So where did Trump phuck up?

Trump didn't fuck up. Trump is Trump.

The electorate fucked up. And too many didn't vote.

We learned from our mistake. This person should never have been President.

The people have spoken. Again. Outstanding. Fucking outstanding.
You should pat yourself on the back, you elected a brain dead moron.Let's revisit a year from now and see if it is still fucking outstanding on the unemployment line. :TH_WAY~113: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump didn't fuck up. Trump is Trump.

The electorate fucked up. And too many didn't vote.

We learned from our mistake. This person should never have been President.

The people have spoken. Again. Outstanding. Fucking outstanding.
You should pat yourself on the back, you elected a brain dead moron.Let's revisit a year from now and see if it is still fucking outstanding on the unemployment line. :TH_WAY~113: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Trump didn't fuck up. Trump is Trump.

The electorate fucked up. And too many didn't vote.

We learned from our mistake. This person should never have been President.

The people have spoken. Again. Outstanding. Fucking outstanding.
You should pat yourself on the back, you elected a brain dead moron.Let's revisit a year from now and see if it is still fucking outstanding on the unemployment line. :TH_WAY~113: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Worse, the dumbmotherfuckers actually elected the angriest, most left fake black bitch in all of D.C.
Here's the thing. Trump had the misfortune of being someone who became president against the will of the people. He could have done the smart thing like George W. Bush and tried to reach across the aisle and win over people who didn't vote for him last time. He didn't. He could have also, just not run for a second term like Rutherford B. Hayes.
2016: 62,980,160
2020: 70,602,144

As far as reaching across the isle... He tried getting voters to vote for him. Not democrats. He went after the people, not democrats. I don't like the RNC or the DNC. If they work together the way they have in the past, I'll get the same old shit from the past. They agree generally agree on war, going if not when getting out as an example. Not good enough for me.

I still want to go after China.
I still want legal immigration.

While not a part of his platform, I was hoping a revamp of the election process to make it more transparent and more importantly VERIFIABLE. I had little hope for that under Trump, I have no expectations at all from a true blue or red politician.

I would LOVE to be proved wrong on that.
By being a piece of shit as a human being.

Which of the following group(s) do you fit within?
Illegal wetback
Pole puffer
Rug muncher
Chick with a dick
SJW Feminazi
Drug user
Lowlife welfare degenerate
Woke white guilt filth

Be honest now.
Trump Exploded Deficit!
Trump Exploded Spending!
Trump Exploded Government!
Trump Exploded China Trade Deficit!
Trump Slower Job Creation than Obama/Biden!
Trump Failed to Build the Wall for under $4 billion like he said he would!
Trump backed out of JCPOA allowing Iran to build Nuclear Weapons!
Trump lost US Manufacturing Jobs!
Trump lost 30 million Jobs!
Trump Increased Crime!
Trump Exploded Debt!
Trump Caused Riots!
This too. No promises kept.
2016: 62,980,160
2020: 70,602,144

That really doesn't prove anything. It proves both sides were more motivated to go out and vote. Probably because no other reason that there was a wider array of actual swing states.

As far as reaching across the isle... He tried getting voters to vote for him. Not democrats. He went after the people, not democrats. I don't like the RNC or the DNC. If they work together the way they have in the past, I'll get the same old shit from the past. They agree generally agree on war, going if not when getting out as an example. Not good enough for me.

again, when they work together, it's usually because that's what the people want. Take war as an example. I've never seen a war that wasn't MASSIVELY popular when it starts, and become less popular as it drags on. People were even sick of World War II by 1945.

I still want to go after China.

Why? For what? China has always been a scapegoat for what we are doing to ourselves.
OUR Executives are moving the factories over.
OUR consumers buy the cheap Chinese products at Walmart.
Maybe the fault isn't in the stars but in ourselves.
So you go after China, and that manufacturing moves to Vietnam. Do we go after them next?

I still want legal immigration.

So do I. Here's a problem again- we do this to ourselves. You want to end illegal immigration, go after the people who hire them.

While not a part of his platform, I was hoping a revamp of the election process to make it more transparent and more importantly VERIFIABLE. I had little hope for that under Trump, I have no expectations at all from a true blue or red politician.

Again, simple way to do that. Get rid of the fucking Electoral College.
Let’s pretend there’s no Covid and no voter fraud.
Where did he come up short?
Did he get enough accomplished in his first two years with a Republican House and Senate?
Did he build enough wall fast enough?
Did he phuck up by not pushing hard enough to end DACA?
After John McShitstain voted down Trump Care why didn’t he promptly roll out another version?
He didn’t do the bidding of the Establishment, especially on China free trade and War. They impeached him after he refused to declare regime change on Assad.

I wouldn’t call it a “fuck up”, those are the things we elected him for. But it is the reason they need to badly to remove him.
Let’s pretend there’s no Covid and no voter fraud.
Where did he come up short?
Did he get enough accomplished in his first two years with a Republican House and Senate?
Did he build enough wall fast enough?
Did he phuck up by not pushing hard enough to end DACA?
After John McShitstain voted down Trump Care why didn’t he promptly roll out another version?
He’s still president and will be declared president by December 25th, so nowhere.

Let me preference this by saying I voted for Trump, both times. I approve of the job he did and hoped he would continue to do it in a 2nd term. But the answer to the question of why he didn't get re-elected is basically that he was a total dick sometimes. If I had to guess, that 1st debate with Biden sealed his fate; he turned off way too many female voters with his conduct, and paid the price for it. In this country you can't be disliked that much and get re-elected.

Fine by me if he somehow finds a way to win, but I doubt that'll happen. I have no doubt there was election fraud that may or may not have cost him the election, and whether or not the fraud made the difference between winning and losing is open to conjecture. Nobody will ever know.
His first fuck up was surrounding himself with establishment neocon assholes and thinking he could trust them and that they would listen to him.

In the end, Don is just not very smart. He failed to understand what he was up against.

No. The problem is that he did not listen to them.

The worst way to communicate with the world is Twitter. It was always Trumps first choice.

Look. Think back. Remember Bush talking after 9-11.

One of the things a Leader needs to do is be certain. To do that you have to listen to the experts. You have to have one message. One voice. One. Take any issue. Trump makes an announcement. The experts who are supposed to advise him repudiate it. They are the problem according to the Fanboys. Of course two plus two equals five. Anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

COVID was the most glaring example of this trait. Trump says he’s working with the experts. Then says he is doing exactly what the experts said not to do. And then fired the experts for disagreeing with him. Either you are getting advice from the experts or not.

History is replete with examples of this folly leading to disaster.

Trump could not help himself. He had to call out people who were mean to him. Wanna impress the world? Here is what you do.

When a reporter tries a gotcha. What do you say to people who call you a dictator. Trump says they are lying and Real Americans know that. The smartest answer? Thank God for the First Amendment. This precious Right that I have sworn to protect gives them the right to express their opinion. I think they are wrong. But in a Free Country with the rights of the citizens protected by our Constitution they can say that. God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States.

It would not make the fanboys happy. But it would make the rest of the nation feel a little better. It would make the cries of Dictator or Fascist seem insane and petty.
Trump lost because he failed to learn one simple rule. You don’t win presidential elections when you seriously piss off nearly 60% the American people.
Trump lost because he failed to learn one simple rule. You don’t win presidential elections when you seriously piss off nearly 60% the American people.

Why would Americans be pissed off about Donny stopping wetbacks from robbing them blind and stealing their jobs, why be pissed about lower taxes, higher income, more employment opportunities, booming investments, law and order, the restoration of American virtue...etc etc?
Give it to me it “Because he talks mean”?
That really doesn't prove anything. It proves both sides were more motivated to go out and vote. Probably because no other reason that there was a wider array of actual swing states.
No... Not both sides. People without party affiliation decided to vote. And people who are dead.

Not BOTH sides. I'm not on any side but my own.

One person, or one million people can be wrong. It makes no difference. They are still wrong.

One person, or one million people can be right. It makes no difference. They are still right.

again, when they work together, it's usually because that's what the people want. Take war as an example. I've never seen a war that wasn't MASSIVELY popular when it starts, and become less popular as it drags on. People were even sick of World War II by 1945.
You mean the media MASSIVELY supports it?

Why? For what? China has always been a scapegoat for what we are doing to ourselves.
OUR Executives are moving the factories over.
OUR consumers buy the cheap Chinese products at Walmart.
Maybe the fault isn't in the stars but in ourselves.
So you go after China, and that manufacturing moves to Vietnam. Do we go after them next?
That would be completely dependent on if they respected our intellectual property.

So do I. Here's a problem again- we do this to ourselves. You want to end illegal immigration, go after the people who hire them.
I don't have a problem with that. I think more needs done, but I'm absolutely on board with that.

Again, simple way to do that. Get rid of the fucking Electoral College.
No. Never. You want California and New York to decide what happens to "fly over states?" If there is no electoral college, there might as well not be states. City folk don't have a fuck'n clue how to farm. Farmers don't have a fuck'n clue on how to cheat an election, as an example.
You mean the media MASSIVELY supports it?

No, I mean the people. Let's look at our last folly, Iraq. We had spent the previous decade being afraid of Saddam. South Park even made him a primary villain... Then we get good and scared after 9/11, and both parties start beating the war drum, but we all danced, didn't we.

A few people were against it, but not many.

That would be completely dependent on if they respected our intellectual property.

Intellectual property is not why they are beating us economically.

I don't have a problem with that. I think more needs done, but I'm absolutely on board with that.

Yeah, but that's not what you Trump cultists support. You demonize these poor people who come here to do the shitty jobs we don't want to do, instead of the rich white people who hire them.

No. Never. You want California and New York to decide what happens to "fly over states?" If there is no electoral college, there might as well not be states. City folk don't have a fuck'n clue how to farm. Farmers don't have a fuck'n clue on how to cheat an election, as an example.

Okay, frankly, if you are going to say things like this, there's not much I can do for you.

First, people in CA and NY don't vote in a monolithic block. 33% of people in CA voted for Trump. In NY, 40% did.

Yes, the places with more people will have more influence because they have MORE PEOPLE.

The problem with the EC- and it has many - is that we end up pandering to the farmers in Iowa, which is why we get these ridiculous policies like Ethanol. Got to do something with that excess corn they keep growing!!!! But because it's an evenly divided "Swing State", people give it more attention than it deserves.
No, I mean the people. Let's look at our last folly, Iraq. We had spent the previous decade being afraid of Saddam. South Park even made him a primary villain... Then we get good and scared after 9/11, and both parties start beating the war drum, but we all danced, didn't we.

A few people were against it, but not many.
We were never afraid of Saddam... Just as I'm not afraid of Russia. You might have been.

I'll happily admit I supported the regime change. I didn't not support staying there. Nor do I now.

Intellectual property is not why they are beating us economically.
What does that have to do with what I said?

Yeah, but that's not what you Trump cultists support. You demonize these poor people who come here to do the shitty jobs we don't want to do, instead of the rich white people who hire them.
Well... That makes you the same kind of idiot that a racist is... You know something about me based on one factor. What's worse is you've made this one up.

Okay, frankly, if you are going to say things like this, there's not much I can do for you.

First, people in CA and NY don't vote in a monolithic block. 33% of people in CA voted for Trump. In NY, 40% did.
Yeah? Do something for me... Click here, just a google link and pick a state. Your state, any state west of New York City... I don't care which one. I want you to tell me you want the blue to make the decisions for the red parts here with a straight face... Because I won't be trying to insult you when I call you stupid... It's just going to be a point of fact.

You are not in come castle (large city) who gets to make decisions for hundreds of miles around you. There is a reason why it's this way with the electoral college.

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