So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Devotion?

This is why I support Trump

  • I just need someone on the right to believe in

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I really, really, really, REALLY, want to believe him..I NEED to really.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I agree with everything he says, at the time he says it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I simply support any and everyone with an R behind their name no matter what

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a big fan of the vitriol he espouses

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • What other choice do I have?

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • What the HELL do I have to lose?

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
We see a bigger problem with people like you shooting Congressman and Police Officers.

Wonder what right wingers were saying back when......(did lefties accuse ALL conservatives back then?)

The killer of six people and shooter of Gabrielle Gifford, Jared Loughner's online writings and videos from immediately before the attack were described by The Guardian as "almost exclusively conservative and anti-government, with echoes of the populist campaigning of the Tea Party movement"


No evidence Sarah Palin’s PAC incited Giffords shooting
I don't remember me awarding any accolades to any bigoted messages.
That's the thing about the insidious nature of bigotry, it's not these big fantastic overtures that are bigoted, it's the small, subtle stuff that are.

I'll try to remember to point it out to you if/when I see you engaging as such.
Then I will tell you now that I don't engage in that stuff. I do tease tigerred59 all the time but she takes it all in good fun. There's no subtlety about it.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Bull shit biased poll.

Followed by a strawman argument.

You're a double fail today.
So you then support what will no doubt become the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in history? :cuckoo:

What sort of logic is that?

Since the premise of your question is retarded and baseless, I'm wondering why I even attempted to respond.

The premise is reality, dope. :laugh2:

I smell the rotted festering stench of troll.

It's yourself you smell. I asked a fairly simple question that is directly in line with the thread premise. Your response was the trolling. I must have struck a nerve.

Lib please your question was retarded, like you. Lets review your stupidity you said, "what will no doubt become the most scandal ridden and corrupt administration in history" okay dumb ass with Trump only a few months into his term why don't you present your evidence, your basis for making such a retarded prediction. Yes we thought not. :laugh:

Haven't been paying attention?
Not surprising that you don't have a clue.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

Yep, the investigations are being driven solely by the " media disinformation campaign". :laugh2:
We see a bigger problem with people like you shooting Congressman and Police Officers.

Wonder what right wingers were saying back when......(did lefties accuse ALL conservatives back then?)

The killer of six people and shooter of Gabrielle Gifford, Jared Loughner's online writings and videos from immediately before the attack were described by The Guardian as "almost exclusively conservative and anti-government, with echoes of the populist campaigning of the Tea Party movement"
The Cuckold?


They are probably even more trash than the New York Times.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

The MSM is reporting on Trump's actions as President, and it's not "disinformation".

He has alienated your allies to the point where they're going it alone. They're not interested in renegotiating another climate deal, more trade deals, or in stroking his massive ego. NATO will go on without you, but Putin now has a free hand to rebuild the Russian Empire.

Russia is now supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan which should tell you volumes.

Then there's the lies, the self aggrandizing, and the blatant profiteering from the office of President.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

The MSM is reporting on Trump's actions as President, and it's not "disinformation".

He has alienated your allies to the point where they're going it alone. They're not interested in renegotiating another climate deal, more trade deals, or in stroking his massive ego. NATO will go on without you, but Putin now has a free hand to rebuild the Russian Empire.

Russia is now supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan which should tell you volumes.

Then there's the lies, the self aggrandizing, and the blatant profiteering from the office of President.

Then there's you being a bitch pretending to be knowledgeable. Fuck climate, it's bullshit. If NATO won't pay their2% fuck them. God you are stupid. Go ahead honey, tell your husband on me.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

The MSM is reporting on Trump's actions as President, and it's not "disinformation".

He has alienated your allies to the point where they're going it alone. They're not interested in renegotiating another climate deal, more trade deals, or in stroking his massive ego. NATO will go on without you, but Putin now has a free hand to rebuild the Russian Empire.

Russia is now supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan which should tell you volumes.

Then there's the lies, the self aggrandizing, and the blatant profiteering from the office of President.

Then there's you being a bitch pretending to be knowledgeable. Fuck climate, it's bullshit. If NATO won't pay their2% fuck them. God you are stupid. Go ahead honey, tell your husband on me.

What a loser.

The only play you have against a strong, smart woman is the douchey, chauvanist, 'man card'.

Trust me. That shit does not fly with her.
The only thing you've shown is your weakness.

It's readily apparent that you cannot rebut her points on her level. Time to man up to save your dignity. Put on a fresh wife beater, crack a 30 pack and clean your guns.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

The MSM is reporting on Trump's actions as President, and it's not "disinformation".

He has alienated your allies to the point where they're going it alone. They're not interested in renegotiating another climate deal, more trade deals, or in stroking his massive ego. NATO will go on without you, but Putin now has a free hand to rebuild the Russian Empire.

Russia is now supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan which should tell you volumes.

Then there's the lies, the self aggrandizing, and the blatant profiteering from the office of President.

Then there's you being a bitch pretending to be knowledgeable. Fuck climate, it's bullshit. If NATO won't pay their2% fuck them. God you are stupid. Go ahead honey, tell your husband on me.

What a loser.

The only play you have against a strong, smart woman is the douchey, chauvanist, 'man card'.

Trust me. That shit does not fly with her.
The only thing you've shown is your weakness.

It's readily apparent that you cannot rebut her points on her level. Time to man up to save your dignity. Put on a fresh wife beater, crack a 30 pack and clean your guns.

She has no "points". She is an idiot who actually has the brains not to take me on. I'd bury her. Tell me kid, you a tough guy?
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am confused by what it is your asking?

Are you wondering why it is that the 24/7 blitzkrieg disinformation campaign against Trump by the entire media sector of this country isn't having any effect on those who see through the ploy?

The MSM is reporting on Trump's actions as President, and it's not "disinformation".

He has alienated your allies to the point where they're going it alone. They're not interested in renegotiating another climate deal, more trade deals, or in stroking his massive ego. NATO will go on without you, but Putin now has a free hand to rebuild the Russian Empire.

Russia is now supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan which should tell you volumes.

Then there's the lies, the self aggrandizing, and the blatant profiteering from the office of President.

It is very much disinformation. We get stories of collusion when Trump has Russian dressing on his salad these days. The media is nothing now but advocates for the Democrat party, looking to fling as much mud and lies as they can in the hopes that they'll get some people to believe them and that maybe they'll get luck and get something to stick.

Sorry, but they are not to be trusted and should be forced to register as Political Action Committees.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
I'm not one of those limp republicans that remains on the defensive. When attacked and pushed into a corner, I come out fighting and throw my opponents tactical bullshit right back in their face. Therefore I ask what the hell has Obama ever done that was so good for this country that all of you "kook aid drinking folks" loved so much. I mean you lefties worship that traitor as some kind of God when in fact he:

1. Brought in Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and the NAACP who are some of the worst racists on the planet other than himself of course whose job was to divide the nation among the races.

2. He put us 21 trillion in debt spending money like a sex fiend in a whore house which was not only horrible for the economy but also made it difficult if a war ever broke out and we needed to have a decent military, right?

3. And this while N. Korea, Iran, and Russia were ramping up their military's creating ICBM's and EMP's. Instead of doing the same, Obama cut military spending and sent those funds to Iran to fund their terrorist efforts while our defense system was left to operate with a mere skeleton of one.

4. In that same Iran deal, he traded five really nasty terrorist commanders and a couple skids of cash for one worthless deserter traitor named Bowe Bergdahl.

5. He advocated that the populace turn on police.

6. He loosened the borders allowing those from South America to flood across so they could be given ballots to vote in the 2016 election which also included a bonus. That wonderful Ms 13 gang came as well which we're now enjoying so much.

7. He ignored the pleas of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi which cost him and three others their lives two of which were navy seals.

8. He changed the rules of engagement laws that got 38 killed in Mosul some of which were our SEAL TEAM SIX who were responsible for getting Osama Bin Laden.

Those are just some of the many horrible detrimental things Obama did against America while coincidentally helping the Middle East.

So maybe you'd like to explain what Trump has done that could even begin to compete with that nefarious criminality?
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