So Where Does the 1st Amendment End?

^^^ What are you wanting to know should it still matter after what I've shared with you already that is?

God bless you always!!!


What you wrote has nothing to with what I asked you, so it's non-answer.

One last time. If school doesn't allow wearing shirt with American flag on it, because it may, god forbid, "offend" some immigrant's kid, and some kid post a Facebook or Instagram photo while wearing shirt with American flag, do you think that school can deny the graduation to that kid or kick the kid out of school?

I wouldn't be asking you if it doesn't matter. Answer the question!
^^^ What are you wanting to know should it still matter after what I've shared with you already that is?

God bless you always!!!

What you wrote has nothing to with what I asked you, so it's non-answer.

One last time. If school doesn't allow wearing shirt with American flag on it, because it may, god forbid, "offend" some immigrant's kid, and some kid post a Facebook or Instagram photo while wearing shirt with American flag, do you think that school can deny the graduation to that kid or kick the kid out of school?

I wouldn't be asking you if it doesn't matter. Answer the question!
Yes, I think that the school can deny the kids whatever it is that the school chooses to deny the kids for the reasons that I have already pointed out in my previous messages. When the kids are finally on the same page as the people in charge of the school, what the kids have lost will then be restored if what has been ripped away from them can still be given back to them by then of course that is.

God bless you always!!!

Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.

Yes, that is what freedom of speech actually means, you can speak freely without repercussions.

Threats are illegal, and they don't fall under "free speech" category, dummy. And it doesn't matter if is threat against president, or anyone else.

And FYI, boss of the private company can fire you for calling him names, or for being dumb fuck. It's his company, dummy, free speech doesn't apply there. Assuming you have a job, you either working for government and they can fire you for being stupid, or you work for private company and never called you boss names.
Threats are speech so you agree that some speech is not protected.

If I tweet from home that my boss is an idiot, I can be fired.

If I post racist shit on my Facebook page, I can be fired.

It could be a school policy about posts on social media.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.

Yes, that is what freedom of speech actually means, you can speak freely without repercussions.

Threats are illegal, and they don't fall under "free speech" category, dummy. And it doesn't matter if is threat against president, or anyone else.

And FYI, boss of the private company can fire you for calling him names, or for being dumb fuck. It's his company, dummy, free speech doesn't apply there. Assuming you have a job, you either working for government and they can fire you for being stupid, or you work for private company and never called you boss names.
Threats are speech so you agree that some speech is not protected.

If I tweet from home that my boss is an idiot, I can be fired.

If I post racist shit on my Facebook page, I can be fired.

It could be a school policy about posts on social media.

You are comparing private and public institutions. Try again.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!

You are conflating the right to protest with approval of the protest. If you want to kneel during the national anthem, or any other of your inane examples, be my guest. I'll support your right to do it but I'll still think you're a moron.

Per your second claim - the Constitution did not come with an asterisk. Nowhere does it state "all rights enshrined within are suspended in case of a virus". History is replete with examples of governments using "emergencies" as justification for stripping rights away from citizens. Therefore I fully support every protest against these draconian government actions.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!
Life is filled with perils and in the end nobody gets out alive anyway. I’m not one to live my life as a coward hiding under my bed.
One person's rights will never over ride the rights of another person,
Let's make this real easy for you: What rights of school students or staff were violated in this incident?
Letting them boys stay would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment. Since the boys were obviously outnumbered by everyone else, they are who was shown the door if anyone had to leave at all.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you are not going to make this easy for me, why should it be made easy for you?
One person's rights will never over ride the rights of another person,
Let's make this real easy for you: What rights of school students or staff were violated in this incident?
Letting them boys stay would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment. Since the boys were obviously outnumbered by everyone else, they are who was shown the door if anyone had to leave at all.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you are not going to make this easy for me, why should it be made easy for you?

It's obvious to me you STILL haven't watched the video, because it wasn't "boys". It was a boy and a girl. But I digress.

"would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment"

You don't have the right to "go to school in a racist free environment". You have the right not to be discriminated against BY THE SCHOOL because of your race. And the school has the right to set behavioral policy on THEIR grounds/events.

You cannot, however, require that a private citizen not be a racist. They have every right to be a racist by virtue of the 1st Amendment. And government is FORBIDDEN from acting upon it unless a CRIME has been committed.

But once again, you've fallen back on the "school decided" argument. How many times must you be told that this DID NOT happen at school, DID NOT happen at a school sponsored event, and in NO WAY referenced the school? Remember, this is a PUBLIC school which makes it a GOVERNMENT institution.

Should the DMV be able to take your license away because they don't like something you posted on social media?
Should you be denied the right to vote because of something you said?
Should you be refused the right to own property because you hang an American flag in your window?
Should you be imprisoned because you peacefully engaged in a protest?

Exactly how much government overreach is too much for you?
One person's rights will never over ride the rights of another person,
Let's make this real easy for you: What rights of school students or staff were violated in this incident?
Letting them boys stay would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment. Since the boys were obviously outnumbered by everyone else, they are who was shown the door if anyone had to leave at all.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you are not going to make this easy for me, why should it be made easy for you?

It's obvious to me you STILL haven't watched the video, because it wasn't "boys". It was a boy and a girl. But I digress.

"would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment"

You don't have the right to "go to school in a racist free environment". You have the right not to be discriminated against BY THE SCHOOL because of your race. And the school has the right to set behavioral policy on THEIR grounds/events.

You cannot, however, require that a private citizen not be a racist. They have every right to be a racist by virtue of the 1st Amendment. And government is FORBIDDEN from acting upon it unless a CRIME has been committed.

But once again, you've fallen back on the "school decided" argument. How many times must you be told that this DID NOT happen at school, DID NOT happen at a school sponsored event, and in NO WAY referenced the school? Remember, this is a PUBLIC school which makes it a GOVERNMENT institution.

Should the DMV be able to take your license away because they don't like something you posted on social media?
Should you be denied the right to vote because of something you said?
Should you be refused the right to own property because you hang an American flag in your window?
Should you be imprisoned because you peacefully engaged in a protest?

Exactly how much government overreach is too much for you?
I said that I would keep saying this until you finally get it. Well here I am letting you know that I am a person of my word:

Until there is a change in who is in charge of the school, because the current people in charge have rules against what them kids will bring to property, rules that the people in charge have the right to put in place on the property that is, that puts them kids out of luck should they possess no desire to follow the set rules. If the kids resent enough what has happened in response to what they were willing to become known for, might I suggest they write to their local congressman and see what difference it is that they can make where the situation is concerned. Until then.......

God bless you always!!!

One person's rights will never over ride the rights of another person,
Let's make this real easy for you: What rights of school students or staff were violated in this incident?
Letting them boys stay would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment. Since the boys were obviously outnumbered by everyone else, they are who was shown the door if anyone had to leave at all.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If you are not going to make this easy for me, why should it be made easy for you?

It's obvious to me you STILL haven't watched the video, because it wasn't "boys". It was a boy and a girl. But I digress.

"would've violated everyone else's right to go to school in a racist free environment"

You don't have the right to "go to school in a racist free environment". You have the right not to be discriminated against BY THE SCHOOL because of your race. And the school has the right to set behavioral policy on THEIR grounds/events.

You cannot, however, require that a private citizen not be a racist. They have every right to be a racist by virtue of the 1st Amendment. And government is FORBIDDEN from acting upon it unless a CRIME has been committed.

But once again, you've fallen back on the "school decided" argument. How many times must you be told that this DID NOT happen at school, DID NOT happen at a school sponsored event, and in NO WAY referenced the school? Remember, this is a PUBLIC school which makes it a GOVERNMENT institution.

Should the DMV be able to take your license away because they don't like something you posted on social media?
Should you be denied the right to vote because of something you said?
Should you be refused the right to own property because you hang an American flag in your window?
Should you be imprisoned because you peacefully engaged in a protest?

Exactly how much government overreach is too much for you?
I said that I would keep saying this until you finally get it. Well here I am letting you know that I am a person of my word:

Until there is a change in who is in charge of the school, because the current people in charge have rules against what them kids will bring to property, rules that the people in charge have the right to put in place on the property that is, that puts them kids out of luck. If the kids resent enough what has happened in response to what they were willing to become known for, might I suggest they write to their local congressman and see what difference it is that they can make where the situation is concerned. Until then.......

God bless you always!!!


"because the current people in charge have rules against what them kids will bring to property, rules that the people in charge have the right to put in place on the property that is"

Just so we're clear - if I take my son to a pro-life rally tomorrow, and his school expels him for it, you're fine with that?
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!

You are conflating the right to protest with approval of the protest. If you want to kneel during the national anthem, or any other of your inane examples, be my guest. I'll support your right to do it but I'll still think you're a moron.

Per your second claim - the Constitution did not come with an asterisk. Nowhere does it state "all rights enshrined within are suspended in case of a virus". History is replete with examples of governments using "emergencies" as justification for stripping rights away from citizens. Therefore I fully support every protest against these draconian government actions.
Even if they provide a genuine benefit to society? The constitution also provides for the promotion of the general welfare of the people. The state mandating isolation during a pandemic is the perfect example of the state employing its duty to provide for the general welfare.

The constitution further calls for the common defense. Defense cannot be restricted to military defense, but the defense against a clear and present public health crisis.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!
Life is filled with perils and in the end nobody gets out alive anyway. I’m not one to live my life as a coward hiding under my bed.
You do not have an explicit right to expand a pandemic! What right do you have to shorten the life of others? Your attitude is built on hedonism and hubris. Ask the Athenians how hubris worked out for them.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!

You are conflating the right to protest with approval of the protest. If you want to kneel during the national anthem, or any other of your inane examples, be my guest. I'll support your right to do it but I'll still think you're a moron.

Per your second claim - the Constitution did not come with an asterisk. Nowhere does it state "all rights enshrined within are suspended in case of a virus". History is replete with examples of governments using "emergencies" as justification for stripping rights away from citizens. Therefore I fully support every protest against these draconian government actions.
Even if they provide a genuine benefit to society? The constitution also provides for the promotion of the general welfare of the people. The state mandating isolation during a pandemic is the perfect example of the state employing its duty to provide for the general welfare.

The constitution further calls for the common defense. Defense cannot be restricted to military defense, but the defense against a clear and present public health crisis.

"Genuine benefit to society"

Where? The economy is in shambles. Energy is in freefall. 20+ million have lost their jobs. Thousands of businesses may never re-open. Rents and mortgages are defaulting. We're facing a possible food shortage. We're releasing criminals from prisons and arresting mothers for taking their kids to the park. You can't go to a movie theater or a restaurant, but feel free to strut around your local Walmart. In what fucking world does this shit make sense?

You wanna "protect society"? Ask those who are at risk to stay home - IE the immuno-compromised and the elderly. Set up a fund to help them while the rest of us work, keep the country going, and build herd immunity. What good is "protecting society" if there's no goddamn society to return to?

The Constitution provides no grounds for subjugating citizens. In fact, it was expressly written to forbid it - your twisted interpretation notwithstanding. The government has no right to order me to stay home and not provide for my family. I have been actively defying it and will continue to do so & they can piss right the fuck off.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.

What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?

One school district thinks it can.
Remember- the schools are closed until at best next September.

Wish I had a nickel for every stupid thing a teen said in the past year.

Kneeling during the national anthem, protesting police brutality in your community, calling for action against climate change. Those seem to be bad. Calling to reopen businesses in the face of a world wide pandemic. That appears to be noble. Why the disparity and sudden claim to be for the 1st amendment? I thought yinz guys only cared about the 2nd!

You are conflating the right to protest with approval of the protest. If you want to kneel during the national anthem, or any other of your inane examples, be my guest. I'll support your right to do it but I'll still think you're a moron.

Per your second claim - the Constitution did not come with an asterisk. Nowhere does it state "all rights enshrined within are suspended in case of a virus". History is replete with examples of governments using "emergencies" as justification for stripping rights away from citizens. Therefore I fully support every protest against these draconian government actions.
Even if they provide a genuine benefit to society? The constitution also provides for the promotion of the general welfare of the people. The state mandating isolation during a pandemic is the perfect example of the state employing its duty to provide for the general welfare.

The constitution further calls for the common defense. Defense cannot be restricted to military defense, but the defense against a clear and present public health crisis.

"Genuine benefit to society"

Where? The economy is in shambles. Energy is in freefall. 20+ million have lost their jobs. Thousands of businesses may never re-open. Rents and mortgages are defaulting. We're facing a possible food shortage. We're releasing criminals from prisons and arresting mothers for taking their kids to the park. You can't go to a movie theater or a restaurant, but feel free to strut around your local Walmart. In what fucking world does this shit make sense?

You wanna "protect society"? Ask those who are at risk to stay home - IE the immuno-compromised and the elderly. Set up a fund to help them while the rest of us work, keep the country going, and build herd immunity. What good is "protecting society" if there's no goddamn society to return to?

The Constitution provides no grounds for subjugating citizens. In fact, it was expressly written to forbid it - your twisted interpretation notwithstanding. The government has no right to order me to stay home and not provide for my family. I have been actively defying it and will continue to do so & they can piss right the fuck off.
So after abandoning any constitutional argument you now argue Capitalism. Okay. Capitalism is a philosophical position. Consider this. By your defying stay at home mandates, you're actively spreading the virus. Spreading the virus effects society by overburdening the health care system. Those needing health procedures are limited or excluded to their treatment due to this overburden. The virus grows exponentially so the fragile health care system crashes and burns with undue alacrity. The death rate spirals upward. And more public occasions and personal interactions get cancelled. To paraphrase Edward G. Robinson in The Ten Commandments, 'Where's your Capitalism now?'. How many lives should be sacrificed so you can get a haircut? Throw a wedding? Have a beer? Get another tattoo? Is Capitalism flexible enough to save lives, or do you think greed is so damn noble that lives should be lost in its wake?
So after abandoning any constitutional argument you now argue Capitalism.

What? Are you illiterate?

The Constitution provides no grounds for subjugating citizens. In fact, it was expressly written to forbid it - your twisted interpretation notwithstanding. The government has no right to order me to stay home and not provide for my family.

Now that that's out of the way....

By your defying stay at home mandates, you're actively spreading the virus. Spreading the virus effects society by overburdening the health care system. Those needing health procedures are limited or excluded to their treatment due to this overburden. The virus grows exponentially so the fragile health care system crashes and burns with undue alacrity. The death rate spirals upward.

None of which is happening. And it hasn't happened in nations that haven't locked down, IE Sweden. You've been fed a line of bullshit, and you're lapping it up like a good little bootlicker.

If you are concerned about your health, stay home. I am under no obligation to make sure YOU are healthy. That's YOUR fucking job.

BTW, you failed to explain how it's perfectly safe to go to Walmart, or utilize mass transit... but getting a haircut makes everyone die.
So after abandoning any constitutional argument you now argue Capitalism.

What? Are you illiterate?

The Constitution provides no grounds for subjugating citizens. In fact, it was expressly written to forbid it - your twisted interpretation notwithstanding. The government has no right to order me to stay home and not provide for my family.

Now that that's out of the way....

By your defying stay at home mandates, you're actively spreading the virus. Spreading the virus effects society by overburdening the health care system. Those needing health procedures are limited or excluded to their treatment due to this overburden. The virus grows exponentially so the fragile health care system crashes and burns with undue alacrity. The death rate spirals upward.

None of which is happening. And it hasn't happened in nations that haven't locked down, IE Sweden. You've been fed a line of bullshit, and you're lapping it up like a good little bootlicker.

If you are concerned about your health, stay home. I am under no obligation to make sure YOU are healthy. That's YOUR fucking job.

BTW, you failed to explain how it's perfectly safe to go to Walmart, or utilize mass transit... but getting a haircut makes everyone die.
During World War II the government mandated rationing on everything from gasoline to garden rakes, sugar to smoked hams. This was done under the constitutional requirement to provide for the common defense. So, there is precedent for the 'subjugation of citizens'. They reserve the right to order you to stay at home to promote the general welfare. Shopping for food is an essential activity, I assume you agree with that. How is a haircut an essential activity? Getting to the store, the market, the hospital is also essential. This is common sense. Have you enough of that to fathom the problem?
And Sweden's luck won't apply here after nearly 900,000 cases (likely many times more but for the lack of testing) and 50,000 deaths. The genie is out of the bottle. We have the worst numbers of cases and deaths on the globe.
So after abandoning any constitutional argument you now argue Capitalism.

What? Are you illiterate?

The Constitution provides no grounds for subjugating citizens. In fact, it was expressly written to forbid it - your twisted interpretation notwithstanding. The government has no right to order me to stay home and not provide for my family.

Now that that's out of the way....

By your defying stay at home mandates, you're actively spreading the virus. Spreading the virus effects society by overburdening the health care system. Those needing health procedures are limited or excluded to their treatment due to this overburden. The virus grows exponentially so the fragile health care system crashes and burns with undue alacrity. The death rate spirals upward.

None of which is happening. And it hasn't happened in nations that haven't locked down, IE Sweden. You've been fed a line of bullshit, and you're lapping it up like a good little bootlicker.

If you are concerned about your health, stay home. I am under no obligation to make sure YOU are healthy. That's YOUR fucking job.

BTW, you failed to explain how it's perfectly safe to go to Walmart, or utilize mass transit... but getting a haircut makes everyone die.
During World War II the government mandated rationing on everything from gasoline to garden rakes, sugar to smoked hams. This was done under the constitutional requirement to provide for the common defense. So, there is precedent for the 'subjugation of citizens'. They reserve the right to order you to stay at home to promote the general welfare. Shopping for food is an essential activity, I assume you agree with that. How is a haircut an essential activity? Getting to the store, the market, the hospital is also essential. This is common sense. Have you enough of that to fathom the problem?
And Sweden's luck won't apply here after nearly 900,000 cases (likely many times more but for the lack of testing) and 50,000 deaths. The genie is out of the bottle. We have the worst numbers of cases and deaths on the globe.

Rationing isn't ordering everyone to stay home and shutting down their livelihoods, brainlet.

Yes shopping for food is essential. Why is the rest of Walmart open? Why are home improvement stores open? Why are hardware stores still open? I guess in lefty looney land it's perfectly reasonable to hop on a bus chock full of people and get dropped off at a store chock full of other people so I can pick up some flooring tiles and then swing through the gas station to grab booze and lottery tickets on my way back, but heaven forbid I stop for a haircut or sit down for a burger. You statists are a fucking joke.

I don't give a flying rats as what rights the government thinks it has. I am a citizen, not a subject. I will NOT be denied my liberty and I will carry my sidearm to ensure it. Whine, cry, stomp your feet.... IDGAF. Stay home like a good little bootlicker, you'll get no compliance from me.

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