So, who will emerge unscathe from the GOP upcoming brawl?

Are you trying for "Dumbest Poster on USMB"? You are making a good effort.
The OP reported results among Independents, who are crucial for winning the office. Hillary's standing with them is going down. She will not win with those numbers.

Come on, you're among "friends".....Tell us, will you be changing your screen name when and if Hillary wins?
Denial is also not a river in Egypt.
On another thread, some right winger has found "new love" for an ABC (aka liberal media) poll that shows Hillary dropping in the popularity polling.....

So, I looked up how that same "liberal media" is polling the GOP clown posse. Here it is (and note that NO ONE is even reaching the low-teens in the polling):
2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
ABC/Wash Post
Bush 10, Rubio 10, Walker 11, Carson 8, Huckabee 9, Paul 11, Cruz 8, Christie 6, Trump 4, Perry 2, Kasich 3, Santorum 4, Fiorina 2, Graham 1

So, which GOPer will rise from the ashes of future debates and negative ads to challenge the democrat nominee???
None of them will emerge unscathed. Someone will emerge battle tested and ready. Unlike the Democrat minstrel show where Hillary will cruise to an easy primary victory, only to crash and burn under the bright lights of the general.

:"battle tested and ready" like Mitt was? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt would have won had the Democrats not ginned up their fraud machine.

Are you saying he really didn't have a dancing horse, or a car elevator, and that the video saying he didn't care about 47% of the country was a fabrication??

Romney was apart of the "Democratic" fraud machine,(actually the establishments fraud machine), as is Cruz this time around.

So Romney and Cruz are both controlled by Democrats? Right.
Rubio will be the man. Walker is losing ground in his own state and will not carry it in a big turnout. I know I live there. If he could have left the UW system alone he might have been ok but he is losing ground fast. Adds to that he is a college dropout. Cruz is way way out there. Rubio will be the guy I think. This election is going to be dirty, nasty, and either way the middle class loses and the rich come out way ahead. I can say without guilt and very patriotically my country is NOT great. Its for the rich now.

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.
The bolded proves you're an idiot

plz provide links that prove your UE claims, and not some government site that counts people that way it wants to and proof it's b/c you raised the min wage.

thanks for fuck off, you aren't on my level

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.

Give em Hell!!!
proof you're an idiot

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Abandon the crazed tea baggers and you WILL regain the WH.
we don't abandon people that may or may not agree with us in full.

that's a leftist trait, anyone talks out of line and you go to the UE line

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Abandon the crazed tea baggers and you WILL regain the WH.
we don't abandon people that may or may not agree with us in full.

that's a leftist trait, anyone talks out of line and you go to the UE line

Good for you. You may be a party of crazies who won't have the presidency for decades to come, but at least you are consistent.

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.

Give em Hell!!!
proof you're an idiot

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.

Give em Hell!!!
proof you're an idiot

You post idiotic drivel and call me an idiot, lmao!!!!

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.
The bolded proves you're an idiot

plz provide links that prove your UE claims, and not some government site that counts people that way it wants to and proof it's b/c you raised the min wage.

thanks for fuck off, you aren't on my level

Saying that it's not our media that chooses our leaders isn't proof of anything. Especially that I'm an idiot. If you are so blind that you don't know that the conservative controlled supreme court handed our elections to the billionaires of our world then you haven't been paying attention.

The fact that you can't debate me as a mature adult shows more about you than me.

Here's a few news articles about the unemployment rate in King County.
I'll add the official government page too. Just because the facts prove your extremely wrong doesn't mean that the facts are lies.

King County’s jobless rate dips to 3.3 percent; lowest in 7 years | The Seattle Times

Unemployment falls below 4 percent in King, Snohomish counties - Strange Bedfellows — Politics News

Unemployment rate in Spokane nearly double King County | The Spokesman-Review You might prefer this newspaper. It's from the eastern side of the state which is mostly conservative. The newspaper is very conservative.

Map of County Unemployment Rates

You really shouldn't be so quick to call people names and say things aren't true. You make a fool of yourself to all us intelligent people.

No I'm not on your level. I'm a properly educated and informed person who is a mature adult. I would have to lose many IQ points and stop thinking for myself to get down to your level.

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Abandon the crazed tea baggers and you WILL regain the WH.
we don't abandon people that may or may not agree with us in full.

that's a leftist trait, anyone talks out of line and you go to the UE line

Good for you. You may be a party of crazies who won't have the presidency for decades to come, but at least you are consistent.
what's not crazy about firing someone for speaking their option?

well, that's more callous and vile, than crazy, but you get the point

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.

Give em Hell!!!
proof you're an idiot

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.

Give em Hell!!!
proof you're an idiot

You post idiotic drivel and call me an idiot, lmao!!!!
Yes, you are an idiot, b/c you can't understand what I'm saying since I'm not a leftist twunt telling you what you want to hear.

leftist media will never allow another (R) to gain the WH.

no one can over come such odds, the country will be in ruin, like detroit and the media will blame the last (R) in the House.

Wow you don't know what you're talking about.

Our media doesn't choose our leaders. Thanks to the conservative controlled supreme court, now the billionaires of the world choose our leaders.

It will be a very good thing if we don't have another republican/conservative in the white house for a long time. It will give us time to heal and rebuild the nation.

You conservatives keep talking about Detroit as if it's a real liberal city in a liberal state and that all liberal places are all alike.

You can't be farther from reality.

I'll give my state and liberal city as a good example.

Seattle has a minimum wage of 10.32 an hour though few employers start at that low wage. Seattle is in King County. King county has 3.3% unemployment rate. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage by 2017.

Snohomish County is next door to King County to the north. The minimum wage there is 9.32 an hour though no one starts that low. Wages are pretty much the same in Snohomish County as in King County.

The unemployment rate in Snohomish County is 3.6%

Median income in Seattle is 67,470.00 a year. That's as of 2013. The most recent figures I could find. I'm sure it's increased since the minimum wage has increased. Snohomish County is around the same.

Both areas are mostly liberal. Both areas aren't anything like Detroit.

You don't know what you're talking about and only spout very old and tired lies from the far right wing.
The bolded proves you're an idiot

plz provide links that prove your UE claims, and not some government site that counts people that way it wants to and proof it's b/c you raised the min wage.

thanks for fuck off, you aren't on my level

Saying that it's not our media that chooses our leaders isn't proof of anything. Especially that I'm an idiot. If you are so blind that you don't know that the conservative controlled supreme court handed our elections to the billionaires of our world then you haven't been paying attention.

The fact that you can't debate me as a mature adult shows more about you than me.

Here's a few news articles about the unemployment rate in King County.
I'll add the official government page too. Just because the facts prove your extremely wrong doesn't mean that the facts are lies.

King County’s jobless rate dips to 3.3 percent; lowest in 7 years | The Seattle Times

Unemployment falls below 4 percent in King, Snohomish counties - Strange Bedfellows — Politics News

Unemployment rate in Spokane nearly double King County | The Spokesman-Review You might prefer this newspaper. It's from the eastern side of the state which is mostly conservative. The newspaper is very conservative.

Map of County Unemployment Rates

You really shouldn't be so quick to call people names and say things aren't true. You make a fool of yourself to all us intelligent people.

No I'm not on your level. I'm a properly educated and informed person who is a mature adult. I would have to lose many IQ points and stop thinking for myself to get down to your level.
I stopped at your first paragraph.

you are so fucking uninformed, it's stunning.

if what you claim is true, the obama NEVER would have had a chance to be Pres let alone get reelected.

let how ignorant you are sink in
None of them will emerge unscathed. Someone will emerge battle tested and ready. Unlike the Democrat minstrel show where Hillary will cruise to an easy primary victory, only to crash and burn under the bright lights of the general.

:"battle tested and ready" like Mitt was? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt would have won had the Democrats not ginned up their fraud machine.

Are you saying he really didn't have a dancing horse, or a car elevator, and that the video saying he didn't care about 47% of the country was a fabrication??

Romney was apart of the "Democratic" fraud machine,(actually the establishments fraud machine), as is Cruz this time around.

WHAT! Are you off your meds again?

Ohhh.. byeee golly......may have to check that
None of them will emerge unscathed. Someone will emerge battle tested and ready. Unlike the Democrat minstrel show where Hillary will cruise to an easy primary victory, only to crash and burn under the bright lights of the general.

:"battle tested and ready" like Mitt was? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Mitt would have won had the Democrats not ginned up their fraud machine.

Are you saying he really didn't have a dancing horse, or a car elevator, and that the video saying he didn't care about 47% of the country was a fabrication??

Romney was apart of the "Democratic" fraud machine,(actually the establishments fraud machine), as is Cruz this time around.

So Romney and Cruz are both controlled by Democrats? Right.

Both establishment puppets....Cruz's wife is Goldman Sachs....

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