So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Devotion?

This is why I support Trump

  • I just need someone on the right to believe in

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I really, really, really, REALLY, want to believe him..I NEED to really.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I agree with everything he says, at the time he says it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I simply support any and everyone with an R behind their name no matter what

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a big fan of the vitriol he espouses

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • What other choice do I have?

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • What the HELL do I have to lose?

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
That's because Trump has promised the Sun, the Moon, and the stars to the working poor and the business rich -- all promises that he cannot keep.

Pelosi and Schumer will obstruct Trump to death in paybacks to Boehner and McConnell obstructing Obama.

However Trump's own obstruction of justice by firing Comey will have infinitely more impact on shortening Trump's term in office than anything Pelosi or Schumer could ever do.

Ah, when exactly are Pelosi and Schumer going to begin obstructing? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Still awaiting a reply to my last post to you MARCATL. The one asking the same thing that you tell me what exactly Obama has done in comparison to Trump. I mean since all of you progressive socialist Marxists on the left think he's God and all. Cat got your tongue?
Unlike many on here, I don't live here. I pop in and pop out at will.

My life doesn't revolve around politics. I'm active in my community.

I come here to get a pulse of what's going on in America, and to trigger snowflakes like yourself, SassyIrishLass, bripat9643, ptbw forever and the like.

I love to smack down the far rightwing claptrap you people spew day in and day out. Moreover, it keeps me sharp for when I engage with these dumb dumbs in the real world.


To get the answers you seek, see post #133

Srop paging me you ignorant tool. You're just seeking attention and butthurt YOU got smacked down
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

They love the Donald because he's the internet troll as president. He's a conspiracy loon and he's ignorant. So they relate to him and his band of vile disgusting people.
Don't need to be a conspiracy theorist about the left. Just have to know what they've done and state the actual truth which plays out in the news daily for all to see. I guess in a week people like you will be saying those shot at the baseball park was not by some nut job liberal and anyone spewing that nonsense is just another conspiracy theorist, right?

I'm pretty sure you couldn't be more ignorant if you tried. "The left"? What a moron trumpsters loon you are
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.
Still awaiting a reply to my last post to you MARCATL. The one asking the same thing that you tell me what exactly Obama has done in comparison to Trump. I mean since all of you progressive socialist Marxists on the left think he's God and all. Cat got your tongue?
Unlike many on here, I don't live here. I pop in and pop out at will.

My life doesn't revolve around politics. I'm active in my community.

I come here to get a pulse of what's going on in America, and to trigger snowflakes like yourself, SassyIrishLass, bripat9643, ptbw forever and the like.

I love to smack down the far rightwing claptrap you people spew day in and day out. Moreover, it keeps me sharp for when I engage with these dumb dumbs in the real world.


To get the answers you seek, see post #133

Srop paging me you ignorant tool. You're just seeking attention and butthurt YOU got smacked down

Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Couldn't bring yourself to include the option "I agree with his platform"?

Were you unable to even imagine such a thing? Or were you afraid to post real options for the poll for fear that your enemies would end up looking completely reasonable?
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

What a bunch of nonsense. He's the one with the manufacturing jobs overseas. But it's amazing how you are just begging to be duped. Y the conman
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Couldn't bring yourself to include the option "I agree with his platform"?

Were you unable to even imagine such a thing? Or were you afraid to post real options for the poll for fear that your enemies would end up looking completely reasonable?

What platform, dum dum?
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
Refused to kowtow to flaming libs and establishment Republicans who are really liberals with (R) after their names.
Now the left no longer controls the conversation. They no longer get to use narratives to set the course of public opinion or policy.
Hence the reason for the anti Trump vitriol.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

What a bunch of nonsense. He's the one with the manufacturing jobs overseas. But it's amazing how you are just begging to be duped. Y the conman
First your Obamessiah employs NO ONE. Never owned a business. And before being immaculated as POTUS. never had a real job.
Second,. Trump does not own any businesses in the requisite targeted by liberals nations.
Most of the businesses owned by Trump companies are HERE in the US.
So shut your pie hole,ya silly hysterical emoting split tail.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Same could be said of Obama during his time in office.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

What a bunch of nonsense. He's the one with the manufacturing jobs overseas. But it's amazing how you are just begging to be duped. Y the conman
First your Obamessiah employs NO ONE. Never owned a business. And before being immaculated as POTUS. never had a real job.
Second,. Trump does not own any businesses in the requisite targeted by liberals nations.
Most of the businesses owned by Trump companies are HERE in the US.
So shut your pie hole,ya silly hysterical emoting split tail.

there is no such thing as an obamesiah, moron....

dismissed until you exist in a rational place, nutter butter. the persistent lies and delusions make you pathetic
He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

What a bunch of nonsense. He's the one with the manufacturing jobs overseas. But it's amazing how you are just begging to be duped. Y the conman
First your Obamessiah employs NO ONE. Never owned a business. And before being immaculated as POTUS. never had a real job.
Second,. Trump does not own any businesses in the requisite targeted by liberals nations.
Most of the businesses owned by Trump companies are HERE in the US.
So shut your pie hole,ya silly hysterical emoting split tail.

there is no such thing as an obamesiah, moron....

dismissed until you exist in a rational place, nutter butter. the persistent lies and delusions make you pathetic
Yeah. There is.....You people have this creepy sycophantic worship of Barack HUSSEIN Obama....he IS your messiah....
Which lies? Examples please....
You are a pathetic emoting lib who cannot handle electoral defeat.
You are the typical coddled, protected from all disappointment liberal who lives in a parallel universe.
Go bother someone who gives a shit
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

What a bunch of nonsense. He's the one with the manufacturing jobs overseas. But it's amazing how you are just begging to be duped. Y the conman

Of course he does, just like everyone else, because that's how the rules and laws favor. If you want a chance to stay in business you have to move manufacturing overseas. Just because business owners are forced to move their stuff overseas, doesn't mean they like it, and it doesn't mean they wouldn't prefer to keep their jobs here. But they need a government that will implement laws to make that feasible.

But perhaps that's all too much for you to comprehend. It's just easier to label anyone that has overseas manufacturing jobs as the cause of the problem.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

What a bunch of nonsense. He's the one with the manufacturing jobs overseas. But it's amazing how you are just begging to be duped. Y the conman

Yup, just wait and see what happens if minimum wage goes to $15.00/ hour.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Ah, c'mon! Do you really believe that? Let's test your theory. Go out on 5th Avenue and let's see what happens!
BTW, none of your poll choices are correct or valid, not worth picking any of them!
PS: I'm not fed up with any BS except that of this thread!
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Kept the bitch out of the WH.

Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

His victory kept the most corrupt Presidential candidate in history out of office and he his committed towards reversing the the job killing impacts of the Fundamental Transformation of America.

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