So, what makes an election "rigged"?

There are fewer dems in congress than in the last 95 years OUCH that's a beating.

Ah, SO, American IS great again........Please contact the Trump campaign as soon as possible about their slogan......LOL
U.S is the country, not America. But I dont wish to confuse you.
The U.S will be great again when people like you decide to work for a living and provide for yourself instead of begging the government to steal it from others for you.
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.

have you EVER heard of the Hyde amendment???? (no, no, its not some new rule for the kids game of hide-n-seek)
have you ever heard of the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood that screamed and cried about not having their abortions funded by government anymore? Hyde only covered medicaid, not other entities that took government funds to murder.
But, how can that "rig" an election?

Unlike Michael Moore's BS, the County Canvassing Boards count the votes. If the Dems and GOP want the same traitor to win, they can conspire to "miscount" the ballots...
No. It's physically impossible to affect the number of ballots necessary to actually fix an election.

How the Votes are Counted on Election Day

Each precint would have to be fixed, and there just are too many people involved to not have someone out a conspiracy

It might be possible to affect a county wide vote in limited instances. There were stories out of Ohio in 04 that, while maybe not credible, were at least not incredible that W and the Ohio republicans "fixed" some county vote totals to weight w.
First, the county-by-county and precinct-by-precinct discrepancies. In Butler County, for example, a Democrat running for the State Supreme Court chief justice received 61,559 votes. The Kerry-Edwards ticket drew about 5,000 fewer votes, at 56,243. This contrasts rather markedly with the behavior of the Republican electorate in that county, who cast about 40,000 fewer votes for their judicial nominee than they did for Bush and Cheney. (The latter pattern, with vote totals tapering down from the top of the ticket, is by far the more general—and probable—one nationwide and statewide.)

In 11 other counties, the same Democratic judicial nominee, C. Ellen Connally, managed to outpoll the Democratic presidential and vice-presidential nominees by hundreds and sometimes thousands of votes. So maybe we have a barn-burning, charismatic future candidate on our hands, and Ms. Connally is a force to be reckoned with on a national scale. Or is it perhaps a trick of the Ohio atmosphere? There do seem to be a lot of eccentrics in the state. In Cuyahoga County, which includes the city of Cleveland, two largely black precincts on the East Side voted like this. In Precinct 4F: Kerry, 290; Bush, 21; Peroutka, 215. In Precinct 4N: Kerry, 318; Bush, 11; Badnarik, 163. Mr. Peroutka and Mr. Badnarik are, respectively, the presidential candidates of the Constitution and Libertarian Parties. In addition to this eminence, they also possess distinctive (but not particularly African-American-sounding) names. In 2000, Ralph Nader's best year, the total vote received in Precinct 4F by all third-party candidates combined was eight.

Ohio's Odd Numbers

BUT Trump is losing virtually EVERY battleground state at this point. The polls cannot ALL be fixed and the only one really giving him love is Rasmussen, and it in inherently skewed to the gop.

Typically the winning party gets 2-4% more in the popular vote. Hillary appears likely at this point to get over 5%, and close to 10% will swing the senate and possibly the House. That kind of a vote is not "fixable." It's an asskicking.

Now the media .... it started out shocked by Trump's rallies and bullying tactics, that turned into revulsion, and his attempts to bully reporters led to MSM's outright hostility. But, you really have to discount people's ability to make up their own minds to think voters are too stupid to notice the MSM really dislikes
Trump. His entire campaign is built upon his supporters are victims of MSM
U.S is the country, not America. But I dont wish to confuse you.

Please contact the Trump Campaign IMMEDIATELY.....tell them to change their slogan to "Make the U.S. great again"......those silly folks are using America instead of U.S.

They would very much appreciate your help......LOL.
U.S is the country, not America. But I dont wish to confuse you.

Please contact the Trump Campaign IMMEDIATELY.....tell them to change their slogan to "Make the U.S. great again"......those silly folks are using America instead of U.S.

They would very much appreciate your help......LOL.
that is wrong for them to do it too.
however maybe he thinks that south America can be great again if they get back all their slimy wetbacks.
have you ever heard of the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood that screamed and cried about not having their abortions funded by government anymore? Hyde only covered medicaid, not other entities that took government funds to murder.

Your ignorance of how PP works, has no bounds.........(what an :ahole-1:)
Donald Trump in January:


The networks all give me more free air time than those losers running against me, and I have been a real boon to their ratings!

Donald Trump in October:


The networks are all giving me more free air time than Crooked Hillary! It's rigged! Waaaaaaaaaah!
have you ever heard of the baby butchers at Planned Parenthood that screamed and cried about not having their abortions funded by government anymore? Hyde only covered medicaid, not other entities that took government funds to murder.

Your ignorance of how PP works, has no bounds.........(what an :ahole-1:)
your ignorance of how accounting works has no bounds.
The clown, Trump, has been spewing that he may probably lose becuase the election is rigged....So, what makes an election rigged according to the Trumpster?

Is it a corrupt media? (which then excludes from the definition of media such outfits as Breitbart, et al.)

Is it the corruption in polling outfits? (bear in mind that Trump has often stated that he has won many polls...albeit, on-line fake polls)

Is it corrupt donors? (especially those who are asking Trump for their money back)

Is it rigged because of computer hacking events (perhaps, but never from Russian hackers....those guys are protected by Trump.)

Is it the rigged election sites' system with a bunch of older folks throwing in the garbage cans all those Trump voters' ballots?

The excuses are being prepared as we type our posts somewhere within Trump Towers.
It's just another one of Trump's goofy conspiracy theories, particularly the "corrupt media" red meat he's throwing to the base.
if they get back all their slimy wetbacks.

racist much ?????
If they are here illegally I dont owe them any respect at all. I owe them nothing, I dont even step on the brakes half the time when they walk out in front of my truck. Out of respect for my paint job however, I do hit the horn. Its amazing how fast they can run and how far they can jump. Its easy to see how they sneak across the border so easy.
Lets see,. Dead people voting, illegals voting, democrats voting 2 or three times, voting by mail in then voting again in person. Democrats scewing the numbers during the count. Dibold changing peoples votes at the polls,.
Most of these things could be stopped with a voter ID but black people are too fucking stupid to figure out how to get an id to vote,,,, of course they have no problem coming up with an ID to collect the free shit.
This is true idiocy.
Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

So you're denying that most conservatives favor making abortion illegal?

When did that shift occur?
Lets see,. Dead people voting, illegals voting, democrats voting 2 or three times, voting by mail in then voting again in person. Democrats scewing the numbers during the count. Dibold changing peoples votes at the polls,.
Most of these things could be stopped with a voter ID but black people are too fucking stupid to figure out how to get an id to vote,,,, of course they have no problem coming up with an ID to collect the free shit.
This is true idiocy.

Sadly you can't dismiss it as just a few crackpots on the internet any more. The mainstream of conservatism has embraced most of the idiocy we see here on USMB.
Lets see,. Dead people voting, illegals voting, democrats voting 2 or three times, voting by mail in then voting again in person. Democrats scewing the numbers during the count. Dibold changing peoples votes at the polls,.
Most of these things could be stopped with a voter ID but black people are too fucking stupid to figure out how to get an id to vote,,,, of course they have no problem coming up with an ID to collect the free shit.
This is true idiocy.
true idiocy is evidently the blacks being too damn stupid to figure out how to get some form of ID. Now thats idiocy, I dont think these people should be allowed in public without supervision.
Personally, I would never have guess that it was such a problem for the blacks, but the democrats assure me that black folk are entirely too stupid, I guess genetically, to figure these things out.
White people have no problem, I think its because we have larger brains or something.
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

So you're denying that most conservatives favor making abortion illegal?

When did that shift occur?
I cant speak for most conservatives any more than you can. I can only speak for me.
I think abortions are great since they are mostly given to minorities. (the same reason the democrats like them so much) seems racist but it cant be because liberals back it.
I just dont want to pay for them.
If the "US" media is not corrupt, why can't they show us a video of that which did the damage to the Pentagon on 911???



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