So . . . What Is Their Game Plan?

Tyrants ban free speech

And send 20,000 military troops to the Capital. Tyrants ALWAYS need to deply force because of their paranoia.

remember how violently ANGRY the Left Rage Mob was when Trump threatened to send in a few hundred nation Guard troops to stop actual violence and rioting ???

The hypocrisy is interstellar in magnitude.

These leftist have the mentality of Adolph Hitler and consider anyone not in agreement as Jews.

From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Over my dead body. Even Ossoff doesn’t support that. Ed the antisemite
Says Azog the NAZI!
You support the Nazis. Projection does not work.
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
I suspect the vast maj of Hill supporters still think Comey "stole" the election for Trump. But they moved on, and won the next two elections.

You're going to have two years of repeated "no missing or doubly counted ballots." You want to try running in 24 on "stolen election," knock yerselves out.
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
I don’t believe for one second that 74 million people believe the election was stolen. Just because somebody voted for Trump doesn’t mean they believe all the lies. Every person I know who voted for trump has admitted to me that he has gone to far with this stolen election stuff.. all that’s left are the wing nuts and dopes
We all do until you release the physical ballots
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
I'm thinking this is the new TDS.

Total Derangement Syndrome
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Over my dead body. Even Ossoff doesn’t support that. Ed the antisemite
Says Azog the NAZI!
You support the Nazis. Projection does not work.
You are a NAZI, and I do NOT support you!
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
I suspect the vast maj of Hill supporters still think Comey "stole" the election for Trump. But they moved on, and won the next two elections.

You're going to have two years of repeated "no missing or doubly counted ballots." You want to try running in 24 on "stolen election," knock yerselves out.

Wait! I'm outta popcorn...:popcorn:....gotta run out to buy more! Adios......
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
There can be no doubt, they will insure the anti-Christ uses his all encompassing powers and thereby causes the final battle between heaven and hell, ushering in the rapture.

I will all but guarantee you that God will not get involved.

We are on our own.

I've come to think that God has moved on to more promising pastures. but evil has remained to torment mankind.

Oh, he is very much still involved:

On that day I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves.

And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords

All nations. All nations vs a tiny little sliver of land.
How do all the nations on earth agree to coordinate an invasion? All nations have the same foe at the same time?
Here's how:
All nations will wear their own garb and fight under their parent company, the UN. Ours will have little American flags on the sleeves. And God is going to kick our ass.
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
I'm thinking this is the new TDS.

Total Derangement Syndrome

You rarely think. Next mushroom....
You guys don’t leave any room for the fact that Donald just didn’t win? I was shocked as shit that Donald beat Hilary but it never occurred to me to act like he didn’t win.
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?

Nothing was stolen and many Republicans from Barr to State Governors stated Donald the Marvelous was defeated by Sleepy Joe!

Also you will be proclaiming in 2022 that America has awoken and setting things straight when the GOP retakes the House and Senate and in 2024 you will proclaim Gawd has answered when the next GOP President win against Harris...

Oh the end game is to purge Trump and his moonbats...
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
I'm thinking this is the new TDS.

Total Derangement Syndrome

You rarely think. Next mushroom....
Oh... The irony....
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
I'm thinking this is the new TDS.

Total Derangement Syndrome

You rarely think. Next mushroom....
Oh... The irony....

Please continue your normal activity of staying in the dark and absorbing shit.
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
I don’t believe for one second that 74 million people believe the election was stolen. Just because somebody voted for Trump doesn’t mean they believe all the lies. Every person I know who voted for trump has admitted to me that he has gone to far with this stolen election stuff.. all that’s left are the wing nuts and dopes

You drastically underestimate the American Spirit. A common faux pas.
I think I’m pretty spot on. You think I drastically underestimate... either way, who cares?
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
Which fraud claim do you think has not been thoroughly scrutinized?
None of them. Over 200 witnesses and not one Judge would hear the case. It only took ONE filthy snitch who heard NOTHING to impeach Trump last year,
So if racism and deaths in the black community continue under this regime, that you elected, who will you blame?
Let's assume you're going by the fact that this has been a problem since the country began.

Based on that, it's impossible to expect centuries of racism to be resolved in 4 years, w/1 party in total and absolute opposition to it, just as they did w/Obama.

I'd be content w/starting to punish the perpetrators of injustice against us.

I think Biden can handle that.

I'd be very happy if he did.
Give me specific examples. African Americans have been voting blue for 60 yrs? So when will the Democrats fix this when they have also been running every city for the past 30?
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
I don’t believe for one second that 74 million people believe the election was stolen. Just because somebody voted for Trump doesn’t mean they believe all the lies. Every person I know who voted for trump has admitted to me that he has gone to far with this stolen election stuff.. all that’s left are the wing nuts and dopes
40% of the country is more than 74 million. That is the percentage that think the election was stole. It would be about 150 million.
I don’t believe 40% of the country thinks the election was stolen. That claim is laughable... I guess that’s why we are in the conspiracy theory section
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Over my dead body. Even Ossoff doesn’t support that. Ed the antisemite
Says Azog the NAZI!
A Jewish Nazi? Wow. The left has gone utterly insane.
From the perspective of the Democratic Party leadership and all republicans who have sided with them against our President, Donald John Trump, they must see their sweeping 2020/21 political victory as absolute and complete. Let us review for a moment the seeming totality of their victory. On November 3rd 2020 and over the subsequent following days the democrats, in collusion with as yet unrevealed foreign powers, successfully stole the election from Donald Trump, live and on national television. All pundit, media and political and legal challenges to Joseph Biden's illegitimate win have been rejected, shot down, and otherwise dismissed or hamstrung at every level of our rule of law. In effect, as of 15:42 hours January 14th 2021 Joe Biden will be the 46th President of the United States.

Mission accomplished.

As if stealing an election from the most powerful man in the (free) world in the most powerful nation ever to exist in human history wasn't enough for them, the democrats and their republican turncoats also managed to win two key senate special elections, which seemed to appear out of nowhere, awarding them (oh so conveniently) majority power in the US Senate, along with consolidated majority power in the House of Representatives. Which means the Democratic Party, as of right now, controls two thirds of all branches of the United States government. One could argue they will also control the third, judiciary, branch as well, if they choose to pack the Supreme Court over the coming months and years.

Last but not least, the democrats, even secure in the knowledge Donald J. Trump would be booted from office, from the White House, in just a few short days, staged a false flag trap for both the President and as many of his supporters who could be lured into the Washington D.C. metro city limits. Removing Donald Trump from office democratically just wasn't enough for the democrats. No, they for some reason felt a need to hit him again, below the belt, in an attempt to assassinate his character, cancel his person, and ruin the lives of thousands of his supporters, at least. Another stunning victory for their party and their overall political agenda.

The democrats have won big, won it all.

Which brings me back to my original question of the thread. With all of these monolithic, assured victories clenched tightly in their dirty, greasy little hands, why on Earth have the democrats and their republican traitors found it necessary to flood both our federal Capitol, and most if not all state capitals, with barely equipped National Guard troops? I mean, the democrats are very obviously using the events of January 6th 2021 as an excuse to ring our government's seats of power with part-time soldiers, but to what end, exactly. A show of force?

Frankly, the hundreds of Guard troops now sleeping on the floor of our national Capitol are not even close to equipped to hold either that building itself or any of its surrounding curtilage. I have seen no mechanized armor, no armored troop transports; no anti-aircraft batteries, no artillery pieces—not even a single mortar team. These troops are not equipped to resist any organized, serious threat to our Capitol.

A second question. What are the democrats so afraid of that they need to call out the troops and deploy them to Washington D.C. and many state seats of government power? Do they fear Donald Trump will call up the regular Army and seize absolute power, thwarting their total 2020/21 political victories? If that was the case then no amount of lightly armed National Guard units could save them.

Any threat from mobs of civilian Americans of any political persuasion is not sufficient justification for calling out the National Guard in force. Neither Antifa/BLM nor the Proud Boys could ever hope to take and/or occupy/hold the US Capitol building for more than a few short hours, and even if some activist mob group did take and hold it the function of our federal government would not be impeded. Many contingencies exist for just such an emergency. Further, the National Guard units now literally bunking out on the Capitol floor are not specialized combat units. They have no material or heavy weapons/air support. In fact, it appears beyond doubt those particular troops are nothing more than a meek show of force meant to impress those uninitiated with military capabilities. I wonder what orders have been handed down to their commanders?

So what's up? Why have the troops been deployed to D.C. and what's got the democrats running terrified when their political victories seem final and absolute?

Could the democrats and traitor republicans be planning some kind of seizure of federal and state power on inauguration day? Are Joe Biden's "handlers" planning to implement some kind of martial law or national lockdown on that day? Will the democrats attempt to use National Guard forces to arrest Donald Trump and his cabinet? Something is definitely afoot in our nation's capital and elsewhere, around our country. What do you think they are up to? And, are we witnessing an American coup d'état in full swing and in plain sight?
Dude, you really need to get a grip. You THINK the election was stolen because that’s what you’ve been told. But youve been told lies. When those lies get scrutinized they fall apart.

I and 74 million others are still waiting for a comprehensive scrutiny.
Therein lies the problem, cooter.
Which fraud claim do you think has not been thoroughly scrutinized?

For starters, 'Crossfire Hurricane' has never been held to full account. Do I need to hire Ben Stein to announce "Durham...Durham....Durham where are you?".
Short sighted mushrooms like yourself think this is ONLY about the Grand Theft Election!
Go away. I'm losing IQ points talking to anti-American trash like you!!!
Exactly where is Durham and his blockbuster of a report that was going to throw everybody in jail?! More lies you fed into huh?! I lost count of the amount of times Trumpsters told me to wait and see

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