believe in.

My two cents.

Correct, his a troll who refuses to engage anyone he knows will slap him down. He wants to just pontificate.
I'll answer, although I really don't think the OP is interested in answers.

I like the fact he was and still is an outsider and beholden to no one. I have been very disappointed at the candidates the Repubs have trotted out, and then lose. I can't vote Democrat, that's just lunacy, I can't vote third party since that's just a wasted vote. I had a candidate I could finally believe in.

My two cents.
If I'm not interested in answers, then what am I interested in? Pray tell, what ELSE has your crystal ball revealed to you oh great and mighty Svengali?


You're only interested in pontificating kid, nothing more
So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

The comparison to the "appeal" of Jim Jones may well be right on target....
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You people really don't see a problem with a politician being able to boldly declare to the world that he can shoot someone in the face in front of everyone and his supporters would STILL support him?

Moreover, that he was right when he said that. And that his supporters knew it, and he knew it.

And they still are, as we can clearly see today.

Nobody sees a problem with that?
I don't remember me awarding any accolades to any bigoted messages.
That's the thing about the insidious nature of bigotry, it's not these big fantastic overtures that are bigoted, it's the small, subtle stuff that are.

I'll try to remember to point it out to you if/when I see you engaging as such.
Hilarious how the same idiots who claim that bigotry and racism are mostly composed of microaggressions are also the same idiots who believe you can't be racist to whites or sexist to men.

Microaggressions happen to white people literally every day and we are supposed to just take that for "social justice" to works its magic.
You people really don't see a problem with a politician being able to boldly declare to the world that he can shoot someone in the face in front of everyone and his supporters would STILL support him?

Moreover, that he was right when he said that. And that his supporters knew it, and he knew it.

And they still are, as we can clearly see today.

Nobody sees a problem with that?

We see a bigger problem with people like you shooting Congressman and Police Officers.
We see a bigger problem with people like you shooting Congressman and Police Officers.

Wonder what right wingers were saying back when......(did lefties accuse ALL conservatives back then?)

The killer of six people and shooter of Gabrielle Gifford, Jared Loughner's online writings and videos from immediately before the attack were described by The Guardian as "almost exclusively conservative and anti-government, with echoes of the populist campaigning of the Tea Party movement"
"Deeply devoted" has no meaning in this context. They're simple words intended to dress-up your OP. Your response is a spin. Trump has done NOTHING to compromise the "devotion" of his voters. In fact, his actions and words further support why many voted for him.
If this is true, then we truly are in a sad state of affairs. A sad, sad, sad state of affairs.

His election was the repudiation of the sad state of affairs we had for the previous 8 years. Admit it or not, you guys went from being a generational power house driving the final nail in the Republican coffin to becoming a failed, regional, coastal party in the span of Obama's tenure. Elected in 2008 and by 2010 the Democrats began sliding down the slope of irrelevancy. The lost the house, they lost the senate, they lost the admin and they lost the governorships and legislatures of 39 states out of 50. You guys just were not aware because you are spoon fed by a leftwing media who kept telling you how special you were. Welcome to reality.
I don't think he has done anything. It's about what he symbolizes to some. He symbolizes a huge middle finger to the establishment
First I don't show devotion to politicians second Trump was not my choice for the Republican nomination in the Primary I voted for Marco Rubio third the overriding reason I voted for Trump in the general election was that open seat on the Supreme Court.
You really don't understand the election, it wasn't about Trump, it WAS about the lying corrupt arrogant fucked up DC establishment. The people are fed up with their BS.

So you then support what will no doubt become the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in history? :cuckoo:

What sort of logic is that?

Since the premise of your question is retarded and baseless, I'm wondering why I even attempted to respond.

The premise is reality, dope. :laugh2:

I smell the rotted festering stench of troll.

It's yourself you smell. I asked a fairly simple question that is directly in line with the thread premise. Your response was the trolling. I must have struck a nerve.

Lib please your question was retarded, like you. Lets review your stupidity you said, "what will no doubt become the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in history" okay dumb ass with Trump only a few months into his term why don't you present your evidence, your basis for making such a retarded prediction. Yes we thought not. :laugh:
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!

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