So, what makes an election "rigged"?

So, what makes an election "rigged"?

Tammany Hall Dems registering the non-living and illegals to vote and then voting for them.

Yes, we manage to "fool" old those old folks manning the polling stations who don't seem to notice when we walk in with corpses
you certainly are an idiot.
Gee, Maybe when my parents pass away, I can just run on down and vote for my father., Not like they can question how good I look for an 86 year old male. That would be a violation of the democrats rules.
I think you or someone needs to prove first that any of that actually happens at all let alone at rates high enough to actually alter results. So far, no one has come close to doing so.

WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.
be a whole bunch easier for you to prove it is not happening if we had voter ID.
but, why do you think the democrats are so against proving you are eligible to vote?
It's a solution without a problem.
Dems are against it because it's an unnecessary hurdle for voters. But maybe that's why the right pushes it.

Oh please... you can't function without an ID.

It has not been found to be necessary.

Who made this finding?
most likely some democrat panel that was loaded with illegals.
And what did you get out of it? Not a single substantive advance of the conservative agenda.

Did you re-criminalize abortion? Did you re-outlaw gay marriage? Did you bring back child labor?

What did you DO with Congress? Hint: nothing.

.....and please don't forget the conservatives' mantra of "jobs, jobs, jobs".....AND repealing and replacing the ACA.
And what did you get out of it? Not a single substantive advance of the conservative agenda.

Did you re-criminalize abortion? Did you re-outlaw gay marriage? Did you bring back child labor?

What did you DO with Congress? Hint: nothing.

.....and please don't forget the conservatives' mantra of "jobs, jobs, jobs".....AND repealing and replacing the ACA.
and for some reason the thought of jobs bothers the liberals.
repealing something that does not work is a good thing financially, but again, financial responsibility is not something that a liberal if familiar with.
I think you or someone needs to prove first that any of that actually happens at all let alone at rates high enough to actually alter results. So far, no one has come close to doing so.

WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.
be a whole bunch easier for you to prove it is not happening if we had voter ID.
but, why do you think the democrats are so against proving you are eligible to vote?
It's a solution without a problem.
Dems are against it because it's an unnecessary hurdle for voters. But maybe that's why the right pushes it.
unnecessary hurdle? Are you so retarded and handicap that it would disadvantage you to show an ID?
Bullshit, give me the real reason democrats are so against trying to secure our elections.

I did. If you can't or won't accept it then be done.
You gave a false answer, there is no hardship caused by showing ID.
Now come up with a good reason or admit that you know it would limit the democratic fraud that goes on,.

Your opinion. I gave the only answer. It's a unnecessary hurdle. As I said before, come up with a good reason as to why it's necessary at all.

Voter ID laws are discriminatory efforts to disenfranchise voters, courts rule

Two federal rulings issued this week strike at the core of states' voter identification laws, judging at least two states' efforts to allegedly combat voter fraud were thinly veiled attempts to disenfranchise the poor and minorities.

The rulings finding North Carolina and Wisconsin's voter ID programs largely unconstitutional employed often blistering language that endorses the criticisms often levied against such legislative efforts—they're a Republican attempt to suppress voters inclined to vote Democratic. In a stinging rebuke, the North Carolina ruling went beyond finding that its provisions merely disenfranchised voters, opining that the effort was the legislature's deliberate intent in a state that had been largely subject to federal oversight under Voting Rights Act provisions that have since been struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
I think you or someone needs to prove first that any of that actually happens at all let alone at rates high enough to actually alter results. So far, no one has come close to doing so.

WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.
be a whole bunch easier for you to prove it is not happening if we had voter ID.
but, why do you think the democrats are so against proving you are eligible to vote?
It's a solution without a problem.
Dems are against it because it's an unnecessary hurdle for voters. But maybe that's why the right pushes it.

Oh please... you can't function without an ID.

It has not been found to be necessary.

Who made this finding?

Show me evidence to the contrary. The Bush administration looked for five years and found nothing of consequence.
be a whole bunch easier for you to prove it is not happening if we had voter ID.
but, why do you think the democrats are so against proving you are eligible to vote?
It's a solution without a problem.
Dems are against it because it's an unnecessary hurdle for voters. But maybe that's why the right pushes it.
unnecessary hurdle? Are you so retarded and handicap that it would disadvantage you to show an ID?
Bullshit, give me the real reason democrats are so against trying to secure our elections.

I did. If you can't or won't accept it then be done.
You gave a false answer, there is no hardship caused by showing ID.
Now come up with a good reason or admit that you know it would limit the democratic fraud that goes on,.

Your opinion. I gave the only answer. It's a unnecessary hurdle. As I said before, come up with a good reason as to why it's necessary at all.

Voter ID laws are discriminatory efforts to disenfranchise voters, courts rule

Two federal rulings issued this week strike at the core of states' voter identification laws, judging at least two states' efforts to allegedly combat voter fraud were thinly veiled attempts to disenfranchise the poor and minorities.

The rulings finding North Carolina and Wisconsin's voter ID programs largely unconstitutional employed often blistering language that endorses the criticisms often levied against such legislative efforts—they're a Republican attempt to suppress voters inclined to vote Democratic. In a stinging rebuke, the North Carolina ruling went beyond finding that its provisions merely disenfranchised voters, opining that the effort was the legislature's deliberate intent in a state that had been largely subject to federal oversight under Voting Rights Act provisions that have since been struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.
there you go again. The negro is too stupid to get an ID.
if I were black that would piss me off. Talk about racist.
the reason for the Voter ID is the integrity of the election process.
Now, give a serious answer that does not involve the stupidy of the negro to not have voter id.
be a whole bunch easier for you to prove it is not happening if we had voter ID.
but, why do you think the democrats are so against proving you are eligible to vote?
It's a solution without a problem.
Dems are against it because it's an unnecessary hurdle for voters. But maybe that's why the right pushes it.

Oh please... you can't function without an ID.

It has not been found to be necessary.

Who made this finding?

Show me evidence to the contrary. The Bush administration looked for five years and found nothing of consequence.
and the search for the elusive negro too stupid to have an ID was pretty much a bust too.
So tell me again why the democrats dont want voter ID?
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

In other words, you're a PERPETUAL LOSER.........Sad, really.
take away the vote of the illegal and the double votes and I think you will discover that the only people that want the liberal agenda are the worthless non producers that live by stealing the paychecks of those that work.

I need a new I-phone.....could we bypass the Feds and send me a check directly??? (what a dolt....LOL)
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

In other words, you're a PERPETUAL LOSER.........Sad, really.
actually, you would be the perpetual loser and you are too stupid to see it.
Vote for the whore and watch even more of your rights disappear.
your need to have others pay your way speaks volumes about your lack of intellect
The clown, Trump, has been spewing that he may probably lose becuase the election is rigged....So, what makes an election rigged according to the Trumpster?

Is it a corrupt media? (which then excludes from the definition of media such outfits as Breitbart, et al.)

Is it the corruption in polling outfits? (bear in mind that Trump has often stated that he has won many polls...albeit, on-line fake polls)

Is it corrupt donors? (especially those who are asking Trump for their money back)

Is it rigged because of computer hacking events (perhaps, but never from Russian hackers....those guys are protected by Trump.)

Is it the rigged election sites' system with a bunch of older folks throwing in the garbage cans all those Trump voters' ballots?

The excuses are being prepared as we type our posts somewhere within Trump Towers.

That's a good question, maybe you should ask all the disenfranchised Bernie voters or your gal D.W. Shultz. She seems to know a bit about guaranteeing election outcomes.
There are fewer dems in congress than in the last 95 years OUCH that's a beating.

Ah, SO, American IS great again........Please contact the Trump campaign as soon as possible about their slogan......LOL
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.

have you EVER heard of the Hyde amendment???? (no, no, its not some new rule for the kids game of hide-n-seek)

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