So What Was All The Fuss Over Goldman Sachs About?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I recall Trump and his Chumps whining and whining about Hillary making a speech to Goldman Sachs.

Now that Trump is filling his Administration with Wall Street types, including nominating for SecTreas a Goldman Sachs alumn who bought Indymac with GEORGE SOROS, of all people, I hope one of them will be able to find some twisted explanation to make it all okay.

Here're some reminders of the rank hypocrisy:

Hillary Campaign Budget Strategist Was Vice President at Goldman Sachs

You mean Hillary didn't hire a nurse, or an air conditioner repair man, to advise her on significant financial matters?

Or a communist?

Clearly her only option was an ex Goldman Sachs VP. :rolleyes: I'm sure it's a complete coincidence and has nothing to do with how chummy she is with the banks.

Pressure grows on Hillary Clinton to release Goldman Sachs speeches

Ted Cruz Goldman Sachs slave?

Why Won't Hillary Release Her Goldman Sachs Speech Transcripts?

I love this one: Goldman Sachs Has Chosen Our Next President...
Drum Roll please...

The next NWO Global Elite Puppet is...........


Whom Goldman Sachs just paid $400,000 for two speeches.

I'm serious. I am curious about the inner workings of the Trump Chump mind.

Exactly what little sparks fly about in your heads when contemplating the horror of Hillary giving two speeches to Goldman Sachs and then the glorious fact DJ is hiring on Goldman Sachs execs to run our economy?

I want to know the exact (alleged) thought process which occurs to reconcile these two things.
The really funny thing about Trump's Chumps is that they voted to end globalization and for protectionism. They voted for something the Left has been demanding for centuries! :lol:

Even more hilarious is that the Chumps think the most harmful globalization has been taking place on the manufacturing level when it actually has been taking place at the financial level. Down there on Wall Street.

And now Trump and his Goldman Sachs buddies are going to untie their hands and gut Dodd-Frank so they can get back to it.
I cant believe people are defending him on this. Hell, that goes for many of his picks..
Then again, the media aint worth 2 shits.
Politics = Lies & Hypocrisy
Yeah, Democrats will elect a crack addict as long as he gets them what they want. About 20 years ago, Republicans decided that if you can't beat them, join them.

The majority of voters have no principles at all. They BEG to be lied to.
Politics = Lies & Hypocrisy
Yeah, Democrats will elect a crack addict as long as he gets them what they want. About 20 years ago, Republicans decided that if you can't beat them, join them.

The majority of voters have no principles at all. They BEG to be lied to.

We get what we get .

Everyone wants an honest pol, but that guy would never win an election!
So... you tards don't have a response, eh? You can't explain Dear Leader's spitting in your mouth-breathing faces once again.

I knew it.
I recall Trump and his Chumps whining and whining about Hillary making a speech to Goldman Sachs.

Now that Trump is filling his Administration with Wall Street types, including nominating for SecTreas a Goldman Sachs alumn who bought Indymac with GEORGE SOROS, of all people, I hope one of them will be able to find some twisted explanation to make it all okay.

Here're some reminders of the rank hypocrisy:

Hillary Campaign Budget Strategist Was Vice President at Goldman Sachs

You mean Hillary didn't hire a nurse, or an air conditioner repair man, to advise her on significant financial matters?

Or a communist?

Clearly her only option was an ex Goldman Sachs VP. :rolleyes: I'm sure it's a complete coincidence and has nothing to do with how chummy she is with the banks.

Pressure grows on Hillary Clinton to release Goldman Sachs speeches

Ted Cruz Goldman Sachs slave?

Why Won't Hillary Release Her Goldman Sachs Speech Transcripts?

I love this one: Goldman Sachs Has Chosen Our Next President...
Drum Roll please...

The next NWO Global Elite Puppet is...........


Whom Goldman Sachs just paid $400,000 for two speeches.


I think the proper phrase is rightwingnut hypocrisy.

and we all know rules don't apply to the orange sociopath
Let's take it issue by issue. Apparently the left admits that Hillary accepted bribes from Goldman Sachs for mystery speeches. There are about a hundred V.P.'s in G.S. and it's doubtful Trump's appointee had anything to do with the bribes.
Goldman Sachs alums on the Trump team:

Steve Bannon

Gary Cohn

Steve Mnuchin

Anthony Scaramucci

When will Trump demand transcripts of their speeches to Goldman Sachs? Anyone? Anyone?
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Let's take it issue by issue. Apparently the left admits that Hillary accepted bribes from Goldman Sachs for mystery speeches.

What interesting phrasing you use! Paying someone to give a speech is not a bribe, asshole. And it wasn't a "mystery speech" just because you weren't invited.

There are about a hundred V.P.'s in G.S. and it's doubtful Trump's appointee had anything to do with the bribes.
It wasn't a bribe, retard. Politicians are paid every day to give speeches to various business groups, you dumb gullible fuck. Are they all "mystery speeches" since no one publishes the transcripts for the THOUSANDS of speeches politicians give to businesses every year, retard?


Your stupidity and ignorance is precisely what your propaganda mills and hucksters like Trump depend upon.

And Cohn is the President and COO of Goldman Sachs. Are you retarded enough to bleev he had nothing to do with inviting Clinton to speak?
A politician gives a paid speech to Goldman Sachs and its a big evil conspiracy.

Trump hires several Goldman Sachs alumni and it's A-OK!

Nothing is wrong if Trump does it. On the other hand, we can make ANYTHING look evil if anyone not on the approved list does it.

Walking your dog is nefarious. You are clearly up to something evil.
Mnuchin is partilculary loathsome. But the mooks who thought he'd bring back jobs will never notice. I think Trump made a mistake in not going with Henserling. But.... the guy raised money Trump when no one else would.

Neither party truly addressed the needs of the underemployed formerly mnftring workers. Telling them or coal miners you will "retrain them," is just cruel and condescending.

The progressives had a plan that involved taxing the shareholders to provide shit to these folks, Personally I think giving kids college educations for no work, and letting pols decide what neat freebies these folks deserve, sucks.
Gary Cohn is a registered Democrat and he donated to Hillary Clinton, and a substantial amount of money to other Democratic politicians, including Barack Obama.

A politician gives a paid speech to Goldman Sachs and its a big conspiracy.

Trump hires several Goldman Sachs alumni and it's a-okay!

Nothing is wrong if Trump does it. Everything is wrong if anyone else does it.

Walking your dog is nefarious if you are a Democrat. You are clearly up to something evil.
Trump rewarded a former GS mortgage trader for raising MONEY FOR HIM. And not just any GS mortgage trader, but a guy who went onto a new gig where he bought underwater mortgages, foreclosed and spun them off. Those are the very people Trump was telling "the system is rigged." And it is.

Hillary and Obama fucked those folks too.

But no one should think Trump's any better.
A politician gives a paid speech to Goldman Sachs and its a big conspiracy.

Trump hires several Goldman Sachs alumni and it's a-okay!

Nothing is wrong if Trump does it. Everything is wrong if anyone else does it.

Walking your dog is nefarious if you are a Democrat. You are clearly up to something evil.
Trump rewarded a former GS mortgage trader for raising MONEY FOR HIM. And not just any GS mortgage trader, but a guy who went onto a new gig where he bought underwater mortgages, foreclosed and spun them off. Those are the very people Trump was telling "the system is rigged." And it is.

Hillary and Obama fucked those folks too.

But no one should think Trump's any better.
Yeah. That was Mnuchin. I mentioned he bought IndyMac with George Soros in my OP.
A politician gives a paid speech to Goldman Sachs and its a big conspiracy.

Trump hires several Goldman Sachs alumni and it's a-okay!

Nothing is wrong if Trump does it. Everything is wrong if anyone else does it.

Walking your dog is nefarious if you are a Democrat. You are clearly up to something evil.
Trump rewarded a former GS mortgage trader for raising MONEY FOR HIM. And not just any GS mortgage trader, but a guy who went onto a new gig where he bought underwater mortgages, foreclosed and spun them off. Those are the very people Trump was telling "the system is rigged." And it is.

Hillary and Obama fucked those folks too.

But no one should think Trump's any better.
Yeah. That was Mnuchin. I mentioned he bought IndyMac with George Soros in my OP.
Yes. But the dems didn't run Warren. And making gummit programs larger isn't my cup of tea.

Mnuchin is a paritculary loathsome pos, and he should be Trump's poster boy. But, I can't say I too displeased with Price, and while the gop tax cut is supply side, I don't recall Hillary pushing private consumption spending.

It was a shit election.

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