So Why All the Lying About Russia?

But the real reason for the private server was to coverup weapons trafficking to Anti-Syrian Freedom Fighters (ISIS) that the Obama Administration knew about.
Now, why do you think Obama gave $150 billion to Iran? Mostly likely hush money to keep the Russians and the Syrians from ratting him out. He claimed that we owed Iran $16 billion. Why did he give them $150 billion?
gawd almighty, you are so full of it, up to your eyeballs! :eek:

AGAIN, HOGWASH..... lies lies and lies.

And from the 1970s the $150 was the money we held of theirs and the interest it earned.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
You have to be specific genius.......what did Don Jr lie about?
Trump Tower in Russia.
No Trump Tower in Russia. That was cooked up by Lanny Davis.

trump signed a letter of intent for that very same moscow tower.
so? is that illegal? show me the statute he violated.

i never said it was illegal............ i am pointing out the big fat lie that there was 'No Trump Tower. That was cooked up by Lanny Davis'.
Not sure your point?
Supposedly the Mueller Report says that there was no "collusion".

So why did all those people lie...about Russia and meetings with Russians?

Don Jr
Trump himself
I'm sure I missed a few...

Russia is a third rate economic power run by a Mafia cartel that has a second rate military and nukes. Putin is desperately trying to foment social discord and political discord, trying to break up the EU, backed right wing fascist groups in France, Eastern Europe, Spain, and throughout the world...

These people didn't lie about meetings with France. They didn't even lie about meetings with China (that we know of). They lied about Russia.


Some have said that these people are simply liars. They lie about everything. That in ITSELF is a problem but more than's always Russia


Hopefully the Mueller report answers that question
To hide their cooperation with them.

The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.

Oh so NOW the investigation is a sham??

When it was in progress all you could talk about was how Trump colluded with the Russians and the Mueller report would get Trump impeached. Hell his investigation was the greatest thing you'd ever heard of.


Now all I see is rants about how the investigation was a sham.

You really need new material. What you have is old and just about as stupid as you are.
I spent so much time reminding you kids Mueller was a life long republican that I forgot he was a life long republican.
That must be why the Dems fought to keep his investigation going.
The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.

I think you're wrong.

I have a lot of faith in Mueller. He may be a Republican but he is a serious and principled investigator. I doubt that he approached his investigation as a "get Trump" task but I have no doubt he was serious about it.

We don't KNOW what he found.

All we have is Barr's bullshit 4 page memo ...supposedly summarizing 2 years worth of investigation in less than 48 hours.

Barr did what he was hired to do. We need to see the Report.
Trump has been "exonerated" but Graham & the rest will do anything in their power to stop Mueller's report from seeing the light of day. Personally I kinda hope they succeed, thereby casting more suspicion on Trump & causing voters in 2020 to wonder just what the hell their hiding from the American people.

Be careful what ya wish for, Trumptards, you just may get it!
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.
He has always set it was setup to get dirt, but that it ended up being a bait and switch by the Russian chick

So it's not illegal to get dirt on a campaign...if it were the Hilary campaign would all be in jail based on the Steele dossier along
And Don Jr has always said he was looking for dirt when he set up the meeting.....he's never lied about that
And he has said the meeting ended up about adoption, which pissed him off...again never lied about that....

so where is the lie?
working with foreign governments to influence an election is against the law, dumbass. paying a foreigner for his efforts to find out bad things about an opponent is legal, dumbass. Steele is a British citizen, one of our strongest allies. But he does not represent the British government in any way. He was the former head of the British spy agency in Moscow and had contacts with russians who were aware of Putin's and other oligarch's actions in that country, but were not acting as agents of that fact, his russian contacts who supplied info about ties to putin and trump and to other russian bankers and fatcats connected to putin would probably be killed by Putin if he found out who they were!! get it? Steele's dossier was anti-Putin, not pro-russian. donnie's meeting was with clearly identified Putin agents, working at the behest of Putin to give Trump a better chance of winning the election- HIS OWN EMAILS SHOW THIS....the lie was after when he first said it was about Russian need to watch an actual news show to have a clue, bozo.
john Podesta and hitlery shouldn't have done that then eh?

And dude, you truly crack me up with your flailing around. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
what foreign government did they even talk to, stupid bitch? good god, you are stupid even for a trump stooge. podesta had his emails hacked by RUSSIAN AGENTS WHO THEN HAD IT PUBLISHED IT ON RUSSIAN AGENT ASSANGE'S WIKILEAKS SITE, STUPID. we know that for a fact. have you even read any real news reports? can you even read any real news reports, boy?
you do know he got immunity to rag on Manafort right? hmmmmm you ain't too bright there are you?

only2 people have immunity. allen weisellberg the CFO of trumpco & david pecker from the enquirer.
Tony podesta
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.
Sending classified information on an unauthorized device or server is a serious offense. It doesn't matter if you intended it or not....whether or not the enemy saw it or not. If I had done that I would be serving hard time breaking rocks in Leavenworth next to Rambo.
Hillary knew better. The law is crystal clear on the subject. Intent isn't even an issue. But it was clear her intentions were highly suspect.
And anything concerning foreign governments is considered TS. Anything discussed by State Department employees was highly classified. So they knew they were wrong.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.
You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.
You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.
That was awesome!
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.
Sending classified information on an unauthorized device or server is a serious offense. It doesn't matter if you intended it or not....whether or not the enemy saw it or not. If I had done that I would be serving hard time breaking rocks in Leavenworth next to Rambo.
Hillary knew better. The law is crystal clear on the subject. Intent isn't even an issue. But it was clear her intentions were highly suspect.
And anything concerning foreign governments is considered TS. Anything discussed by State Department employees was highly classified. So they knew they were wrong.
Hillary is a fucking traitor. She would sell her own scummy spawn and probably has.
As foul as she is, the people who lie and cover for her are even more disgusting.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
Liar liar liar liar liar liar,,,

Why would someone lie so obviously?

Because she's a traitor and it's her job to lie to people.

"...we knew from Comey’s July 2016 statement that Clinton’s private emails included “seven e-mail chains (which) concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received.” We also knew that the FBI “also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on email.” Comey further declared, “We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.” And he speculated that, given how “extremely careless” Clinton had been, it was “possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.”

But her emails? You’re dang right her emails.
Speaking of lying...

I remember back in the day, when Care pretended to be Catholic in order to have more credibility when her job was to convince young Christian girls that abortion was cool.

Then she was glorifying the butchers who abuse women and killed babies.

Now she just lies for Hillary.

Care, are there actually people in your world who fall for your lies?

Tell us..are you a teacher? Cuz you definitely have that creepy vibe.
You foul lying skank, you said that nobody had ever suggested it ,that nobody had ever breathed it.

You're a liar and a treasonous, baby killing whore. Go back to your rock and stuff yourself under it. You are nothing but flapping cocksucking lips for the enemies of the US and humanity.

Holy shit. You're batshit crazy.

You think because some moron uttered some crazy shit in a closet somewhere that it vindicates your insane accusations?


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