So What Exactly Did Trump Do to Draw the Devotion?

This is why I support Trump

  • I just need someone on the right to believe in

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I really, really, really, REALLY, want to believe him..I NEED to really.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I agree with everything he says, at the time he says it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I simply support any and everyone with an R behind their name no matter what

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a big fan of the vitriol he espouses

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • What other choice do I have?

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • What the HELL do I have to lose?

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?

Same could be said of Obama during his time in office.


I find your gif very offensive and wish you would remove it.
Are you able to say why you find this GIF so offensive?
'Devotion'? Nothing.

'Respect' - he won the Presidency.

This is where snowflakes get confused...they 'devote' themselves to the 'individual', the 'cult of liberal personality' and HATE the individual from the opposing political party.

I don't 'devote' myself to anyONE. I respect the office of the President, as I took an oath to obey the lawful orders of the President.

Snowflakes see no problem calling for military coups and calling for the assassination of TRUMP because they are focusing on the INDIVIDUAL, not the fact that what they are really doing is calling for the seditious / treasonous overthrow and/or assassination of the PRESIDENT of the United States.
'Devotion'? Nothing.

'Respect' - he won the Presidency.

This is where snowflakes get confused...they 'devote' themselves to the 'individual', the 'cult of liberal personality' and HATE the individual from the opposing political party.

I don't 'devote' myself to anyONE. I respect the office of the President, as I took an oath to obey the lawful orders of the President.

Snowflakes see no problem calling for military coups and calling for the assassination of TRUMP because they are focusing on the INDIVIDUAL, not the fact that what they are really doing is calling for the seditious / treasonous overthrow and/or assassination of the PRESIDENT of the United States.
I agree, the snowflakes that Trump was referring to when he said that HE can go outside and shoot someone in the face and THEY will STILL support him, proves their DEVOTION to HIM and not just the OFFICE.

You hit the nail on the head bub.

Glad to know you're above that.
You just don't like the responses you're getting, Trump wasn't my first, second or even third choice but you're right about one thing, he isn't the corrupt old bitch and I'm here to tell ya THAT is why Trump was elected.

Now stop acting a petulant child not getting the answers you want, it's juvenile
Good, I got you to admit that all it really took was for Trump NOT to be Hillary for you to support him, and continue to do so.

That's the level intellect you have.

Keep it up!

So, why are you so opposed to President Trump?
I'll take a stab at that. From his New York playboy days, I thought Donald Trump was a despicable person. Braggidocious, loud, boorish and low brow. Not what comes to mind when one considers a statesman. He hawked himself in any guise he believed profitable without grace or nobility. His stint on his TV show was ignored by me.

His campaign was one of xenophobia and division. He wants to build walls, ban Muslims from immigrating, trash the environment and limit the rights of anyone who isn't male, white and wealthy. He lacks compassion, empathy and warmth. He demeaned POWs, women and anyone like me who thought he should stay in Manhattan real estate or steaks or wine or his scam "University".

When he announced as a Republican, I was not surprised, but I thought instead of running as a Republican he should have run as a joke.

But there were enough disaffected people who unfortunately believed this crude and vile person should be entrusted with the powers of the Presidency. I live in Trump country. Here in the Rust Belt. The issues my neighbors are concerned with are real. But the havoc Trump brings is not conducive to the solutions they truly deserve.
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You just don't like the responses you're getting, Trump wasn't my first, second or even third choice but you're right about one thing, he isn't the corrupt old bitch and I'm here to tell ya THAT is why Trump was elected.

Now stop acting a petulant child not getting the answers you want, it's juvenile
Good, I got you to admit that all it really took was for Trump NOT to be Hillary for you to support him, and continue to do so.

That's the level intellect you have.

Keep it up!

So, why are you so opposed to President Trump?
I'll take a stab at that. From his New York playboy days, I,thought Donald Trump was a,despicable person. Braggidocious, loud, boorish and low brow. Not what comes to mind when one considers a statesman. He hawked himself in any guide he believed profitable without grace or nobility. His stint on his TV show was ignored by me.

His campaign was one of xenophobia and division. He wants to build walls, ban Muslims from immigrating, trash the environment and limit the rights of anyone who isn't male, white and wealthy. He lacks compassion, empathy and warmth. He demeaned POWs, women and anyone like me who thought he should stay in Manhattan real estate or steaks or wine or his scam "University".

When he announced as a Republican, I was not surprised, but I thought instead of running as a Republican, he should have run as a joke.

But there were enough disaffected people who unfortunately believed this crude and vile person should be entrusted with the powers of the Presidency. I live in Trump country. Here in the Rust Belt. The issues my neighbors are concerned with are real. But the havoc Trump brings is not conducive to the solutions they truly deserve.

The fact is, IMO, Trump did not win because of Trump, Trump won because of the Democrats.

8 years of Obama.8 years of scandal, law and Constitution violating...Americans were treated as 'slaves' by self-appointed rulers...Obama illegally spied on reporters, the media, Americans, the Senate, and possibly the USSC...etc...

The Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud in those primaries, cheated in debates, funded violence against Americans who supported the opposition, damaged property, arson, terrorism, calls for coups and assassination, attempted to use threats of violence to overturn the election....

...and they did all of that so a woman who should never have been on the ballot on election day - due to multiple on-going investigations which proved she did break laws, the most corrupt, incompetent, criminal candidate to ever run for the WH in US history (and they had to cheat to get her to 'win' the nomination) would be their candidate...because the elitist bit@h claimed it was 'her turn'.

Snowflakes can mis-place their blame by dumping it all on Trump if they want to, but it does not take away from the fact that Democrats ran the worst candidate in US history.

All the negatives that have been accurately stated about trump did not force Hillary to completely, arrogantly, ignore Wisconsin, for example. That was HER failure.

Democrats have slowly started coming around - some within their own ranks have acknowledged 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump' is NOT a winning message / platform...but yet the overall messages coming out of the Democrats is STILL 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump'.

The vast majority of the American people DO NOT CARE about the democratic Party's continuing butt-hurt over losing elections. They are STILL waiting for a 'pro-America' message, a plan on how they intend to make Americas' lives better. To date, Democrats do not have such a message.

Obstruction, Hate, Anti-Trump....

1,000+ election losses, 0-5 Special election losses, 2 historic election losses.

Chuck Schumer just recently declared, "When you lose an election the only person you can blame is yourself."

Is any other Democrat out there listening yet?
The fact is, IMO, Trump did not win because of Trump, Trump won because of the Democrats.

8 years of Obama.8 years of scandal, law and Constitution violating...Americans were treated as 'slaves' by self-appointed rulers...Obama illegally spied on reporters, the media, Americans, the Senate, and possibly the USSC...etc...

The Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud in those primaries, cheated in debates, funded violence against Americans who supported the opposition, damaged property, arson, terrorism, calls for coups and assassination, attempted to use threats of violence to overturn the election....

...and they did all of that so a woman who should never have been on the ballot on election day - due to multiple on-going investigations which proved she did break laws, the most corrupt, incompetent, criminal candidate to ever run for the WH in US history (and they had to cheat to get her to 'win' the nomination) would be their candidate...because the elitist bit@h claimed it was 'her turn'.

Snowflakes can mis-place their blame by dumping it all on Trump if they want to, but it does not take away from the fact that Democrats ran the worst candidate in US history.

All the negatives that have been accurately stated about trump did not force Hillary to completely, arrogantly, ignore Wisconsin, for example. That was HER failure.

Democrats have slowly started coming around - some within their own ranks have acknowledged 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump' is NOT a winning message / platform...but yet the overall messages coming out of the Democrats is STILL 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump'.

The vast majority of the American people DO NOT CARE about the democratic Party's continuing butt-hurt over losing elections. They are STILL waiting for a 'pro-America' message, a plan on how they intend to make Americas' lives better. To date, Democrats do not have such a message.

Obstruction, Hate, Anti-Trump....

1,000+ election losses, 0-5 Special election losses, 2 historic election losses.

Chuck Schumer just recently declared, "When you lose an election the only person you can blame is yourself."

Is any other Democrat out there listening yet?
See what I mean?

Far rightwing partisan Republican hacks are always going to find a way to spin anything into Obama's fault.

Such loyalty and devotion from the Trump Cult is disturbing. Some of his sycophants on here will defend anything, no matter how low or pathetic.
The fact is, IMO, Trump did not win because of Trump, Trump won because of the Democrats.

8 years of Obama.8 years of scandal, law and Constitution violating...Americans were treated as 'slaves' by self-appointed rulers...Obama illegally spied on reporters, the media, Americans, the Senate, and possibly the USSC...etc...

The Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud in those primaries, cheated in debates, funded violence against Americans who supported the opposition, damaged property, arson, terrorism, calls for coups and assassination, attempted to use threats of violence to overturn the election....

...and they did all of that so a woman who should never have been on the ballot on election day - due to multiple on-going investigations which proved she did break laws, the most corrupt, incompetent, criminal candidate to ever run for the WH in US history (and they had to cheat to get her to 'win' the nomination) would be their candidate...because the elitist bit@h claimed it was 'her turn'.

Snowflakes can mis-place their blame by dumping it all on Trump if they want to, but it does not take away from the fact that Democrats ran the worst candidate in US history.

All the negatives that have been accurately stated about trump did not force Hillary to completely, arrogantly, ignore Wisconsin, for example. That was HER failure.

Democrats have slowly started coming around - some within their own ranks have acknowledged 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump' is NOT a winning message / platform...but yet the overall messages coming out of the Democrats is STILL 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump'.

The vast majority of the American people DO NOT CARE about the democratic Party's continuing butt-hurt over losing elections. They are STILL waiting for a 'pro-America' message, a plan on how they intend to make Americas' lives better. To date, Democrats do not have such a message.

Obstruction, Hate, Anti-Trump....

1,000+ election losses, 0-5 Special election losses, 2 historic election losses.

Chuck Schumer just recently declared, "When you lose an election the only person you can blame is yourself."

Is any other Democrat out there listening yet?
See what I mean?

Far rightwing partisan Republican hacks are always going to find a way to spin anything into Obama's fault.

Dude, re-read the post again. I do not blame Obama. I don't think I even used his name or refer to him once. I pointed out how the Democratic Party and Hillary, who have demonized Trump and blamed him for Hillary's loss, is to blame for Hillary's loss. I even pointed out how Schumer just declared her loss was the Democratic party's fault.

So WTF are you talking about?
You just don't like the responses you're getting, Trump wasn't my first, second or even third choice but you're right about one thing, he isn't the corrupt old bitch and I'm here to tell ya THAT is why Trump was elected.

Now stop acting a petulant child not getting the answers you want, it's juvenile
Good, I got you to admit that all it really took was for Trump NOT to be Hillary for you to support him, and continue to do so.

That's the level intellect you have.

Keep it up!

So, why are you so opposed to President Trump?
I'll take a stab at that. From his New York playboy days, I,thought Donald Trump was a,despicable person. Braggidocious, loud, boorish and low brow. Not what comes to mind when one considers a statesman. He hawked himself in any guide he believed profitable without grace or nobility. His stint on his TV show was ignored by me.

His campaign was one of xenophobia and division. He wants to build walls, ban Muslims from immigrating, trash the environment and limit the rights of anyone who isn't male, white and wealthy. He lacks compassion, empathy and warmth. He demeaned POWs, women and anyone like me who thought he should stay in Manhattan real estate or steaks or wine or his scam "University".

When he announced as a Republican, I was not surprised, but I thought instead of running as a Republican, he should have run as a joke.

But there were enough disaffected people who unfortunately believed this crude and vile person should be entrusted with the powers of the Presidency. I live in Trump country. Here in the Rust Belt. The issues my neighbors are concerned with are real. But the havoc Trump brings is not conducive to the solutions they truly deserve.

The fact is, IMO, Trump did not win because of Trump, Trump won because of the Democrats.

8 years of Obama.8 years of scandal, law and Constitution violating...Americans were treated as 'slaves' by self-appointed rulers...Obama illegally spied on reporters, the media, Americans, the Senate, and possibly the USSC...etc...

The Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud in those primaries, cheated in debates, funded violence against Americans who supported the opposition, damaged property, arson, terrorism, calls for coups and assassination, attempted to use threats of violence to overturn the election....

...and they did all of that so a woman who should never have been on the ballot on election day - due to multiple on-going investigations which proved she did break laws, the most corrupt, incompetent, criminal candidate to ever run for the WH in US history (and they had to cheat to get her to 'win' the nomination) would be their candidate...because the elitist bit@h claimed it was 'her turn'.

Snowflakes can mis-place their blame by dumping it all on Trump if they want to, but it does not take away from the fact that Democrats ran the worst candidate in US history.

All the negatives that have been accurately stated about trump did not force Hillary to completely, arrogantly, ignore Wisconsin, for example. That was HER failure.

Democrats have slowly started coming around - some within their own ranks have acknowledged 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump' is NOT a winning message / platform...but yet the overall messages coming out of the Democrats is STILL 'Hate' and 'Anti-Trump'.

The vast majority of the American people DO NOT CARE about the democratic Party's continuing butt-hurt over losing elections. They are STILL waiting for a 'pro-America' message, a plan on how they intend to make Americas' lives better. To date, Democrats do not have such a message.

Obstruction, Hate, Anti-Trump....

1,000+ election losses, 0-5 Special election losses, 2 historic election losses.

Chuck Schumer just recently declared, "When you lose an election the only person you can blame is yourself."

Is any other Democrat out there listening yet?
You cannot hold the like a of Donald Trump as a paradigm of honesty, hope, purity and virtue. If you want to speak in facts, let's speak in facts and not hyperbole. Both major political parties nominated flawed candidates. The choice was not one of vice versus virtue. The choice was one between bad and amatureish, despised and more despicable.

While you are eager to believe all the stuff you were told about Democrats, from imagined scandal to possible criminal culpability, others were not as hobbled by partisan blinders and cynicism. And we stand incredulous that partisanship could cloud the ability to see emperors without clothes.
Trump has managed to keep a certain segment of the population deeply devoted to him.

Seems that no matter what he says, does or doesn't do, they are just determined to be devoted to him and follow him to the depths of the earth.

So much so that even as early as his campaign, he stated to the world that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face and they would STILL support him.

That's some serious Kook Aid drinking folks.

He knows he has them mesmerized, but I just want to know why?

What has he done really?
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump is just a good guy , American in his actions from most everything i have seen him do . And before his announcement to run for President i really knew nothing about him outside of the fact that he was a rich Hotelier and builder . I never watched his tv show as i just don't watch tv for entertainment Marc .
You cannot hold the like a of Donald Trump as a paradigm of honesty, hope, purity and virtue.
Good thing I did NOT do that. I - and D-Schumer - said Democrats have no one to blame for Hillary's loss but Democrats.
Millions voted for Trump because when he said " Make America great again,"
not that i ever compared but what did mrobama ever do . Plus , mrobama was a doper with questionable American ties , he was a 'choom' gang member from Hawaii [plus muslim upbringing either partial or full] plus 'jeremiah wright and i just don't like the looks or words of mrobama or his wife . Plus he sure doesn't sound like an American to me . Plus other bad things that i just won't go into yet . ------------ in closing , i was a Ted Cruz supporter until Trump destroyed Cruz chances so maybe next time someday for Cruz Marc.
I'll answer, although I really don't think the OP is interested in answers.

I like the fact he was and still is an outsider and beholden to no one. I have been very disappointed at the candidates the Repubs have trotted out, and then lose. I can't vote Democrat, that's just lunacy, I can't vote third party since that's just a wasted vote. I had a candidate I could finally believe in.

My two cents.
So you had a candidate you could believe in.. who had no experience, no urgency to learn what the job entailed, along with him being a serial sex offender, someone who mocked the handicapped, carried on teenage vendettas for weeks against beauty contestants, mocked Hillary for using a rest room, along with his long dubvious history of screwing the little guy in business deals while walking away with millions...
yes something to believe in.
Millions voted for Trump because when he said " Make America great again,"
------------------------------------------ speculation on what Trumps words really meant is pure specualation . That being said ' Make America Great Again' that was actually said by Trump makes a lot of sense to me Marc and Reasonable !!
not that i ever compared but what did mrobama ever do . Plus , mrobama was a doper with questionable American ties , he was a 'choom' gang member from Hawaii [plus muslim upbringing either partial or full] plus 'jeremiah wright and i just don't like the looks or words of mrobama or his wife . Plus he sure doesn't sound like an American to me . Plus other bad things that i just won't go into yet . ------------ in closing , i was a Ted Cruz supporter until Trump destroyed Cruz chances so maybe next time someday for Cruz Marc.
" I don't like the looks or words of Mr or Mrs Obama."
Translation: they're black.
Millions voted for Trump because when he said " Make America great again,"
------------------------------------------ speculation on what Trumps words really meant is pure specualation . That being said ' Make America Great Again' that was actually said by Trump makes a lot of sense to me Marc and Reasonable !!
America was and is great. That bogus nazi like slogan of Trump's could be spotted from miles away.
He's done just the opposite since becoming president. In the process of opening up our National parks to the highest bidder, oil companies... letting Big Coal pollute with immunity, and has embarrassed our country with his behavior to the point the whole world is laughing at us.
I'll answer, although I really don't think the OP is interested in answers.

I like the fact he was and still is an outsider and beholden to no one. I have been very disappointed at the candidates the Repubs have trotted out, and then lose. I can't vote Democrat, that's just lunacy, I can't vote third party since that's just a wasted vote. I had a candidate I could finally believe in.

My two cents.
So you had a candidate you could believe in.. who had no experience, no urgency to learn what the job entailed, along with him being a serial sex offender, someone who mocked the handicapped, carried on teenage vendettas for weeks against beauty contestants, mocked Hillary for using a rest room, along with his long dubvious history of screwing the little guy in business deals while walking away with millions...
yes something to believe in.
-------------------------------------------------------- When did Trump go to jail for his sex offenses . Concerning the Poor poor fat widdle third world Beauty Queen that was eating better than she had ever eaten in her life . I think that she got FAT which is a no no for Beauty Queens that were working for Trump and is a very silly thing for you to even mention [chuckle] . Course , i still want to know when Trump went to jail for sex offenses or screwing the little guy '2penny' and or Reasonable .
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Millions voted for Trump because when he said " Make America great again,"
------------------------------------------ speculation on what Trumps words really meant is pure specualation . That being said ' Make America Great Again' that was actually said by Trump makes a lot of sense to me Marc and Reasonable !!
America was and is great. That bogus nazi like slogan of Trump's could be spotted from miles away.
He's done just the opposite since becoming president. In the process of opening up our National parks to the highest bidder, oil companies... letting Big Coal pollute with immunity, and has embarrassed our country with his behavior to the point the whole world is laughing at us.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- you sound young and you sound like you have no experience with real life . Yes of course , America WAS Great and Trump is working to make an Independent and Sovereign America Great Again Reasonable or whoever !!

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