So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Devotion?

This is why I support Trump

  • I just need someone on the right to believe in

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I really, really, really, REALLY, want to believe him..I NEED to really.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I agree with everything he says, at the time he says it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I simply support any and everyone with an R behind their name no matter what

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a big fan of the vitriol he espouses

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • What other choice do I have?

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • What the HELL do I have to lose?

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
"So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Devotion?"
He's not black and he's not a Democrat. And he is a big, fat, lying con-artist. That's about it.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

What has he done? He won a free and democratic election of the greatest nation on earth. What more does he need to do to earn "devotion"?

If you want a system that's different you just might get it if someone other than the Will of the People decide the presidency...
Again, they way you people think, who is the leader has nothing to do with what's good for the country. For you, only who won the election--that's all that matters.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

You really don't understand the election, it wasn't about Trump, it WAS about the lying corrupt arrogant fucked up DC establishment. The people are fed up with their BS.
Trump is obviously more 'lying corrupt arrogant fucked up [than the] DC establishment.' If you were paying attention to what is going on, you'd see that.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Pretty simple.
We don't believe ANYTHING the Post and other MSM put out as supposedly objective, valid news. It is slanted so much that I doubt everything they say
especially regarding Trump!
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

And got 3 million fewer votes dum dum
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

And got 3 million fewer votes dum dum

3 million from just two states. That's why the EC was created, to prevent a few states from deciding an election from ballot stuffing. Hillary won those two states and all the EC votes. Getting more votes from a state you've already won doesn't mean the state gets to be over-represented in the EC.
Drove you loons to the brink of insanity
That's the most important thing for our country: who can annoy the other side the most? You are not a patriot.
You damn sure aren't. Liberals are the enemy to everything that made us great. You libs have no use for the democratic process and fight tooth and nail for power regardless of the people's voice.

The left lost a great deal of power with the high court alone, which is a big one. That's what inflames the left so you totally missed the boat. It isn't who pisses who off more, it's why the anger exists that matters most. The mask is off the leftist and any pretense of being tolerant, inclusive or open minded has gone out the window of even the most casual observer.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

And got 3 million fewer votes dum dum

And so Trump being the smarter of the two said..."hmmm... I know I can't win Calif dopeheads, and the idiots in NY are out of the question..
so there is NO need to spend any time or money in either state...yea that's ticket...WI,OH,MI, PA, those are the states that when adding electoral votes
make a difference"!

While the idiot Hillary so cocksure of the MSM biased polling where they always ask 10% more Democrats then GOP that she didn't need those states
never went! Yea no question about it.
If the election was based on popular vote then Trump would have spent time and money in those states.
But he was obviously a lot smarter then all of Hillary/political punsters/pollsters and the MSM!
He appealed to those of us "deplorables"... the "flyover" country people.
More importantly and to this day he's communicating to over 100 million people DIRECTLY something Hillary never caught up to doing.
Again Trump was just smarter and more adroit!
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
There were Germans that supported Hitler even after the end of the war that destroyed the German nation. True believers, faith and refusal to look at reality. And those that follow the fat senile old orange clown are exactly like those people. Almost to a man they will not accept the reality of global warming.
What has he done? He won a free and democratic election of the greatest nation on earth. What more does he need to do to earn "devotion"?

If you want a system that's different you just might get it if someone other than the Will of the People decide the presidency...
Did you share this sentiment when the previous President was in Office, not once, but twice?

Yes absolutely. I disagreed with plenty Obama did (or didn't do) in his second term, but I always respected his position, the information contributing to his decisions that only he would be privy to, his love of his country to want to do what he believed was right (even when it conflicted with my ideals), and, most importantly, that he was elected by the people.

The voting public is never wrong. This witch hunt was predicted by many, and it's going down a very slippery slope.
Really? Then why, with almost 3 million more votes than Trump, is Hillary not President. This is the second time that a Republican in modern times has lost the popular vote, and still won the White House. Let us hope that the price this time is not as steep as the price last time.
DOes anyohne remember the obama dick sucking train? It started with Obama sucking down on the saudia arabian prince and then CNN latched onto Obama's cock and the left then latched onto CNN's collective cock and, of course, each person's of the left latches onto the cock of each other so it is like one big train of cock sucking circle ring.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
There were Germans that supported Hitler even after the end of the war that destroyed the German nation. True believers, faith and refusal to look at reality. And those that follow the fat senile old orange clown are exactly like those people. Almost to a man they will not accept the reality of global warming.

Reality of global warming eh...?

Explain to me then how a supposedly expert in "global warming" can't do simple math?
Now I know YOU won't be able to follow the attached unless I really really simplify it!
In the below you see an estimation of the number of trees in the world as being over 3 trillion.
Now this "global warming expert" said in the below, that it would require planting 353 billion trees that would cover 24% of the land mass to absorb all the CO2.
Where this expert is so wrong is in two simple facts explained in the below:
A) If there are already 3 trillion trees on the earth using his math i.e. 353 billion equals 25%.. 700 billion equals 50% 1,053 billion = 75% then 1,753 billion covers the EARTH! How can that be if already there are 3 trillion trees??
B) And if every tree absorbs about 50 lbs of CO2 per year that means 3 trillion trees absorb 75 BILLION tons of CO2 or almost 2 times what is emitted today!

So just these two simple math problems that the "experts" on global warming have seems to cause some DOUBT!!!!
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

And got 3 million fewer votes dum dum

And so Trump being the smarter of the two said..."hmmm... I know I can't win Calif dopeheads, and the idiots in NY are out of the question..
so there is NO need to spend any time or money in either state...yea that's ticket...WI,OH,MI, PA, those are the states that when adding electoral votes
make a difference"!

While the idiot Hillary so cocksure of the MSM biased polling where they always ask 10% more Democrats then GOP that she didn't need those states
never went! Yea no question about it.
If the election was based on popular vote then Trump would have spent time and money in those states.
But he was obviously a lot smarter then all of Hillary/political punsters/pollsters and the MSM!
He appealed to those of us "deplorables"... the "flyover" country people.
More importantly and to this day he's communicating to over 100 million people DIRECTLY something Hillary never caught up to doing.
Again Trump was just smarter and more adroit!

trump sounds like he has the IQ of a toddler. that's why the uneducated angry white bigoted males like him.

has nothing to do with him being smart.

and he certainly wasn't smarter than Hillary. you freaks aren't interested in smart. you want angry, bigoted and misogynist.

I hope that helps, shill.
He stands up to rabid liberals and fights back. That's something no GOPer has ever done. He's not afraid to attack shitbag liberals, whereas the McCains cower, grope for the middle way, and seek validation from the left. When he was campaigning, he would regularly do long press conferences and leave the liberal media beat to a pulp.

So yes, we will likely keep supporting him, just as you will continue to always hate him and attack him.

He stands for nothing wackadoodle except feeding you ignorant rightwingnut trolls who make up about a third of the electorate.

Which is why the orange sociopaths approval rating is in the toilet.

He stands for all those people that lost their manufacturing jobs over the last several decades thanks to both Dem and GOP embracing globalism, allowing imports without tariffs, and export of jobs without penalty.

He won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states, no matter how much you whine about approval ratings.

And got 3 million fewer votes dum dum

And so Trump being the smarter of the two said..."hmmm... I know I can't win Calif dopeheads, and the idiots in NY are out of the question..
so there is NO need to spend any time or money in either state...yea that's ticket...WI,OH,MI, PA, those are the states that when adding electoral votes
make a difference"!

While the idiot Hillary so cocksure of the MSM biased polling where they always ask 10% more Democrats then GOP that she didn't need those states
never went! Yea no question about it.
If the election was based on popular vote then Trump would have spent time and money in those states.
But he was obviously a lot smarter then all of Hillary/political punsters/pollsters and the MSM!
He appealed to those of us "deplorables"... the "flyover" country people.
More importantly and to this day he's communicating to over 100 million people DIRECTLY something Hillary never caught up to doing.
Again Trump was just smarter and more adroit!

trump sounds like he has the IQ of a toddler. that's why the uneducated angry white bigoted males like him.

has nothing to do with him being smart.

and he certainly wasn't smarter than Hillary. you freaks aren't interested in smart. you want angry, bigoted and misogynist.

I hope that helps, shill.

Typical answer from a typically unaware moonfart...
Let's see....intelligent quotes from Hillary...
Aug 18, 2015 - Hillary Presser: Did I Wipe The Server 'Like With A Cloth Or Something'?
Hillary On Wiping Her Secret Server: “Like With A Cloth?” - YouTube
What brilliance!
But of course what would we expect from someone with so little regard for human life.... "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
And of course this really engendered voters to Hillary...‘basket of deplorables.’ Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.
But then this was really enlightening both to her intelligence and intent: "We Are Going To Put A Lot Of Coal Miners & Coal Companies Out Of Business"

Yup... Hillary certainly knew where the population was but for some reason didn't understand the electoral college is the last to vote and most important!
Your survey fails to include any truly valid choices. But then, you wouldn't understand why someone would support President Trump, so it's understandable.
You just don't like the responses you're getting, Trump wasn't my first, second or even third choice but you're right about one thing, he isn't the corrupt old bitch and I'm here to tell ya THAT is why Trump was elected.

Now stop acting a petulant child not getting the answers you want, it's juvenile
Good, I got you to admit that all it really took was for Trump NOT to be Hillary for you to support him, and continue to do so.

That's the level intellect you have.

Keep it up!

So, why are you so opposed to President Trump?
You just don't like the responses you're getting, Trump wasn't my first, second or even third choice but you're right about one thing, he isn't the corrupt old bitch and I'm here to tell ya THAT is why Trump was elected.

Now stop acting a petulant child not getting the answers you want, it's juvenile
Good, I got you to admit that all it really took was for Trump NOT to be Hillary for you to support him, and continue to do so.

That's the level intellect you have.

Keep it up!


Listen up you childish little runt, millions voted for Trump for that very reason, now get the fuck over yourself. You're not an intellect, you're not clever...just another dumb fuck leftist thinking you know and have all the answers

Y U so MAD?
Y U so stoopid?

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