So Why All the Lying About Russia?

You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.

Holy shit. You're batshit crazy.

You think because some moron uttered some crazy shit in a closet somewhere that it vindicates your insane accusations?


You must be a care sock, you're trying to float the same lie.
You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.

Holy shit. You're batshit crazy.

You think because some moron uttered some crazy shit in a closet somewhere that it vindicates your insane accusations?


You must be a care sock, you're trying to float the same lie.

I give up, what's a care sock?
You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.

Holy shit. You're batshit crazy.

You think because some moron uttered some crazy shit in a closet somewhere that it vindicates your insane accusations?


You must be a care sock, you're trying to float the same lie.

I give up, what's a care sock?
A Care4all sock..a second account. Or fifth account.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
Not only that, we KNOW Trump Sr. wrote a letting aboard Air Force One for Don Jr.

Since the letter was supposed to hide collusion with Russia AND lie to the American people, it was both collusion and obstruction.

It's so obvious, who can't see it.
You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.

Holy shit. You're batshit crazy.

You think because some moron uttered some crazy shit in a closet somewhere that it vindicates your insane accusations?


You must be a care sock, you're trying to float the same lie.

I give up, what's a care sock?
A Care4all sock..a second account. Or fifth account.

Yea, not too sure Lesh could handle multiple accounts.

i think care could play pretty stupid.
For example, she says the rest of the world has never suggested hillary put TS material on her personal server.

It's pretty stupid to fly a boner like that.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question

People lie all the time when the FBI is interviewing them and trips them up intentionally, sometimes its a minor detaail that wasnt remembered correctly and it contradicts another statement. It's what they are trained to do when they need convictions to keep an investigation fueled.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question

People lie all the time when the FBI is interviewing them and trips them up intentionally, sometimes its a minor detaail that wasnt remembered correctly and it contradicts another statement. It's what they are trained to do when they need convictions to keep an investigation fueled.
Also, the fbi are liars themselves.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.

When she allowed that information to reside on her unsecured server, she was allowing information to be vulnerable that she was responsible to protect. Not really different from receiving a classified transmission on paper and leaving it on top of her desk in an unlocked office. True, it might not be found, but it's still negligence.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
Not only that, we KNOW Trump Sr. wrote a letting aboard Air Force One for Don Jr.

Since the letter was supposed to hide collusion with Russia AND lie to the American people, it was both collusion and obstruction.

It's so obvious, who can't see it.

Apparently, a trained investigator with virtually unlimited time and resources. Why, oh why didn't he just ask you? He could have saved a lot of time and money.
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
Not only that, we KNOW Trump Sr. wrote a letting aboard Air Force One for Don Jr.

Since the letter was supposed to hide collusion with Russia AND lie to the American people, it was both collusion and obstruction.

It's so obvious, who can't see it.
Off we go into the wild blue yonder....Crippled Ken has his pension to worry about! Russia is suffering for the death of over fifty million people in the 1930's and 1940's. You guys are the results of the warnings of Joe McCarthy. You are the Marxist Soviets who are pizzed at a former Soviet KGB agent when the Soviet Union existed, who is now a strong armed leader of a free and sovereign Russian nation.
Read what you wrote. Your "free and sovereign Russian nation" lead by that "strong arm" Soviet KGB agent just attacked our election process Vlad. Of COURSE we're pissed
So you're saying it's wrong to small talk or blog with people from other countries? We aren't allowed to talk to people from Canada or any other country if we have a job in the federal government?
This isn't Russia, China, or Venezuela. This is America.
You do understand that Hillary not only transmitted TS information in an unsecured server so that anyone could hack it.....but she destroyed evidence of it,.
So you're saying it's wrong to small talk or blog with people from other countries? We aren't allowed to talk to people from Canada or any other country if we have a job in the federal government?
This isn't Russia, China, or Venezuela. This is America.
You do understand that Hillary not only transmitted TS information in an unsecured server so that anyone could hack it.....but she destroyed evidence of it,.
He's conducting government business on Whatsapp moron
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.

When she allowed that information to reside on her unsecured server, she was allowing information to be vulnerable that she was responsible to protect. Not really different from receiving a classified transmission on paper and leaving it on top of her desk in an unlocked office. True, it might not be found, but it's still negligence.
no doubt her staff and she was careless or negligent if you insist, but not the level of being GROSS negligence of the espionage act...

Using your example, Gross negligence, would have been leaving stacks of top secret papers, gotten from its PROPER storing place from the gvt's top secret server, and leaving them on a table in a Chinese Restaurant or in a Russian Embassy.

the Gross Negligence law in the espionage act requires the high level of negligence that I described.
And yet we have Kushner and Ivanka STILL using private e-mail and phones...

It's not like they weren't aware of the issue.

They don't CARE and they know Trump's BASE doesn't really care.

The e-mail thing was nothing but a weapon to attack Hillary with. They know that weapon would never be turned on them
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
Not only that, we KNOW Trump Sr. wrote a letting aboard Air Force One for Don Jr.

Since the letter was supposed to hide collusion with Russia AND lie to the American people, it was both collusion and obstruction.

It's so obvious, who can't see it.
Off we go into the wild blue yonder....Crippled Ken has his pension to worry about! Russia is suffering for the death of over fifty million people in the 1930's and 1940's. You guys are the results of the warnings of Joe McCarthy. You are the Marxist Soviets who are pizzed at a former Soviet KGB agent when the Soviet Union existed, who is now a strong armed leader of a free and sovereign Russian nation.
He, (Putin) stole all of your Natural Resources in your country and divided them up and gave them to newly made Oligarchs, chosen by who gave Putin the largest cut of profits, under the table.

Why do you think Putin is the Richest Man in the Entire World, while only being paid $100 grand a year for his government job?

And you call this a FREE Nation? And praise him, for ROBBING HIS CITIZENS blind and keeping the most of them in poverty?
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
Not only that, we KNOW Trump Sr. wrote a letting aboard Air Force One for Don Jr.

Since the letter was supposed to hide collusion with Russia AND lie to the American people, it was both collusion and obstruction.

It's so obvious, who can't see it.
Off we go into the wild blue yonder....Crippled Ken has his pension to worry about! Russia is suffering for the death of over fifty million people in the 1930's and 1940's. You guys are the results of the warnings of Joe McCarthy. You are the Marxist Soviets who are pizzed at a former Soviet KGB agent when the Soviet Union existed, who is now a strong armed leader of a free and sovereign Russian nation.
He, (Putin) stole all of your Natural Resources in your country and divided them up and gave them to newly made Oligarchs, chosen by who gave Putin the largest cut of profits, under the table.

Why do you think Putin is the Richest Man in the Entire World, while only being paid $100 grand a year for his government job?

And you call this a FREE Nation? And praise him, for ROBBING HIS CITIZENS blind and keeping the most of them in poverty?

If you'rtalking about Putin, yeah, he owns Russia. I guess that means he has some skin in the game for them.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.

When she allowed that information to reside on her unsecured server, she was allowing information to be vulnerable that she was responsible to protect. Not really different from receiving a classified transmission on paper and leaving it on top of her desk in an unlocked office. True, it might not be found, but it's still negligence.
no doubt her staff and she was careless or negligent if you insist, but not the level of being GROSS negligence of the espionage act...

Using your example, Gross negligence, would have been leaving stacks of top secret papers, gotten from its PROPER storing place from the gvt's top secret server, and leaving them on a table in a Chinese Restaurant or in a Russian Embassy.

the Gross Negligence law in the espionage act requires the high level of negligence that I described.

"Extremely careless" was good enough for me.

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