So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

i would like to pick apart every one of your idiotic proposals, but for now i will concentrate on just the most stupid one,
#3 Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
then we need to make automobile makers liable, knife makers, ball bats, pens and pencils, scissors, medicines, poisons etc. in fact any thing that can be used as a potential weapon.

There's a difference between POTENTIAL weapons and things that are actually DESIGNED to be weapons.

And when the gun manufacturers use ads like THIS,


they are being manifestly irresponsible in the marketing their products to people who shouldn't have them.

Well Said!! I couldn't agree more!!
it's awkward and embarrassing watching left-wing losers embarrass themselves every day with moronic talking points. Reagan didn't do anything his Democrat congress didn't want him to do for the most party. of all Presidents who had to work with the other Party THIS President had so many from the other Party voting for his policies a whole new term, Reagan democrats, was coined to describe them

libs are simply morons who lie to themselves

what a total waste of copied and pasted charts and graphs!1

gun nuts went wild in joeB's hometown last night. Several young black males are dead this morning. the bodies are still outside on the street at the crime scene early this morning. Joe B is here ranting about zimmerman
it's awkward and embarrassing watching left-wing losers embarrass themselves every day with moronic talking points. Reagan didn't do anything his Democrat congress didn't want him to do for the most party. of all Presidents who had to work with the other Party THIS President had so many from the other Party voting for his policies a whole new term, Reagan democrats, was coined to describe them

libs are simply morons who lie to themselves

what a total waste of copied and pasted charts and graphs!1


Yeah dumbass...Democrats engineered the massive tax cuts for the rich and went in debt to fund them. Surely you're trying to shit me.....either that or you're lucky to be looking around and drawing air....I think the latter
it's awkward and embarrassing watching left-wing losers embarrass themselves every day with moronic talking points. Reagan didn't do anything his Democrat congress didn't want him to do for the most party. of all Presidents who had to work with the other Party THIS President had so many from the other Party voting for his policies a whole new term, Reagan democrats, was coined to describe them

libs are simply morons who lie to themselves

what a total waste of copied and pasted charts and graphs!1


Yeah dumbass...Democrats engineered the massive tax cuts for the rich and went in debt to fund them. Surely you're trying to shit me.....either that or you're lucky to be looking around and drawing air....I think the latter

you're a laughable idiot trying to re-write history
every day you come here making a fool of yourself spewing the same ol talking points, showing everybody what a partisan lemming you are,
keepo ranting about the old dead white guy that would be well over a hundred years old...........................while your Messiah Obama keeps making the very richest richer and the poorest poorer; it really is revealing to see just how far you morons will go denying basic realities and inconvenient facts!!
i would like to pick apart every one of your idiotic proposals, but for now i will concentrate on just the most stupid one,
#3 Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
then we need to make automobile makers liable, knife makers, ball bats, pens and pencils, scissors, medicines, poisons etc. in fact any thing that can be used as a potential weapon.

There's a difference between POTENTIAL weapons and things that are actually DESIGNED to be weapons.

And when the gun manufacturers use ads like THIS,


they are being manifestly irresponsible in the marketing their products to people who shouldn't have them.
You can't help being a candy-a$$, can you?
Your pussy sure must hurt....
90% of shooters already have one prior conviction….and as the Chicago police commissioner says, a criminal caught in an illegal possession of a gun is a gate way crime to eventually committing murder….

If only the gun grabbers would focus on the sociopaths who are using guns to commit crimes and leave the other 99% of the normal gun owning population alone….we wouldn't have the problem with guns that we have….but when they focus on normal gun owners…and ignore the actual shooters…it is not a surprise we have more gun crime.

we have too many guns. That's why we have gun crimes. We have too many people thinking guns make up for a tiny dick. That's why we have gun crimes.

Countries that don't let citizens have guns- DON'T HAVE GUN CRIMES.

It's pretty fucking simple.
Your pussy is still hurting, huh?
Guns aren't the issue…fatherless boys are the issue.

You think there aren't just as many fatherless boys in the UK and Germany?
The low crime rate, excluding muslim terrorism is explained not by a lack of guns…but by the demographics…the majority of the population are Jewish, religious Jews make up a huge percent of the population and the muslims living inside Israel itself are obviously more law abiding than those who live surrounding Israel….so again, every Jewish citizen could carry a gun and their crime rate would still be low…because they are not criminals.

You mean other than engaging in genocide against the Palestinian people and running over peace activists with bulldozers, the Zionist Scum are totally not criminals...

But here's the thing. The Zionists don't let anyone but the Army and Police have guns. They certainly don't want the people they stole the land from having them.
You had better go to gynecologist, right away!!
Attacking somebody with a firearm and defending yourself with a firearm are two totally different things. No wonder you are so confused.
The guy who burst in was defending himself.
He wasn't going to shoot anyone until the householder reached for a weapon.

No, he had every intention on shooting somebody and put himself in that position. Much different than when you are minding your own business and somebody attacks you. Self-defense does not mean attacking another person. Look it up in the dictionary or on Wiki.

Well...if you really want to you can ignore police instructions, track down a teen ager, pick a fight with him then kill him and get away with it. If you don't believe it ask the piece of shit George Zimmerman....the guy who shot Treyvon Martin. That useless bastard has been in and out of trouble several times since that happened. He was a cop wannabe.

Once again, learn the difference between being attacked and being the attacker.

Zimmerman was talking to police for a couple of minutes and hung up with them. That piece of garbage Martin was hiding between the houses waiting on Zimmerman. When Zimmerman walked by him, Martin attacked.

Zimmerman suffered several injuries including a back injury, two black eyes, a broken nose, and lacerations to the back of the head. Martin on the other hand sustained not even a superficial wound. This according to the autopsy report.

As a CCW holder in my state, I can tell you that in most places, the laws are pretty uniform. In our state (and Florida) the law reads "A licensed firearm carrier can use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death."

Given the multiple injuries Zimmerman suffered, it's more than clear he had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of just that: serious bodily harm or death. That's why he's a free man. I would have shot Martin too and I probably wouldn't have even been changed unless my attacker was black and it drew national attention.

zimmerman was living the gun nut dream, to some day shoot him a Darkie.

Unfortunately, it was a 17 year old kid who was out buying candy, but he was living the dream.

So just ignore that Zimmerman molested his cousin, got fired from his job as a bouncer for breaking a woman's leg, has been arrested a couple of times for slapping his wife and girlfriends around. (Ladies, seriously, you can do better!) He was done living the gun nut dream of shooting one of those menacing darkies!
Wasn't that a few years ago?
Get over it dumb a$$...
Can never prevent a mass shooting. Murder's illegal already but that's never prevented murder from occuring. Best you can do is mitigate them when they occur. And though the crossfire'd be a bitch, the best mitigation tactic is to have everyone armed.
It doesn't matter really, in either case it was invented to save the life of the user....right?
Not if it was invented to take the life of someone

And taking the life of another often saves the life of the again, guns were created to save the life of the user......
Someone bursts into your house and shoots you as you're reaching for your gun.
They used a firearm to save their life.
Is that a benign use of a gun?
Can they claim self defence?

Attacking somebody with a firearm and defending yourself with a firearm are two totally different things. No wonder you are so confused.
The guy who burst in was defending himself.
He wasn't going to shoot anyone until the householder reached for a weapon.

You are intentionally mistaking two issues…one, I said that guns were created to save the user… either case, the case of a good guy defending himself, or an evil guy defending himself, the gun is in fact used to defend the life of the user…..

And you are conflating that with good and evil uses of a gun……

Try to get them straight.
Can never prevent a mass shooting. Murder's illegal already but that's never prevented murder from occuring. Best you can do is mitigate them when they occur. And though the crossfire'd be a bitch, the best mitigation tactic is to have everyone armed.

If everyone was armed the shooters wouldn't be doing mass shootings….they want unarmed victims because they want to murder people, they aren't looking for a shoot out otherwise they wouldn't pick "gun free zones" and they would stand and fight the police instead of committing suicide.

The benefit of universal concealed or open carry of guns by normal people….it will keep mass shooters from attacking…..that is what the anti gunners don't understand.
Guns aren't the issue…fatherless boys are the issue.

You think there aren't just as many fatherless boys in the UK and Germany?
The low crime rate, excluding muslim terrorism is explained not by a lack of guns…but by the demographics…the majority of the population are Jewish, religious Jews make up a huge percent of the population and the muslims living inside Israel itself are obviously more law abiding than those who live surrounding Israel….so again, every Jewish citizen could carry a gun and their crime rate would still be low…because they are not criminals.

You mean other than engaging in genocide against the Palestinian people and running over peace activists with bulldozers, the Zionist Scum are totally not criminals...

But here's the thing. The Zionists don't let anyone but the Army and Police have guns. They certainly don't want the people they stole the land from having them.

The muslims are the aggressors here not the has been pointed out, muslims stop fighting and there is instant peace, Israel stops fighting and they are massacred……big difference. Wrong…..civilians get guns in Israel and gun stores have long lines in front of them in Israel since the attacks began…

AGain, it is funny that a nation that experienced genocide after they were disarmed would allow their civilians to be disarmed….they still haven't learned all the lessons from the holocaust.
Can never prevent a mass shooting. Murder's illegal already but that's never prevented murder from occuring. Best you can do is mitigate them when they occur. And though the crossfire'd be a bitch, the best mitigation tactic is to have everyone armed.

If everyone was armed the shooters wouldn't be doing mass shootings….they want unarmed victims because they want to murder people, they aren't looking for a shoot out otherwise they wouldn't pick "gun free zones" and they would stand and fight the police instead of committing suicide.

The benefit of universal concealed or open carry of guns by normal people….it will keep mass shooters from attacking…..that is what the anti gunners don't understand.

While it'd help it isn't practical. Not everyone wants to carry a weapon everywhere they go. I sure as hell don't, don't even want one anymore. Had one when working security and another for home protection, but I didn't like the mental place it forced me into. Shouldn't be viewing people as potential threats. But I like having the option if things get worse.
Guns were created to save the life of the user…...

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

That is a lie and even kellerman the idiot who put the lie out there had to admit it was wrong…..

The real factors in family member deaths, drugs, alcohol, criminal convictions, anti social and violent behavior…..guns are not the issue even in that….
Can never prevent a mass shooting. Murder's illegal already but that's never prevented murder from occuring. Best you can do is mitigate them when they occur. And though the crossfire'd be a bitch, the best mitigation tactic is to have everyone armed.

If everyone was armed the shooters wouldn't be doing mass shootings….they want unarmed victims because they want to murder people, they aren't looking for a shoot out otherwise they wouldn't pick "gun free zones" and they would stand and fight the police instead of committing suicide.

The benefit of universal concealed or open carry of guns by normal people….it will keep mass shooters from attacking…..that is what the anti gunners don't understand.

While it'd help it isn't practical. Not everyone wants to carry a weapon everywhere they go. I sure as hell don't, don't even want one anymore. Had one when working security and another for home protection, but I didn't like the mental place it forced me into. Shouldn't be viewing people as potential threats. But I like having the option if things get worse.

I am just talking about giving people that choice…not mandatory, but universal carry for all who want to do it.
90% of shooters already have one prior conviction….and as the Chicago police commissioner says, a criminal caught in an illegal possession of a gun is a gate way crime to eventually committing murder….

If only the gun grabbers would focus on the sociopaths who are using guns to commit crimes and leave the other 99% of the normal gun owning population alone….we wouldn't have the problem with guns that we have….but when they focus on normal gun owners…and ignore the actual shooters…it is not a surprise we have more gun crime.

we have too many guns. That's why we have gun crimes. We have too many people thinking guns make up for a tiny dick. That's why we have gun crimes.

Countries that don't let citizens have guns- DON'T HAVE GUN CRIMES.

It's pretty fucking simple.

Wrong…in fact those countries that banned guns have had gun crime since the bans and their gun crime is increasing….while our country, with more people owning and carrying guns…our gun murder and gun accident rate is going down……what are you nuts going to say when the gun crime keeps increasing in all those countries that confiscated guns…?

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