So, what makes an election "rigged"?

It will forever be an article of religious faith among Republicans that they lose elections as a consequence of the myth of "voter fraud," when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
then there should be no problem with a voter ID law.
Do that and how would the conservatives be able to argue at all? seriously, they couldnt.
It will forever be an article of religious faith among Republicans that they lose elections as a consequence of the myth of "voter fraud," when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Just a feeling.....but I think that Trump will send Pence to make a concession speech and congratulate Clinton; which would be an additional scum-bucket move by the Trumpster.
They continue to live in the past as the world passes them by.

Conservatives have lost on major issues throughout history, and the funniest part of it is,

a few generations later, the Right is claiming that they were the ones who won. They've done it with slavery, segregation, women's suffrage, etc.

Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

And after such a big win, what did your newly elected republicans do? Anything?
Conservatives have lost on major issues throughout history, and the funniest part of it is,

a few generations later, the Right is claiming that they were the ones who won. They've done it with slavery, segregation, women's suffrage, etc.

Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

And after such a big win, what did your newly elected republicans do? Anything?
yes, they turned into democrats and dropped trow on the country by kissing obamas ass
Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.
you are wrong,.
take away the vote of the illegal and the double votes and I think you will discover that the only people that want the liberal agenda are the worthless non producers that live by stealing the paychecks of those that work.

I think you or someone needs to prove first that any of that actually happens at all let alone at rates high enough to actually alter results. So far, no one has come close to doing so.

WASHINGTON, April 11 — Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.

Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.
be a whole bunch easier for you to prove it is not happening if we had voter ID.
but, why do you think the democrats are so against proving you are eligible to vote?

It's easy enough to prove it's not happening now. Just look at the court records.
Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.
because clinton might not really have the double digit lead over Donald Trump.
democrats are vile creatures, living it total fear of not being able to dig as deep in someone elses pocket.
Cant wait to hear the excuses after about a year of hillary destroying the country even more that the kenyan has,.

Yes, and Romney was really winning even though the polls were skewed and over sampled Dem voters.
You fools never learn. :laugh:
did I say romney was winning? I think if you search the forum you might find me say that Romney was a loss from the start, Americans dont want liberals in office, why would they want an asshole like Romney, Hell, even I went third party on that one just to screw the republican party for their choice,

The entire tactic of claiming bias or otherwise suggesting polls are wrong was discredited in 2012.
by democrats.
so whats the problem with Voter ID? I have an id, do you?

One needs an ID to check out a library book.

Checking out a library book is not a constitutionally guaranteed right.
The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.

common sense? do you also not have a clue how accounting works?
Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

And after such a big win, what did your newly elected republicans do? Anything?
yes, they turned into democrats and dropped trow on the country by kissing obamas ass

So all those right wingers screwed you with no consideration of what they should have done? Sounds like typical right wing behavior.
considering that there is absolutely no need for planned parenthood other than abortions now,.

Currently, Planned Parenthood provides more than 270,000 Pap tests and more than 360,000 breast exams in a single year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides more than 4.2 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including more than 650,000 HIV tests.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.
Conservatives have lost on major issues throughout history, and the funniest part of it is,

a few generations later, the Right is claiming that they were the ones who won. They've done it with slavery, segregation, women's suffrage, etc.

Conservatives just kicked the living shit out of you fools retaking both the House and the Senate in election blow outs so historic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a bitch slapping that epic. Rubbing your noses in that just never gets old. :Boom2:
and what did we get for our efforts?
A whole bunch of rinos that do nothing but kiss the lefts ass. Basically we used our vote to make the democrats platform stronger.
Just because we have more does not mean we won.

The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

And after such a big win, what did your newly elected republicans do? Anything?

Your butt hurt over getting bitch slapped is noted.
The conservative agenda can't win because most Americans don't want it. It's that simple.

Recent election victories say otherwise. The House and Senate were taken back from Democrats after running over 60,000 ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions on the issues. You fools lost, you got your ass kicked, bitch slapped, punked, slapped silly. :Boom2:

The do-nothing Republican Congress? lol. When was abortion outlawed? When was gay marriage outlawed?
the abortion issue is an excellent example of the ignorance of the democrat.
the issue was not to fund abortions, as in, if you want one, pay for it.
The dems turned that into taking away a womans right to an abortion.
False, nobody was taking away the right to an abortion, get one every couple of months if you want, hell throw abortion parties in the hood. But, dont expect others to pay for it.
Whats wrong with that? What the hell is wrong with paying for what you want in this world. The democrats seem to have a problem with it.

You know government funded abortions were outlawed in the 90s, right?
You know planned parenthood was still using government money for abortions dont you.
Conspiring against one of the candidates running would make the election rigged. For example, the race against Bernie was rigged.

Why is this thread still going on?

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