So What Will Venezuela Eat After Cats And Dogs Are Gone?

Some will feltch their way through life till chickens are available..
if i was a monkey/chimp/baboon/etc.....i would have second thoughts before walking the streets
Those are monkeys that fled China...
i wonder what would happen if Michael Moore landed there via parachute, in a small crowd, and having no idea of what is going on in Venezuela
exile his fat ass...
i wonder what the new welcome signs read now? Welcome To Venezuela, Do You Have A Dog?"
They won't be eating clowns. They taste funny.
:wtf: :eek-52: :desk: Is it a fair assumption that Horses,Cows, Dogs, Cats and misc. Farm Animals are almost gone in Venezuela? So now what? They have to eat meat once in a while, what are they going to go? Take boats out to the Spacific Ocean and catch any kind of fish? Cross the borders into neighboring nations and kidnap their pets?
Anyone want to take a guess? They cant just eat the plants and trees.
:eusa_think: :eusa_wall: :eusa_whistle:
Rats and roaches

At least the country side is foilage rich and contains eatable vegetation and animals,if you know how to identify them.

Even so, there is no reason why the agriculture region of the nation is not sufficient in providing the basic food stuff for the population. It may not not be beef, but most nutrition needs can be met
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UGH Will I EVER learn not to read some things?
i can just picture wild hogs/pigs running at high speeds to avoid being captured,,,and we all know pigs can run!
Sorry Kat
I think flip flops will follow leather items like belts and shoes.
:wtf: :eek-52: :desk: Is it a fair assumption that Horses,Cows, Dogs, Cats and misc. Farm Animals are almost gone in Venezuela? So now what? They have to eat meat once in a while, what are they going to go? Take boats out to the Spacific Ocean and catch any kind of fish? Cross the borders into neighboring nations and kidnap their pets?
Anyone want to take a guess? They cant just eat the plants and trees.
:eusa_think: :eusa_wall: :eusa_whistle:
Other socialists...
what wrong with eating trees,,,trees are yummy
But seriously

Is there a food crisis in Venezuela? If so, we need to start up ATV
Aid to Venezuela.

We are the new world
We are Venezuelans
Its a socialist nightmare
So we can't stop praying
:wtf: :eek-52: :desk: Is it a fair assumption that Horses,Cows, Dogs, Cats and misc. Farm Animals are almost gone in Venezuela? So now what? They have to eat meat once in a while, what are they going to go? Take boats out to the Spacific Ocean and catch any kind of fish? Cross the borders into neighboring nations and kidnap their pets?
Anyone want to take a guess? They cant just eat the plants and trees.
:eusa_think: :eusa_wall: :eusa_whistle:

Soylent Green.

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