So when representives from 190 countries come together on an agreement on climate change...

CO2 make up about 7/1000ths of the earths atmosphere and water vapor has way more influence on climate than CO2.
The absolute amount of CO2 isn't the important factor; the relative increase is. The more heat it traps the more water vapor enters the atmosphere, where it does its climate changing stuff.

And this shows you know nothing about science!
...I can't help but feel embarrassed for republicans and their denial of AGW. Apparently the global summit and the world wide scientific consensus on climate change isn't enough for them to be mature enough to admit they have been wrong all along. I mean it's pretty pathetic that average joe republicans believe it to be a myth just because their republican officials and rightwing bullshit media like Fox News tells them it is.

Climate negotiators say global deal is close in Paris

Well, if we really cared how you felt, we would be embarrassed by your stupidity.
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.
No I agree with the scientific consensus. Those 190 countries are mature enough to agree. You disbelieve it simply because your republican leaders and Fox News told you to. Have you noticed that MSNBC didn't come up with idea?

"Mature enough?" They're a gang of thieves who are trying to loot us blind. The only thing they agree on is that the U.S. and other Western countries should hand over hundreds of billions of dollars to them.

Fuck them and fuck you.

Anyone who uses the term "scientific consensus" is a scientific ignoramus.
I see the bitter, old idiot is frothing-at-the-mouth again, LOL.

Go easy, you might have a heart attack, LOL.

Is that the best you can do in lieu of facts and logic?
How about you post the datasets and source code that shows CO2 controls climate.
Never said it did. That's your mythology. It contributes. The more there is; the more it contributes.

So in other words you believe your programming..

see when you ask them to post their proof of the religion they follow without question or hesitation, they do have any scientific proof to back up their claims..

Yup billys cross is the hockey stick, his high priest is James Hansen and his virgin Mary is Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein~the man made climate change cult finnaly being honest | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

James Hansen is hack and has always been a hack..
190 countries didn't come together. politicians from 190 countries came together. How many of these countries have the best interests of the Unites States in mind?

None, obviously.
You repubs are such egocentric toddlers. You think the world should come together to fix the US's problems? Are our problems more important than other nation's problems?

What problem? AGW is a myth, not a problem. Idiots like you who agree with the politicians from 190 countries are the problem.
No I agree with the scientific consensus. Those 190 countries are mature enough to agree. You disbelieve it simply because your republican leaders and Fox News told you to. Have you noticed that MSNBC didn't come up with idea?

No we have common sense and graduated from the 2nd grade when they we're talking about ice ages and stuff...

And 91 year old Mr. Dyson said it best

It’s very sad that in this country, political opinion parted [people’s views on climate change]. I’m 100 per cent Democrat myself, and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on this issue, and the Republicans took the right side.

Top physicist bolts from global warming consensus... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
What is with you people in cherry picking opposition and ignoring global scientific consensus? You come across really dumb.

You mean the scientist that were given billions is grants to come to a predetermined conclusion? Why else would they blatantly manipulate the data?
Yup billys cross is the hockey stick, his high priest is James Hansen and his virgin Mary is Naomi Klein.
Funny you should mention the hockey stick. This is the one that really counts. The more people the more CO2 generated, unless we can get a handle on emissions and NO, I'm not going to stop breathing or advocate drastic population decline.

There will be another ice age, NY City will be ground to bedrock by glaciers a mile high, this IS a scientific certainty.
True, but irrelevant to the current topic. We're not talking thousands to tens of thousands of years, but what's going to happen this century.

Liberalism will fall by the way side and the corruption of the scientific community by politically motivated government grant money will be rooted out.
You mean the scientist that were given billions is grants to come to a predetermined conclusion? Why else would they blatantly manipulate the data?
What about the tens of billions spent by energy companies to fund schemes that disparage real scientists doing actual experiments?
Yup billys cross is the hockey stick, his high priest is James Hansen and his virgin Mary is Naomi Klein.
Funny you should mention the hockey stick. This is the one that really counts. The more people the more CO2 generated, unless we can get a handle on emissions and NO, I'm not going to stop breathing or advocate drastic population decline.


Damn you won't do that for us? Pretty please.. :)

C02 was 5 times higher in the dino age and they were ok with it, so what's the big deal?

Dinosaur Era Had 5 Times Today's CO2
Liberalism will fall by the way side and the corruption of the scientific community by politically motivated government grant money will be rooted out.
Still waiting for the science you promised. :eusa_whistle:
CO2 make up about 7/1000ths of the earths atmosphere and water vapor has way more influence on climate than CO2.
The absolute amount of CO2 isn't the important factor; the relative increase is. The more heat it traps the more water vapor enters the atmosphere, where it does its climate changing stuff.

Except temps have stabilized while CO2 continues to rise. Wasn't all of Miami supposed to be under water by now?

About those global sea level predictions: Never mind
You seem desperate for attention.
You promised to destroy me with the science. Empty threat? I just want to discuss the science. If you think I'm an attention whore, quit answering my posts.
You mean the scientist that were given billions is grants to come to a predetermined conclusion? Why else would they blatantly manipulate the data?
What about the tens of billions spent by energy companies to fund schemes that disparage real scientists doing actual experiments?

Aren't experiments meant to prove or disprove a theory? If they are then there is no need, because vast majority of the theory has been disproved by reality vs. their prediction models.
Aren't experiments meant to prove or disprove a theory? If they are then there is no need, because vast majority of the theory has been disproved by reality vs. their prediction models.
Some models are better than others, but they aren't experiments. If you want to disprove AGW you need to show that added CO2 isn't coming from human activity or that CO2 doesn't absorb infrared radiation.
Aren't experiments meant to prove or disprove a theory? If they are then there is no need, because vast majority of the theory has been disproved by reality vs. their prediction models.
Some models are better than others, but they aren't experiments. If you want to disprove AGW you need to show that added CO2 isn't coming from human activity or that CO2 doesn't absorb infrared radiation.

Actually there is no need to prove either, you must prove that an element that makes up such a minuscule amount of the atmosphere has the controlling effect claimed. All I'm seeing is a theory, haven't really seen any such proof.
190 morons join together in this scam and you feel sorry for the GOP?! lol

The number of people agreeing on something does not make it real, but Libs would rather point to that rather than try to point to their research and findings that have been proven to be false, doctored, manipulated, and / or wrong.

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