So what's the laundry list of free shit Obama is gonna dangle in front of all the leeches tonight?

I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.

God forbid the government works for anyone other than the top 1%. Believe it or not their money doesn't trickle down unless you are a banker in the Caymen Islands or Switzerland.

Time to raise taxes on the wealthy and give poor people free associates degrees. College is out of control. The rich want us to educate the youth so they can exploit them. Well pay for their education then!
So concerns about abuse trump the necessity of higher education? Sounds like the World's Cheapest Cop-out to me.
Why is it always all or nothing with you guys?
Plenty of people have access to higher education. Sure, they must sacrifice, and some have very little to sacrifice as it is....but there are grants, scholarships and low interest loans.
But one thing I know for sure...If I were to sacrifice for something, I would hold that thing dear to would be important to me.
Sure. Pride in ownership.

But the cost of a higher education is prohibitive in most homes, unless you're fortunate enough to be in the top 5% of incomes (and that's not where EARNERS are, it's where trust fund babies and hedge fund managers are)

Shouldn't one of life's necessities be just a little more accessible to the masses? After all, if you can afford college, you probably don't need college to get ahead.

Since when is going to college a necessity?

My daughter isn't a trust fund baby nor am I in the top 5% but she'll being going to a private university and most of it is funded because she's worked and studied hard in order to be in the top 5% of her class.
Good for her! Mazel Tov! But not every student graduates in the top 5%. That doesn't make them ineligible for college, just ineligible for the scholarships and other largess available.

And this is 2015. You may have noticed a few changes in the past 40 years (that's how long it has been since I earned my degree. I doubt that a high school diploma opens a lot of doors these days.

It also doesn't mean that my taxes should increase so someone else's child that didn't can get for free what mine had to earn.

I started my first one 32 years ago. It was fully funded by academic and athletic scholarships. That was 1983 when the amount of academic scholarships availabe was far less than today.

Oh give me a break. I went to school in the 90's and I was able to save all the money I needed every summer to pay for the next school year. It was about $5000 a year back then. For you it probably cost $4K a year and that includes room and board. LOL.
We love higher education.

But we are believers that one must have skin in the game to appreciate the game itself.

If education is free, there will be people who will sign up simply because it is free.

You the folks who get the free diapers with the coupon even though they don't have children.
So concerns about abuse trump the necessity of higher education? Sounds like the World's Cheapest Cop-out to me.
Why is it always all or nothing with you guys?
Plenty of people have access to higher education. Sure, they must sacrifice, and some have very little to sacrifice as it is....but there are grants, scholarships and low interest loans.
But one thing I know for sure...If I were to sacrifice for something, I would hold that thing dear to would be important to me.
Sure. Pride in ownership.

But the cost of a higher education is prohibitive in most homes, unless you're fortunate enough to be in the top 5% of incomes (and that's not where EARNERS are, it's where trust fund babies and hedge fund managers are)

Shouldn't one of life's necessities be just a little more accessible to the masses? After all, if you can afford college, you probably don't need college to get ahead.
But that's the point. It IS available to the masses. FASFA loans are never denied...EXCEPT to the applicants with ultra wealthy parents. And the cost for a community college or a state school locally, where you don't need room and board is, here in NY, about 5K a year......
And I have news for you.....if one can afford college it does not mean he/she doesn't need college to get ahead. That is a ridiculous partisan talking point that has absolutely no validity.
Student loans can cripple a middle class family, delay the purchase of a house, effect a credit score and generally hold back a graduate under a mountain of debt for years.

Why not make something like putting a kid through college just a little bit easier?

Why is it my job to make it easier for you?
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.

God forbid the government works for anyone other than the top 1%. Believe it or not their money doesn't trickle down unless you are a banker in the Caymen Islands or Switzerland.

Time to raise taxes on the wealthy and give poor people free associates degrees. College is out of control. The rich want us to educate the youth so they can exploit them. Well pay for their education then!

Time those demanding something be given to them all the time start doing it themselves.
Why is it always all or nothing with you guys?
Plenty of people have access to higher education. Sure, they must sacrifice, and some have very little to sacrifice as it is....but there are grants, scholarships and low interest loans.
But one thing I know for sure...If I were to sacrifice for something, I would hold that thing dear to would be important to me.
Sure. Pride in ownership.

But the cost of a higher education is prohibitive in most homes, unless you're fortunate enough to be in the top 5% of incomes (and that's not where EARNERS are, it's where trust fund babies and hedge fund managers are)

Shouldn't one of life's necessities be just a little more accessible to the masses? After all, if you can afford college, you probably don't need college to get ahead.

Since when is going to college a necessity?

My daughter isn't a trust fund baby nor am I in the top 5% but she'll being going to a private university and most of it is funded because she's worked and studied hard in order to be in the top 5% of her class.
Good for her! Mazel Tov! But not every student graduates in the top 5%. That doesn't make them ineligible for college, just ineligible for the scholarships and other largess available.

And this is 2015. You may have noticed a few changes in the past 40 years (that's how long it has been since I earned my degree. I doubt that a high school diploma opens a lot of doors these days.

It also doesn't mean that my taxes should increase so someone else's child that didn't can get for free what mine had to earn.

I started my first one 32 years ago. It was fully funded by academic and athletic scholarships. That was 1983 when the amount of academic scholarships availabe was far less than today.

Oh give me a break. I went to school in the 90's and I was able to save all the money I needed every summer to pay for the next school year. It was about $5000 a year back then. For you it probably cost $4K a year and that includes room and board. LOL.

$4,000 my ass. Actually, it costs me nothing since scholarships paid for it all. However, unlike the STATE school you went to, I went to a private university that costs around $20,000/year at that time. Today, and I know because my daughter applied and has been accepted, it costs $57,000/year.
As long as there's a laundry list for free shit, maybe Obama will have mercy on RW's and give them a brain.

When the claim that more people are at work is contradicted by something that says otherwise, it's weird.

What did you show that claimed people werent working?

There are almost 93 million people not in the workforce. If the unemployment rate you claim is that low means people are working, the 46 million on food stamps must mean that the jobs you want to give credit to Obama for creating are shitty jobs. If working people still need food stamps, the jobs must be low level jobs.

So what you just said was that the unemployment numbers mean that people are working, but the jobs are shitty but the unemployment number means people are not working? Dude you're all over the place.

You claim unemployment is down but can't account for why 46 million are on food stamps. If unemployment is down, why are so many leeches stil around.

You answered the question in your previous post:

"If working people still need food stamps, the jobs must be low level jobs."

They are low PAYING jobs which happens when people fight against paying employees more while defending that companies right to put their employees on welfare. You reap what you sow[/QUOTE]

Thank you for proving that the jobs you claim Obama created are shitty, low skill jobs.

Paying someone with $8/hour skills $8/hour is fighting against paying them. It's paying them what their skills are worth. If that isn't enough, the problem isn't the one paying but with the one having low skills. That's what you don't get. Someone worth $8/hour shouldn't get paid $15/hour because they breathe and have a pulse. They should get $8/hour and if it isn't enough, they shouldn't get welfare.
Are you really so stupid as to believe that I should like Obama just because........????

He is a fucking liberal. He believes & promotes the exact opposite of everything I believe in. So do tell moron. How should I feel about the man who I consider is destroying the fabric of our nation?

When you pull your head out of your ass give me a response.

You hate low gas prices and unemployment numbers? Thats weird

You give Obama credit for low gas prices?

What's weird is the claim of low unemployment numbers with 46 million still getting food stamps.

Just saying its weird doesnt make it so girl

When the claim that more people are at work is contradicted by something that says otherwise, it's weird.

What did you show that claimed people werent working?[/QUOTE]
Obama also owes me 6 years of COLA. None since he took office. Froze my motherfucking pay too.

Yeah, so I'm gonna print $85 billion EVERY MONTH FOR YEARS to help bankers get those bonuses they deserve.




Aaaaand...I'm gonna keep ZIRP going for seven or eight years to help bankers even though it grossly robs savers.




And that's not to mention the $750 billion TARP we gifted them with so they wouldn't end up unemployed with the riff raff.


So I'm thinking...$6 billion a year to help kids go to college.


Free stuff commie 47% BASTARD!!!

I'm thinking that a kid's parents should pay for their kids's college instead of expecting the taxpayers to do it for them.

Matthew 7:3.

I'm thinking bankers should pay for their own bailouts instead of expecting the taxpayers and retirees to do it for them.
I haven't kept up lately but I'm sure his speech will be targeted directly at the uninformed give me free shit crowd.

God forbid the government works for anyone other than the top 1%. Believe it or not their money doesn't trickle down unless you are a banker in the Caymen Islands or Switzerland.

Time to raise taxes on the wealthy and give poor people free associates degrees. College is out of control. The rich want us to educate the youth so they can exploit them. Well pay for their education then!

Time those demanding something be given to them all the time start doing it themselves.

We work very hard and get very little. While the CEO's work very hard but get all the $. What more do you want from us?
It still isn't back down to Bush levels and he owes me for 6 fucking years.
Bush level was over $4.00 a gallon.

Then the economy crashed, taking oil down with it. You going to credit Bush for lower gas during an economic crash but not for the crash, hypocrite?

It was around $1.80 the day Bush left office.
And we were bleeding 600,000 jobs a month. There's a connection.

Well it was a concerted effort. Bush trying to work with a congress that torpedoed everything he wanted to do.
You hate low gas prices and unemployment numbers? Thats weird

You give Obama credit for low gas prices?

What's weird is the claim of low unemployment numbers with 46 million still getting food stamps.

Just saying its weird doesnt make it so girl

When the claim that more people are at work is contradicted by something that says otherwise, it's weird.

What did you show that claimed people werent working?
Obama also owes me 6 years of COLA. None since he took office. Froze my motherfucking pay too.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you should have saved more, worked longer, went to a better school, worked harder. Bottom line is you are responsible for you. Even if Obama took away your ss and medicare completely, that would be 100% your fault.
It still isn't back down to Bush levels and he owes me for 6 fucking years.
Bush level was over $4.00 a gallon.

Then the economy crashed, taking oil down with it. You going to credit Bush for lower gas during an economic crash but not for the crash, hypocrite?

It was around $1.80 the day Bush left office.
And we were bleeding 600,000 jobs a month. There's a connection.

Well it was a concerted effort. Bush trying to work with a congress that torpedoed everything he wanted to do.

The foundations for the 2008 crash were laid down between 1999 and 2005. By early 2006, the crash was inevitable and irreversible.
College tuition is being priced out of reach for more and more people.

The Right will say, "There is no problem."

The Left will say, "Tax the rich more."

We are surrounded by retards.
It still isn't back down to Bush levels and he owes me for 6 fucking years.
Bush level was over $4.00 a gallon.

Then the economy crashed, taking oil down with it. You going to credit Bush for lower gas during an economic crash but not for the crash, hypocrite?

It was around $1.80 the day Bush left office.
And we were bleeding 600,000 jobs a month. There's a connection.

Well it was a concerted effort. Bush trying to work with a congress that torpedoed everything he wanted to do.

The foundations for the 2008 crash were laid down between 1999 and 2005.

Damn right. And don't forget it was 2007. Saying 2008 sort of makes it seem like it was on Obama's watch. Lets never let them forget not only did Bush get hit on 911, he was the commander and chump during the largest bank robbery in world history.
College tuition is being priced out of reach for more and more people.

The Right will say, "There is no problem."

The Left will say, "Tax the rich more."

We are surrounded by retards.

And what would you say? I say education is not the answer. Know why? Because this country is always going to have ditch diggers, factory workers, maids, walmart employees, mcD workers, etc.

What made the American middle class the greatest class the world had ever seen? Unions. High paying jobs. Sick days. Great insurance. Holiday pay. Pensions. GREAT JOBS for the masses.

It is unrealistic to say education is the key. Put everyone though nursing school, next thing you know the market is flooded with nurses and nurses then make $30K a year.

I say pay the middle class a living/decent/fair wage. My dad worked for Ford Motor Company. He has a Pension, SS, hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank and 2 homes. He never made more than $11 hr but that was good money back then. Especially when his insurance was so great. Get sick? It cost us $5 to go to the emergency room.

I know what will make America great again. But the rich and the GOP and conservatives won't like it. They'll call me a socialist commy pig. But the bottom line is, just pay your employees more.

Ever hear the story of Carl who graduated highschool and started making $17hr shoveling coal in the graveyard shift at a union factory somewhere in Michigan? That's a low skilled job. Why did he make so much? Because he was in a union. The smartest guys I know were in unions because they were at least smart enough to demand a fair wage and share of the profits.

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