So Where Does the 1st Amendment End?

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.
it doesn't matter, their phones, their speech. since when do you condone eliminating free speech?

if it was school equipment, then certainly.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.
The pro-diversity crowd lost in 2016. Get used to it.
Amen. You show me diversity and I'll show you discord.
Show me a white supremacist & I'll show you an asshole. You people are such assholes.

So are you and also a coward!

You hide behind a fake name so you can spew your hatred daily and refuse to expose yourself because you know if anyone ever found out what you wrote you would be fired and rightfully so...

You bash the racists while ignoring your own bigotry and hate and you Sir are a damn hypocrite!


Is it aggressively being racist such as calling someone slurs, telling someone to go back to their own country, and any other explicit action?

Or is it more implicit things that we can’t necessarily prove as racist, but strongly believe to be so? Such as store clerks not treating you great, or not getting into a university despite believing you have the requisite grades and scores, or saying "anchor baby"?

The biggest flaw is how you prove certain things are racist by the people who deem them as such. A lot of it is a matter of perspective.

The questions are: Who is right? Who is wrong? Who decides?

Seeing leftists on this board supporting school decision (which they have no right to decide) to kick those kids out of school and not letting them graduate, when kids did nothing illegal, makes me think what would leftists do if they really had power to decide what can be said, and who can be punished.
And only a stupid fucking Trumpette would sent kids to school in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
if a teacher wants to teach the student, why does that bother you?

So what part of PANDEMIC are you too God Damn stupid to get?
the part that the stay at home is worse. again new jersey governor, share with the people the numbers you're getting. why are you afraid to do that?
Maybe at your house. Stuck at home with a total jackass like you would be worse than getting the virus.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.
Interesting to know you think your drivers license can be revoked for the crap you post here.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.
Interesting to know you think your drivers license can be revoked for the crap you post here.

What would I post that would result in that?
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.
Interesting to know you think your drivers license can be revoked for the crap you post here.

What would I post that would result in that?
Whatever I feel to be offensive.
Enjoy the bus.
"Strict Scrutiny" should always be applied to the protection of Constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment.
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.
Exactly. All of them leftists nazi's are all for the taking away of rights. just like true little hitlers.
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.
The pro-diversity crowd lost in 2016. Get used to it.
Amen. You show me diversity and I'll show you discord.
Show me a white supremacist & I'll show you an asshole. You people are such assholes.

So are you and also a coward!

You hide behind a fake name so you can spew your hatred daily and refuse to expose yourself because you know if anyone ever found out what you wrote you would be fired and rightfully so...

You bash the racists while ignoring your own bigotry and hate and you Sir are a damn hypocrite!


Is it aggressively being racist such as calling someone slurs, telling someone to go back to their own country, and any other explicit action?

Or is it more implicit things that we can’t necessarily prove as racist, but strongly believe to be so? Such as store clerks not treating you great, or not getting into a university despite believing you have the requisite grades and scores, or saying "anchor baby"?

The biggest flaw is how you prove certain things are racist by the people who deem them as such. A lot of it is a matter of perspective.

The questions are: Who is right? Who is wrong? Who decides?

Seeing leftists on this board supporting school decision (which they have no right to decide) to kick those kids out of school and not letting them graduate, when kids did nothing illegal, makes me think what would leftists do if they really had power to decide what can be said, and who can be punished.
And only a stupid fucking Trumpette would sent kids to school in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
if a teacher wants to teach the student, why does that bother you?

So what part of PANDEMIC are you too God Damn stupid to get?
the part that the stay at home is worse. again new jersey governor, share with the people the numbers you're getting. why are you afraid to do that?
Maybe at your house. Stuck at home with a total jackass like you would be worse than getting the virus.

I think that about you all the time and I am pretty sure many in your life if not everyone feel the same...

Now pony up your name and name of your job so I can see how quickly you change your mind about how people should be held accountable for what they say...
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.
The pro-diversity crowd lost in 2016. Get used to it.
Amen. You show me diversity and I'll show you discord.
Show me a white supremacist & I'll show you an asshole. You people are such assholes.

So are you and also a coward!

You hide behind a fake name so you can spew your hatred daily and refuse to expose yourself because you know if anyone ever found out what you wrote you would be fired and rightfully so...

You bash the racists while ignoring your own bigotry and hate and you Sir are a damn hypocrite!


Is it aggressively being racist such as calling someone slurs, telling someone to go back to their own country, and any other explicit action?

Or is it more implicit things that we can’t necessarily prove as racist, but strongly believe to be so? Such as store clerks not treating you great, or not getting into a university despite believing you have the requisite grades and scores, or saying "anchor baby"?

The biggest flaw is how you prove certain things are racist by the people who deem them as such. A lot of it is a matter of perspective.

The questions are: Who is right? Who is wrong? Who decides?

Seeing leftists on this board supporting school decision (which they have no right to decide) to kick those kids out of school and not letting them graduate, when kids did nothing illegal, makes me think what would leftists do if they really had power to decide what can be said, and who can be punished.
And only a stupid fucking Trumpette would sent kids to school in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
if a teacher wants to teach the student, why does that bother you?

So what part of PANDEMIC are you too God Damn stupid to get?
the part that the stay at home is worse. again new jersey governor, share with the people the numbers you're getting. why are you afraid to do that?
Maybe at your house. Stuck at home with a total jackass like you would be worse than getting the virus.

I think that about you all the time and I am pretty sure many in your life if not everyone feel the same...

Now pony up your name and name of your job so I can see how quickly you change your mind about how people should be held accountable for what they say...
So typical of the cowardly brown Shirters to attack rights of others as long as nobody attacks theirs.
Poor baby white people. They get pissed off when they get called out for being the racist fucks that they are. And those evil black people, not knowing their place & demanding equality.
The pro-diversity crowd lost in 2016. Get used to it.
Amen. You show me diversity and I'll show you discord.
Show me a white supremacist & I'll show you an asshole. You people are such assholes.

So are you and also a coward!

You hide behind a fake name so you can spew your hatred daily and refuse to expose yourself because you know if anyone ever found out what you wrote you would be fired and rightfully so...

You bash the racists while ignoring your own bigotry and hate and you Sir are a damn hypocrite!


Is it aggressively being racist such as calling someone slurs, telling someone to go back to their own country, and any other explicit action?

Or is it more implicit things that we can’t necessarily prove as racist, but strongly believe to be so? Such as store clerks not treating you great, or not getting into a university despite believing you have the requisite grades and scores, or saying "anchor baby"?

The biggest flaw is how you prove certain things are racist by the people who deem them as such. A lot of it is a matter of perspective.

The questions are: Who is right? Who is wrong? Who decides?

Seeing leftists on this board supporting school decision (which they have no right to decide) to kick those kids out of school and not letting them graduate, when kids did nothing illegal, makes me think what would leftists do if they really had power to decide what can be said, and who can be punished.
And only a stupid fucking Trumpette would sent kids to school in the middle of a fucking pandemic.
if a teacher wants to teach the student, why does that bother you?

So what part of PANDEMIC are you too God Damn stupid to get?
the part that the stay at home is worse. again new jersey governor, share with the people the numbers you're getting. why are you afraid to do that?
Maybe at your house. Stuck at home with a total jackass like you would be worse than getting the virus.

I think that about you all the time and I am pretty sure many in your life if not everyone feel the same...

Now pony up your name and name of your job so I can see how quickly you change your mind about how people should be held accountable for what they say...

I second this.

Put your money where your mouth is, fakedave. Tell us your real name and let's see how much you support the "repercussions" of your posts here.
^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.

You keep falling back on the same argument. "Well, the people who run the school thought...."

It doesn't matter what the people who run the school think. It is, quite literally, none of their goddamn business. If this is allowed to stand it will set the stage for restricting education to kids for all kinds of things the school may not agree with. Think about it. What if the school administration is pro-abortion and a student attends a pro-life rally? Do you see where this leads? Civil rights must be protected at all costs, even when they are used for things you don't like.

As my profile page says: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Yelling fire in a crowded theater endangers people.
What about saying something people don’t like? Can the government punish you for speech made in your home and gets put on the Internet that is not violent, but racist?
One school district thinks it can.
This illustrates what leftists -really- think abut free speech, and what they will do with it when they have the power.

You assfucks think freedom of speech mean you can say what you want without repercussions.

You have the freedom of speech to threaten the life of the President. Try it.
Call up your boss & call him names.

Yes, that is what freedom of speech actually means, you can speak freely without repercussions.

Threats are illegal, and they don't fall under "free speech" category, dummy. And it doesn't matter if is threat against president, or anyone else.

And FYI, boss of the private company can fire you for calling him names, or for being dumb fuck. It's his company, dummy, free speech doesn't apply there. Assuming you have a job, you either working for government and they can fire you for being stupid, or you work for private company and never called you boss names.
Last edited:
^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.
it doesn't matter, their phones, their speech. since when do you condone eliminating free speech?
What you obviously do not get is that their right to free speech does not over ride the rights that everyone else possesses.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.

You keep falling back on the same argument. "Well, the people who run the school thought...."

It doesn't matter what the people who run the school think. It is, quite literally, none of their goddamn business. If this is allowed to stand it will set the stage for restricting education to kids for all kinds of things the school may not agree with. Think about it. What if the school administration is pro-abortion and a student attends a pro-life rally? Do you see where this leads? Civil rights must be protected at all costs, even when they are used for things you don't like.

As my profile page says: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
What about the rights that are in the possession of those in charge of the school like for example their right to make sure that the property that they are in charge of is free of things/people that can bring harm to everyone else who will be on the property? That right there is the point that I am trying to make. Because of what them kids were willing to become known for, what is said and done during their film that is, why should they be allowed on the school grounds when what they are known for now is something that may only lead to even more negative activity? Have you forgotten about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when the lead girl shot her mouth off? Yeah, she may have the right to speak her mind, but her rights do not over ride the rights that everyone else just so happen to possess.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. In other words, the only way that people can redeem themselves is if they can become known for something else that is more positive compared to what is now in their past and that is if they want to be known for something different that is. Of course we all know how slim a chance such an occurrence ever taking place is because at the end day, how much of an ability to forget about things does anyone really have?
Last edited:
^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.
it doesn't matter, their phones, their speech. since when do you condone eliminating free speech?
What you obviously do not get is that their right to free speech does not over ride the rights that everyone else possesses.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.

You keep falling back on the same argument. "Well, the people who run the school thought...."

It doesn't matter what the people who run the school think. It is, quite literally, none of their goddamn business. If this is allowed to stand it will set the stage for restricting education to kids for all kinds of things the school may not agree with. Think about it. What if the school administration is pro-abortion and a student attends a pro-life rally? Do you see where this leads? Civil rights must be protected at all costs, even when they are used for things you don't like.

As my profile page says: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
What about the rights that are in the possession of those in charge of the school like for example their right to make sure that the property that they are in charge of is free of things/people that can bring harm to everyone else who will be on the property? That right there is the point that I am trying to make. Because of what them kids were willing to become known for, what is said and done during their film that is, why should they be allowed on the school grounds when what they are known for is something that may only lead to even more negative activity? Have you forgotten about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when the lead girl shot her mouth off? Yeah, she may have the right to speak her mind, but her rights do not over ride the rights that everyone else just so happen to possess.

God bless you two always!!!


For the love of..... ugh.


The incident in question didn't happen on school grounds. It didn't happen at a school sponsored event. It had absolutely nothing to do with the school whatsoever. Moreover, the school in question is a PUBLIC SCHOOL. It is supported by the taxpayers and therefore public property. I'm not aware of the Dixie Chicks being banned from any public grounds over their speech.

If you want to support the schools actions that's your prerogative. Just remember that when schools start expelling kids for attending pro-life rallies or any other of the plethora of things they might not agree with - YOU are justifying it.
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^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?

And you skip it again JOSweetHeart.

Every post that prove you wrong and show you ignorance on constitutional rights, and that you can't answer truthfully, you just ignore. so here I go one more time.

If school doesn't allow wearing shirt with American flag on it, because it may, god forbid, "offend" some immigrant's kid, and some kid post a Facebook or Instagram photo while wearing shirt with American flag, do you think that school can deny the graduation to that kid or kick the kid out of school?
^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?

And you skip it again JOSweetHeart.

Every post that prove you wrong and show you ignorance on constitutional rights, and that you can't answer truthfully, you just ignore. so here I go one more time.

If school doesn't allow wearing shirt with American flag on it, because it may, god forbid, "offend" some immigrant's kid, and some kid post a Facebook or Instagram photo while wearing shirt with American flag, do you think that school can deny the graduation to that kid or kick the kid out of school?
What you don't seem to get is that until there is a change in who is in charge of the school, because the current people in charge have rules against what them kids will bring to property, rules that the people in charge have the right to have in place that is, that puts them kids out of luck. If the kids resent enough what has happened in response to what they were willing to become known for, might I suggest they write to their local congressman and see what difference it is that they can make where the situation is concerned. Until then.......

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.
it doesn't matter, their phones, their speech. since when do you condone eliminating free speech?
What you obviously do not get is that their right to free speech does not over ride the rights that everyone else possesses.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.
Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?
Has there been any talk about the kids having any prior history of bad/questionable behavior? Anything that may have happened before this would only be more that is on their track record.

^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

^^^ They are supposed to be, but of course there are people out there who don't care about laws, rules, regulations, etc.

God bless you always!!!

What you just said has nothing to do with my question.

You claim that school have to prevent shooting, yet saying right after "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations."

If so, please explain, what they have prevented, if people who don't care about laws still bring guns to school?
They are doing what they can to prevent school shootings.

God bless you always!!!

You said that "there are people who don't care about laws, rules, regulations." You think they would not bring guns to school because it's not permitted? Can you tell me how many school shooters actually respected laws, rules, regulations?
None of them respect the boundaries obviously.

God bless you and the families of their victims always!!!


Then you would agree that laws don't work with people who don't respect them.

Now, did these kids break any laws?
Even if they didn't break any laws, what must have been broken are rules that the school has every right to put out there or we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The school doesn't approve of the attitude that them kids decided to put on display for the rest of us to be aware of and expelling the kids in response to their attitude is the punishment that the school considered to be appropriate enough.

the school had every right to remove them because of how threatening their attitudes can be to the other students at the school.
Do you not see the problem with your stance? It's entirely subjective. You're deeming their "attitude" threatening simply because you don't like what they did - when in fact no threats were made.

I've noticed you always sign off your posts with "God bless" so I assume you are a Christian. The left has frequently claimed scripture to be "threatening". Case in point - the Bible explicitly condemns homosexuality. So let's assume these kids made a video condemning the gay lifestyle. The Twitterati goes into a frenzy, just like they did here, and claims the kids are "threatening" gays. Would you support the school expelling them? I suspect not.
In my opinion, it would depend on what is said exactly. If those who make the video imply that they are who plan to carry out whatever they believe is to be done with those who live the homosexual life style, then yes, those on the video should not only be expelled, but charged too.

God bless you two always!!!

So why are you supporting the expulsion of these students then? Did you actually watch the video? Because all it contains was 2 kids pouring water in a sink and joking about racial stereotypes. There were no threats. No calls to action. No inference of a school. No reference to any particular person. The whole video was a feeble attempt at politically incorrect humor, nothing more.
Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support and they must have felt that doing nothing would've made things worse compared to how they are now.
"Whatever takes place during the video was obviously something that the people in charge of the school doesn't support"

Irrelevant. What authority does a public school have to impose their standards in a private home? Answer: None.

This is the USA, not China.
Because the kids decided to let the rest of the world know their feelings by going viral, I guess the people in charge of the school may have felt that letting the kids stay would've given everyone else the wrong impression of the school, that the kids' choice to be racist was okay and welcome there when it obviously is not.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, the ending result to this matter was going to suck no matter where the line was drawn. Someone was going to get screwed. The big question is, which scenario would've been the lesser of the two evils? My question for the kids who got expelled would be this one: If you didn't want the school to be in such a game, why did you take the time to show them how it is played? In other words, if them kids didn't want to be shut out themselves, they shouldn't have made the first move by shutting out whoever it is that they themselves do not care for.

You keep falling back on the same argument. "Well, the people who run the school thought...."

It doesn't matter what the people who run the school think. It is, quite literally, none of their goddamn business. If this is allowed to stand it will set the stage for restricting education to kids for all kinds of things the school may not agree with. Think about it. What if the school administration is pro-abortion and a student attends a pro-life rally? Do you see where this leads? Civil rights must be protected at all costs, even when they are used for things you don't like.

As my profile page says: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
What about the rights that are in the possession of those in charge of the school like for example their right to make sure that the property that they are in charge of is free of things/people that can bring harm to everyone else who will be on the property? That right there is the point that I am trying to make. Because of what them kids were willing to become known for, what is said and done during their film that is, why should they be allowed on the school grounds when what they are known for is something that may only lead to even more negative activity? Have you forgotten about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when the lead girl shot her mouth off? Yeah, she may have the right to speak her mind, but her rights do not over ride the rights that everyone else just so happen to possess.

God bless you two always!!!


For the love of..... ugh.


The incident in question didn't happen on school grounds. It didn't happen at a school sponsored event. It had absolutely nothing to do with the school whatsoever. Moreover, the school in question is a PUBLIC SCHOOL. It is supported by the taxpayers and therefore public property. I'm not aware of the Dixie Chicks being banned from any public grounds over their speech.

If you want to support the schools actions that's your prerogative. Just remember that when schools start expelling kids for attending pro-life rallies or any other of the plethora of things they might not agree with - YOU are justifying it.
The lead girl of the Dixie Chicks didn't make her move here at home either, but she still made the move and because of the rights that we here at home had the freedom to exercise when we got wind of her words and to this day still have the freedom to exercise, how well did things really go over for her and the other two members of the act? Sure, new fans were scored, but did they outnumber how ever many walked away from them? I recently read that it didn't take long for their new song to take the nose dive that it has already experienced.

God bless you two always!!!


P.S. I'll say it again and I will continue to say it until you two and your ilk finally get it. One person's rights will never over ride the rights of another person, but because them kids obviously can not see eye to eye with who is in charge of the school property, they are to have nothing more to do with the place until they are finally on the same page that the people who are in charge happen to be on.
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^^^ School have always had rules and what makes you think that the kids in the video won't be any different while in school compared to how they are in the video? You also ask what are school official doing on kids social media? Anyone could've ratted to them about the video that was made and when they saw it is anyone's guess.

Isn't it interesting that you avoid quoting my post, as you always do, most likely because I asked you to prove that schools have right to regulate kids behavior when they're not on school's ground, and to avoid answering my questions.

I agree, schools do have rules, policies, regulations, all of them concerning student's behavior on school's ground. Yes, they can regulate what kids can or cannot wear when in school, what they can eat or drink, they can ban skateboards, bicycles, make up, or regulate how to address teachers, staff, etc.

So let's say, in order not to upset immigrant kids, school doesn't allow wearing a shirt with American flag on it. Then they see on Instagram or TikTok that kid wore shirt with American flag on it. What you're saying, school should, and have a right to kick the kid out of school, and deprive the kid of graduation, because kid did not respect the school rules about shirts with American flag, all in order to prevent school shooting because some kid might get offended by the shirt.

I must suck to be a leftist, does it?

And you skip it again JOSweetHeart.

Every post that prove you wrong and show you ignorance on constitutional rights, and that you can't answer truthfully, you just ignore. so here I go one more time.

If school doesn't allow wearing shirt with American flag on it, because it may, god forbid, "offend" some immigrant's kid, and some kid post a Facebook or Instagram photo while wearing shirt with American flag, do you think that school can deny the graduation to that kid or kick the kid out of school?
What you don't seem to get is that until there is a change in who is in charge of the school, because the current people in charge have rules against what them kids will bring to property, rules that the people in charge have the right to have in place that is, that puts them kids out of luck. If the kids resent enough what has happened in response to what they were willing to become known for, might I suggest they write to their local congressman and see what difference it is that they can make where the situation is concerned. Until then.......

And you STILL didn't answer the question.

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